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Prehistoric — Aboriginal
Pion eer — Modern
Establishment of a Government in a Wilderness — The First Officials — Their Westmard
Journey — Sjvom in at Navajo Springs — Building a Capital Cit^ — Earl^ Agriculture
- — Ross Broivne's Estimate of Arizona and Faith in Her Future 313
Elections, Officials and Legislatures — MpCormick's Continued Successes — Establishment
of Courts— ;-Creation of Counties — Highiva^s — Yuma Land Dispute — A Loyal Peo-
ple—Fremont's Governorship — Divorces and Lotteries — The Thieving Thirteenth —
Bullion Tax Repeal 324
Troublous Political Times through the Administrations of Governors Zulick, Wolfle]),
Irruin, Hughes and McCord — The Asylum Inquiry — Change of the Capital to
Phcenix — Lost Larvs — Hold-over Muddle — Yuma Prison Labor Contract — New
Code 336
The Various Capitols of Arizona Till Dedication of the State House at Phoenix — Admin-
istrations of Governors Murphy, Brodie, Kibbey and Sloan — Arizona's Song and
Flower — Raising the Taxes on Mines — Territorial Judges 350
Enfranchisement Asked in Earliest Territorial Days — A Constitutional Convention that
Remonelized Silver — Congressional Inspection — The Joint Statehood Peril — The Con-
stitution and Its Preparation — Taft's Veto of the Recall — Statehood Gained — Terri-
torial Legislators 361
Jeffersonian Simplicit}) Marked the Inauguration of Governor Hunt — Perpetual Legis-
latures and Man^ Referendum Submissions — The Governor's Opposition to Capital
Punishment — HoTv Delay Affected the Federal Judgeship — Popular Election of Sen-
ators , 375
Decline and Fall of Arizona Gambling — Character of the Professional Gambler^Earl})
Efforts Toward Prohibition and Final Success — Female Suffrage and Its Effect upon
Politics — Non-alcoholic Baptism of the Battleship "Arizona" 383
Prospectors Ever in the Vanguard of Civilization — Wealth that has Come Through a
"Grubstake" — "Lost Mines" of the Southwest — The Miner Part\f — Fraudulent
Mining Schemes — Arizona Diamonds that Came from Africa — Quijotoa\
Boom 388
Mohave was First in the North — The Old Vulture — Romance of the Silver King — Ed.
Schieffelin and the Discover}; of Tombstone — Riches of the United Verde — Desert
Bonanzas — How the Velfol Was Found 399
The History of the Globe Section — Miami's Recent Development — Ray's Mines and
Haydens Reduction Works — Clifton, a Pioneer Copper Producer — Bisbee's Real
Discoverer — Growth of the Camp — Mining for a Meteor — Copper Production . .415
Long Effort and Millions of Dollars Expended on the Salt River Project — Electric Power
Generation — Roosevelt Dedicates the Roosevelt Dam — Yuma Well Served from the
Laguna Dam — Storage Plans for the Gila River Valley 431
Cowboys, Topical and Otherwise — Slocking of the Arizona Ranges — Sheep and Their
Faithful Shepherds — Antagonism of the Trvo Stock Divisions — Elk Imported from
Wyoming — Rise and Decline of the Arizona Ostrich Breeding Industry 445
The Church a Great Pioneering Force — John D. Lee Long a Refugee in the Crand
Cafion — Settlements in Northern Arizona — Missionary Work of Jacob Hamblin —
Founding a Stake in the Little Colorado Valley — Communities Established at Lehi,
Mesa, Saint David and on the Gila 450
Popular Administration of Justice at Many Points — Phanix as a "Wild West' Town —
Globe's Hanging Tree — The Bisbee Massacre — Heath Lynching at Tombstone —
"Bad Men' and Frontier Sheriffs — Commodore Orvens — Pete Gabriel and Joe
Phy 458
The Great Wham Robbery and Its Political Complications — Gribble and Barney Martin
Murders — A Female Bandit — Train Robberies that Proved Unprofitable — Jim
Parker's Path to the Gallows — Burt Alvord and the Cochise Train Robbery. . . .471
The Earps and Their Career at Tombstone- — What It Cost to Take Sheep into Pleasant
Valley — Justice as Rough Hewn on the Frontier — Arizona Rangers and Their Good
Work — Arizona's Penitentiaries — End of the Wild West Era 480
How the Work of the Missions Was Taken Up — Establishment of the Diocese of Tucson
— Entrance of the Episcopal Church — Bishop Kendrick's Good Deeds — Early
Protestant Missionaries — Foundation of the Public School System — The University
and Normal Schools 492
Beginnings of Arizona Journalism al Tubac and Fort Whipple — Two Journalistic Duels
thai Were Bloodless — //oiv Editor Bagg Evened an Old Score — Newspapers Known
in Ever\) Section — Hopes and Ideals of the Frontier Scribes 500
Participation of the "Rough Riders" in the War With Spain — Honor to the Flag of the
Arizona Squadron — Captain O'Neill and the Monument at Prescott — The First Ter-
ritorial Infantry — National Guard of Arizona and Its Service on the Field 512
Possible Benefit of Harsh Natural Conditions — Few Grants Made in Arizona — The No-
torious Peralta-Reavis Fraud and How It Was Uncovered — Work of the Court of
Private Land Claims — Railway Subsid]) Grants — Modern Surveys 529
Visits to Arizona Made b]) Hayes, McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft — Expositions, Fairs
and Fiestas — How Shark Island Swallowed Arizonans — Santa Teresa's Power —
Clifton Foundlings — Arizona's Subdivisions — Utah's Aspirations — Census and As-
sessment Figures 541
Northwestern Arizona — Development Along the Little Colorado — Effect of Railroad Con-
struction— Flagstaff's Observatory — Yuma and the River Towns — Yavapai's
Growth — Conflagrations at Prescott and Jerome — The Dam Break ol Walnut
Grove 553
Settlement of the Salt River Valley — Foundation and Civic Advancement of Phoenix —
First Mails and Schools — How Tempe and Mesa Came into Being — Florence and
Its Neighborhood — Towns of the Upper Gila Valley and Early Indian Tribu-
lation 565
Tucson, ffom Mexican Da^s to Modern Times — Arrival of the Railroad — Telegraphing
the Pope — Current History of Tombstone and Bishee — Nogales, Successor to {he
Hopes of Calahasas — War on the Border — Clohe and Miami 577
Chas. D. Poston — Wm. H. Kirkland — Peter R. Brady — Fritz Contzen — Estevan Ochoa
— Samuel Hughes — Thomas Hughes — L. C. Hughes — S. R. DeLong — /. B. Allen
— Fred C. Hughes — C. B. Stocking — R. N. Leatherwood — S. H. Drachman — E.
yV. Fish — /. S. Mansfeld — W. C. Greene — Col. Kosterlitskv — Pauline Cushman —
Pioneer Sociel}} 592
R. C. McCormick—Sol. Barth—C. B. Genung—J. H. Lee—Ed. Peck— Jack Swilling
— Darrell Duppa — Abe. Frank — Al. Sieber — Tom Fitch — C. H. Cray — Michael
Wormser — E. F. Kellner — The Pioneers' Home and Its Inmates 608
Arizona — The Youngest State
Eslablishmenl of a Government in a Wilderness — The First Officials — Their Westward
Journey — Sivom in at Navajo Springs — Building a Capital Cit^ — Earl's Agriculture
— Ross Broivne's Estimate of Arizona and Faith in Her Future.
Just as the land of Arizona is unlike any other land, so was the foundation
of the government of her commonwealth. Ordinarily, governments are organ-
ized on the p^mary basis of population, the governing center placed in the most
populous section of the new administrative unit. Very different it was here.
The capital was established on the northernmost edge of white settlement.
Geographically it was in the center of the new territory, a point probably con-
sidered by its founders. It was in the midst of a beautiful, forested, mountain-
ous district, but the time was snowy midwinter. The locality was far from the
main continental thoroughfare. Tucson, the only town within the territory,
lay distant more than 250 miles, over a roadless, Apache-infested wilderness.
Bright must have been the hopeful vision of the founders of our state.
Arizona was given a separate territorial government for a number of reasons,
the least of them the very manifest one of the needs of the neglected people.
The Confederacy already had recognized the existence of a Territory of Ari-
zona, though with very different area, embracing about the southern two-fifths
of the present New Mexico and Arizona. This, at least, was a precedent. As
a war measure it was considered advisable to have a center of federal authority
thrown between the South and the Pacific Coast. But a weighty reason for
organization was that a number of politicians, some of them "lame ducks" still
in Congress (Gurley and Goodwin) wanted office and saw possibilities of fame
and wealth in a far-off section whence had come reports of riches in .silver and
gold and which might prove another California. Not that these politicians
were not a decent sort. They were that and more. They were men of sturdy
character, patriotism and energy and, best of all, had faith in their mission and
hope in its successful outcome.
The act organizing the temporary government for the Territory of Arizona
was approved by the President February 24, 1863. It set off the western half
of New Mexico to be
Vol. n— 1
. . . erected into a temporary government by the name of the Territory of Arizona:
Provided, that nothing contained in the provisions of this act shall be construed to prohibit
the Congress of the United States from dividing said territory or changing its boundaries
in such manner and at such time as it may deem proper : Provided, further, that said govern-
ment shall be maintained and continued until such time as the people residing in said
territory shall, with the consent of Congress, form a state government, republican in form,
as prescribed in the Constitution of the United States, and apply for and obtain admission
into the Union as a state, on an equal footing with the original states.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that the government hereby authorized shall consist
of an executive, a legislative and a judicial power. The executive power shall be vested in a
governor. The legislative power shall consist of a council of nine members, and a house of
representatives of eighteen. The judicial power shall be vested in a Supreme Court, to consist
of three judges, and such inferior courts as the legislative council may by law prescribe;
there shall also be a secretary, a marshal, a district attorney, and a surveyor general for said
territory, who, together with the governor and judges of the Supreme Court, shall be appointed
by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and the term of office
for each, the manner of their appointment, and the powers, duties, and the compensation of
the governor, legislative assembly, judges of the Supreme Court, secretary, marshal, district
attorney, and surveyor general aforesaid, with their clerks, draughtsmen, deputies, and
sergeants-at-arms, shall be such as are conferred upon the same officers by the act organizing
the territorial government of New Mexico, which subordinate officers shall be appointed in
the same manner and not exceed in number those created by said act and acts amendatory
thereto, together with all legislative enactments of the Territory of New Mexico not incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby extended to and continued in force in the
said Territory of Arizona, until repealed or amended by future legislation: Provided, that
no salary shall be due or paid the officers created by this act until they have entered upon
the duties of their respective offices within the said territory.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, that there shall neither be slavery nor involuntary
servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the
parties shall have been duly convicted ; and all acts and parts of acts, either of Congress
or of the Territory of New Mexico, establishing, regulating, or in any way recognizing the
relation of master and slave in said territory are hereby repealed.
The tentative list of officials made up for the new territory by a caucus of
the prospective appointees in Washington was accepted by President Lincoln
without change. In INIarch, 1863, appointment was made of the following-
named: Governor, John A. Gurley of Ohio; Secretary, Eichard C. McCortnick
of New York; Chief Justice, John N. Goodwin of Maine; Associate Justices,
Wm. T. Howell of Michigan, Jos. P. Allyn of Connecticut; District Attorney,
John Titus of Pennsylvania; Marshal, Milton B. Duffield of California (or New
York) ; Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Chas. D. Poston of Arizona, who was
credited to Kentucky. Before the party of officials started West, there had been
several changes. August 18 Governor Gurley died, after a long illness that had
delayed matters, and on the 21st to the place was appointed Goodwin. In turn,
his position was filled by the appointment of Wm. F. Turner of Iowa. Then
Mr. Titus was made chief justice of Utah and Almon Gage of New York was
placed in the office vacated. May 26 Levi Bashford was appointed surveyor
About August 27 Governor Goodwin left New York for the West, accom-
panied by Secretary McCormick and Judge Allyn, a short stay being made at
Cincinnati to pick up any threads of business that might have been left by
Gurley. Government transportation was provided from Fort Leavenworth,
which was left September 26, the party by that time enlarged by the addition
of Howell, Gage and Bashford. Judge Turner overtook the wagons at Fort
Poston, probably with his mining and political interests in mind, preferred
to go around by San Francisco, from which point he was accompanied by the
new marshal and by J. Ross Browne, the noted California writer, who had some
sort of official connection with the Department of the Interior. They sailed
on the old steamer Senator for San Pedro, December 5, 1863, in company with
Ammi White, Indian agent at the Pima villages, and two of his wards, Antonio
Azul, chief of the Pimas, and Francisco, an interpreter. Antonio apparently
had been taken northward that on his return he might properly impress his
people with the wonders of the civilization of the whites. With him had been
Iretaba, chief of the Mojaves, who is recorded as having made a sensation in
New York and Washington. Browne and Poston, a part of the time with a
military escort, toured the southern part of the new territory, the former aecuinu-
latiug material for his interesting book on Arizona, and it was some time before
Poston joined his fellow officials at the seat of government.
Some private chronicles of the time are to the effect that the original destina-
tion of the main official party was Tucson, the largest settlement in the new
territory and the most logical site for the capital. Yet designation of Tucson as
the capital had been stricken out of the enabling act. The town was considered
more or less of a hotbed of secession and therefore entitled to little considera-
tion. From private sources the author has learned that Goodwin and his cabinet
were still in doubt concerning their destination when they arrived, November
14, at Santa Fe. There, it is told, they proved willing listeners when General
Carleton suggested that they strike out into the wilderness of Central Arizona
and there, protected by a military post he was establishing, erect a new capital
city that should be wholly American, without Mexican or secession influences,
within a land wherein rich discoveries had been made, and which, favored by
abundant water and timber and by a delightful climate, would seem destined
to soon fill with a high class of American residents.
The entry of the new land was attended with some degree of pomp and
circumstance. There was a military escort, commanded by Lieut. Col. J. Fran-
cisco Chaves of the First New Mexico Volunteer Cavalry, with a detachment
of ten men of Troop E of his regiment, under Capt. Rafael Chacon, and
a detachment of the Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, under Capt. J. II.
Butcher, the last-named, with twenty-five men, ordered from station at Los
Pinos. Colonel Chaves includes in the list of his command two companies of
the First California Infantry, but these probably were those sent on before.
The dignitaries rode in three "ambulances" and the impedimenta, ofifieial sup-
plies, provisions and forage were in sixty-six mule-drawn wagons. Old Fort
Wingate was reached December 13.
Thence, according to Colonel Chaves, the route was along the "Camino del
Obispo," so named because of the passage over it of Bishop Zubiria of Durango,
who was going to baptize the Zuiii Indians. A description of the road given by
the colonel is not attractive and he remarked upon the arduous circumstances
that must have attended the bishop in 1833, with the first carriage that had
ever gone over the trail. In addition to the ordinary difficulties of the almost
unbroken pathway, there was necessity for continual vigilance against possible
assaults of Apaches and Navajos. Snow banks were encountered and frequently
there were long stretches without wood or water or possible camping places for
the expedition, encumbered as it was with many wagons and animals. On the
27th it was more or less guessed that the parallel of 109 degrees, west longitude,
had been passed. In order to make sure, the party journeyed nearly two days
more, a distance of about forty miles, to Navajo Springs, noted by Chaves as a
couple of miles south of the present railroad station of that name.
Fully assured that the land of promise had been reached, the expedition
halted, on the afternoon of December 29, 1863, for the formal organization of
the Territory of Arizona.
The officials were sworn in by the chief justice. In accordance with the
customs of the time, champagne was produced and a health was drunk to the
success of the new political subdivision. The proclamation of the President
was read and Secretary McCormick, to whom was delegated the honor of rais-
ing the flag, made a brief address, as follows :
Gentlemen — As the jiroperly qualified officer, it Ijeeomes my duty to inaugurate the pro-
ceedings of the day. After a long and trying journey, we have arrived within the limits of the
Territory of Arizona. These broad plains and hills form a part of the district over which
as the representatives of the United States we are to establish a civil government. Happily,
although claimed hy those now in hostility to the federal arms, we take possession of the
territory without resort to military force. The flag which I hoist in token of our authority
is no new and untried banner. For nearly a century it has been the recognized, the honored,
the loved emblem of law and liberty. l-Vom Canada to Mexico, from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, millions of strong arms are raised in its defense, and above all efforts of foreign or
domestic foes it is destined to live untarnished and transcendent.
As the flag rose upon the extemporized staff there were three hearty cheers.
Prayer then was offered by H. "W. Read.
The governor and others made short addresses and the speeches were trans-
lated into Spanish by Interpreter Hadley, for the benefit of the New Mexican
Governor Goodwin 's first act was the issuance of a proclamation of his inten-
tion to organize a territorial government in accordance with the provisions of
the organic act. A preliminary census would be taken, judicial districts would
be formed and an election would be called to provide a legislature and to fill
local offices. In these the assistance of all citizens was asked to sustain his
efforts to establish a government, "whereby the security of life and property
will be maintained throughout the limits of the territory and its various
resources be rapidly and successfully developed." It was stated that the seat
of government for the present would be at or near Fort Whipple.
At Volunteer Spring, near San Francisco Mountain, Secretary McCormick
and Judge AUyn, with a squad of the volunteers, left the main party and
arrived at Fort Whipple, at the Little Chino Valley camp, January 17, 1864.
The main party arrived at noon, January 22. The second party had some little
trouble on the way at Rattlesnake or Hell Canon, fifteen miles northeast of
Whipple. Captain Chacon, riding in advance with his men, came upon a small
party of Indians, "Yalapais" (Hualpais or Tontos), who refused to obey the
captain's order to accompany him to camp and who, charged with having
drawn knives, were fired upon, two of them being killed.
General Carleton had been making investigation of the new land. The
previous summer he had ordered Capt. N. J. Pishon, Co. D, First California
Cavalry, from Fort Craig, to proceed as an escort for Surveyor-General Clark
to the newly-discovered gold fields near where Preseott now stands. The captain
was directed on arrival to have his men prospect the gulches and to wash gold
and to report the amount of gold each secured, in order that people might not
be deceived or inveigled into a distant country without knowing well what
they might expect to find. The general continued, "If the country is as rich-
as reported — and of this I have no doubt — there will on your return be a
revolution in matters here which no man now can ever dream of." The order
recited that on Pishon 's return two companies of California troops would be
sent to est^lish a post in the lieart of the gold region, so the commanding
officer was directed to have an eye out for the best location for such a post.
Concernilig this expedition and a few collateral features, herewith is printed
a letter to the editor from A. F. Banta, one of the few living pioneers who have
peraonal recollections on the subject. Though official records sustaining this
contention have not been found, Banta insists that General Carleton had
ordered a watch kept on the Walker party, suspected of conspiring on behalf of
the Confederacy. Information sustaining this view, Banta tells, was furnished
by A. C. Benedict, a good Union man, who had joined in Colorado. Now, to
(juote Banta:
About this time Bob Groom an<l two eompanions reached Fort Union on the trail of the
Walker party. All three were arrested and placed in the guard house. Being a personal
friend of Senator McDougal of California, Groom wrote the senator at Washington, stating
his predicament, and asked the 'Senator's help. The senator called upon Secretary Stanton
and presented the case, but was told by Stanton that there was "but one way your friend
can obtain his release; he must take the oath of allegiance to the United States; otherwise
he remains under guard till the close of the war. ' ' The senator informed Bob of the secretary 'a
decision, and rather than lie in confinement for an indefinite time, Bob took the oath. General
Carleton, being apprised of the above facts, sent word to Bob Groom to call upon him at Santa
Fe. Carleton said to Groom, ' ' I understand you desire to join the Walker party. ' ' Bob
replied that that was his original intention. The general said, "I am sending a troop of
cavalry out to ascertain the location of the party and to verify certain rumors and I would
like you to accompany the troop as guide under pay for your services." This troop was
Captain Pishon 's company of the First California Volunteer Cavalry. Surveyor-General
Clark and Pishon were intimate friends. Clark accompanied Pishon in a civil capacity, or
merely as a citizen. Pishon and Groom climbed the San Francisco Mountains and with a
glass scanned the horizon to the southward. It was at this point the old emigrant trail was
left. From their elevation on the mountain they could see the country where Preseott is now
situated and the heavy timbered country south of it. With the glass both Bob and Pishon
were pretty sure they could see smoke. They reached Granite Creek and made camp beneath
a large pine tree about where the court house at Preseott now stands. Camp was made between
3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the month of July, 1863.
Hearing the report of a gun up Granite Creek, Bob went cautiously up that way to
investigate, expecting to find the Walker party or Apaches. He found Capt. Pauline Weaver
and a Dutchman. To Bob's questions about a party of miners, W.eaver said he had "not
seen a living soul in the country outside himself, the Dutchman, and Apaches; but yesterday
I was up this mountain and I saw a smoke over east there and I know it was not an Apache
smoke ; perhaps the people you are looking for made the smoke. ' ' Although the ' ' smoke ' '
was not more than ten or twelve miles distant, old Captain Weaver, who had lived with the
Indians since 3841, was so independent or so indifferent that he didn't care enough about
the matter to look up the party of whites whose smokes he had seen many times. Pishon
made his way over to ' ' Walker 's Gulch, ' ' where he found that party. Bob remained here with
the miners. Clark investigated the mining situation, etc., whUe Pishon had an interview
with Benedict to ascertain, if possible, the present and future intentions of the Joe Walker
Captain Pishon 's orders were to find the Walker party. If the party was not permanently
located to follow it, and if it should swing around towards the Eio Grande and Texas, to arrest
the whole party when it reached the Rio Grande, and confine the bunch at Fort Seldon or
Craig. If permanently located, then to select a site for a military camp as near the Walker
party as was consistent. Pishon selected a site near where Walker Gulch enters the Agua
Fria, about where King S. Woolsey put up the first house in Northern Arizona, but now known
as Bowers' Ranch, fourteen miles southeast of Prescott. This done. Captain Pishon returned
to New Mexico, passing through Albuquerque in August, 1863, enroute to Santa Fe.
Soon after receiving Pishon 's report, Carleton ordered a large expedition out to establish
Fort Whipple at the site selected, or, in the discretion of the commanding of&cer, at some other
site near the Walker party. The transportation and military supplies for this expedition
were made up at Fort Union, which place it left on the 5th of October, 1863, with orders
to rendezvous at Fort Wingate. The outfit from Union consisted of sixty mule teams, six
yoke of cattle to the wagon. Moore was head wagonmaster. I joined the outfit at Albuquerque
as " bullwhacker " and drove one of the big teams until I was assigned to drive the doctor's
ambulance after reaching Jacob's Well, west of the Zuui Village. We had 500 head of beef
cattle and 1,800 head of Navajo sheep for mutton. These sheep had been captured by Kit
Carson 's command, then fighting the Navajos. The personnel of the command, which left
(old) Fort Wingate November 4, 1863, consisted of two companies of the First California
Volunteer Infantry. Captains Hargrave of "C" and Benson of "F, " Lieutenants Nelson,
Taylor and Pomeroy, Major Willis, commanding. Doctor Lieb and wife (the first white woman
to locate in Northern Arizona), Captain Pishon and a detachment of fifteen men, as guides
for the expedition. In due time the outfit reached Chino Valley and Major Willis decided to
establish the fort at that point, which was done on the 20th day of December, 1863. Our
expedition made so plain a trail that the Goodwin party could easily follow it and needed
no guide.
Banta's story of the establishment of Port Whipple is sufficient in itself.
The military records tell that Major Edw. B". Willis, First California Volunteer
Infantry, with Co. C, Capt. J. P. Hargrave, and Co. F, Capt. Henry ]\I. Ben-
son, left Wingate November 7, 1863, and marched to Fort Whipple, 340 miles,
arriving December 7, though Co. F may have been delayed, as its arrival date
is set down as December 21. Co. F remained at Clark, or Whipple, till the fol-
lowing July, but Hargraves' command was at Whipple till muster out, late in
the following year. Chaves, after a stay of a couple of months, returned with
Butcher and Chacon to Wingate, where he took command. A detachment of
New Mexican volunteers, under Captain Thompson, was at Whipple late in
The population of this section about the time of the governor's arrival waa
not inconsiderable. Conner writes: "In November, 1863, men were arriving
by the hundreds. John Dickson and I counted arrivals up to 800 and then
gave it up." Major Willis estimated the mining population around Prescott at
1,500 and in the Mojave country at nearly 1,000.
The post in liittle Chino Valleiy was a busy one, both before and after the
governor's arrival. Major Willis had called a council of 100 Hualpais, who
had agreed to the major's announcement that he would shoot any Indian caught
stealing. The Miner of a subsequent date called the Hualpai "a poor, degraded
Indian, without spirit and many think not chargeable with any of the outrages
committed." The Pinal Apaches were found very different, abounding in
pluck and audacity. Fifteen of them had robbed King Woolsey, on his Agua
Fria ranch, of thirty head of cattle. At the time he was called, "one of our
most daring and skillful Indian fighters, and believes fully, as he has good
reason to, in the extermination policy." Already Woolsey had been at the
head of a punitive expedition against the Apaches, in which he had slaughtered
twenty or more.
Indian news for xears constituted the main feature of journalism in northern
Arizona. This, from the first issue of the Miner, of March, 1864, is a fair
example of the news of the period:
On Satur'aay afternoon Messrs. Vickroy and Smith, of the Lower Hesiampa diggings,
waited upon Secretary McCormick with a request from the people of that district for mOitary
protection. They reported that on Wednesday a very large body of Apaches had entered the district
and killed eight of the miners, five Mexicans, and that some twenty more were missing. The
secretary immediately solicited Captain Pifhon, commanding in the absence of Major Willis,
to send a force to the Hesiampa, and at nightfall, by order of the captain, twenty of Captain
Butcher's Missouri volunteers were upon the road. Messrs. Vickroy and Smith expressed
much satisfaction with the prompt response to their appeal. It is their opinion that the Apaches
meditate a severe and continued campaign against the miners on the Hesiampa and at Weaver.
It is doubtful if very much was done at the Little Chino Valley camp in
the way of government, though Marshal Dufiield, on arrival, busied himself
arranging for a census. Secretary McCormick had evolved a great seal, thus
described at the time :
"The design, that of a stalwart miner, standing by his wheel-barrow, with
pick and shovel in hand, the upturned 'paying dirt' at his feet, and the
auriferous hills behind him, with the motto 'Ditat Deus' (God enriches), forms
an appropriate and striking combination. Objection has been made to the
wheel-barrow and short-handled shovel, but both are used in our mines, and
are thus properly introduced." The "auriferous hills behind" have been
understood to represent the San Francisco Peaks (which are not auriferous),
but old timers fix the locality of the pictured scene as "Seal Mountain," on
the Hassayampa River, near Walnut Grove.
Governor Goodwin seems to have been active with intelligent appreciation
of the difficulties of his office and of the necessity for early organization. With
a military escort he toured the valleys of the Verde and Salinas, probably
reaching as far down as the present site of Phcenix. At one point the party
surprised a rancheria, within which were killed five Indians and where two
Indians were wounded. But trouble was not leaden-footed in its pursuit of
the governor. It overtook him at least as early as May 18, 1864, when he moved
the seat of government to the brand new town of Prescott, instead of to Tucson
or La Paz, each of which believed the capital its own by right. Then it
should be remembered that a very large part of the population was of southern
bias — while Goodwin, of course, was a strong upholder of the President and his
Conner tells that the first improvements on Granite Creek in 1864 were a
cabin and a corral, built by Van Smith, who cared for the animals of new
That in the center is the one designed by Secretary McCormick. A similar one, without
the wheelbarrow, also was found on some early-day documents. The one on the left was
generally used in the territorial period, though that on the right was officially countenanced
around 1890.
arrivals. His first herder, Joseph Crosthwaite, was killed by Indians within
one hundred yards of where the buildings of the later Fort Whipple were built.
Half of the stampeded herd of 160 animals ran toward the Prescott woods,
where Conner was helping Bob Groom lay oif the new townsite, and then
returned to Smith's corral. The other half circled easterly. The raiding
Indians, on reaching Lynx Creek, ran across a Mr. JMoore, Sam C. Miller and
Dr. J. T. Alsap, gave them a running battle to an old mining cabin, added their
three animals to the fleeing herd and "passed on like the wind, leaving Miller
shot twice through the same leg. ' '
According to Conner, Miller Valley, on the outskirts of the later Pi-eseott
townsite, was located in three small land claims in June, 1863, by himself and
Jake and Sam Miller.
Prescott itself was organized May 30, 1864, at a public meeting held on
Granite Creek. In the record of the event is fairly set forth that the name
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was given "in honor of the eminent American writer and standard authority
upon Aztec and Spanish-American history." The names given the streets
were in keeping with the spirit of the gathering and to this day commemorate
the deeds of the early pioneers and the services of the first territorial officials.
There had been a change, May 18, from the Little Chino Valley site to a
new Fort Whipple site, where the post now is, on ground secured from Van C.
Smith. Smith, Hezekiah Brooks and Bob Groom were named as commissioners
to lay off the new town, Groom acting as surveyor. Smith was appointed the
first sheriff of Yavapai County.
The initial settlement in Prescott appeared merely to have been by virtue
of squatters' rights, so on November 6, 1866, the Legislature passed a memorial
to Congress asking a donation of 320 acres of land as a townsite, reciting that
the tract already had been platted into lots.
George Bernard claimed to have been the first postmaster, with his office
under a tree. The first mail was from California, brought through by way of
La Paz by a contractor named Grant.
The old capitol on Gurley Street was built of pine logs by Van Smith and
Christy in 1864, and in its upper story, July 25, 1865, was held the first meeting
of the first Masonic lodge organized within Arizona. The old log mansion of
the first governor, in West Prescott, also was built in 1864 by Raible and Blair,
though Banta names Loren Jenks as the contractor. About the same time was
built an adobe, near the corner of Goodwin and Montezuma streets, owned by
Michael Wormser. However, the first building erected within the corporate
limits of the present Prescott was a log hut, still standing near Granite Creek
in Goose Flat, later known as Old Fort Misery and for years the home of Judge
Howard. In this house was held the first district court. This was the first
social center of the community.
The first family to locate in Prescott is said to have been that of Joseph
Ehle, who came with his wife and daughters early in 1864, though the Leih
family also must have been in the vicinity. One of the Ehle girls, Mary, was
married in November, 1864, to J. A. Dickson, the ceremony being performed
by Governor Goodwin. In the following January was born ilollie Simmons,
probably the first white chilcl of Northern Arizona nativity.
iliss Hall has written that Mrs. Ehle brought to Prescott its first chickens,
of Black Spanish strain, its first cat, from whose progeny a kitten was sold to
a miner for an ounce of gold dust, and the first hives of honey bees, estimated
to have cost $50 a stand. Mrs. Ehle found that bacon sold for 75 cents a pound
in gold dust and that flour was held at $44 a sack in greenbacks. Sugar and
lard each cost above 50 cents a pound.
Fannie B. Stephens, the first person to be given credentials as a .school
teacher in Northern Arizona, passed away in Los Angeles early in 1915. She
taught in Prescott in 1864, in a primitive log hut on South Granite Street near
Carleton, where she had only about six pupils. Her teaching experience was
brief. Women were few and wives were in demand in those days and she soon
was married to Lewis A. Stephens and with him went to the Stephens ranch
at the Point of Rocks, where thereafter she was in the midst of a number of
exciting Apache episodes.
Prescott was a distinctively American town from tlie very start and at no
time in its history has it had any considerable number of Mexicans within its
population. The architecture at no time accepted the Spanish-Moorish type so
general in the towns further to the southward.
Elk, deer and antelope were common in Northern Arizona at the time of the
white man's coming. Wm. H. Hardy told that it would not be uncommon to
see 300 deer or antelope in a day's ride and that three crack shots left Prescott
on one occasion and in three days killed a four-horse wagon load of game.
Hardy, who crossed the Colorado River January 2, 1864, told that that
winter was an exceptionally severe one. Thomas Matthews, William King and
Ned Morris, miners from Lynx Creek, bound for Port Mojave after provisions,
were storm-bound in Williamson Valley and would have perished had they not
followed the trail of a large baud of antelope, leading to a lower altitude. The
following winter, on December 2, Hardy at Port Whipple built what he believed
was the first sleigh ever known in Arizona. A fortnight later a party of soldiers
came into Whipple in hard plight. On the road from the San Francisco peaks
their horses had died and the men escaped only by making snowshoes out of
the horsehide.
The American settlement of the Verde Valley began in January, 1865, when
a party of men left Prescott to see if good farming land susceptible to irrigation
could not be found on the river. At that time agricultural products brought
high prices. Barley and wheat cost $20 per hundred and corn $2 more. There-
fore the rewards of husbandry would be great if success were attained. The
party of agricultural explorers consisted of James M. Swetnam, now a practic-
ing physician in Phoenix, William L. Osborn, uncle of Arizona's present secre-
tary of state, Clayton M. Ralston, Henry D. Morse, Jack Remstein, Thomas
Ruff, later a prosperous Phoenix rancher, Ed A. Boblette, James Parish and
James Robinson. At that time the .only ranch east of Prescott was that of
King S. Woolsey, in the Agua Pria Valley, twenty-five miles distant from Pres-
cott and about half way to the Verde Valley.
A site was determined upon by this first body of men near the mouth of
Clear Creek and a return was made to Prescott. In February, with six loaded
wagons drawn by oxen, a party of nineteen started from the capital, but divided
on reaching the river. Swetnam and nine others camped at the original site
selected, and Parish and the others on a point above where irrigation water
would have to be taken from the Verde River. The Swetnam party dug a ditch
from Clear Creek, only to find that it had been laid out with its end a trifle
higher than its mouth. But the water finally was secured and land was cleared
and broken, and in May over 200 acres had been planted in grain and garden
stuff. That summer the pioneers lived royally, their own products supplemented
by flour secured in Prescott at $30 per hundred, and bacon at 75 cents per
pound. In August the first load of barley was taken to Prescott, headed and
thrashed by hand, and was sold at Whipple for $17 per 100 pounds.
J. Ross Browne, who made a trip through Southern Arizona in December,
1863, in the following year, wrote an extremely interesting book concerning his
travels, entitling it "The Apache Country." The writer was one of the early
day literary men of California and wrote a number of works that now seem
to have disappeared from any but antiquarian libraries, but which were well
worthy of more enduring fame.
His trip happened to be at a critical point of Arizona history — just as the
territorial government had been formed, but while the American settlement was
to be found only in a few scattered mining camps and along the stage routes.
As the author very tersely puts it, ' ' the melancholy fact can not be denied that
Arizona has never yet had a population of over 3,000 and not a very good one
at that." Even after his return he expressed a belief in the future of the
wild and rather -desolate country he had passed through and his final observa-
tions are well worth reprinting :
I believe Arizona to be a territory wonderfully rich in minerals, but subject to greater
drawbacks than any of our territorial possessions. It will be many years before its mineral
resources can be fully and fairly developed. Immigration must be encouraged by increased
military protection ; capital must be expended without the hope of immediate and extraordinary
returns; civil law must be established on a firm basis, and facilities of communication fostered
by legislation of Congress.
No country that I have yet visited presents so many striking anomalies as Arizona. With
millions of acres of the finest arable lands, there was not at the time of our visit a single farm
under cultivation in the territory; with the richest gold and silver mines, paper money is the
common currency; with forts innumerable, there is scarcely any protection to life and property;
with extensive pastures, there is little or no stock; with the finest natural roads, traveling is
beset with difficulties ; with rivers through every valley, a stranger may die of thirst. Hay is
cut with a hoe, and wood with a spade or mattock. In January one enjoys the luxury of a
bath as under a tropical sun, and sleeps under double blankets at night There are towns
without inhabitants, and deserts extensively populated; vegetation where there is no soil and
soU where there is no vegetation. Snow is seen where it is never seen to fall, and ice forms
where it never snows. There are Indians the most docile in North America, yet travelers are
murdered daily by Indians the most barbarous on earth. The Mexicans have driven the
Papagos from their Eouthern homes, and now seek protection from the Apaches in the Papago
villages. Fifteen hundred Apache warriors, the most cowardly of the Indian tribes in Arizona,
beaten in every fight by the Pimas, Marieopas and Papagos, keep these and all other Indians
closed up as in a corral; and the same Apaches have desolated a country inhabited by 120,000
Mexicans. Mines without miners and forts without soldiers are common, Politicians without
policy, traders without trade, storekeepers without stores, teamsters without teams, and all
without means, form the mass of the white population.
Elections, Officials and Legislatures — McCormick's Continued Successes — Establishment
of Courts — Creation of Counties — Highrvays — Yuma Land Dispute — A Lo])al Peo-
ple— Fremont's Governorship — Divorces and Lotteries — The Thieving Thirteenth —
Bullion Tax Repeal.
ilay 26, 1864, an election was called by Governor Goodwin, to be held July
18. Poston, who was well-known in the South, was elected delegate to Congress,
on a platform that called for support of the Union. He was opposed by W. H.
Bradshaw, a democrat. Charles Leib, a Union man, also polled some votes.
The campaign was not devoid of bitterness, there being claims that Paston even
had "rung in" Papago Indian voters. Poston later admitted that he did little
in Congress, wherein he likened himself to a tadpole among frogs. Congress
was concerned in little but the war and its results. The Arizona delegate was
given gratifying attention when he took the floor to talk on irrigation and secured
an appropriation for a canal on the Mojave reservation. Extended reference
to Poston 's service will be found in a special chapter elsewhere in this volume.
The law was established in Arizona by the assignment of the judges to sta-
tions. Howell was given the first district, with his court at Tucson, Allyn the
second, at La Paz, and Turner the third, at Prescott.
Till a bond issue later was floated, little money was available for public uses,
outside of the Federal pay roll. Up to November 1, 1865, the total receipts of
the territorial treasurer had been only $1,189.06, nearly all turned in by the
four counties.
The members of the Legislature, of whom a list will be found elsewhere, had
been elected more or less at large. In the code adopted was made a division of
the territory into counties, named after Indian tribes of their localities, namely,
Mohave (probably an unintentional anglicizing of the Spanish llojave), with
county seat at Mojave City; Yuma (the only one that has preserved its
boundaries to this day), with county seat at La Paz; Pima, embracing the
Gadsen Purchase, south of the Gila, with county seat at Tucson; and Yavapai,
north of the Gila and covering more than half the territory's area, witli county
seat at Prescott.
The governors of the early days, in order, were: John N. Goodwin, from
August 21, 1863 ; R. C. MeCormick, from April 10, 1866 ; A. P. K. Safford, from
April 7, 1869, and John P. Hoyt, from April 5, 1877, till the coming of Fre-
mont in 1878. The secretaries for the same period were ^IcCormick under
Goodwin, T. P. T. Cartter under MeCormick, and Coles Bashford and John P.
Hoyt under Safford. As the Presidents during this period were Lincoln,
Johnson, Grant and Hayes, all were republican. The Federal judges appointed
before 1878, the territory having an allotment of three, were W. F. Turner
(chief justice), W. T. Howell, J. P. AUyn, H. F. Backus, H. H. Carter, John
Titus (chief justice), Isham Reavis, C. A. Tweed and De Forest Porter. The ,
last named remained in office from 1873 till 1881, an exceptionally long term
for the times.
Governor Goodwin followed Poston in Congress, despite strong opposition
from both the delegate, whose strength had singularly waned, and Judge AUyn,
whose animosity, according to several private letters of the period, was per-
sonal. But Goodwin received 707 votes, AUyn, 376, and Poston, only 260.
The office of delegate still remained in the official family at the third elec-
tion, whereat was chosen Coles Bashford, a former Governor of Michigan, who
had been serving at attorney general. He received 1,009 votes. Chas. D.
Poston again unsuccessfully tried his strength- with the voters, receiving 518
votes, and Samuel Adams tailed with 168 votes.
In 1868, the official family was endorsed again by the voters, for McCormick
passed from the office of governor to that of delegate. He received 1,237 votes,
while his opponents, John A. Rush and Adams respectively had only 836 and
32 votes. Poston complained with bitterness that McCormick had traded the
capital for the vote of Pima County. This contention was sustained to a degree
by the fact that the capital was moved, though assuredly not on any strength
from Northern Arizona that might have been controlled by McCormick.
In 1870 McCormick was re-elected, receiving 1,882 votes,, over Peter R.
Brady, who, though a democrat of notable standing, received only 832. In
1872 McCormick again was elected, apparently with no opposition, for 2,522
votes are credited to him, which would have meant not far from the ordinary
voting strength of the territory.
There was a change in 1874. It is evident that political lines had not been
severely drawn and that the personal popularity of the candidates had counted
for much. With the retirement of McCormick, a democrat became delegate in
the person of Hiram S. Stevens, whose vote was 1,442, compared with the vote
of his republican adversaries, C. C. Bean, 1,076, and John Smith, 571. A
story has come down concerning the novel way in which Stevens is said to
have forwarded his candidacy by distributing $25,000 among the gamblers
of Arizona to bet upon him, the gamblers to take the winnings and he to take
back his capital. A gambler was a political force in those days, and it is
probable that they threw much influence towards Stevens in order to win the
money, and it is entirely probable also that Sfevens received back every cent
of his investment. Stevens was re-elected in 1876, though it was a rather
narrow squeeze, probably because he could not use his scheme twice. He was
opposed by two exceptionally strong men, Wm. H. Hardy, the Mohave County
pioneer, a republican, and Granville H. Oury, who had always handsomely
represented the southern element. Stevens won, but his vote was only 1,194,
Hardy receiving 1,099 votes and Oury, 1,007.
In 1878 the struggle for Congress was a sort of free-for-all, participated in
by Stevens, John G. Campbell, a Yavapai County stockman, King S. Woolsey,
the noted Indian fighter, and A. E. Davis. Campbell was elected, with 1,452
votes, then following Davis, 1,097, Stevens, 1,090, and Woolsey, 822. It is a
very odd fact that though Campbell served his term in Congress, it was found
after his death that he had never been a citizen of the United States. He had
presumed that citizenship had been given by his father, but in this was in error.
The first law passed by the new Legislative Assembly, approved October
1, 1864, authorized the governor to appoint a commissioner to prepare and
report a code of laws for the use and consideration of the Legislature. As such
commissioner was appointed Judge Wm. T. Howell, to whom later was paid
the sum of $2,500. The Howell code for several years thereafter was the law
of the land and still is considered by lawyers a legal compilation of high merit.
Possibly coming to the assistance of some harassed debtor, the Legislature
enacted "that no indebtedness or liability incurred ... or judgment
recovered . . . against any person prior to his arrival in this territory
shall be binding or have any effect whatever or be in any way enforced in any
court in tliis territory for the term of four years from the date of the passage
of this act." The act was repealed the following year. *
That the history of Arizona even at that time was considered of some value
was indicated by official approval of the incorporation of the Arizona Historical
Society, whereof the members were Secretary McCormick, W. Claude Jones,
Allen L. Anderson, Gilbert W. Hawkins, King S. Woolsey, Henry 0. Bigelow,
A. M. White, Charles A. Curtiss, James S. Giles, James Garvin, Richard Gird,
T. J. Bidewell, Edward D. Tuttle, WiUiam Walter and Samuel Todd. The
object of the society was set forth as being the collection and preservation of
all historical facts, manuscripts, documents, records and memoirs relating to
the history of this territory, geological and mineralogical specimens, geograph-
ical maps and information, Indian curiosities and antiquities, and objects of
natural history.
Then as now liighways were of large impoi"tance in the public estimation.
The only way in which the territory could get good roads seemed to have been
by farming out the thoroughfares. So a number of toll-road companies were
licensed. One, the Arizona-Central Road Company, was to build from La Paz
to Weaver and was authorized to collect 4 cents a mile from each two-horse
wagon drawn over it. This company was authorized also to operate its toll
road as far as a point not less than one mile from the Town of Preseott. Another
corporation, in which appeared the names of several of the legislators, was the
Tucson, Poso Verde and Libertad Road Company. George Lount, Albert 0.
Noyes and Hezekiah Brooks were granted the privilege of constructing a toll
road between the mouth of Bill Williams Fork and Preseott, their corpora-
tion to be known as the Santa Maria Wagon Road Company. Still another,
the Mojave and Preseott Toll-Road Company, headed by Rufus E. FaiTington,
was to build from Fort Mojave *to Preseott. The first north-and-south thor-
oughfare was contemplated by the Preseott, Walnut Grove and Pima Road
Company, which was authorized to build southward to the Pima villages, with
a branch to the Town of Weaver, and to collect 5 cents a mile. The list of
incorporators included Bob Groom, Richard Gird, R. C. McCormick, J. T. Alsap,
Jackson McCracken, Jack Swilling and King S. Woolsey. To the eastward
Edmund W. Wells, King S. Woolsey and others, constituting the Prescott and
Fort Wingate Road Company, were given the exclusive privilege to construct
and operate a toll road from Prescott to Port Wingate.
A ferry franchise was granted to Samuel Todd, giving him exclusive right
on the Colorado River at Mojave City. A similar franchise was granted to
William D. Bradshaw at La Paz.
Railroads also were held in esteem. Henry Sage, Richard Gird and a half
dozen others were authorized to construct and operate a railroad from the
Castle Dome mines to Castle Dome City and were to have a passenger tariff
of 10 cents a mile. Another corporation, the Arizona Railroad Company, had
an official flavor in that it was headed by John N. Goodwin and Richard C.
McCormick. Its aspirations were ambitious, to connect Guaymas and other
Pacific ports, through Tubac, with Tucson and thence to the Town of La Paz,
with an exclusive right to locate a line of road across the territory. ,
Possibly dissatisfied with the operations of the regular army, authorization
was given the governor for raising not over six companies of rangers, not to
exceed 600 men, to be employed in a campaign against hostile Apaches. The
expense was to be met by the issuance of $100,000 in territorial bonds to bear
10 per cent interest and to ran for twenty years. The governor, King S.
Woolsey and John Capron were appointed commissioners to carry out the
provisions of the act. Goodwin and Woolsey went to San Francisco, but could
not sell these bonds. From the territorial funds was appropriated the sum
of $1,480 payable to A. M. White, R. C. McCormick, P. McCannon and Thomas
Hodges "for money and supplies furnished in the late Indian campaign con-
ducted by the citizens of this Territory." Money for the first necessities of
the territorial government was provided by a bond issue of $15,000, repayable
in three years and bearing 10 per cent interest. Delegate Poston by resolution
was asked to procure from the central government 500 stand of Springfield
rifled muskets, caliber 58, of the latest improved type, sufficient for the purpose
of arming and equipping a battalion of Arizona rangers for active service
against the Apaches and other hostile Indian tribes. Thanks were extended
to Lieut.-Col. King S. Woolsey in a concurrent resolution with having, "with
great perseverance and personal sacrifice, raised and led against the Apaches
during the present year three several expeditions, composed of citizen volun-
teers, who, like their commander, had spent their time and means and up to
this time had been entirely unrecompensed therefor." It is added that "these
expeditions have been highly beneficial to the people, not only in taking the
lives of a number of Apaches and destroying the crops in their country, but
also by adding largely to the geological and mineralogical knowledge of the
country." A similar resolution expressed appreciation of the services of Capt.
T. T. Tidball of the Fifth Infantry, California Volunteers, whose various suc-
cessful expeditions against the barbarous Apaches were considered as meriting
the highest expression of approbation.
According to the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ratified in 1848, a part of
the bouudary between the contracting republics was defined as a line drawn
from the middle of the Gila River where it unites with the Colorado to a
point on the Pacific Ocean one marine league south of the port of San Diego.
This line constituted the southern boundary of California when admitted into
the Union as a state in 1850. Complication thereupon was threatened, for a
tract of 150 acres, within which much of the present town of Yuma now lies,
thus would appear to have been lost, as the division line between California
and the Territory of New Mexico extended over to the southward of the
Colorado River, which at that point has a northern bend. This difiiculty
was appreciated as early as the First Legislature of Arizona, which asked that
Congress annex this tract to Arizona, providing the State of California re-
linquish her right to it. In the memorial was recited the fact that this small
tract of land had become an important commercial point, that it was opposite
Fort Yuma and remote from any California civil government, of little impor-
tance to California and of vast consequence to Arizona and that if annexed to
Arizona the benefit of civil government would be immediately extended over
it from Arizona City, which lay adjoining it.
In 1877 Congress was memorialized to add to the territory's expanse the
southwestern portion of New Mexico, including the area embraced within Grant
County, which, it was claimed, had interests that brought its people very close
to Arizona in a commercial and social way.
The First Legislature was in session forty-three days and passed forty of the
122 bills introduced. The pages at the .session were John and Neri Osborn,
both now residents in Phcenix. A son of the latter now is Arizona's secretary
of state, after following in his sire's footsteps to the extent of acting as page
in Arizona's Twentieth Territorial Legislature. At the first session. Secre-
tary McComiick made the pages more appreciative by paying them in great
sheets of "shinplasters," wherein the sections, when cut apart, each had a value
of 5 cents.
The first county of Arizona to be created by legislative enactment was that
of Pah-Ute in December, 1865, by the first act approved in the second terri-
torial legislative session. The boundaries of the county were described as
commencing at a point on the Colorado River known as Roaring Rapids ; thence
due east to the line of 113 deg. 20 min. west longitude; thence north, along
said line of longitude, to its point of intersection with the 37th parallel of
north latitude; thence west, along said parallel of latitude, to a point where
the boundary line between the State of California and the Territory of Arizona
strikes said 37th parallel of latitude; thence southeasterly, along said boundary
line, to a point due west from said Roaring Rapids; thence due east to said
Roaring Rapids and point of beginning. Callville was created the seat of
justice and the governor was authorized to appoint the necessary county offi-
cers. The new subdivision was taken entirely from Mohave County. It may
be noted that its boundaries were entirely arbitrary and not natural and the
greater part of the new county's area lay in what now is the southern point
Council: 1, K. S. Woolsey, president; 2, J. P. Hargrave; 3, L. A.
Stevens; 4, J. M. Redondo; 5, S. R. IJeLong; 6, J. G. Campbell; 7, A. E.
Davis; 8, W. Zeckendorf; 9, P. R. Brady.
House: 10. J. T. Alsap, speaker; 11. G. H. Ourv; 12. F. M. Griffin
13, A. L. Moeller; 14, S. Purdv, Jr.; 15, G. H. Stevens; 16, R. H. Kelly
17, J. M. Elias; 18, W. J. O'Neil; 19, H. Richards; 20, S. W. Wood
21, J. Montgomery; 22, A. Rickman; 23, S. H. Drachman; 24, C. P. Head
25, G. Brooke: 26. H. Goldberg; 27. L. Bashford: 28. W. .T. Tompkins,
8ergeant-at-arms, Council; 29, J. T. Phy, sergeant-at-arms. House.
of the State of Nevada. October 1, 1867, the county seat was moved to Saint
Thomas. November 5, 1866, a protest was sent by memorial to Congress against
the setting off to the State of Nevada of that part west of the Colorado. The grant
of this tract to Nevada under the terms of a congressional act approved May
5, 1866, had been conditioned upon similar acceptance by the Legislature of
Nevada. This was done January 18, 1867. Without effect, the Arizona Legis-
lature twice petitioned Congress to rescind its action, alleging "it is the unani-
mous wish of the inhabitants of Pah-Ute and Mohave Counties and indeed of all
the constituents of your memorialists that the territory in question should
remain with Arizona ; for the convenient transaction of official and other business
and on every account they greatly desire it." But Congress proved obdurate
and Nevada refused to give up the strip and the County of Pah-Ute, deprived
of most of her area, finally was wiped out by the Legislature in 1871. At first,
it was claimed that Saint George and a very wide strip of southern Utah
really belonged to Arizona.
Though, naturally. Confederate sympathizers were numerous within Ari-
zona, the territory as a whole appeared generally to have remained loyal in
thought and in legislative action. This in all probability largely was due to
the influence of the discharged California volunteers, rugged and forceful
men, who were distributed through all the settlements, early taking a prom-
inent place in the administration of affairs. This loyalty had formal expression
in the Second Legislature, which in December, 1865, passed a resolution ex-
pressing joy at the successful termination of the war, sympathy with those whose
homes had been made desolate and gratitude to Almighty God for his pro-
tection in the trying hour. Unswerving support was pledged to the reconstruc-
tion plans of President Johnson and pride was expressed in the deeds of Gen.
Ulysses S. Grant. About the same time was recorded a concurrent resolution
of regret over the death of Abraham Lincoln. The legislators made record of
their abhorrence of "the dastardly act which deprived the nation of the
valuable life of Abraham Lincoln, when his great statesmanship and noble
character had won the confidence and applause of the civilized world ; . . . .
that here, where civil law was first established by the generous consideration
of his administration, as elsewhere upon the continent, which owes sd much
to his honest and persistent devotion to liberty, to justice and to the govern-
ment of the people, his name is honored and revered as that of a true patriot,
a profound ruler and a magnanimous and unselfish man, whose highest motive
was the public good, and whose consistent career has elevated the dignity,
brightened the renown and enriched the history of the Republic."
The work of the following sessions of the legislatures can be briefed: The
third session in 1866 created the offices of district (county) attorney and of
territorial auditor. In the fourth session, 1867, the capital was moved to Tucson ;
resolutions were passed criticising General McDowell and asking that Arizona
be made a separate military, department. In 1868 was an act establishing a
territorial prison at Phoenix; creation was made of the offices of territorial
attorney general and county surveyor, and much attention was given to the
public schools. The prison act was not carried out. Then annual sessions of
the Legislature were abandoned. The next, the sixth, was held in 1871. The
county seat of Yuma County was transferred from La Paz to Arizona City;
the County of Maricopa was created from southern Yavapai, north of the Gila
and west of the San Carlos River; the Legislature repealed the act creating
Pah-Ute County, and attached to Mohave County the balance left within Ari-
zona. In 1873, in addition to the divorce acts and other matters considered
elsewhere, the name of Arizona City was changed to ' ' Yuma, ' ' Maricopa County
was given a part of Pima County, and General Crook was commended. Gov-
ernor Safford was authorized to publish an immigration pamphlet. Pinal
County was created in the session of 1875 from parts of Pima, Maricopa and
Yavapai counties, including Globe. A bullion tax was levied on the mining
product, and the capital was "permanently" located at Tucson. Despite this
last action, the ninth session, two years later, transferred the capital back to
Prescott, effective after the Legislature's adjournment. In 1877, also, the
county seat of Mohave County was changed to Mineral Park; amendment was
made of the northern boundary line of Maricopa County; the City of Tucson
was incorporated; authorization was given for the organization of a company
of volunteers to fight Indians; a memorial was passed asking for' the addition
to Arizona of Grant County, New Mexico.
John C. Fremont, "The Pathfinder of the Rockies," was appointed Gov-
ernor of Arizona June 12, 1878, the post secured by his friends from President
Hayes to relieve pressing financial necessities. The new governor and family
were welcomed most hospitably into the really delightful society of Prescott
and, without cost, were provided a well-furnished home, a pleasant cottage, on
the site of the present city library. The governor's salary was a meager one
and old accounts were pressing, so Fremont, a born promoter, looked for other
ways for adding to his income; He became mixed in various local mining
schemes, in which he was charged with having received commissions. It soon
was told that, though testy in manner, he could be swayed easily and that a trio
of Prescott lawyers had much to do in the direction of his attitude toward legis-
lation and general administrative work. There can be no doubt that he con-
sidered himself far too large for the position he occupied. Though he held
office nearly four years, he was much of the time in the East, though ostensibly
on Arizona public business. In October, 1881, Territorial Secretary Gosper
addressed the secretary of the interior, "recommending either to you or to
Congress that the regularly appointed governor of this territory be required
to return to his post of duty, or be asked to step aside and permit some other
gentleman to take his place and feel at liberty to act without restraint." In
the same colnmunication Gosper referred with feeling to the local sentiment
against carpetbag officials. Delegate John G. Campbell in Washington per-
sonally voiced the antagonistic feeling that had grown up in Arizona toward
Fremont. Finally the governor was given the alternative of returning to his
field of duty or of resigning. He resigned. He died in New York, in 1890,
still impecunious.
Governor Fremont gained a deep insight into frontier polities througli tlie
fact that he had two rather notable legislatures on his hands. In the tenth,
which met in 1879, a very interesting bill, which he favored and signed, estab-
lished and legalized a scheme on the same lines as the Louisiana Lottery, with
a "rake-off" provided for the territory. But Congress had a veto right on all
territorial legislation, and so the grand plans came to naught. In this session
was created the County of Apache, out of a great strip cut from the eastern
part of Yavapai, "Mother of Counties." Snowflake was the first county seat,
but there was transfer later to Springerville and then to St. Johns. The Legis-
lature petitioned Congress to finally settle all Arizona land grant claims by
positive enactment, but suggested that title to mines be not included, as evi-
dently not intended by the language of the Spanish and Mexican deeds of grant
A couple of weeks after the organization of the First Territorial Legislature,
the governor's second approval of a bill was that of one granting a divorce to
John G. Capron of the First Judicial District, who, as set forth in the act, four
years before, "by fraudulent concealment of criminal facts," was induced to
marry one Sarah Rosser, and the act further recited that "notwithstanding the
strongest legal causes exist for annulling said marriage, there is no law of
divorce existing in this Territory." For the same reason Elliott Coues (later
distinguished as a writer on the Southwest) was divorced from one Sarah A.
Richardson and a divorce was granted between Mary Catherine Mounce and
Absalom Mounce.
Possibly the most conspicuous example of the legislative divorce evil in
Arizona was afforded by the passage in the Legislature of 1873 of an act divorc-
ing Anson P. K. Safford, a resident of the County of Pima, from his wife, Jennie
L. T. Safford. Whatever were the circumstances of the mi.sunderstanding
between the couple or any degree of justice that might have attended the decree,
there must be recorded the glaring fact that the plaintiff in the case was none
other than the governor of the territory.
The Tenth Legislature distinguished itself by the passage of what for years
was known as the Omnibus Divorce Bill. This bill carried an act. No. 9,
approved by Governor Fremont on February 7, 1879, forever releasing from the
bonds of matrimony, with permission for both parties to marry again, no less
than fifteen couples. The list follows: "
Olive • Augusta .Middleton of IMarieopa County from William Middleton ;
William P'indley Smith of Yuma from Eudora Virginia Smith ; George Sarrick of
Pinal County from Ann J. Sarrick; Sarah Jane Munds of Yavapai from Wil-
liam M. Munds; Henry G. Lively of -Maricopa County from Martha E. Lively;
Lilly E. Janes of Yuma County from J. Clifford Janes; Lidia Jane Russell of
Mohave County from George Russell; John J. Gosper of Yavapai County from
Waitie E. Gosper; Candelaria Arnold of Mohave County from William F.
Arnold; Smith R. Turner of Pima County from Lucinda Turner; Anna Atkin-
son of Yavapai County from Alex Atkinson ; Samuel Dennis of Yavapai County
from Benina Dennis; Jane Holmsley from Joel E. Holmsley; Mary Jane Pend-
well of Yavapai County from Elanson Strange Pendwell; Josephine Waite of
Yavapai County from Nathan W. Waite. During the same session other acts
divorced Anne Kelly from Daniel Kelly and Mary I. Showers of Yavapai County
irom Andrew J. Showers.
Down at the bottom of these most extraordinary proceedings is said to have
been the fine Italian hand of Thomas Fitch, who happened at that time to have
made Arizona one of his many "permanent" abiding places. He was elected
to the Legislature, wherein he filled the post of chairman of the Judiciary
Committee of the House. The start of it all is understood to have been around
the paragraph that gave release to William F. Smith, noted as a resident of
Yuma. In reality Smith was a prominent California physician, who had made
only a brief visit to Yuma intent upon divorce. Another very conspicuous
beneficiary was John J. Gosper, who at that time occupied the position of
Secretary of Arizona Territory. Gosper had left a wife behind in Nebraska,
where he also had held ofSce, and he wanted to remarry, which he did soon after
the legislative decree in his favor.
It would appear that the divorces granted were legal enough, for the
Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon had held valid an Oregon divorce
bill, passed in 1852. The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed this
decision, taking occasion to refer to the fact that in England divorce originally
was a prerogative of Parliament and that legislative assemblies of the colonies
had followed this example. The Forty-ninth Congress prohibited the granting
of divorces by territorial legislatures.
In the Legislature of 1879, Maricopa County was represented by John ^.
Alsap and J. D. Rumberg, the latter a famous teller of stories and owner of
a ((uarter section of, land a short distance northwest of the Phrenix townsite on
the Black Carion road. Having lost some money on the lack of speed of a pony
he had favored in betting, he introduced a bill prohibiting horse racing in
Arizona. It is probable that the measure was seriously presented, but it was
not taken in that spirit. One after another the members from the various coun-
ties arose solemnly to express their belief in the merit of the bill, but to state in
sadness that their own counties were not quite ready for the reform. So, county
by county, every subdivision was exempted from the provisions of the measure,
except Maricopa. Tlien Alsap came to his feet. He stated that he was fully
aware of the demoralization caused by horse racing, but, in deference to the
pi-ejudices of his constituents, he was constrained to ask still further elimina-
tion, that of all Maricopa County, except a certain quarter section, the descrip-
tion of which exactly fitted Rumberg's ranch. Thus the bill was passed, though
it never was printed in the statutes.
Much in the way of constructive legislation was done in the session of 1881.
On liand, provided witli a well-stuffed "sack," was a large representation of
the citizenship of Tombstone, who after a couple of failures, managed to secure
the creation of the County of Cochise. This was fought by Tucson, which had
been doing very well indeed as a supply point for the new mining camp, where-
from had been coming as high as 100 mining claim notices a day for recording
and wherefrom the sheriff had been drawing fees said to have run up to $25,000
a year. AYith much less trouble were created the counties of Graham and Gila,
with seats of government, respectively, at Safford and Globe. Incorporations
also were granted to the towns of Phcenix, Preseott and Tombstone. This ses-
sion, the eleventh, was the first to have twelve members in the Council and
twenty-four in the Assembly.
The next Governor of Arizona, appointed March 8, 1881, to succeed Fremont,
was Frederick A. Tritle. A Pennsylvanian by birth, he hailed from Virginia
City, Nevada, where he had been in business as a stock broker. He had been
a member of the Legislative Council in Nevada and had been an unsuccessful
candidate for governor of the Sagebrush State. His Arizona appointment was
at the instance of his old friend, Senator John P. Jones of Nevada. At once
he became an enthusiastic Arizonan and gave strong assistance in securing
capital to work her mines. He was a man of large social gifts. While on an
eastern trip, and in attendance at a formal banquet in Boston, he put Arizona
l/efore the people of the Hub in a manner tliat won him applause after the first
shock had passed. The first toast was, "The Governor of the Oldest Common-
wealth to the Youngest." Governor Bullock of Massachusetts rose to respond.
While Bullock was fussing with his spectacles, Tritle quickly came to his feet
and, in most felicitous manner, thanked the astonished Bostonians for the honor
that had been done Arizona in calling upon him, as the representative of the
oldest commonwealth of the nation, to welcome the governor of the young State
of Massachusetts — and then he told how Arizona had population and a degree
of government and civilization long before the first wild Indian roamed the
bleak forests of New England.
The twelfth session extended eastward the boundary of Mohave County, to
include all of Yavapai County west of Kanab Wash and north of the Grand
Caiion, provided for the funding of some bonds, ofi'ered subsidies to a few rail-
roads, recreated the office of attorney-general and changed the county seat of
Graham to Solomonville, an action overturned by a county referendum vote
of 1915, that gave the courthouse back to Safford.
The one thing that brought the Twelfth Legislature out of dullness was the
action taken in repeal of the bullion tax law. Both parties had declared against
repeal and it may be said that every partisan legislator was pledged to let the
law stand. But the repeal bill slid through both houses in some mysterious
fashion. Attending on the session were a couple of prosperous-looking gentle-
men who, on the evidence of an old resident of Tombstone, left that camp with
$26,000 in greenbacks for which they were to render no accounting. The invest-
ment was a good one — for the mining companies. Yet the price was high, for
President C. P. Huntington of the Southern Pacific a few years later publicly
set the price of an Arizona Legislature at around $4,000.
The Legislature of 1885 variously was known as the "Thieving Thirteenth"
or the "Bloody Thirteenth," though the thieving may have been confined to
recklessness with the taxpayers' money and it is not of record that there was
bloodshed. It started off with a couple of weeks of delay in organization, the
political parties and opposing interests being evenly divided. This gave the
private secretary to Governor Tritle ample time to get out the first really
comprehensive message to the Legislature that ever had been known in the
territory. The deadlock finally was broken by compromise, in which the com-
mitteeships and patronage w^ere adjusted in a remarkable showing of amity.
Never was a session quite so good to Preseott, where about $80,000 was disbursed
in the charges of clerk hire and printing alone. There were forty-one committee
clerks. It is probable that no other Arizona Legislature ever surpassed the
thirteenth in the high intelligence of its personnel, and all the members were
good sports and spenders. A councilman-at-large, who lived just across the
street from the capitol, put in a mileage bill for transportation to and from the
farthest corner of the territory, whereupon Bob Connell, a saloonkeeper and a man
filled with hatred of ' ' silk-stockings, ' ' forthwith put in a charge for a single half-
mile, where he really was entitled to two miles. Bob thereafter was made chairman
of the specially created committee on hydrograjDliy, whereof the clerk had no work
save that of drawing $4 a day from Territorial Secretary VanArman. The for-
mer home of Governor PYemont was fitted up as a club by the generous business
men of Preseott, all for the benefit of the legislators.
The great issues of the session were over an attempt to re-enact the bullion
tax, and an eflPort to create the County of Sierra Bonita, whereof Willcox was to
■^"^ be the seat of government. The bullion tax was not re-established and Sierra
S«»te died by only one vote. There also was trouble over a bill carrying a sub-
sidy for construction of a connecting railroad between the county seats of
Yavapai and Maricopa counties, but this failed through the action of DeForest
Porter, representative from IMaricopa, who secreted the original bill, his opposi-
tion based upon the wishes of his constituents. Subsidies were authorized, how-
ever, for railroads from the Santa Fe to Preseott ($292,000) and from the
Southern Pacific to Phoenix ($200,000). The usual efforts to move the capital
from Preseott at this session were sidetracked by a li))eral distribution of terri-
torial moneys to other towns. Tucson was given appropriation for the founda-
tion of a university, Pha'nix received an insane asylum (insane theretofore had
been sent to Stockton, Cal.), Tempe was given a normal school and Yuma a leyee.
The session was notably prolific of memorials to Congress, the most important
being one praying for the purchase from Mexico of land that would embrace
a port on the Gulf of California. This movement has been repeated many times
since, despite a provision of the Mexican Constitution that makes death the
punishment for any attempted shrinkage of Mexican territory.
There was some talk of criminal prosecution of certain members of the Thir-
teenth, and Editor John Marion and a few other witnesses were called before
the next grand jury to testify concerning the appropriations and particularly
the method used in farming out the clerkships to figureheads. But nothing was
done. It was feared that any fuss raised would lose Preseott the capital. Then,
Preseott had absorbed most of the money, anyhow.
Grant Oury, who for a term had represented Arizona in a Confederate Con-
gress, and who had latterly sought similar honor at Wasliington, finally achieved
this ambition in 1880, when he was elected to the office of delegate over M. W
Stewart, republican, by a majority of about 400, in a total vote of 7,700. Onry
was re-elected in 1882, when he received 6,121 votes, his opponent. Judge De
Forest Porter, receiving about 5,200.
Just to show that personality still counted, a republican was elected in 1884,
C. C. Bean, a pioneer mining man of Yavapai County, who was opposed by
C. P. Head of the same county, one of the leading merchants of Prescott and
a man of notably high standing. Bean's vote was 6,820 and Head's 5,671.
In 1886 democracy came back and remained in the saddle for many years
thereafter. This was the year of the advent, territorially speaking, of Marcus
A. Smith, who had served with distinction as district attorney of Cochise County.
Bean ran again, but was beaten decisively, the vote standing. Smith 6,355, Bean
4,472. In 1888 Smith was re-elected by a vote of 7,68'6, compared with 5,832
for Thos. F. Wilson of Tucson. Smith's majority mainly came out of the Salt
and Gila River valleys, where he made the campaign |n opposition to a con-
gressional act seeking to establish a Court of Private Land Claims.
Troublous Political Times through the Administrations of Governors Zulick, Wolfley,
Irruin, Hughes and McCord — The Asylum Inquiry — Change of the Capital to
Phasnix — Lost Laws — Hold-over Muddle — Yuma Prison Labor Contract-^Nerv
There was a change of national administration March 4, 1885, when Grover
Cleveland was seated as President. Great was the rejoicing among the demo-
crats of Arizona. At Phoenix the world was invited to a celebration. There
was keen rivalry for the offices. But the governorship went to a very dark
horse, and not an Arizonan at that, to G. Meyer Zulick of New Jersey, a former
New York political associate and personal friend of Cleveland. It is not
improbable that Zulick, one of the cleverest of politicians, had indicated a
desire for recognition, but the date of appointment, in the fall, found him
seventy miles below the international line, at Nacoz£iri, Sonora, where he had
been sent to straighten out the financial difficulties of some Newark, N. J.,
clients, who had mines in the locality. The news was sent him by W. K. Meade
of Tombstone, whose office of United States marshal had floated to him on the
same tide. The messenger was M. T. Donovan, who later told how he found
the future Governor of Arizona a prisoner, hostage for the payment of his
company's debts and how, at 2 a. m. Zulick was smuggled from his quarters.
But the great news was not broken till the buckboard had been driven across
the line, near where Douglas now stands.
As territorial secretary there was appointment .of Jas. A. Bayard, son of the
secretary of state. On hand Governor Zulick found problems of state well
worth attention. He was besieged with applications for office and had diffi-
culty in getting the jobs away from the republican occupants, who had some
rights of tenure on the basis of confirmation by the territorial council for a
two-year term. Possibly the most difficult job of elimination was that of the
board of directors of the insane asylum, which lately had completed construc-
tion of an asylum building near Phoenix. The governor utilized an act em-
powering appointment of an honorary board of directors, which proved to be
an investigating committee. This body returned twelve accusations against
Directors Stewart, Lincoln and Hatch, particularly covering the sale, at too
low a price, of $100,000 in bonds voted by the Thirteenth Legislature. At a
hearing "in Prescott, the board members refused to acknowledge the authority
of the governor or to produce their books. Governor Zulick, thereupon over-
ruling all objections to his status as inquisitor and judge, found the defendants
guilty and, on May 15, 1886, ordered their removal. The members refused to
accept dismissal but finally, under a decree of court, were ousted on November
23. Tte governor was more than severe in his summing up the whole trans-
action. Much else there was of stormy contention during the administration,
most of it due to the warring democratic factions, a dispute that soon grew
to have serious personal feeling, but it would take more than a pamphlet to
set all of it forth.
The Fourteenth Legislature was so very different that it was dubbed in
Prescott "The Measly Fourteenth." It is a fact, however, that a number of
the members really were prostrated with the measles and mumps. One of the
first things done was kill an act of the former Legislature that had granted
Patrick Hamilton, one of the period's most brilliant writers, an appropriation
of $5,000 a year for salary and expenses as commissioner of immigration. The
session now may be especially remembered by its creation of the Live Stock
Sanitary Board, through which Arizona since has been kept free of stock
disease and of olden-time range "rustling."
Governor Zulick refused to acknowledge the power of the Legislature to
transfer his power of pardon and declined to honor the provisions of an act of
the Thirteenth Legislature creating a board of pardons. The act had been
passed on recommendation of Governor Tritle.
A side notation of this period concerns Fred Smith, son of a prominent
Virginia politician, who had been appointed receiver of the Tucson land office
during a time of unusual reclamation activity. After a season of large social
activity, Spiith disappeared, his accounts short about $30,000. A part of the
money was repaid the Government and Congress authorized the crediting of
sums paid Smith by settlers. Nearly fourteen years later, Smith's bondsmen,
most of them Phoenix residents, were compelled to pay the balance, under an
order of the Supreme Court of the United States.
The end of the Zuliek administration was a veritable whirl of political
incident. After the election of 1888 it became evident that Prescott 's hold
on the capital, maintained through the years at the cost of many sacrifices and
trades, at last was slipping. The Fifteenth Legislature began its session in
Prescott January 21, 1889. Some of the members claimed they had been met
even with hostility by the local population, for there was evidence that removal
had been determined upon both by a legislative majority and the governor.
January 26 the governor's signature was affixed to Act No. 1, which declared
that "on and after the 4th day of February, in the year of Our Lord Eighteen
Hundred and Eighty-nine, the permanent seat of government and capital of
this Territory shall be, and the same is hereby located and established at the
City of Phoenix, in the County of Maricopa." Then there was recess till
February 7. Then there was a joyous junket around by Los Angeles, with
Pullmans and entertainment furnished at the expense of a number of patriotic
citizens of Phffnix. There was a nearer and cheaper mode of transportation,
by stage, between the two cities, but railroad transportation for legislators in
those happy days was by pass. Indeed, it had come to the point where the
annual transportation given by the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe had become
considered a part of the legislator's legitimate emoluments of office. Possibly
this was costly to the companies, but it saved them much adverse legislation
that descended upon them in later, passless, days.
At Phoenix the refreshed statesmen met in pleasant halls fitted up on the
upper story of the new city hall, wherein most of the main floor was given over
to the offices of the governor and secretary and to the territorial library.
Among the acts passed at the fifteenth session, possibly the most notable
was that making train robbery a crime punishable by death. There was pro-
hibition of the carrying of deadly weapons in towns, a subsidy of $3,000 was
offered for the development of any artesian well, Gila County was given the
northern part of Tonto Basin at the expense of Yavapai, tax exemption was
offered for six years to any railroad that should be built to the Grand Canon,
ability to read and write the English language was made a necessity for hold-
ing office, provision was made for securing a capitol site in Phcenix, with S. M.
Franklin, C. W. Johnstone and T. D. Hammond as commissioners, and au-
thorization was given for the assembling and for the costs of a statehood
Also to be considered are the "Lost Laws," eleven bills that had been put
away by Governor Zulick in the closing days of the session and that later were
brought to light and to be certified as laws by the new secretary, N. 0. Murphy,
on the ground that they had remained with the governor ten days during a
session of the Legislature, without adverse action on the part of the executive.
Few of the eleven were of importance. There was an abortive sort of Sunday-
closing act, one for compulsory school attendance, and a university appropria-
tion act.
That a political grudge may have long life is shown by the action of the
Second State Legislative Senate of Arizona, which in January, 1915, rejected
a House joint resolution inviting C. Meyer Zulick to visit Arizona. The reso-
lution and Zulick himself were denounced by State Senator Morris Goldwater
of Prescott, who detailed all the circumstances that led to Preseott's loss of the
capital. It was charged that the removal largely was due to the presence of
"a sack of money sent to the Hon. J. H. Carpenter, to be used where it would
do the most good." Goldwater detailed also how he had fought in the demo-
cratic conventions at the time against endorsement of the Zulick administration
and how his policy had remained constant unto the latter days. So the resolu-
tion was defeated.
President Harrison took office March 4, 1889. This event had much to do
with the fortunes of Governor Zulick and affected very materially the actions
of the Fifteenth Legislature, wherein the republicans had control of both
houses, with Chas. R. Drake of Tucson President of the Council and John Y. T.
Smith of Phcenix Speaker of the House. Alarch 22, for political advantage,
remembering a few of his initiatory experiences, the governor nominated a full
set of territorial officials from among his own particular following. These nomi-
nations all were rejected by the Council, for telegrams had been pouring in
on the President depicting the woeful conditions of his party in Arizona and
asking immediate action on gubernatorial appointment. So, early in April,
Zulick was notified of his removal and to the place, through the influence of
Secretary Noble of the Interior Department, was appointed Lewis Wolfley, a
Yavapai County mining man and surveyor. Wolfley started from Washington
for home as soon as he was assured of appointment. Telegrams awaited his
coming at every station and he was well advised of conditions that had developed
within the territorial government.
From a republican viewpoint, the situation in Phoenix was a serious one.
Governor Zulick, ever mentally active, had made the astounding announcement
that he would refuse to recognize the legality of a session of the Ijegislature
that extended over a period of si.xty days, all inclusive, dated from the time
of the legal assembly of the body. In this he was sustained by the language of
a congressional act that may, however, have applied merely to the compensa-
tion of the members. But the republicans claimed that the intent of the act
was to cover working days and not elapsed titne. They wanted to claim the
time they had spent on the Los Angeles trip. Zulick insisted that there could
have been no legal business after March 22. The democrats, save only a few,
quit the session. The republicans held on, adjourning from day to day, awaiting
the coming of Wolfley.
The new governor arrived April 8, with his appointments fairly well deter-
mined. The last of them were confirmed April 11 and then the belated adjourn-
ment was taken.
For soijie time thereafter Arizona rejoiced in possession of two sets of offi-
cials, de facto and de jure, for the democratic incumbents refused to surrender.
The question went into the courts especially upon the rights of Thomas Hughes,
the Wolfley appointee as auditor, confirmed April 8. The new attorney gen-
eral, Clark Churchill, urged that previous legislatures, back to the eleventh,
had passed the sixty-consecutive-day limit without dispute and in the addi-
tional days had enacted much legislation of importance. The session of the
eleventh, in 1881, was after Congress had extended the limitation from forty
days, the legislative session at the time New Mexico was formed.
Though succeeding legislatures never dared another such experiment, Ari-
zona court decisions rather favored the republican side, but on grounds outside
the main sixty-day contention. The republicans gained control of the treasury
and the democratic officeholders were left without funds, a condition somewhat
shared by the territorial government at large, for the appropriation bill had
also been left in dubious shape. Governor Wolfley appealed to the President
and Congress for help, instancing that he was powerless to exercise any authority
at the penitentiary, "where the Territorial Prison Board are now actually in
default to the territorial treasury about $6,000, which they acknowledge, and
. one of their number has absconded." This was a reference to "Little Steve,"
Secretary Geo. H. Stevens of the board, who had made good his escape to
British Columbia. The muddle at large was settled by a gradual withdrawal
of the harassed democratic officials, who found no pleasure in official life to
which no pay was attached. Some of them were given their claimed emolument
hy subsequent democratic legislatures.
Having cleared away the wreckage, Wolfley's administration ran more
smoothly, though soon complicated by the starting of an administration organ
at Phoenix, the Republican, into which went a large part of the official salary
The election of 1890 was a disastrous one to the republicans in Arizona.
Mark Smith was elected congressman over Geo. W. Cheyney of Tucson and
a democratic Legislature was chosen. In this Legislature, the sixteenth (in
1891), C. Meyer Zulick was seated as councilman from Maricopa County, which
in the lower house was represented by T. E. Parish and L. H. Chalmers, all
democrats. The Republican's job office had turned out an elaborate pamphlet,
on Arizona's Resources, just in time, as Commissioner of Immigration John A.
Black had his office taken from under him by the second act of the session.
The third abolished the office of territorial geologist. The fourth, killing fiestas
by prohibiting gambling within them, was novel in that it was supported by
the regular gambling fraternity of the territory, represented by one of their
number, Fred G. Hughes, President of the Council. The Friday following the
first day of February was established as Arbor Day. Possibly in prophetic
hope of the next national election, the governor was given power to remove
any of his or his predecessor's appointees when he thought the public interests
might be subserved. A maximum railroad fare of 6 cents a mile was ordered.
Materially affecting construction of a railroad through Prescott from Ash Fork
to Phojnix was a bill passed giving a tax exemption for twenty years. Presi-
dent Harrison had vetoed a subsidy bill before this, much to the distress of
the people of Yavapai and Maricopa counties. Right here may be stated the
fact that the Harrison Act of Congress, limiting the indebtedness to which the
teiTitories might subject themselves, was the best safeguard ever known by
the lean treasury of Arizona. The Sixteenth Legislature did much to purify
elections by passage of the Australian ballot law, which, with slight modifica-
tion, still is in effect. Statehood seemed so near that provision was made for a
constitutional convention and for the election and pay for the delegates, who
were to assemble in Phoenix in September, 1891. Gila County was given more
of Tonto Basin. A military code was adopted. Authorization was given for the
maintenance of a force of rangers. A start on the road to prohibition was
denial of liquor to drunkards or minors. Creation was made of a board of rail-
road commissioners and provision was made for an exhibit at the Chicago Fair.
Possibly the best work of the Wolfley administration was the funding of the
territorial bonds, which had been a rather complicated and heavy burden, draw-
ing interest generally at 7 per cent or more. In the Legislature of 1895 this
service was given appreciation by a vote of $5,000 to ex-Governor Wolfley, to
pay his expenses in connection with the funding, whereby, in the language of
the bill, ' ' the Territory has been saved $59,006.40 in annual interest. ' ' The bill
was vetoed by Governor Hughes, but was passed, notwithstanding.
Temperamentally, Governor Wolfley was hardly fit for the trials and irrita-
tions of his office. He was a man of positive, rugged character, who tolerated no
/J ■(/ft*
argument concerning liis convictions. He wrote altogether too many letters to
the secretary of the interior concerning the administration of Arizona affairs,
and finally was removed from office. One of the "principal causes for his removal
is said to have been the official character he gave his newspaper. After leaving
the office of governor, Wolfley devoted himself to an irrigation' project near
Gila Bend. When construction had been almost completed, the dam was swept
away by a flood, and in the resulting expense Wolfley lost control of the enter-
prise. There was much litigation, carried to the Supreme Court of the United
States, decided adversely to Wolfley 's interests. Thereupon, he distinguished
himself by addressing the national House of Representatives, demanding the
impeachment of the justices of the Supreme Court, possibly one of the most
extraordinarj' applications ever presented to Congress. This application was
made in good faith and was supported by a printed petition and argument.
Nothing was done with the matter, much to Wolfley 's disgust. He died in Los
Angeles in September, 1910, from injuries received in a street car accident, and
his body was taken to Prescott for burial.
The new governor of Arizona was John N. Irwin (rep.) of Iowa, the last
executive to be appointed from outside of the limits of the territory. He was
rather a distinguished man in his own bailiwick, and at one time in his career
was minister to Denmark. But in Arizona, according to the ideas of the times,
he was far from satisfactory as an executive. Possibly this was reflected in a
remark said to have been made by him, "I would sooner be a constable in peace
than a governor in hell." He started in with the idea that a political millennium
could be reached here by the simple process of appointing many democrats to
office. As a result, he had the support of neither party. Himself a man of
unblemished probity, several of his appointees fell under suspicion, and his
prison warden had investigation by a Yuma County grand jury on a charge of
taking away the furniture from the superintendent's house when he departed
from the job. In the leading offices of his administration he gathered some strong
men, including AVilliam Herring of Tombstone as attorney-general, William
Christy of Phoenix as treasurer, and Thomas Hughes of Tucson as auditor.
M. P. Freeman of Tucson was made chancellor of the university. Governor Irwin
spent a considerable part of his short term out of the territory, dropping the
burdens of the government on the capable shoulders of Secretary N. O. Murphy.
Secretary Murphy came to the office of governor in legitimate line of succes-
sion in May, 1892, in his "^Ijlace as secretary being appointed N. A. Morford,
owner of the Phojnix Herald. Murphy's term was short, however, for in the fall
of that year Grover Cleveland was elected President.
In the 1892 election Mark Smith again went to Congress by a substantial
plurality of votes over W. G. Stewart, the republican nominee.
Governor Murphy, liowever, had most to do with the Seventeenth Legislature
of 1893, which body met February 13 and adjourned April 13. Its first act
was the offering of a reward of $5,000 for the capture, dead or alive, of the
Apache Kid. Provision was made for a reform school at Flagstaff, the building
to be constructed and the school to be maintained by general tax.
The new democratic governor was Louis C. Hughes of Tucson, appointed
April 5, 1893. This appointment, so near the date of the inauguration of the
new President, might indicate a degree of harmony in the territorial democratic
ranks. It was very much otherwise, however; a battle for the office had been
going on for months, with many participants. Hughes was decidedly at outs
with the majority of the central committee, which was headed by a Tucson gam-
bler. Hughes was an early-day advocate of woman suffrage, prohibition and the
suppression of gambling, and thus managed to secure much support both in
Arizona and in the East. It was told that the final straw which gave him the
office was the presentation to the President of a photograph that showed the
chairman of the central committee busily engagbd in dealing faro with a mixed
racial clientele before him. So Hughes was appointed in time to avoid compli-
cations such as had been known before.
The new territorial secretary was C. M. Bruce. One of the most notable
appointments made by Hughes was that of F. J. Heney of Tucson as attorney-
general. For a while it was understood that Heney might be considered the
government of Arizona, but this condition was shaken off by Hughes after a short
time, and Heney was succeeded by T. D. Satterwhite of Tucson.
The Hughes administration was a stormy one, mainly due to causes within
his own party. In 1894 an attempt was made to indict him for various alleged
misfeasances, but he had the active support of a considerable portion of the
people and continued in command of the situation for several years.
The eighteenth legislative session started its work by the establishment of
a board of railroad commissioners. Possibly the most important act of the
session was that creating a board of territorial control to take up duties there-
tofore in the hands of separate commissioners for the insane asylum, prison and
refoiin school. This new board, consisting of the governor, audit^or and a secre-
tary, the last named an off-party appointee of the governor, has endured to this
day, despite biennial attacks upon it as conferring too much power upon the
executive. An interesting paragraph in the new election law passed was that
which prohibited candidates from asking any person or persons, directly or indi-
rectly, to drink beer or other intoxicating drinks, thus striking directly at an
electioneering practice that had been both time-honored and expensive. That
preparedness for defense had consideration in those days was shown by authoriza-
tion for the formation of the "American Guard," out of pupils in the high and
common schools of the territory, a body that should be placed under military
discipline. The grant to ex-Governor Wolfley has been mentioned heretofore.
Authorization was given for the establishment and maintenance of high schools
in school districts or union districts. Political animus is shown in the record of
an appropriation of $1,222 to the Arizona Gazette Company over the veto of the
governor, this a printing bill two years old. Classification was made of the
counties into six divisions. The governor was authorized to grant paroles. The
County of Navajo was created out of the western portion of Apache County.
The governor was authorized to appoint a board of immigration commissioners.
The Navajo County act was the most exciting feature of the session. There
was no particular objection to the creation of this county, but, coming up in the
very- last hours of the session, it served as a bulwark behind which to fight the
removal of the territorial prison from Yuma to Prescott, a change that was
imminent. In the turmoil which continued till midnight, Speaker Carpenter,
representing Yuma County, at all interruptions formally observed, "The gentle-
man from Apache (Crosby) has the floor." Thus for hours the bill was kept
before the House. At the fateful striking of midnight it had been usual, if
business remained unfinished, to set the hands of the clock back, or stop the
clock altogether. An experienced janitor, with stepladder, appeared to perform
the usual ceremony, but was ordered away by Carpenter, who brought down the
gavel and declared the House adjourned sine die. This not only killed prison
removal, but left the appropriation bill unpassed. The territorial auditors, how-
ever, honored all regular accounts for the succeeding two years and little actual
damage was done by the omission.
One of the pleasant measures that passed the Legislature of 1895 was that of
establishing the office of commissioner of immigration in each of the counties.
The commissioners were to receive a salary of $50 a month, payable out of the
county treasury, yet the appointments were to be made by the governor. The
appointees almost without exception were proprietors of newspapers. The
administration thus would secure at least one journalistic supporter in each
county. The boards of supervisors generally failed to provide the necessary
appropriations, denying the legality of the act. Its legality was established,
however, in a suit brought by the Maricopa County commissioner, T. C. Jordan.
But Hughes was removed from office not long thereafter and his idea did him
little good.
Another action of the Eighteenth Legislature that had lasting consequences
was the passage of a memorial to Congress asking "such curative and remedial
legislation as will protect the holders of all bonds issued under authority of acts
of the Legislative Assembly, the validity of which has heretofore been acknowl-
edged, and that you so further legislate as to protect all innocent parties having
entered into contracts resulting from inducements offered by our territorial
legislation and relieve the people of the Territory from the disastrous effects that
must necessarily follow any repudiation of good faith on ihe part of the
Territory. ' '
The previous election (1894) had resulted in the return of a republican
congressman, former Governor N. 0. ]\Iurphy. It should be stated, however,
that this was not an indication of republican preponderance, but was due to the
fact that the vote was divided among three candidates. The democrats had
nominated John C. Herndon of Prescott, possibly their strongest man. Much
of the strength that would ordinarily have gone to him was taken by Wm. 0.
0 'Neill of Prescott, who had entered the contest as the candidate for the populist
party, to which he had gone from the republicans. The vote stood: ilurphy,
5,686; Herndon, 4,773; O'Neill, 3,006.
Governor Hughes was removed from office March 30, 1896, his political
enemies at last being successful. His office had been investigated the previous
July by an inspector of the Interior Department. There had been charges that
Hughes had worked against the democratic nominee for Congress in the previous
election and had used undue influence in the Legislature to secure the passage
of acts that he favored. Governor Hughes held on for two days and then
surrendered his offiee to Secretary Bruce.
The new governor, B. J. Franklin, was nominated the same day that Hughes
was removed, and was confirmed promptly. He took office April 18. He had
been a resident of Phoenix for five years, engaged in the practice of law. Most
of his active life had been spent in Kansas City, from where he had been elected
to Congress in 1876, thereafter serving two terms. For four years following
1885 he was consular agent at Hankow, China. At the time of his appointment
as governor he was considered a "single standard democrat," something assumed
to have had influence.
One of the early acts of the Nineteenth Legislature, which met in Januarj',
1897, was the codifying and revising of the laws in relation to live stock. Pro-
vision was made for the erection of a capitol building, with an initial appropria-
tion of $100,000, this money to be raised by the sale of bonds. New railroads
were exempted from taxation for fifteen years, and the Santa Fe was given the
courtesy of an act under which it was made legal to absorb the Atlantic & Pacific
Railroad, which soon was to be sold under foreclosure of mortgage. A grant of
.$3,000 was made to the Society of Arizona Pioneers for the preservation of Ari-
zona's historical records. This amount later disappeared when under the charge
of none other than Fred G. Hughes, President of the Territorial Council and also
an officer of the Pioneer Society, and was one of the reasons why Hughes spent
a few years in the penitentiary.
In an effort to find a civic gift acceptable to Flagstaff, the reform school then
at tliat city was changed into a home for the insane. The reform school idea was
not lost, however, and a special tax was levied for the establishment of such a
school at Benson.
A memorial was passed against the cession by Congress to Utan of that part
of Arizona lying north of the Grand Caiion, a cession possibility that endured
up to the date of statehood. There was also a protest against the passage
through Congress of an act (which was passed) permitting funding of the Pres-
cott & Arizona Railroad bonds and of the fraudulent Tucson & Globe Narrow
Gauge Railroad bonds.
Tlie closing hours of the session were torrid, due to disagreement between
the House majoritj^ and Governor Franklin. The House passed a resolution ask-
ing an immediate change in the office of governor. But the Council not only
tabled the resolution, but almost unanimously passed a resolution of confidence
in Franklin's integrity and ability. The governor had vetoed a number of bills,
including salary increases to county officials and tax exemptions to beet sugar
factories, reduction works and irrigation enterprises. Part of the governor's
unpopularity witli some legislators was due to his charge that it had only needed
$2,000 to defeat a legislative bill that contemplated taxation of the net product
of mines. ,
A committee of the Nineteenth Legislature made an investigation of the
board of control, which, under Hughes, had been charged with gross irregulari-
ties. It was found that things were wrong in two points, the pardoning of a
convict from the penitentiary to act in a clerical capacity at Yuma and the
purchase of a tract of land without publicity or advertising.
About the most unpopular action of the Hughes administration was an agree-
ment entered into with the State of Arizona Improvement Company, a corpora-
tion organized by Eugene S. Ives for the digging of a canal from the Colorado
River above Yuma. It was appreciated that the Yuma countrj' needed such
a ditch, but the contract would have thrown three-fourths of the expense upon
the territory. The canal company for ten years was to have the labor of all
available convicts, the territory to guard and feed the men and to receive for
their labor 70 cents a day per man, with the proviso that this remuneration was
to be received in the form of "water rights" in the canal that was to be dug.
This did not in any way include the territory as an owner of the canal ; it simply
gave the right, at a stated price of $20 an acre, to purchase water, at the regular
service price, from the canal company for the irrigation of any lands that
the territory might then or thereafter control. There was no limitation as to
the character of the work that the convicts might have been compelled to do.
They could have been called upon to labor on a railroad if the company so chose.
Possibly some such idea was in view, for the canal construction would hardly
take ten years, the term of the contract. The company was about ready to
proceed with its work when Hughes suddenly retired from office. His suc-
cessor, B. J. Franklin, absolutely refused to recognize the prison contract, uni-
formly referring to it in terms too forcible to be printed. The company was
denied a draft of prisoners and suit was brought, which, in the Arizona courts,
was decided in favor of the company, but which later, in the Supreme Court of
the United States, went in favor of the territory. Gov. M. H. McCord, who
followed Franklin, had been citizen member of the territorial board of control
at the time the canal contract was made. He insisted upon the purchase by the
corporation of $30,000 worth of machinery as evidence of good faith and then
turned over about 100 convict laborers. The canal company failed in an effort
to secure as subsidy from the City of Yuma about 1,000 city lots remaining
unsold in the possession of the municipality. Some work was done upon a canal
above Yuma, but soon was stopped. When the prison contract was summed up,
it was found that the territory had lost through its operation just $13,741. In
addition, eleven men had escaped from the camps and only four had been
recaptured. The company, in return, owed the territory, under the contract,
$7,500 — in water rights. ■•
In the election of 1896, Marcus A. Smith, democrat, was elected delegate to
Congress, receiving 6,065 votes. His. opponents were A. J. Doran, republican,
and Wm. 0. O'Neill, populist, who received, respectively, 4,049 and 3,695 votes.
Following the seating of "William McKinley as President in March. 1897,
Myron H. McCord became governor of Arizona, taking his seat July 29. He had
been in public life for many years. He had served five terms as member of the
Legislature of Michigan, and in 1889 was elected a member of Congress from
Michigan, seated close to "William McKinley, a happy circumstance that helped
materially in assisting him to the office of governor. He came to Arizona in
1893, bought a farm and soon thereafter entered office again as citizen member
of the board of control. He was one of the few officials who failed to accept
dismissal at the hands of Governor Franklin, who to his place had named T. J.
Wolfley, then editor of the Phoenix -Republican, and took his protest to the
Secretary Bruce was succeeded by Chas. H. Akers. A new chief justice
succeeding A. C. Baker was named June 28, 1897, in the person of Hiram C.
Truesdale of Minneapolis, who died in Phoenix October 28 of the same year.
Then to the place was appointed Webster Street of Phoenix, an Arizonan of
twenty years' standing, but only after a typically ugly Arizona campaign had
been waged against him. That he finally secured the place has been credited to
the support of Governor McCord.
McCord had inherited from Franklin the legacy of the prison contract, which
had had a favorable decision in the Supreme Court of the territory. He directed
dismissal of an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States and ordered
that the contract be carried out after seven additional stipulations had been
secured by the canal company. This contract was the cause of much disturbing
argument during McCord 's term, assailed especially by T. E. Farish on behalf
of the Frnklin administration and, most bitterly, by Wm. 0. O 'Neill, represents
ing the populists.
In March and April, 1898, Governor McCord gave the strongest of support
in the work of organizing an Arizona cowboy regiment for service in the Span*
ish war, a body later cut down to only two troops of the First United States
Volunteer Cavalry. Rather fired with the fever of war, the governor then took
the field himself, and in July secured from his friend, the President, command
of a regiment of infantry recruited in the Southwest, with three companies
raised in Arizona.
Governor McCord had a long and active political life. About the time of
President Roosevelt's accession he was made United States marshal for Arizona.
For a while he managed a Phoenix newspaper, but he was in official harness when
he died, in April, 1908, for two years having been collector of customs at Nogales.
When McCord marched off to war, his place was filled by the appointment of
N. 0. Murphy, for the second time made governor of Arizona. His oath of
office bore date of August 1, 1898 ; a second oath was filed by him July 14, 1899.
The part taken by Arizona in the Spanish war is told in a separate chapter.
This service was brief and by the fall time most of the participants were back in
Arizona, some of them returning to accustomed political activity.
Lieutenant-Colonel Brodie, mustered out with the First Volunteer Cavalry,
returning with his arm in a sling from injury by a Spanish bullet, was made
the republican nominee for delegate to Congress, in opposition to Col. J. F.
Wilson, democrat. Several other Roiigh Rider officers were nominated in various
parts of the territory, but, whatever the ticket, it is notable that not one was
successful in the November election.
The Twentieth Legislature met January 16, 1899. It gave a tax exemption
of fifteen years to water development enterprises; created the County of Santa
Cruz out of southern Pima County; gave Chas. D. Poston a pension of $25 a
month; authorized a revision of the laws; provided for the completion of the
territorial capitol; gave new railroads a ten-year tax exemption and cut off all
financial support to the National Guard. An appropriation was made for the
burial of former Territorial Secretary John J. Gosper, who had died, penniless,
in the Los Angeles County Hospital.
The doubt concerning the form of appropriation to be expended at Flagstaff
was resolved finally by turning over the building, grounds and money to the
normal school board. Thus was started the Northern Arizona Normal School.
Another memorial was sent to Congress covering especially the Tucson &
Globe Narrow-Gauge bonds, which were declared fraudulent and without con-
sideration. Statehood was asked of Congress, more pay for the legislators and
an appropriation for the survey of a water storage damsite on the Gila River.
A move to tax the mines more heavily was defeated, it was told, at a cost of only
$9,000, the mining fight led by H. J. Allen of Jerome.
Morris Goldwater was elected president of the Council, the choice being
notable for the reason that his opponent for the honor was none other than
George W. P. Hunt of Gila County, who seems then to have met about the only
defeat of his political career. As speaker of the House, the unanimous demo-
cratic choice was Henry F. Ashurst, now one of the Arizona senators. Ashurst
had served in the House two years before, being elected at the age of only
The Twentieth Legislature authorized the governor to appoint a commission
of three lawyers with broad authority to "revise the laws and eliminate there-
from all crude, improper and contradictory matter and also to insert such new
provisions as they may deem necessary and proper." To this commission Gov-
ernor Murphy in March, 1899, appointed C. W. Wright of Tucson, J. C. Herndon
of Prescott, and L. H. Chalmers of Phoenix. The death of Mr. Wright in Decem-
ber, 1900, caused a vacancy that was filled by the appointment of Judge R. E.
Sloan of Prescott. The report was submitted to the Twenty-first Legislature, by
which it was passed with few amendments.
The republican territorial convention which met in Phoenix, April 30, 1900,
for the selection of delegates to the national convention, was remarkable mainly
for the bolt of the Yavapai County delegates, headed by Joseph E. Morrison of
Prescott, later United States attorney. The bolt immediately followed a call
for a speech from Robert E. Morrison, then United States attorney. The row
was really between Isaac T. Stoddard, who was leader of the Yavapai delegation,
but whose faction had lost -in the territory generally to a combination headed
by ex-Governor McCord and C. H. Akers.
One of the high lights of Arizona political history was the territorial demo-
cratic convention in Phoenix, September 12, 1900. From start to finish it was
a riot, with its membership divided and with two sets of officers upon the opera
house stage, not to speak of the sheriff and chief of police. The trouble was
between factions supporting Marcus A. Smith and Col. J. F. Wilson. It resulted
in the nomination of both and both accepted from the same rostrum, with thanks.
Wilson would have abandoned the weary struggle early had his wife not in-
formed him that "she'd sooner die than be a quitter." But he did quit a few
weeks later and, though the democrats were very much split up for the time
being, Smith was re-elected, just as usual. The republicans in the same year
nominated as their congressional candidate Governor N. 0. Murphy.
Till the completion of the eapitol building in Phoenix, Arizona's seat of
government had been on wheels. The government had been inaugurated at
Navajo Springs in December, 1863, in the midst of a snow storm. There was
a brief stop at the Chino Valley Springs until Prescott was selected as the
first real seat of government.
The meeting place of the First Legislature in the winter of 1864-5 was a
long one-storied log house on Gurley Street, fronting the north face of the
plaza. Part of this building still was standing at the time of a Prescott fire
in 1900. It was told that the structure was built for the occasion, the logs
hewn by hand ; the roof was covered with shakes and the floor was of whipsawed
pine. Illumiuatiou at night was by tallow candles. The heating arrangements
were inadequate and the cold wind from the snow-covered hills whistled through
the illy-chinked crevices between the logs. Yet in this house was adopted the
Howell Code, the foundation of all subsequent Arizona laws. The second ses-
sion was in more comfortable quarters, with refreshments very near at hand.
It was held in the old Montezuma saloon building, with the Council in the upper
story and the Assembly below. The third session was held in the old court
house, a two-storied log-and-frame building at the northeast comer of the
Prescott Plaza.
October 4, 1867, the permanent seat of government of the territory was
established at Tucson, to be effective November 1, 1867. Tucson from the first
had tried to secure the capital. She had lost by a tie vote in the Council in
1866. Then had been compromise suggestions of La Paz, Walnut Grove, and of
the establishment of a new capital city, to be named Aztlan, at the mouth of
the Verde River. At last Tucson was victorious, through the desertion in the
Assembly of representatives from Pah-Ute and Mohave. The vote stood 5 to 4
in the Council and 9 to 7 in the Assembly. This was when Poston claimed that
McCormick sold Prescott out in order to secure the support of the south in his
congressional aspirations.
It has been told that the first legislative sessions in Tucson were held in
Congress Hall, a gambling saloon, but there has been found a record to the effect
that sessions of the Legislature were held in three locations, in what later was
called the New Orndorf Hotel, in the Charlelou Block and in a long adobe
building belonging to Tully & Oehoa on the south side of Oehoa Street, between
Convent Street and Stone Avenue. The one wherein the last Tucson session
was held only lately was demolished. It is told that the members found con-
venient filing places for papers in chinks opened with their knives between
the adobe bricks.
In 1875 a bill was passed to locate the capital permanently at Tucson, but
it was vetoed by the governor. At the following biennial session there was an
accession of strength, possibly financial, to the northern side of the Legislature
and the capital again was changed, to remain at Prescott till shifted to Phoenix
in 1889. Legislative chambers were found in Curtis Hall in West Prescott.
The territorial officers were housed in quarters around the city, the governor
and secretary having chambers in an end of the public school building. Better
quarters later were provided at the new city hall on the Gurley Street hill, a
brick structure later used as a school.
Rather at the instance of the representatives of Yavapai County and as
one way of keeping the capital at Prescott, the Legislature of 1881, on the
ground of dissatisfaction with the figures of the federal census, provided for
a territorial census, to be taken by the supervisors of the several counties and
to be used in calculating the relative representation to the succeeding Legis-
lature. Even Governor Tritle at the succeeding legislative session felt it his
duty to call attention to the dissatisfaction felt throughout the territory over
the alleged fraudulent returns made by many census marshals. Yavapai in the
federal census was given a population of about eight thousand. In the sup-
plemental, remedial census, she queerly showetl the effects of a sudden surge
of immigration and was credited with a doubled population, the balance of
power thus remaining with her, provided Apache and Mohave counties continued
loyal. It was told that, the invention of the census marshal waning, there were
brought in a number of bulky hotel registers, secured in San Francisco and
copied upon the census blanks, as showing residence in miscellaneous voting
precincts, but mainly to the greater glory of Prescott. To this day this count
is known as "the bed-bug" census.
In 1889, Prescott gave up the fight, but resentfully. Money was subscribed
at Phoenix to pay all of the expenses of moving and quarters were provided in
the new city hall only barely completed. Most of the legislators from the south
went to Prescott around by way of Seligman. Organization was hurriedly
accomplished and a single bill was passed transferring the capital to Phoenix.
Soon thereafter an act was passed creating a commission which was to
choose a site for a permanent capitol building. This commission decided upon
a tract of ten acres west of the City of Phoenix and at a subsequent legislative
session their action was approved and funds were provided for beautifying
the grounds. Act No. 9 of the Nineteenth Legislature, approved March 8, 1897,
provided for the erection of a capitol building and authorized the issuance of
$100,000 of 5 per cent territorial bonds to provide the necessary funds. , The
act was approved by Congress, the bonds were sold and in 1899 construction
was commenced under Commissioners E. B. Gage, Walter Talbot and F. H.
Parker. The total cost of building and furniture was only $140,000. Con-
gressional help was asked, but not received.
The capitol was dedicated and formally occupied Febiniary 24, 1901. The
orators of the day were Governor N. O. Murphy, Chief Justice Webster Street
and President Eugene S. Ives of the Territorial Council, while responses came
from almost every county. In the evening was a great public reception, whereat
first was presented the Arizona ode, sung by ]\Irs. Frank Cox of Phoenix.
The walls of the capitol are of tufa, a loosely-compacted volcanic ash,
brought from Kirkland Valley, a hundred miles to the northward. The foun-
dation is of superb granite, from the hills near Phopnix. The building is of
strikingly handsome exterior. Within, on the ground and main flaor.s, are located
the offices of the major part of the territory's official staff, the governor on the
north and the territorial secretary on the south. On the third floor are the
legislative chambers, with about a score of committee rooms and with broad
balconies for the public.
The Various Capitols of Arizona Till Dedication of the State House at Phosnix — Admin-
istrations of Governors Murphy, Brodie, Kibbe^ and Sloan — Arizona's Song and
Floxver — Raising the Taxes on Mines — Territorial Judges.
A very material change in the politieal situation in Arizona followed assump-
tion of the presidency by Theodore Roosevelt. The possession of a Spanish
War record no longer was deemed in the least reprehensible. A number of
Rough Riders thereafter dropped into official positions.
lu the fall of 1901, a strong attack was made upon Chief Justice "Webster
Street, the fight led by several Arizona attorneys of large practice. The attack
succeeded and in Street's place was named Edward Kent, son of ex-Governor
Kent of Maine, a Harvard graduate and latterly an assistant United States
attorney at Denver. His appointment was made possible by an all-around fight
among Arizona republicans, that had made the appointment of an Arizonan
almost impossible. He was sworn into the oifiee of cliief justice March 28, 1902,
and held the position until the date of statehood. So from Maine came Ari-
zona's last, as well as first, chief justice.
President Roosevelt ran into trouble with the Senate when he sent to that
august body in 1902 the nomination of Benjamin F. Daniels to be United States
marshal for Arizona, to succeed McCord, who had been given an ad interim
appointment in the previous June. Daniels, who had been a peace officer in
some of the wildest periods of pioneer days in Kansas and Texas, had served
with distinction as a non-commissioned ofiicer of Rough Riders and was a
character of keen attraction to the strenuous President. Charges were brought
up in the Senate concerning early episodes in Daniels' life. No less than thrice
did the President attempt to secure confirmation, Daniels finally relieving the
tension by requesting that his name be no longer considered. Soon thereafter,
he was appointed superintendent of the territorial prison. After the death of
the principal objector, Senator Hoar, the nomination was renewed and Daniels
was confirmed and took the office from McCord July 1, 1905. About the same
time, another Rough Rider, Capt. J. L. B. Alexander of Phoenix, succeeded to
the office of United States attorney for Arizona, following Frederick Nave,
the latter, November 7, 1905, receiving appointment to the ofiSce of district
In the same year, Henry Bardshar of Prescott, a former private of Rough
Riders, succeeded W. M. Morrison as collector of internal revenue for Arizona
and New Mexico, with offices at Santa Fe. Jerry Millay, a Phoenix lawyer, suc-
ceeded Daniels as superintendent of the penitentiary.
In 1902, Robert E. Morrison and J. F. Wilson, respectively, were republican
and democratic candidates for delegate to Congress. The election went to the
The Twenty-first Legislature was the first to occupy the new territorial
capitol of Arizona. It had been tenanted by territorial officials for several
months, but not till the meeting of the legislative body was there a formal
house-warming. It occurred February 24, 1901, on the thirty-eighth anni-
versary of the congressional act creating the Territory of Arizona. The twenty-
first was remarkable especially for its passage of a new code of laws. The civil
code was based upon the Texas statutes and the criminal code on that of Cali-
fornia. Poston's pension was raised. Supervisors were given authority to
appoint county commissioners of immigration. As the official anthem of the
Territory of Arizona was adopted a song written by Mrs. Frank Cox and Mrs.
Elise R. Averill, entitled, "Hail to Arizona! The Sun-Kissed Land." The
trustees of the various school districts of the territory were required to fur-
nish copies of the song to the schools. A bond issue of $20,000 was authorized,
its proceeds to be devoted to an exhibit at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. A
committee of six members of the Legislature was appointed to join in a recep-
tion to President McKinley. The usual memorial was passed in favor of
statehood. An additional $3,000 was given to the Pioneer Historical Society
to replace the sum appropriated and then absorbed by Fred G. Hughes. There
was prohibition of the shooting of antelope within Arizona for ten years.
In its closing days, the Legislature adopted a new constitution, proposed
for the prospective State of Arizona and prepared by a committee headed by
President Ives of the Council. It was read only by title. Its basis was the
constitution prepared in Phoenix in 1891. Practically additional salary was
given the governor in a grant of $1,500 per annum, to be expended without
return of vouchers. This grant later was refused by Governor Brodie.
A committee consisting of Assemblymen Kimball, Geer and Barker was
appointed to select an official flower for Arizona from among the flora of the
territory. On March 18 a report by this committee was accepted designating the
pure white, waxy flower of the Cereus Giganteus or saguara, by the legislators
considered the distinctive plant of Arizona. In the State Legislature of 1915
an attempt was made to alter this designation in favor of the Indian paint-
brush, but the resolution, though at first favored, finally was dropped on a
showing from Professor Thornber of the State University that the flower sug-
gested was in nowise typical of the flora of the state and that the species espe-
cially suggested was not even known within the,. confines of Arizona.
Col. 0. A. Brodie became Governor of Arizona July 1, 1902. Governor
Murphy's term did not expire until December, but in the spring he had ex-
pressed a desire to resign, in order that he might attend to his raining business.
Governor Brodie 's appointees very generally were new in officialdom. They
included: Attorney -general, E. F. Wells, Prescott; auditor, W. F. Nichols,
Willeox; treasurer, I. M. Christy, Phoenix; superintendent of public instruction,
N. G. Laytou, Flagstaff; superintendent of the territorial prison, W. M. Griffith,
Tucson; adjutant general, Maj. B. W. Leavell, U. S. A., Prescott; captain of
rangers, T. H. Rynning, Douglas.
The Twenty-second Legislature met January 19, 1903, with only a small
minority of republicans in either House. In the Council, of which Eugene S.
Ives of Yuma County was president, the republicans were led by former Gov-
ernor J. H. Kibbey. T. T. Powers of Maricopa County was speaker of the
The most important work of the session, started early and finished late,
centered around the Cowan bill, designated to take from the territorial secretary
the incorporation filing fees, said to have been as high as $40,000 a year. The
bill transferred the incorporation business to the territorial auditor's office,
turning the fees into the territorial treasury. Though the measure was one of
justice and of profit to the territory and was warmly supported by the governor
and a majority of the legislators, it had violent opposition. Councilman Ashurst
submitted a substitute bill providing for the laying of a franchise tax on all
corporations and leaving the secretary's fees where they were.
Woman suffrage passed both houses, but was slaughtered in the eleventh
hour by Governor Brodie. His veto was not upon the basis of the merits of the
measure, but upon the ground that the subject was one outside the power of
the Legislature and beyond the limitations of the organic act, which limited
the franchise to male citizens. The governor pocketed an act which sought to
repeal one of two years before that provided that tax assessments must be paid
before appeals were taken to the courts. This repeal especially was fought in the
interest of the United Verde, which had been raised to an assessment valuation
of $1,200,000 by Yavapai County supervisors.
In this Legislature something of a beginning was made on "labor" legisla-
tion, of which so much latterly has been known in Arizona. Directed particu-
larly against the companies employing Mexican and contract labor, an act was
passed prohibiting more than eight hours of labor on underground work in
mines. Other acts of importance were: Directing that the American flag be
raised over all schoolhouses ; establishing a territorial board of health; limiting
medical practice and shutting out Christian Science pi'actitiouers ; reorganizing
the rangers; giving tax exemption for ten years to new railroads; forbidding
the working of trainmen for more than sixteen hours ; prohibiting the establish-
ment of saloons within six miles of any public works; exempting storage dams
and' beet sugar factories from taxation for specific periods of time ; calling ■
special elections on municipal franchises; prohibiting the use of tokens in the
payment of wages.
The transfer of the incorporation fees was interesting in a number of ways.
The fees had been secured from a previous Legislature by Secretary C. H. Akers.
He had hardly settled into the enjoyment of the income when he was succeeded
by his bitterest political enemy, Isaac T. Stoddard. Stoddard, a member of the
"stalwart" wing of the republican party, was persona non grata to the Brodie
administration, under Roosevelt. Stoddard's position further was weakened by
his attempts to hold the large fees of his office and to defeat the Cowan bill. So,
on April 1, 1904, he was succeeded by W. F. Nichols, who had been territorial
auditor. Treasurer I. M. Christy was transferred to be auditor and E. E. Kirk-
land, an Arizona pioneer, was made treasurer.
In June, 1903, Secretary Stoddard, acting as governor in the absence of
Colonel Brodie, took quick action in putting down riots that occurred at Morenci
in connection with a great strike that had followed the enforcement of the Legis-
lature's eight-hour law. The national guard, as elsewhere told, was ordered into
the camp and within a day had restored order. It was later reinforced by a
strong body of regular troops from Forts Huaehuea and Grant.. The leaders
of the rioters were punished at the October term of the District Court in Graham
County, being sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail and in the peniten-
tiary. The leader, Lostenneau, died in the penitentiary.
On December 1, 1903, was opened the Arizona Industrial School at Benson,
under the superintendency of Frank O'Brien, who had been probate judge of
Cochise County. He has had many successors. For a number of years there was "i
relative peace in the institution, when it was managed by James 'Mahoney of ' *
Winslow. About the time of statehood it was found that the building had been
so poorly constructed that it was dangerous for occupancy, and that the site
offered no facilities for farming or other industries for the inmates. The school
therefore was moved to Fort Grant, north of Willcox. Several superintendents
have been dismissed on charges of incompetency or brutality, and not until
a very late date has the institution ceased to occupy large attention in the public
The first democratic territorial convention of 1904 declared for William
Randolph Hearst for the presidency, the only dissonant note in the convention
being the departure of a contesting Gila County delegation, which refused to
divide the vote of that county.
In the earlier republican convention of 1904, the delegates chosen for the
national convention at Chicago were instructed to support the name of Theodore
Roosevelt for the presidential nomination. The delegates chosen were headed
by Governor Brodie and Judge J. H. Kibbey. There had been an attempt to
send an uninstructed delegation, but this proved unsuccessful early in the cam-
The nominations of the leading parties in 1904 for congressman were Marcus
A. Smith, democrat, and Benjamin A. Fowler of Phoenix, republican. Mr. Fow-
ler, while standing against joint statehood, in accordance with the expressions
of both conventions, relied also upon his record as one of the leaders in the
national irrigation movement, which he especially had served as president of the
Salt River Valley Water Users' Association. But Smith, as usual, was elected,
by a vote of 10,394 to 9,522.
In February, 1905, Eugene A. Tucker was appointed judge of the First
District, to succeed Judge Geo. R. Davis. This appointment was an unhapp.y
one, which Tucker soon was pleased to resign. A photograph is said to have
been sent to the department of justice showing the judge during court session,
with his feet on the bench, and smoking a cigar. There were charges also that
he had been offered a private residence by citizens of Globe in order to
influence a change of the United States Court session from Solomonville to that
point. Judge Tucker was relieved from office in October, 1905. In his place
first was named Paul Jesson of Nebraska, but the position eventually went to
Frederick Nave, former United States attorney.
Governor Brodie resigned, effective February 14, 1905, to accept appointment
as assistant chief of the records and pension bureau of the war department at
Washington, with the rank of major. His parting was sped most happily. The
Legislature passed resolutions of esteem, voted him a gift of a handsome saber
and ordered a portrait to hang in the executive chambers.
At the time of his appointment, Colonel Brodie had been a resident of Arizona
practically ever since 1870, when, after graduation from West Point, he joined
the First United States Cavalry as a second lieutenant and at once was thrown
into the thick of military operations against the Apaches. He was promoted to
first lieutenant in May, 1875, and in that rank served as regimental adjutant.
With his regiment he also fought the Nez Perees in Idaho. At the outbreak of
the Spanish war he was the leader in the organization of several troops
of the First Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders) and as a, major commanded the
first squadron of that regiment, rendering distinguished service in organization
and action, until wounded at Las Guasimas, June 24, 1898. Soon thereafter he
succeeded to the place of lieutenant-colonel of the regiment on the promotion of
Colonel Roosevelt.
In the regular army he was successively promoted to be lieutenant-colonel and
colonel, serving at Washington, San Francisco and other points within the United
States and in the Philippines. He was retired as colonel in November, 1913,
having reached the age of 64 and now is resident in Haddonfield, New Jersey.
Judge Joseph H. Kibbey of Phoenix succeeded to the ofiice of Governor of
Arizona, sworn March 7, 1905, in the middle of the session of the Twenty-third
Legislature. He came to Arizona from his native State of Indiana in 1887
and soon thereafter was appointed a member of the Supreme Court of Arizona,
wherein he laid the foundation of the irrigation law now generally accepted
throughout the western states. In private practice he attained high reputation
as an expert on irrigation law and his plans for the formation of irrigation dis-
trict associations were adopted by the interior department for all water storage
enterprises under construction. He served as attorney for the Water Users'
Association of both the Colorado and Salt River valleys. The governorship was
offered him without solicitation on his part, after a clash of two factions in
Washington. Though independent in personal action within his party at the
time of his appointment, he was chairman of the republican territorial committee
and had been a delegate to the last National Republican Convention from Arizona.
He had served under Governor Brodie as attorney-general. ___ L » /(
In his message to the Twenty-third Legislature, Governor Brodie laid especial
stress upon the necessity of a proper mining tax law. Mines, he found, paid into
the county and territorial treasuries only $178,000 on an assessment of .$4,442,-
995, while the product of the mines for the year before had been valued at
$38,700,000. The long struggle to raise the assessments of the mines had a break
in its monotony in August, 1905, when Governor Kibbey peremptorily requested
the resignation of A. F. Donau from the territorial board of equalization, which
by an even vote had failed to raise the assessment on the producing mines of
Arizona from $4,000,000 to $14,000,000. The same motion came up the following
day and was passed. It was shown at that time that 120 mining claims in
Bisbee, comprising some of the greatest producing property in the Southwest,
had been assessed at only $56,000, that the gross tax valuation of the United
Verde was only $800,000, and that the Arizona Copper Company paid more
income tax in Scotland that it did realty tax in Arizona. The board of equaliza-
tion finished its session with a raise of about $13,000,000 on property generally
to a gross figure of $57,920,372.
The Twenty-third Legislature of Arizona began its session at Phoenix January
16, 1905. It was most prodigal in the granting to itself of an expense account,
moving a councilman from Maricopa County to the introduction of an amend-
ment providing that three messengers be appointed to blindfold the Goddess
of Liberty on the capitol building, two messengers to convey funds from the
territorial treasury and seventeen clerks from each house to sit in the gallery to
serve as audience. The payroll at first provided totaled about $350 a day.
Sixty-nine bills passed the Legislature. Few laws of importance were
enacted, that of chief interest being the creation of the office of public examiner.
Large appropriations were given to various territorial institutions. One of its
earliest acts, designed to correct a remarkable condition that had been known in
one or two counties, directed that fio person should be paid the salary of district
attorney or be qualified for the office unless he was learned in the law and had
been admitted to practice. It was made unlawful to furnish tobacco to any one
under sixteen years of age. An appropriation of $10,000 was made toward the
cost of a Rough Rider monument at Prescott, an act that had failed in the
previous Legislature. Establishment was made of the Arizona Territorial Fair.
The memorials asked for an increase in the number of district judges, pro-
tested against the annexation to Utah of the Grand Caiion region, sought an
increase in the salary of governor to at least $6,000 per annum, and asked
appropriations for the repair of the mission church of San Xavier del Bae and
a flat sura of $150,000 for the completion of the territorial capitol.
There was immediate response from Arizona to the cry of distress that came
out of San Francisco in April, 1906, at the time of the earthquake and fire, about
$100,000 being contributed to the relief fund. Acting Governor Nichols, on
{lis own responsibility, immediately contributed $5,000, feeling that he would be
backed by the following Legislature. Maricopa County subscribed $3,000 and
other counties were not far behind. From Phoenix were sent five carloads of
cattle on the hoof and several carloads of refrigerated beef and dairy supplies.
The items of butter and cheese alone donated had an aggregate value of several
thousand dollars. Single lodges of several secret orders sent as much as $1,000
each. Later, along the railroad lines provision was made for the feeding of
refugees bound eastward.
In the campaign of 1906, Mark Smith again was a candidate for Congress.
He was successful over his republican opponent, W. F. Cooper of Tucson, by
2,192 plurality. This election was complicated with the joint statehood fight.
Those in favor of jointure had a candidate, C. F. Ainsworth of Phoenix, who,
however, polled only 508 of the 3,141 votes cast in favor of the proposition.
The vote against joint statehood totaled 13,124.
The Twenty-fourth Legislature of Arizona met January 21, 1907. lu the
Council were eight republicans and four democrats. The majority elected to the
presidency A. J. Doran of Yavapai. The House of Representatives had sixteen
democrats and eight republicans. The speakership went to Neill Bailey of
Cochise County. This Legislature was notable for a number of economies, more
or less enforced. Theretofore transportation almost anywhere could be had by
any legislator or his friends. A national law had cut off this incidental endow-
ment, however, and hence much more of the session was devoted to real legisla-
tive business than ever before had been known, and junketing trips were fewer.
Governor Kibbey also had given public notification that the common graft of
rewarding political service by legislative appointment to clerkships must be
The Legislature unanimously passed a resolution of sympathj' with the City
of San Francisco in connection with the schooling of oriental children, an inter-
national question on which California and the President then were clashing. The
republican majority of the Council, after thinking the matter over, reconsidered
its action and killed the resolution. There was a strong cliange in sentiment from
the previous Legislature, for a bill absolutely prohibiting gambling passed by
a vote of every member of the Council and all but two members of the House
and immediately was signed by the governor, to take effect April 1. Another
moral reform bill prohibited the presence of women or minors in any drinking
The great-est struggle of the session was over mine taxation, which Governor
Kibbey declared was far too low. He Urged the taxation of mines on much the
same basis as other property and declared against a proposal to re-enact tlie old
bullion tax bill, which would refer only to the net mining product, a basis that
would fluctuate according to the price of copper and according to the desires of
any copper trust that happened to be manipulating the market. The mining
interests were strong enough to block any such plans as outlined by tlie governor
and, largely as a bluff, in the latter days of the session was passed a bullion tax
bill which, for taxation purposes, fixed the value of a mine at 25 per cent of
the value of its gross product of bullion. This was passed down to the governor
in the fullest confidence that he would veto it. There was consternation in the
mining ranks a day or two later, for the governor, instead of filing the measure
away as was in his power, made it a law and advised the Legislature that while
the bill was not one that merited his approval, it still provided a plan whereby a
larger income could be secured the territory from the mines than had been known
before. The governor stated that two years before the mines with all their
improvements had been valued at only $2,500,000. This had been raised to
$14,000,000 and under the new law it coiild be figured that the amount would
approximate $20,000,000.
Indeterminate sentences were authorized for the punishment of persons con-
victed of crimes. There was the creation of a sheep sanitary commission.
Autliorization was made for the removal of the ten'itorial prison from Yuma to
Florence, an act that had only slight opposition from Yuma, which had rather
tired of the prison and its consequent notoriety.
In the memorials the legislators sought an increase of compensation for
themselves, with the statement that $4 a day hardly paid their hotel bills.
Appropriation was asked to control the flood waters of the Gila River in Graham
County, and of $1,000,000 for the building of a storage reservoir at Sau Carlos.
There was a protest against the granting of permission to any railroad to build
through this San Carlos damsite and over an order of the secretary of the interior
directing the removal of drift fences on the international boundary. Congress
again was petitioned to help finish the capitol.
For years the Santa Pe was fought by Ralph Cameron, and in the main
successfully. The corporation, owning a railroad to the canon and a hotel on
its brink, found that the depths of the gorge were controlled by a single man,
to whom payment had to be made of a dollar for each individual who rode
down the Bright Angel trail. For years the battle was waged, Cameron rep-
resented throughout by E. M. Doe of Flagstaff. When Cameron's legal hold
on the trail ran out, he had the county supervisors lease the trail to him. When
no lease could be made, a bill was introduced in the Twenty-fourth Legislature
to extend the county's leasing privileges. The bill passed, though fought by
the railroad interests. Then Governor Kibbey received a telegram from the
secretary of the interior, suggesting that the bill had provisions at variance
with the policy of the forestry service and suggesting that he veto it. Kibbey,
rather resentful over the intrusion of the appointing power in Washington,
promptly returned the bill to the Legislature without approval and with a copy
of the telegram annexed. Then the Legislature demonstrated the independence
of the territory by repassing the bill unanimously, and Cameron still held
the pass.
W. F. Nichols was succeeded as territorial secretary April 7, 1908, by John
H. Page, who had been territorial auditor and who in turn was succeeded as
auditor by Sims Ely, who had been private secretary to the governor.
In 1908, though the nomination of Taft seemed assured, the fight for seats
in the republican national convention never was fiercer in Arizona. Gov-
ernor Kibbey led one faction which advocated instructions to the delegation.
The other faction of the party fought this suggestion bitterly and succeeded
at the territorial convention held in Tucson, April 18, in splitting the party
wide open and in forcing a bolt by the Kibbey supporters. Judge R. E. Sloan
was named a delegate by both conventions, his companion from the Kibbey wing
being Hoval E. Smith of Bisbee and from the other convention L. W. Powell
of Bisbee.
It is probable that a desire for statehood and consideration for the strength
of the republican majority in Congress had much to do with the fall election
in 1908, when, the usual democratic majority overturned, Ralph H. Cameron
was elected delegate to Congress by a plurality of 708 votes over Marcus A.
Smith, out of 27,676 cast. Cameron, however, had made a wonderful campaign,
personally visiting almost every settlement within the territory.
Governor Kibbey was nominated again in December, 1908. He had made
many strong enemies, particularly for his successful work in raising taxation
on the mines of the territory. They were assisted by a republican faction that
had headquarters in Phoenix, that had fought Kibbey throughout his term.
As a result confirmation was delayed from time to time till Congress finally
adjourned without action on the nomination and President Roosevelt had left
the White House.
The Twenty-fifth Legislative Assembly of Arizona, the last under the ter-
ritorial form of government, convened in Phoenix January 18, 1909, the demo-
crats in control by a large majority despite the choice in the same election of
a republican for Congress. The republicans only had two members of the
Council and seven members of the House. George W. P. Hunt of Globe again
was honored by selection to the office of President of the Council and Sam F.
Webb of Maricopa County was made the Speaker of the House. Possibly no
Legislature was more bitterly partisan than was this. A fight was started at
once upon the territorial administration, which was handicapped by legisla-
tion in every way possible. The most important of the acts of this sort abolished
the Arizona Rangers and also the office of territorial examiner. It was charged
that the Rangers too largely had reflected the ideas of the governor and that
Territorial Examiner W. C. Foster, later auditor, an accountant of unusual
ability, had been too active in the past political campaign. Governor Kibbey
vetoed both bills, but the acts passed notwithstanding. Another act passed
over the veto of the governor was one that provided that no person should
register as a voter who could not read any section of the Constitution or who
could not write his own name. This was directed particularly against the
Mexican population, which it was claimed generally had voted the republican
The governor, during the period of the session had almost as much trouble
with his own party as with the democrats. Resenting the antagonistic political
activity of J. C. Adams of Phoenix, "Father of the Arizona Fair" and presi-
dent of the Fair Association since its inauguration four years before, the gov-
ernor called for his resignation and for that of B. A. Packard of Douglas.
Adams appealed to the democratic Legislature, which joyously took up the
fight. The investigation was taken out of the hands of the governor and brought
into what President Hunt called "the most ridiculous proceeding that ever
disgraced an Arizona Legislature." At the end of the hearing only twenty-
three of the thirty-six members voted and the commissioners were declared
cleared by a vote of 12 to 11. The governor proceeded with his own investiga-
tion, ignoring that of the Legislature, and as a result Adams, a few days later,
resigned. He secured reappointment under Governor Sloan.
Outside of the line of pure politics the Legislature appointed February 12
as a holiday in honor of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham
Lincoln; finally established a Pioneers' Home at Prescott, for which there had
been some years of agitation; created the new County of Greenlee out of the
eastern part of Graham County, the name chosen in honor of Mace Greenlee,
one of the first prospectors north of the Gila River; removed party emblems
from election ballots; established the office of territorial historian, and created
a railroad commission.
The Legislature of 1909 gave Arizona her first direct primary law, to be
used in the election the following year. At first there was general complaint
Seventeeiitli and Lust Tonitorial GoveDior
Sixteenth Governor Fifteenth Governor
that it simply compelled the candidate to make two campaigns at double cost
of one and that altogether too many candidates went into the running.
The spring of that year was one of the wettest ever known. Railroad con-
nection with Maricopa was interrupted about a score of times by breaks in
the Gila and Salt River bridges. For a while the capitol itself was surrounded
by a flood that came from Cave Creek. All the streams of the territory were
at flood and immense damage was done transportation lines and irrigation
Governor Kibbey's troubles did not end with the Legislature. President
Taft was besieged by adverse influences, corporate or partisan, concerning the
Arizona governorship. Kibbey was not very keen on reappointment, for he
wanted to resume the practice of law as soon as possible, but at the same time
would have liked the honor of having been the last territorial governor. It
is probable that he used little or no influence in his own behalf.
As a result he was retired, though with all honors and with the appoint-
ment as his successor of Judge R. E. Sloan, probably the man he himself would
have designated had the choice of a successor been left to him. The appoint-
ment of Judge Sloan was done amicably enough, but there was positive brutality
in the manner in which the secretary of the interior, April 4, telegraphed Ter-
ritorial Secretary John H. Page requesting his resignation "in the interest of
party harmony." Page, a Roosevelt appointee, had been only a year in office
and in nowise was he offensively connected with any territorial faction. In
his place was appointed Geo. U. Young.
It is probable that no governor ever left office in Arizona with greater popu-
larity among his subordinates than did Kibbey. This popularity had sub-
stantial expression in the presentation of a chest of silver from the penitentiary
employes, a cut-glass water service from the asylum force, a loving cup from the
late Rangers, a punch bowl from the normal school and a watch from his offi-
cial associates at the capitol. Governor Kibbey is said to have refused the
proffer by President Taft of a position as justice on the bench of the Arizona
Supreme Court.
Richard E. Sloan was inaugurated as governor of Arizona in the executive
chambers of the capitol May 1, 1909, introduced by retiring Governor Kibbey,
who offered his best wishes for a successful administration. Governor Sloan
replied in compliment to his predecessor and particularly spoke of the statehood
that was imminent and the preparation for it that was necessary. John B.
Wright of Tucson, to be attorney-general, was the new governor's first ap-
To the place vacated by Governor Sloan on the bench of the Supreme Court
appointment was made of E. M. Doe of Flagstaff, who was endorsed especially
by Congressman Cameron. Ernest "W. Lewis of Phoenix was made associate
justice to fill the place at Globe made vacant by the resignation of Frederick
Nave, April 1.
Territorial changes were made the easier by reason of the break about that
time between Roosevelt and Taft and the pruning out of the Roosevelt appointees
continued down the line till only a few postmasters remained of all of the old
federal force within Arizona. In due course of time United States Attorney
J. L. B. Alexander and United States Marshal B. F. Daniels, both former Rough
Riders, were dropped and in their places appointment was made, respectively, of
Jos. E. Morrison of Bisbee and Chas. A. Overlock of Douglas. Daniels was made
an Indian agent in Wisconsin, but soon found the new job distasteful, so quit.
The appointments made by Governor Kibbey in March, 1909, included ilul-
ford Winsor as territorial historian. Winsor was a democrat, one of the officers
of the Legislature. The historian idea was his own. When he had secured the
support of a majority of the Legislature, he went to the governor with the infor-
mation that the bill would pass if the appointment went to himself. Governor
Kibbey favored the creation of the office and hence approved the bill, even though
it forced an appointment upon him. The agreement covering the appointment
did not affect Governor Sloan, who, soon after he assumed executive duties,
dropped Winsor and to the place appointed Miss Sharlot M. Hall. The lady for
years had specialized on the subject of Arizona history. She had written much
concerning the pioneer period of the territory and had published a volume of
poetry wherein especially was celebrated the beauty and the romance she found
within the Southwest. Miss Hall continued in office until the date of statehood.
Thereafter the position has been filled by Thos. E. Farish, a pioneer of both
California and Arizona, a democratic leader and a writer of long experience.
Since and including 1886, the following appointments were made to the
Territorial Supreme Court, annexed being the date either of appointment or of
J. C. Shields (C. J.), January 4, 1886; W. W. Porter, January 4, 1886:
W. H. Barnes, January 5, 1886; James H. Wright (C. J.), April 28, 1887;
Jos. H. Kibbey, oath August 19, 1889; Richard E. Sloan, January 13, 1890;
Henry C. Gooding (C. J.), oath May 7, 1890; Edward W. Wells, oath March 5,
1891; A. C. Baker (C. J.), oath May 24, 1893; John J. Hawkins, October 2,
1893 ; Owen T. Rouse; October 2, 1893 ; J. D. Bethune, January 14, 1895 ; H. C.
Truesdale (C. J.), September 4, 1897; Geo. R. Davis, September 4, 1897; Fletcher
M. Doan, September 4, 1897; Richard E. Sloan, September 4, 1897; Webster
Street (C. J.), oath November 15, 1897; Edward Kent (C. J.),' May 28, 1902;
John H. Campbell, March 22, 1905; Eugene A. Tucker, oath April 1, 1905;
Frederick A. Nave, oath November' 17, 1905; Ernest W. Lewis, November 8,
1909 ; Edward M. Doe, November 8, 1909.
Enfranchisement Asked in Earliest Territorial Dajjs — A Constitutional Convention thai
Remonetized Silver — Congressional Inspection — The Joint Statehood Peril — The Con-
stitution and Its Preparation — Taft's Veto of the Recall — Statehood Gained — Terri-
torial Legislators.
There was talk of statehood for Arizona away back in 1872, when Richard
C. McCormick, late governor, was delegate, an office taken as a stepping stone
to a senatorship. Succeeding delegates kept up the agitation, which started
when Arizona was credited with a population of only about 12,000, with very
few payers of taxes.
In 1883, Delegate Grant Oury introduced a bill for the admission to state-
hood of the Territory of Arizona. Several years later Delegate C. C. Bean had
a bill to the same eifect that also died in the committee of territories and there-
after Delegate Marcus A. Smith kept hammering away on the same line till
statehood became rather An obsession on the part of Arizona orators and poli-
ticians. Arizona's demand for enfranchisement resounded from the political
rostrums at every recurring campaign and was found in every party platform.
Delegations of loyal citizens paid their own way to "Washington to argue with
the committees of Congress and, in rare instances, even with Congress itself,
for the statehood bills once in a while were reported out of the committee on
territories. One of the Smith bills, presenting a full constitution, passed the
House of Representatives and went to the Senate in June, 1892, only to die in
committee. The following year, in December, ■^•ith the same favoring political
conditions in the popular branch, Smith's annual statehood bill reached the
Senate in December, to be pocketed once more. That same session Carey of
Utah varied the monotony a bit by a Senate bill for the admission of Arizona,
New Mexico, Oklahoma and Utah and something of this same sort bobbed up in
the Senate the following year. Delegate Oakes Murphy in 1895, without suc-
cess, offered his republican associates a statehood measure, and then, switching
back to the democracy. Smith, again in office, in the 1897 Congress failed in
an effort to pull a bill out of committee. . His democratic successor, J. F. "Wilson,
had no better success on the same line in 1899.
The Legislature of 1889 called a constitutional convention of forty-two mem-
bers, who were to be elected in November, to meet in Phoenix on the first Tues-
day of January, 1890. The constitution framed was to be submitted to the
electors in such manner as the convention might decide. But this movement
seems to have gone little further.
Vol. TI— 4
Arizona's first constitutional convention was a volunteer sort of affair, in
September, 1891, the delegates being elected from all parts of the territory
without regard to political affiliations. A really remarkable body of men as-
sembled in Phojnix, practically every member distinguished for ability or char-
acter (some for both), nearly all with prior legislative experience. They were:
W. A. Rowe, H. N. Alexander, Geo. W. Cheyney, Marshall H. Williams, Marcus
A. Smith, Wm. H. Barnes, Frank Hereford, J. W. Anderson, Alonzo Bailey,
Ben M. Crawford, Thomas Davis, Foster S. Dennis, Thomas Gates, W. A. Hartt,
John Hunt, William Herring, T. C. Jordan, Art McDonald, Thos. G. Norris,
A. M. Patterson, J. F. Wilson. Rowe was elected president and Allen C. Ber-
nard of Tucson was secretary.
The work was finished October 2, 1891, and was submitted to the people
together with an address and argument in its behalf specially prepared by a
committee of seven members. On the whole, the constitution prepared "read
well," though later consideration developed many items that might have devel-
oped serious legal consequences. For instance, while especially claiming natural
streams and lakes as the property of the state and specifically denying the
doctrine of riparian rights, several paragraphs expressly countenanced an
appropriation of water for "sale" or "rental," by corporations or ditch or
reservoir owners, all in contrast with the present just practice of yoking the
water with the land, inseparably.
Just about that time there was much tribulation in the West over the de-
monetization of silver and the single gold standard. Loyally, in keeping with
the spirit of the many stump speeches of the members, there was inserted a
provision that, "The gold and silver coin of the United States shall be equally
a legal tender for all debts and obligations contracted in this state, any con-
tract to the contrary notwithstanding." Owing to the state of the public mind
at the time, this attempted support of contract repudiations and defiance of the
monetary standard set by the nation passed almost without comment at home,
but was not unnoticed when the document went to Congress as a part of a
statehood bill. The constitution was accepted in Arizona by a vote of 5,440
to 2,282.
One of the early statehood conventions met in Phoenix November 27, 1893,
with delegates present from all save Yavapai, Mohave and Coconino counties,
which wanted delay till the succeeding January. Chas. W. Wright of Tucson
was chairman of the organization and Chas. F. Hoff of Tucson, secretary. The
convention adopted resolutions and memorialized Congress on behalf of state-
hood, incidentally giving large praise to Arizona and prophesying much con-
cerning her future. A committee was appointed, headed by Governor Murphy,
to proceed to Washington and lobby for statehood.
A statehood boom was launched in Phoenix October 26, 1901, at a general
territorial gathering, called by Governor Murphy, with 130 representative
citizens present. A. J. Doran of Prescott was made chairman. The meeting
was attended by Governor Miguel Otero of New Mexico and a notable address
was made by Col. J. Francisco Chaves, whose first visit to Arizona had been in
1855 and who, in 1863, participated in the organization of the territorial gov-
ernment. There was selected a delegation to proceed to Washington to lobby
for statehood, including "W. J. Murphy of Phoenix, Wm. C. Greene of San
Pedro, E. B. Gage of Congress, John Lawler of Preseott, John Brockman of
Pearce and Dr. L. W. Mix of Nogales.
The House of Representatives in 1902 passed and sent to the Senate a bill
for the admission of Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, but the measure
still was under discussion when the Senate adjourned in March, 1903. The
Senate opposition was led by Senator Beveridge. A visit was made to New
Mexico and Arizona in 1902 by Senator Beveridge and colleagues of the Sen-
atorial Sub-committee on Statehood. The party spent three days looking over
the territory and at a number of points took some testimony. The chairman
came prepared to see Arizona at its worst. He almost omitted consideration
of the great mining and irrigation enterprises, but took good care not to miss
the gambling and all aspects of urban depravity. He wanted to be informed
particularly about the Indian and Mexican population and he saw the cactus
rather than the alfalfa fields, and the barren hills rather than the mines that
in them lay. He assumed that the territory was under the domination of the
mining corporations. So the report of the committee on its return to Washing-
ton was adverse, unless statehood were taken in combination with New Mexico.
A second committee came in October, 1903, headed by Wm. Randolph
Hearst, composed mainly of democratic statesmen, who made the southwestern
welkin ring with oratory and who found nothing displeasing at any point
visited. In October, 1905, still a third party of investigation, mainly republi-
can, went through the territory, led by Congressman Tawney, particularly
considering the plan of joint statehood. It is told that most of the party started
out with the idea that joint statehood might be a good thing, but that in the
end every member practically was pledged against the proposed plan. It is to
be deplored that some of them, including Tawney, did not keep to this deter-
mination and that they let politics sway them in the final vote.
When there was evolved the compromise measure under which Arizona and
New Mexico were to be made into a state jointly, the news was telegraphed to
the Arizona Legislature by Representative Smith, February 4, 1903. Immedi-
ately was returned an answer declaring Arizona unalterably opposed to the
joint-state plan. Notwithstanding this action a concurrent resolution passed
the council February 27, reciting that Arizona under certain conditions would
be willing to enter statehood jointly with New Mexico. This gave a glorious
opportunity to the Assembly, which repudiated an assumption that it had joined
in the resolution and which advised Congressman Smith that Arizona always
would fight against any policy wherein she might lose her name, identity and
There was a grand melee over statehood in the Congress of 1904, with separate
statehood bills for each of the territories still remaining outside the pale. The
House Committee on Territories, finally, in despair, dropped upon the House
a bill to admit Oklahoma in combination with Indian Territory, and to join
Arizona with New Mexico. This measure Chairman Hamilton managed to drive
through within a few hours, almost without debate, despite the opposition of
Arizona's congressman and that of a number of citizens then in Washington,
working for statehood. Delegate Rodey of New Mexico accepted the compromise
and later became an enthusiastic supporter of joint statehood. In the Senate,
Senatoi' Foraker, who then materialized as a strong friend of Arizona, vdth the
help of Senator Bard, succeeded, though by the narrowest margin, in having the
bill amended to permit each territory to have a voice on the joint proposition.
This amendment the House refused and the bill went into the discard for the
January 20, 1906, Chairman Hamilton reintroduced his bill of the previous
session and succeeded in getting it through the House on the 25th, despite the
agonized cries of the Arizonans, by a vote of 195 to 150. Much was made of the
fact that President Roosevelt, probably through the influence of Senator Beve-
ridge, had been quoted as advocating the joint measure. Then came a giant
struggle in the Senate, where Beveridge still was standing pat on jointure. He
had flooded the Southwest with pamphlets containing his speech of the previous
session on "Arizona the Great," for "Arizona" was to be the name of the
conjoined communities, possibly the most unpalatable section to the New Mex-
icans, who were getting to like the proposition otherwise. Foraker, welcoming
an opportunity to defy the national administration, led again in an attempt to
secure a vote from the communities interested and again succeeded. The bill
went back to the House and was accepted as amended. Then the question was
put siiuarely up to the voters of the two territories, though with a provision that
the election in Arizona be held under the law of two years before, in order
to permit the vote of the Mexicans, who had been disfranchised, to a large extent,
by passage of an educational test bill.
President Roosevelt, brought to view the matter from the Beveridge stand-
point, in a message to Congress, thus stated his ideas :
1 rei'oiiimeml that Indian Tcnitory and Oklahoma be admitted as one state and that New
Me.\i('0 and Arizona be admitted as one state. There is obligation upon us to treat territorial
subdivisions, which are matters of convenience only, as binding us on the question of admission
to statehood. Nothing has taken up more time in Congress during the past few years than
tlie question as to the statehood to be granted to the four territories above mentioned, and after
careful consideration of all that has been developed in the discussions of the question I recom-
mend that they be immediately admitted as two states. There is no justification for further
delay; and the advisability of making four territories into two states has been clearly estab-
lished. In some of tlie territories the legislative assemblies issue licenses for gambling. The
Congress sliould by law forl)i<l this jiractice, the harmful results of which are obvious at a
Despite the attitude of the President, Governor Kibbey and the federal
officials of Arizona still stood firm in their opposition to jointure. Charges were
filed against the governor in this connection, but were dismissed at a glance by
the President, who sustained the independence of the Arizonans. The proposed
joint state would have had a northern line 603 miles long and an area of 262,300
square miles, second only to Texas. The census population of the two states in
1900 was: Arizona, 122.931; New Mexico, 195,310. Arizona had gained 106
per cent in ten years and New Mexico only 27 per cent.
The resultant compaign was a warm one indeed, considering how few in
reality were the joint-statehood supporters in Arizona. There had been a terri-
torial convention, at which had been formed an Anti-Joiat Statehood League,
there had been resolutions of opposition from the Legislature, county boards of
supervisors, city councils, boards of trade, bar associations, women's clubs, the
press association, the miners' association, religious conventions and from a score
of public gatherings. Yet the supporters wired Washington theix fears of elec-
tion corruption. The election was the regular one in November, (|906.' The votes
cast totaled 24,097, of which 3,141 were in the affirmative and 16,265 in the
negative. No less than 4,691 voters failed to vote on the statehood question.
The joint-statehood candidate for Congress, C. F. Ainsworth, received only 508
votes, compared with 11,101 for Smith (dem.) and 8,909 for Cooper (rep.). In
New Mexico the vote stood: for joint statehootl, 26,195; against, 14,735. Thus
there was a gross majority in the negative of all votes cast in both territories.
The near escape from joint statehood had the effect of rather stilling the
clamor for enfranchisement for a year or so thereafter. In the succeeding
national conventions of both great parties there were declarations advocating
statehood for the territories.
President Taft visited xVrizona in October, 1909, and then made public his
sympathy with the aspirations of the Arizonans. But he warned against any
such constitution as that of Oklahoma, which he described as "a zoological gar-
den of cranks." Chairman Hamilton of the House Committee on Territories
introduced a new bill that gave separate statehood to Arizona and New ]\Iexico.
The bill, as finally agreed upon, passed the Senate June 16, 1910, and the House
two days la/ter.
There were celebrations in every town of the two territories, in which old
scores were buried. Even with pleasure was received a telegram from Senator
Beveridge, who sent congratulations and best wishes. Congressman Cameron
and Governor Sloan particularly were honored in the public demonstrations.
That fall the only regular election in Arizona was in the new County of
Greenlee, for all officials elsewhere held over till the date of statehood. On June
27 an apportionment had been made and an election was called, under the old
election law, for the naming of fifty-two delegates to a constitutional convention.
This election, held September 12, showed very clearly the leaning of the voters
of Arizona toward most atTvanced forms of popular government. It resulted
not only in a general democratic sweep, but in a strong endorsement of the
initiative, referendum and recall, against which the voters of the state had been
warned by President Taft. The republicans nominated their strongest men, but
were left in a hopeless minority, with only eleven votes in the convention.
The delegates were: Cochise County, E. E. Ellinwood, Thomas Feeney, John
Bolan, A. F. Parsons, R. B. Sims, P. F. Connelly, E. A. Tovrea, D. L. Cunning-
ham, C. M. Roberts, S. B. Bradner; Coconino, Edward M. Doe, C. 0. Hutchinson;
Gila, Alfred Kinney, G. W. P. Hunt, John Langdon; Graham, Lamar Cobb,
W. T. Webb, Mit Simms, A. M. Tuthill, A. R. Lynch; :Maricopa, J. P. Orme,
A. C. Baker, R. B. Mouer, Orrin Standage, F. A. Jones, Sidney P. Osborn,
Lysander Cassidy, J. E. Crutehfield, Alfred Franklin; Mohave, Henry Lovin;
Navajo, "William JNIorgan, James Scott ; Pima, S. L. Kingan, W. F. Cooper, C. C.
Jaeome, George Pusch, J. C. White; Pinal, Thomas Wills, E. W. Coker; Santa
Cruz, Braeey Curtis; Yuma, Mulford Winsor, Fred Ingraham, E. L. Short;
Yavapai, H. R. Wood, Morris Goldwater, M. G. Cunniff, A. M. Jones, A. A.
Moore, E. W. Wells.
The convention began October 10, the expense of its session, and of the
preceding election, met by an appropriation of $100,000- made by Congress.
Geo. W. P. Hunt at Globe, was made president of the convention. The session
lasted till December 10. It was notable particularly for the efforts made toward
the insertion of radical labor legislation. While much considered beneficial
to labor and incidentally restrictive of the encroachments of capital found
insertion in the Constitution, most of the radical measures proposed eventually
were rejected. Failure met strong efforts made to introduce woman suffrage
and prohibition. Within the document, however, were placed, despite the
efforts of the minority, many "progressive" features borrowed from Oklahoma,
including the initiative, referendum and recall, the last embracing judges, a
feature that had bitterest opposition, .in view of the known position on the sub-
ject by President Taft. Even the cliaplain grew apprehensive and one morn-
ing prayed, "and. Lord, we hope that President Taft will not turn down the
Constitution for a little thing like the initiative and referendum; Lord, don't
let him be so narrow and partisan as to refuse us self-government." But the
recall went into the Constitution by a vote of 38 to 9. The completed document
comprised about 25,000 words. On the last day of the session it was read in its
entirety and adopted by a vote of 40 to 12.
Delegate Langdon of Gila County was the only republican who voted for
the Constitution or who signed the document. Delegate E. E. Ellinwood of
Cochise County and Delegate A. M. Tuthill of Graham County were the only
democrats who refused to sign. The republicans had evolved a scheme for sign-
ing under their names "We disapprove," but this move was blocked by the
democratic majority in ordering that nothing should be placed upon the docu-
ment save the bare names of the members signing and the names of the counties
represented. Delegate E. M. Doe of Coconino County, one of the Federal Dis-
trict judges, protested, demanding his right to sign and at the same time to be
set right with posterity, but Delegate Paraons protested against disfiguring wliat
he termed "the greatest and grandest document since the Declaration of Inde-
pendence." Delegates Orme and Franklin of Maricopa County, who had been
opposed to all radical measures, signed with the majority.
The Constitution repeatedly has been characterized as legislative to a
remarkable degree. The preamble is brief, "We, the people of the State of
Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberty, do ordain this Constitu-
tion." The ordinary features of similar documents generally are followed,
with respect to the designation of the three co-ordinate branches of government,
the boundaries of the state and the outlining of a general olfieial scheme. The
Declaration of Rights begins with an unusual expression: "A recurrence to
fundamental principles is essential to the security of individual rights and the
perpetuity of free government." The National Constitution is acknowledged,
as are the fundamentals of protecting life, liberty and property, free speech
and free publication. No law granting irrevocably any privilege, franchise or
immunity shall be enacted. No religious qualifications shall be required and no
public moneys shall go to any denominational institution. It is significant that
in the habeas corpus paragraph there was failure to enact the whole of the
national provision permitting suspension at times of riot or rebellion. The
military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. The right of an
individual to bear arms shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall
be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain
or employ an armed body of men.
It is provided that the people reserve the power to propose laws and amend-
ments to the Constitution and to enact or reject such laws and amendments at
the polls independently of the Legislature as well as the right to approve or
reject any act of the Legislature. Under the initiative, 10 per cent of the electors
may propose a measure and 15 per cent may propose an amendment to the Con-
stitution. Only 5 per cent of the electors may call for the referendum of any
measure enacted by the Legislature. The governor may not veto initiative or
referendum measures approved by a majority of the electors.
Every public officer (including judges) was made subject to recall upon
the filing of a petition equaling 25 per cent of the number of votes east at the
last preceding general election. Such petition shall not be circulated against
any officer until he has been in office for six months, save that a member of the
Legislature may be proceeded against within five days from the beginning of
the first session after his election. The direct primary law is continued in
In the legislative branch, apportionment is made among the fourteen coun-
ties of a Senate of nineteen members and a House of Representatives of twenty-
five members. Legislators must be 25 years old and have lived in the county
of election at least three years. No person holding any Federal or state office
shall be a member of the Legislature. Legislators shall receive $7 a day and
20 cents mileage. No person holding public office may accept free transpor-
The governor was given a salary of $4,000 per annum, secretary of state
$3,500, auditor $3,000, treasurer $3,000, attorney general $2,500, superintendent
of public instruction $2,500. There was created a Supreme Court of three
judges, each receiving $5,000, and County Superior Court judges at from
$3,000 to $4,000.
Perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured to every inhabitant.
Polygamous marriages are forever prohibited. Prohibition is made forever of
the sale or giving of intoxicating liquors to Indians. All title to United States
land or those of Indian tribes is disclaimed. Assumption is made of all the
debts of the Territory of Arizona and of the several counties. Provision must
be made for the maintenance of public schools, which shall be conducted in
English. No law shall be passed abridging the right of suffrage on account of
race, color or previous condition of servitude. All officers must read, write,
speak and understand the English language.
Secrecy in voting shall be preserved. An elector must be a male citizen,
aged 21 or more, with at least one year's residence in the state. Bond issues
and special assessments shall be submitted to a vote of taxpayers, who shall also
be qualified electors. The Legislature was directed to enact a law providing
for general publicity of all campaign contributions and expenses.
For the purpose of obtaining an advisory vote of the people, the Legislature
shall provide for placing the names of candidates for United States senator on
the official ballot at the general election next preceding the election of a United
States senator.
Exemption from taxation is given all Federal, state, county and municipal
property, together with buildings used exclusively for religious worship, par-
sonages, schools, convents, academies. Christian associations, colleges, universi-
ties, libraries, orphanages, and the property of educational, charitable and
religious associations not organized for profit. Widows are given exemption of
!l>l,(X)0 where the assessment does not exceed $2,000. No county, city or school
district may become indebted more than 4 per cent of its taxable property.
The provisions of the Enabling Act concerning school lands are accepted,
and all lands are to be held in trust, to be disposed of for the benefit of the
state under the terms prescribed. No land shall be sold for less than $3 an acre.
A State Board of Education was created. Schools shall be maintained for
at least six months each year. Provision was made for a permanent state school
fund from the sale of public lands granted by the Nation.
One of the longest sections of the Constitution is that which relates to cor-
porations, for whose government a corporation commission has been provided.
Records of all public service corporations and banks and of all corporations
which may have stock for sale shall be subject to inquisition by the commission.
Bank stockholders shall be held responsible for all debts of their corporation to
the extent of the value of their stock therein, in addition to the amount invested
in such stock. All managers and officers of banks shall be held responsible for
deposits received after knowledge of the fact that their institution is insolvent.
Monopolies and trusts shall not be allowed. The corporation commission has
power to prescribe classifications and rates and may prescribe forms of con-
tracts and systems of keeping accounts. Each corporation doing business in
the state shall pay an annual registration fee. Public service corporations shall
have the right to construct and operate lines connecting any points and to
cross, intersect or connect with any lines of another similar corporation, and
shall exchange ears or messages.
The militia in organization, equipment and discipline shall conform to the
regulations of the United States Army.
The common law doctrine of riparian water rights shall not obtain.
Eight hours and no more shall constitute a lawful day's work on behalf of
the state or any political subdivision thereof. No child under the age of 14
years shall be employed during school time and no child under 16 shall be
employed in mines or in other hazardous occupation. It shall be unlawful to
require of employees of a corporation any contract of release from liability on
account of personal injury. The common law doctrine of fellow servant is for-
ever abrogated. The Legislature was directed to enact an employer's liability
law as well as a workman's compulsory compensation law. Blacklists are pro-
liibited. Only citizens may be employed on public works. The office of mine
inspector was established.
Establishment was made of the office of state examiner, going back to an
office abolished for political reasons. All justices of the peace and constables
in cities or towns shall be paid salaries. No minor under the age of 18 shall
be confined with adult prisoners.
The great seal of Arizona was given more of an agricultural aspect than
possessed by the seal of the territory. The seal of the Supreme Court of the
territory was continued for the state, but upon the seals of the Superior Courts
shall be a vignette of Abraham Lincoln.
When the Constitution was submitted February 9, 1911, it was ratified by
an overwhelming majority, 12,187 votes cast for ratification and 3,302 against^
giving a total vote of 15,489 compared with 27,676 cast in 1908. Immediately
thereafter the opponents of the radical ideas joined with the democracy in a
prayer to Congress for approval.
Standing firmly by his previous expressions. President Taft in August vetoed
the Flood statehood resolution, principally because the Constitution contained
the provision for judicial recall. A later resolution was approved by the Presi-
dent, August 21, upon the condition that the electors of Arizona vote out the
recall at the general fall elections in Arizona and New Mexico. Again was
rejoicing in every community. Governor Sloan issued a proclamation calling
for primaries October 24 and for a general election December 12, these dates
leaving Arizona second to New Mexico in the time of completion of preliminary
details. At the primaries was cast only a light vote. Marcus A. Smith, who
had so long represented Arizona in Congress, and Henry F. Ashurst of Prescott
secured the democratic nominations for the senatorial places, to be opposed by
Congressman Ralph H. Cameron of Flagstaff and H. A. Smith of Bisbee,
republicans. Carl Hayden, sheriff of Maricopa County, won the democratic
nomination for Congress and was opposed by John S. Williams of Tombstone,
republican. Geo. W. P. Hunt of Globe, president of the constitutional conven-
tion, won the democratic election for governor over T. F. Weedin of Florence.
The republican nominee for governor was Judge Ed. W. Wells of Prescott, one
of the earliest pioneers of Northern Arizona. Sidney P. Osborn, a native son,
was nominated by the democrats for secretary of state, opposed by J. F. Cleave-
land of Phoenix, republican.
The first state election proved a democratic landslide, not a single republican
being elected to state office, the pluralities over the republican candidates run-
ning from 500 to 3,500.
The voters perforce yielded to President Taft's demand for the elimination
from the Constitution of the provision allowing recall of judges, though, as
afterwards developed, with a reserved determination to reinstate it.
So, with a golden pen, furnished by Postmaster General Hitchcock, on St.
Valentine's day, February 14, 1912, at the hour of 10 A. M., President Taft
signed the proclamation admitting Arizona to the Union and telegraphed to
Governor Sloan, "congratulating the people of this, our newest commonwealth,
upon the realization of their long-cherished wishes." The proclamation hap-
pened to be issued on the fiftieth anniversary of a similar document signed by
Jefferson Davis, declaring Arizona a territory of the Confederate Union, and
was just ten days short of forty-nine years since the date of an act of Congress
establishing the Territory Of Arizona. Statehood at last had been attained.
Following is a carefully revised list of the members of all the Arizona Terri-
torial Legislatures:
First Legislature, Prescott, September 26 to November 10, 1864.
Council: Mark Aldrieh, Tucson; Coles Bashford (president), Tucson; Henry A. Bigelow,
Weaver; Patrick H. Dunne, Tucson; Robert W. Groom, Groomdale; Geo. W. Leihy, La Paz;
PVanciseo S. Leon, Tucson; Jose M. Eedondo, Arizona City; King S. Woolsey, Agua Fria
House : Nathan B. Appel, Tubac ; Thos. J. Bidwell, Castle Dome ; John M. Boggs, Pres-
cott; Luis G. Bouchet, La Paz; John G. Capron, Tucson; Jesus M. Elias, Tucson; James Garvin,
Prescott; Jas. S. Giles, Prescott; Gregory P. Harte, Tucson; Norman S. Higgins, Cerro
Colorado; Geo. M. Holaday, La Paz; Gilbert W. Hopkins, Maricopa Mine; Henry D. Jackson,
Tucson; W. Claude Jones (speaker), Tucson; Jackson McCracken, Lynx Creek; Daniel H.
Stickney, Cababi; Edvrard D. Tuttle, Mohave City; William Walter, Mohave City.
Second Legislature, Prescott, December 6, 1865.
Council: Mohave, Wm. H. Hardy, Hardyville; Pima, Coles Bashford, Tucson; Patrick
H. Dunne, Tucson; Francisco S. Leon, Tucson; Yavapai, Henry A. Bigelow (president),
Weaver; Robert W. Groom, Groomdale; King S. Woolsey, Agua Fria Ranch; Yuma, Manuel
Ravena, La Paz.
House: Mohave, Octavius D. Gass, Callville; C. W. C. Rowell, Hardyville; Pima, Daniel
H. Stickney, Cababi; Yavapai, Daniel Ellis, Turkey Creek; Jas. S. Giles (speaker), Prescott;
Jackson McCracken, Lynx Creek; Jas. O. Robertson, Big Bug; Yuma, Peter Doll, La Paz; Wm.
K. Heninger, La Paz; Alexander McKey, La Paz. '
Third Legislature, Prescott, October 3, 1866.
Council: Mohave, Wm. H. Hardy, Hardyville; Pah-Ute, Octavius D. Gass (president),
Callville ; Pima, Mark Aldrieh, Tucson ; Henry Jenkins, Tubac ; Mortimer R. Piatt, Tucson ;
Yavapai, Daniel S. Lount, Prescott; John W. Simmons, Prescott; Lewis A. Stevens; Yuma,
Alexander McKey, La Paz.
House: Mohave, Alonzo E. Davis, Hardyville; PahUte, Royal J. Cutler, Mill Point;
Pima, Oscar Buckalew, Calabazas; Solomon W. Chambers, Calabazas; Jas. S. Douglas, Tucson;
Thos. D. Hutton, Huababi; Michael McKenna, Tucson; Wm. J. Osborn, Tubac; Granville
H. Oury (speaker), Tucson; Henry MeC. Ward, Babacomori; Yavapai, Underwood C. Barnett,
Walnut Grove; Daniel Ellis, Postle's Ranch; Wm. S. Little, Prescott; John B. Slack, Turkey
Creek; Hannibal Sypert, Prescott; Yuma, Marcus D. Dobbins, La Paz; Robert F. Piatt,
Planet Mine; -Wm. H. Thomas, Arizona City.
Fourth Legislature, Prescott, September 4, 1867.
Council: / Mohave, Wm. H. Hardy; Pah-Ute, Octavius D. Gass (president) ; Pima, Henry
Jenkins, Mortimer R. Piatt, Daniel H. Stickney; Yavapai, Daniel S. Lount, John W. Simmons,
Lewis A. Stevens; Yuma, Alexander McKey.
House: Mohave, Nathaniel S. Lewis; Pah-Ute, Royal J. Cutler; Pima, John B. Allen,
Underwood C. Barnett, Solomon W. Chambers, Philip Drachman, Francis M. Hodges, Chas.
W. Lewis, Marvin M. Richardson; Yavapai, Edward J. Cook, Allen Cullumber, John T. Dare,
Jas. S. Giles, John H. Matthews, John A. Rush; Yuma, B. W. Hanford, John Henion, Oliver
Lindsey (speaker).
Fifth Legislature, Tucson, December 10, 1868.
Council: Mohave and Pah-Ute, Octavius D. Gass (Mohave); Pima, Henry Jenkins,
Alexander ilcKey, Estevan Ochoa, Daniel H. Stickney; Yavapai, John T. Alsap (president),
John G. Campbell, F. M. Chapman; Yuma, Joseph K. Hooper.
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House: Mohave, U. C. Doolittle; Pah-Ute, Andrew S. Gibbons; Pima, John Anderson,
Sol. W. Chambers, Robert M. Crandal, Jesus M. Elias, Francis H. Goodwin, John Owen, Hiram
8. Stevens; Yavapai, Thos. W. Brooks, FoUett G. Christie, Wm. S. Little, E. Lumbley, John
Smith, G. E. Wilson; Yuma, Thos. J. Bidwell (speaker), Oliver Lindsey, Jas. P. Lugenbul.
Sixth Legislature, Tucson, January 11, 1871.
Council: Pima, Francisco S. Leon, Estevan Ochoa, Hiram S. Stevens, Daniel H. Stickney
(president); Yavapai, John T. Alsap, Harley H. Carter, Andrew J. Marmaduke; Yuma, John
H. Phillips. President Stickney died during the session and was succeeded by Carter.
House: Pima, J. W. Anderson, Juan Elias, W. L. Fowler, F. H. Goodwin, William Morgan,
Bamon E'omano, Rees Smith; Yavapai, J. H. Fitzgerald, Joseph Melvin, Jas. L. Mercer, Wm.
J. O'Neill, John L. Taylor, G. A. Wilson; Yuma, Thos. J. Bidwell, C. H. Brinley, Marcus D.
Dobbins (speaker).
Seventh Legislature, Tucson, January 6, 1873.
Council: Pima, Mark Aldrich, Juan Elias, Levi Ruggles, H. S. Stevens; Yavapai, J. P.
Hargrave (president), A. O. Noyes; Yavapai and Maricopa, King S. Woolsey, Maricopa;
Yuma, Thos. J. Bidwell; Yuma and Mohave, W. J. Henning.
House: Maricopa, Granville H. Oury (speaker); Pima, John B. Allen (also territorial
treasurer), Wm. C. Davis, Lionel M. Jacobs, F. M. Larkin, John Montgomery, John Smith,
John W. Sweeney, J. S. Vosberg; Yavapai, John H. Behan, WUliam Cole, Fred Henry, Thomas
Stonehouse, Henry Wickenburg; Yuma, C. H. Brinley, J. M. Redondo, C. W. C. Rowell; Yuma
and Mohave, George Gleason.
Eighth Legislature, Tucson, January 4, 1875.
Council: Maricopa, King S. Woolsey (president); Mohave, Ed. E. Davis; Pima, Peter
B.Brady, Sidney R. DeLong, William Zeckendorf; Yavapai, John G. Campbell (later delegate
to Congress), J. P. Hargrave, L. S. Stevens; Yuma, J. M. Redondo.
House: Maricopa, John P. Alsap (speaker), Granville H. Oury (later delegate to Con-
gress) ; Mohave, S. W. Wood; Pima, S. H. Drachman, J. M. Elias, F. M. Griffin, John Mont-
gomery, Alphonso Eickman, Geo. H. Stevens; Yavapai, Levi Bashford, Gideon Brooke, C. P.
Head, A. L. Moeller, W. J. O'Neill, Hugo Richards; Yuma, H. Goldberg, R. B. Kelley,
Samuel Purdy.
Ninth Legislature, Tucson, January 1, 1877.
Council: Maricopa, King S. Woolsey (president) ; Pima, F. H. Cfoodman, Fred G. Hughes;
Pinal, Levi Ruggles; Yavapai, Geo. D. Kendall, Andrew L. Moeller, John A. Rush, Lewis A.
Stevens; Yuma, J. M. Eedondo.
House: Maricopa, M. H. Calderwood (speaker), J. A. Parker; Mohave, Jas. P. Bull;
Pima, D. A. Bennett, Estevan Ochoa, William Ohnesorgen, Mariano G. Samaniego, Geo. H.
Stevens; Pinal, George Scott; Yavapai, C. B. Foster, G. Hathaway, Wm. S. Head, W. W.
Hutchinson, John H. Marion, S. C. Miller, Ed. G. Peck, Hugo Richards; Yuma, J. W.
Tenth Legislature, Prescott, January 6, 1879.
Council: Maricopa, E. H. Gray; Pima, F. G. Hughes (president), J. M. Kirkpatrick;
Pinal, P. Thomas; Yavapai, C. C. Bean, W. S. Head, W. A. Rowe, E. W. Wells; Yuma, F. D.
House: Maricopa, John T. Alsap, J. D. Rumberg; Mohave, John H. Behan; Pima,
A. E. Pay, C. P. Leitch, James Speedy, M. W. Stewart (speaker), Walter L. Vail; Pinal,
W. K. Meade; Yavapai, W. M. Buffum, John Davis, Thomas Fitch, Patrick Hamilton, P.
McAteer, E. R. Nichols, J. A. Park, James Stinson ; Yuma, Samuel Purdy.
Eleventh Legislature, Prescott, January 3, 1881.
Council : Apache, S. Barth ; Maricopa, A. C. Baker, E. S. Thomas ; Mohave, A. Cornwall ;
Pima, B. A. Fickas, B. H. Hereford, W. K. Meade, H. G. Rollins, Geo. H. Stevens; Pinal,
J. W. Anderson; Yavapai, M. Masterson (president) ; Yuma, J. W. Dorrington.
House: Apache, J. Barton, G. K. York; Maricopa, P. J. Bolan, J. B. McCormack, N.
Sharp; Mohave, X). Southworth; Pima, Thomas Dunbar, E. B. Gifford, John Haynes, M. K.
Lurty, John McCafferty, J. K. Eodgers, John Eoman, M. G. Samaniego, E. H. Smith, M. S.
Snyder, H. M. Woods; Pinal, A. J. Doran, D. Kobb; Yavapai, Geo. E. Brown, E. B. Steadman,
L. WoUenberg; Yuma, J. F. Knapp (speaker), G. W. Korton.
Twelfth Legislature, Prescott, January 8, 1883.
Council: Apache, H. E. Lacy; Cochise, E. H. Wiley (president); Cochise and Graham,
P. J. Bolan; Maricopa, A. D. Lemon; Mohave and Yuma, L. 8. Welton; Pima, F. G. Hughes,
J. F. Knapp; Pinal and Pima, J. W. Davis; Yavapai, F. K. Ainsworth, M. Goldwater, Murat
Masterson, E. W. Wells.
House: Apache, C. A. Franklin; Cochise, J. F. Duncan, W. H. Savage, D. K. Wardwell;
GUa, William Graves; Maricopa, J. P. Hokomb, S. F. Webb; Mohave and Yuma, L. J. Lassell
(Mohave), J. W. Dorrington (Yuma) ; Pima, B. C. Brown, J. H. Fawcett,,E. B. Giflford, Moye
Wicks; Pinal and Pima, J. W. Anderson (Pinal) ; Yavapai, A. Allen, R. Connell, John Ellis,
E. H. Gobin, R. McCallum, C. A. Randall, W. A. Eowe (speaker), Charles Taylor.
Thirteenth Legislature, Prescott, January, 1885.
Council: Apache, E. S. Stover; Cochise, W. A. Harwood; Gila, Alonzo Bailey; Graham,
W. G. Bridewell; Maricopa, E. B. Todd; Mohave, John Howell; Pima, E. N. Leatherwood;
Pinal, Thomas Weedin; Yavapai, W. G. Stewart; Yuma, J. W. Dorrington; Northern District,
F. K. Ainsworth (president) ; Southern District, C. C. Stephens.
House: Apache, J. D. Houck, Luther Martin; Cochise, W. F. Frame, T. T. Hunter, W. F.
Nichols, Hugh Percy, D. K. Wardwell; Gila, W. C. Watkins; Graham, James Sias; Maricopa,
J. S. Armstrong, DeForest Porter; Mohave, William Imus; Pima, E. W. Aram, G. W. Brown,
S. M. Franklin, E. W. Eisley, H. G. Eollins (speaker); PinaJ, Levi Euggles; Yavapai, D. J.
Brannen, J. A. Brown, K. Connell, L. P. Nash, W. H. Bobbins; Yuma, Sam Purdy.
Fourteenth IjCgislature, Prescott, January, 1887.
Council: Apache, J. H. Breed; Cochise, L. W. Blinn; GUa, P. C. Robertson; Graham,
Geo. H. Stevens; Maricopa, L. H. Goodrich; Mohave, E. L. Burdick; Pima, Chas. R. Drake;
Pinal, J. W. Anderson; Yavapai, C. B. Foster; Yuma, Isaac Lyons; Northern District, A.
Cornwall (president) ; Southern District, W. C. Watkins.
Mouse: Apache, James Scott, J. Q. Adamson; Cochise, J. M. BraceweU, M. Gray, F. W.
Heyne, B. L. Peel, Scott White; Gila, E. J. TrippeU; Graham, D. H. Ming; Maricopa, J. Y. T.
Smith, Sam F. Webb (speaker) ; Mohave, P. F. Collins; Pima, A. A. Bean, R. N. Leatherwood,
A. McKay, J. B. Scott, C. E. Wores; Pinal, A. J. Doran; Yavapai, H. T. Andrews, W. H.
Ashurst, O. C. Felton, J. J. Fisher, A. G. Oliver; Yuma, Charles Baker.
Fifteenth Legislature, Prescott and Phoenix, January, 1889. '
Council: Apache, E. J. Simpson; Cochise, Geo. W. Cheyney; Gila, G. T. Peter; Graham,
Burt Dunlap; Maricopa, S. F. Webb; Mohave, W. H. Hardy; Pima, Chas. B. Drake (president) ;
Pinal, E. E. Sloan; Yavapai, J. M. W. Moore; Yuma, J. W. Dorrington; Northern District,
L. H. Orme; Southern District, G. W. Hoadley.
House : Apache, Charles Flinn, J. A. Johnson ; Cochise, Geo. H. Dailey, Grant Hicks,
John O. Bobbins, J. O. Stanford, Alex. Wright; Gila, J. C. Jones; Graham, Geo. H. Stevens;
Maricopa, T. C. Jordan, J. Y. T. Smith (speaker); Mohave, Thomas Halleck; Pima, J. J. jfl ' Q
Chatham, Louis Martin, J. S. O 'Brien, H. B. Tenney, H. D. Underwood ;V?aViIpai, C D.~^roWD, ''^
J. L. Fisher, J. V. Etoades, F. L. Rogers, Geo. P. Thornton; Yuma, Samuel Purdy.
Sixteenth Legislature, Phoenix, January, 1891.
Council: Apache, E. J. Simpson; Cochise, J. V. Vickers; GUa, G. T. Peter; Graham,
P. M. Thurmond; Maricopa, C. M. Zulick; Mohave, F. S. Dennis; Pima, F. G. Hughes (presi-
dent) ; Pinal, A. J. Doran; Yavapai, J. C. Herndon; Yuma, A. Frank; Northern District,
Harris Baldwin; Southern District, P. R. Brady.
House: Apache, Frank Hart, J. T. Lesueur; Cochise, S. M. Burr, C. S. Clark (speaker),
Thomas Dunbar, F. W. Heyne, J. H. Tevis; GUa, R. B. Moore; Graham, D. Gough; Maricopa,
L. H. Chalmers, T. E. Parish; Mohave, M. C. Copeland; Pima, Thomas Driscoll, Gus A. Hoff,
Georgo Pusch, M. G. Samaniego, C. C. Suter; Pinal, J. B. Allen; Yavapai, J. W. Dougherty,
J. J. Fisher, M. A. Freeze, S. C. Mott, J. A. Vail ; Yuma, 0. H. Brinley.
Seventeenth Legislature, Phoenix. January, 1893.
Council: Apache, J. A. Hubbell; Cochise, Geo. W. C'heyney; Coconino, P. E. Nellis; Gila,
E. J. Edwards; Graham, C. M. Shannon; Maricopa, W. T. Smith; Mohave, P. S. Dennis; Pima,
W. M. Lovell; Pinal, A. J. Doran; Yavapai, J. J. Hawkins; Yuma, M. J. Nugent; at large,
T. G. Norris (president).
House: Apache, B. C. Dryden, Luther Martin; Cochise, M. Gray, James Beilley, A. C.
Wright; Coconino, H. D. Ross; Gila, G. W. P. Hunt; Graham, A. D. Brewer, George Skinner;
Maricopa, Frank Baxter (speaker), M. E. Hurley, J. A. Marshall, H. C. Rogers; Mohave,
David Southwick; Pima, .1. W. Bruce, R. N. Leatherwood, Charles Mehan, C. F. Schumaker;
Pinal, W. T. Day, T. C. Graham; Yavapai, S. P. Behan, D. A. Bourke, J. D. Cook; Y^ima,
D. M. Field.
Eighteenth Legislature, Phoenix, .January, 1895.
Council: Apache, F. T. Aspinwall; Cochise, B. A. Packard; Coconino, E. J. Babbitt;
Gila, E. J. Edwards; Graham, Bert Dunlap; Maricopa, Henry E. Kemp; Mohave, W. M. Lake;
Pima, L. B. Scott; Pinal, Thomas Davis; Yavapai, John S. Jones; Yuma, M. J. Nugent; at
large, A. J. Doran (president).
House: Apache, Will C. Barnes, Geo. H. Crosby; Cochise, C. L. Cummings, H. C. Her-
rick, A. C. Wright; Coconino, E. F. Greenlaw; Gila, G. W. P. Hunt; Graham, Joseph Fish,
Geo. W. Skinner; Mai'icopa, A. E. Hinton, J. A. Marshall, Niels Peterson, Perry Wildman ;
Mohave, O. D. M. Gadilis; Pima, N. W. Bernard, H. K. Chenoweth, James Finley, M. G.
Samaniego; Pinal, Thos. E. Baker, M. B. Moore; Yavapai, Thos. H. Brown, G. W. Hull, J. C.
Martin; Yuma, ,T. H. Carpenter (speaker).
Nineteenth Legislature. Phoenix, January 18, 1897.
Council: Apache, Sol Barth ; Cochise, B. A. Packard; Coconino, A. A. Button; Gila, G.
W. P. Hunt; Graham, D. H. Ming; Maricopa, C. B. Hakes; Mohave, W. H. Lake; Navajo,
F. T. Aspinwall; Pima, Fred G. Hughes (president); Pinal, P. B. Brady; Yavapai, John W.
Norton; Yuma, J. H. Carpenter.
House: Apache, J. B. Patterson; Cochise, J. N. Jones, J. J. Riggs, William Speed;
Coconino, H. F. Ashurst ; Gila, Leroy Ikenberry ; Graham, J. K. Rogers, G. W. Skinner ;
Maricopa, A. Goldberg, J. C. Goodwin, P. P. Parker, J. W. Woolf ; Mohave, L. Cowan ; Navajo,
J. N. Smith; Pima, A. C. Bernard, D. G. Chalmers (speaker). J. B. Finley, A. J. Preston;
Pinal, C. P. Mason, C. D. E'eppy; Yavapai, G. W. Hull, W. J. Mulvenon, D. J. Warren; Yuma,
H. Hale.
Twentieth Legislature, Phoenix, January 16, 1899.
Council: Apache, D. K. Udall; Cochise, Chas. C. Warner; Coconino, T. S. Bunch; Gila,
6. W. P. Hunt ; Graham, Geo. A. Olney ; Maricopa, Aaron Goldberg ; Mohave, J. M. Murphy ;
Navajo, Geo. A. Wolff; Pima, J. B. Finley; Pinal, Dr. A. C. Wright; Yavapai, Morris Gold-
water (president) ; Yuma, J. H.'^ Carpenter.
Hou-se: Apache, N. Gonzales; Cochise, Henry Etz, Mike Gray, H. M. Woods; Coconino,
Henry F. Ashurst (speaker); Gila, John C. Evans; Graham, W. W. Pace, E. JM. Williams;
Maricopa, J. W. Benham, Sam Brown, Chas. Peterson, Winfield Scott; Mohave, William Imus;
Navajo, W. A. Parr; Pima, Alfred S. Donau, Otis Hale, George Pusch, F. A. Stevens; Pinal,
Jas. E. Arthur, S. A. Bartleson; Yavapai, W. S. Adams, A. A. Moore, J. J. Sanders; Yuma,
John Doan.
Twenty-first Legislature, Phoenix, .January 21, 1901.
Council: Apache, E. S. Perkins; Cochise, C. C. Warner; Coconino, M. J. Riordan ; Gila,
Dr. S. B. Claypool ; Graham, Chas. M. Shannon ; Maricopa, J. M. Ford ; Mohave, M. G. Burns ;
Navajo, Colin Campbell; Pima and Santa Cruz, J. B. Finley; Pinal, Geo. P. Blair; Yavapai,
Henry T. Andrews; Yuma, Eugene S. Ives (president).
House: Apache, Richard Gibbons; Cochise, Michael Gray, Stephen Eoemer, H. M. Woods;
Coconino, James Walsh ; Gila, C. L. Houston ; Graham, E. T. Ijams, Andrew Kimball ; Maricopa,
B. A. Fowler, J. P. Ivy, P. P. Parker (speaker), Charles Peterson; Mohave, Kean St. Charles;
Navajo, W. J. Morgan; Pima, Sam Y. Barkley, A. C. Bernard, Joseph Corbett; Pinal, Alex
Barker, William Beard; Santa Cruz, A. H. Noon; Yavapai, T. B. Campbell, L. Geer, F. B.
Ward; Yuma, Jesse Crouch.
Twenty-second Legislature, Phoenix, January 19, 1903.
Council: Apache, Heber J. Jarvis; Cochise, B. A. Packard; Coconino, H. F. Ashurst;
Gila, A. H. Morehead; Graham, H. B. Eice; Maricopa, Jos. H. Kibbey; Mohave, Dr. B.
Whitesides; Navajo, J. H. Woods; Pima and Santa Cruz, Joseph Corbett; Pinal, E. W.
Childs; Yavapai, J. W. Burson; Yuma, Eugene S. Ives (president).
House: Apache, N. Gonzales; Cochise, James Howell, M. O'Connell; Steve Eoemer;
Coconino, John H. Page; GOa, Jos. B. Henry; Graham, W. E'. Webb, Gus Williams; Maricopa,
G. U. Collins, John D. Marlar, T. T. Powers (speaker), J. W. Woolf; Mohave, Kean St
Charles; Navajo, W. A. Parr; Pima, N.W. Bernard, L. O. Cowan, M. Lamont; Pinal, L. C.
Herr, P. A. Schilling; Santa Cruz, Bo J. Whiteside; Yavapai, Lucius E. Barrow; T. J.
Morrison, W. A. Rowe; Yuma, F. 8. Ingalls.
Twenty-third Legislature, Phoenix, January 16, 1905.
Council: Apache, Alfred Euiz; Cochise, Steve Eoemer; Coconino, John H. Page; Gila,
G. W. P. Hunt (president) ; Graham, H. B. Eice; Maricopa, Jas. E. Bark; Mohave, J. E. Perry;
Navajo, Benjamin Downs; Pima and Santa Cruz, N. W. Bernard; Pinal, Chas. H. Cutting;
Yavapai, E. N. Looney; Yuma, M. J. Nugent.
House: Apache, J. B. Patterson; Cochise, Neill E. Bailey, WUliam Neville, Charles Strong;
Coconino, Charles Neal; Gila, Samuel A. Haught; Graham, Lamar Cobb, Jr., Wilfred T. Webb
(speaker) ; Maricopa, L. E. Krueger, Watson Pickrell, J. H. Pomeroy, M. A. Stanford; Mohave,
P. F. Collins; Navajo, Q. E. Gardiner; Pima, L. G. Davis, H. C. Kennedy, Thos. F. Wilson;
Pinal, Alexander Barker, J. G. Keating; Santa Cruz, L. E. Bristol; Yavapai, Leroy S. Ander-
son, G. W. Hull, M. A. Perkins; Yuma, W. F. Timmons.
Twenty-fourth Legislature, Phoenix, January 21, 1907.
Council: Apache, John T. Hogue; Cochise, Stephen Eoemer; Coconino, H. C. Lockett;
Gila, G. W. P. Hunt; Graham, J. F. Qeaveland; Maricopa, E. B. O'Neill; Mohave, W. G.
Blakely; Navajo, Eobert Scott; Pima and Santa Cruz, E. M. Dickernian; Pinal, Thos. F.
Weedin; Yavapai, A. J. Doran (president); Yuma, Donald Mclntyre.
House: Apache, S. E. Day; Cochise, N. E. Bailey (speaker), Owen Murphy, John
Slaughter; Coconino, L. S. Williams; Gila, John McCormick; Graham, J. E. Hampton, W. W.
Pace; Maricopa, W. D. Bell, E. C. Bunch, J. W. Crenshaw, William Wallace; Mohave, C. G.
Krook; Navajo, William Morgan; Pima, A. Bail, A. V. (crosetta, David Morgan; Pinal, J. I.
Coleman, Nott E. Guild; Santa Cruz, B. J. Whiteside; Yavapai, D. A. Burke, E. N. Davidson,
Geo. W. Hull; Yuma, J. D. Martin.
Twenty-fifth Legislature, Phoenix, January 18, 1909.
Council: Apache, S. E. Day; Cochise, Ben Goodrich; Coconino, F. S. Breen; Gila, G. W.
P.Hunt (president); Graham, John R. Hampton; Maricopa, E. Brady O'Neill; Mohave, Kean
St. Charles; Navajo, William Morgan; Pima and Santa Cruz, J. B. Finley; Pinal, Thos. F.
Weedin; Yavapai, M. G. Burns; Yuma, Geo. W. Norton.
House: Apache, J. S. Gibbons; Cochise, Neill E. Bailey, Oscar W. Eoberts, Fred A.
Sutter; Coconino, Thos. J. Coalter; Gila, John McCormick; Graham, Phil C. Merrill, W. W.
Pace; Maricopa, Frank deSousa, J. D. Reed, Sam F. Webb (speaker), J. W. Woolf; Mohave,
S. W. Toby; Navajo, Joseph Peterson; Pima, John Doan, W. J. Hogwood, Kirke T. Moore;
Pinal, J. S. Bourne, C. L. Shaw; Santa Cruz, Frank J. Duffy; Yavapai, G. A. Bray, Perry
Hall; Geo. D. Morris; Yuma, E. A. Hightower.
Jeffersonian Sfmp/ici(X) Marked ihe Inauguration of Governor Hunt — Perpetual Legis-
latures and Many Referendum Submissions — The Governor's Opposition to Capital
Punishment — HoVf Delay Affected the Federal Judgeship — Popular Election of Sen-
On the date of statehood inauguration, February 14, 1912, Arizona passed
into the southern group of states, not only democratic in political alignment,
but keenly receptive of all the novel ideas of the time in respect to popular
government. In the Constitution and in the trend of subsequent legislation
greater power of direct control and of oiBcial review has been taken by the
people at large than is known in almost any other state of the Union. Today
is much too early to tell the result, but it may be said that while a strong
majority stands firmly by the so-called "progressive" ideas, these ideas in
practice have proved a bit cumbersome and far more expensive than the former
more centralized system.
It is usual for a new state to adopt a special title by which it may in affec-
tion be known by at least its own citizenship. This name for Arizona is still
unehosen. "Valentine State" would have to be shared with Oregon, which
has the same birthday. The "Land of Sunshine and Silver" once was appro-
priate, but hardly now, for New Mexico wants to be known as the "Land of
Sunshine," and silver no longer is the predominant mineral product. "Sun-
Kissed Land" is a good title, and is that of Arizona's official song, but goes
little further. "Baby State" is without dignity. Today possibly the best
appellation would be "The Copper State," as Nevada lays claim to silver and
California to gold, but the name that wiU endure is yet to be found.
The day of statehood had been proclaimed by Governor Sloan a holiday,
under the title of "Admission Day." Telegraphic word of the signing of the
proclamation had been received during the morning. Governor-elect Hunt
had made declaration that he wanted a simple inauguration. This he had.
Refusing proffered automobiles or even a street car, he walked from his hotel
to the capitol, a distance of over a mile, followed by a long train of dusty and
perspiring political friends. The incoming party proceeded directly to a
speaker's stand provided within the front portico of the capitol. In front
of the capitol had gathered possibly a thousand auditors, among them Wm.
Jenuings Bryan, later the Nation's Secretary of State. No uniforms were in
evidence and there was no military escort.
In Governor Hunt's inaugural address he pledged his support of the pro-
gressive provisions of the Arizona Constitution and stated his belief that the
Constitution would amply vindicate the claims of its champions and "be a
beacon light to those states and lands and peoples -where the seed of popular
government has been sown but has not brought forth fruit."
Governor Geo. W. P. Hunt, born in Missouri in 1859, has been a resident
of Arizona since 1881, when he walked into Globe, driving a burro. He showed
a high degree of business and political ability, advancing gradually from clerk
to president of the town's largest mercantile establishment and soon was fill-
ing important offices of the county and territorial governments. For years he
was sent from Gila County to the Legislature, serving in the Eighteenth, Nine-
teenth, Twentieth', Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth sessions,
elected president of the council in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth sessions.
He was president of the Constitutional Convention and was one of the strongest
forces in the work of enacting popular legislation. A student of political
economy and of such large legislative experience, he has been remarkably
successful in securing adoption of his ideas.
Throughout his service as governor, Mr. Hunt especially has shown his devo-
tion to humanitarian ideals. He has sought to place the penitentiary inmates
on the road to reform, occasionally with but poor success, and, fighting per-
sistently, has managed to almost nullify the law permitting capital punishment
for the crime of murder. During his administration to date there has been
only one execution at the state penitentiary- and that over his protest. His
leaning on the side of mercy has not had legislative or popular support. The
Legislature has taken from the governor the power of pardon and parole and
in this action has been sustained by the courts and by a referendum vote of tlie
The other elected officers installed at the time of statehood were: Sidney
P. Osborn, seci-etary of state ; J. C. Callaghan, state auditor ; D. P. Johnson,
state treasurer; C. 0. Case, superintendent of public instruction; W. P. Geary,
P. A. Jones and A. W. Cole, corporation commissioners; Alfred Pranklin,
chief justice; D. L. Cunningham and H. D. Ross, associate justices. u>U^^'t*»w(y^ ^."^
Soon after the advent of the national democratic administration, republican
offices began to pass into democratic hands. A number of hold-overs, especially
among the postmasters, stayed until the expiration of their terms, but several
who were appointed in the last daj's of the Taft administration were peremp-
torily dropped from the payrolls. One of these was United States Marshal
Chas. A. Overlook, who had been in office since December 1, 1909, and who had
been reappointed on the day of statehood. United States Attorney J. E. Mor-
rison gracefully resigned about the same time. As successor to Overlock was
appointed Jos. P. Dillon and for the attorney's office was chosen Thos. A.
Flynn, who had been an associate in law of Senator Ashurst. Lewis T. Car-
penter became 'collector of internal revenue for the Arizona-New Mexico dis-
trict, the office being moved from Santa Pe to Pha;nix. Thos. R. Weedin of
Florence and John J. Birdno of Safford, respectively, w-ere made register and
receiver of the United States land office at Phoenix.
^K ^
Arizona's first governor under statehood
It had been well known that President Taft had settled upon Governor
Sloan to be the first United States judge in the state of Arizona. The nomina-
tion was duly made, but its confirmation was held up by the opposition of the
two Arizona senators, apparently on the basis of charges, but in reality to
secure delay till a democratic president should be in the chair — a political
prophecy generally considered well based. Though endorsement was given by
the Arizona Bar Associatio)i, the nominee, representing political ideas very
widely at variance with those that had been so warmly embraced in Arizona,
became the target of one of the worst of the attacks that have been so common
in Arizona's political hfstory. One set of charges even was printed in an
eastern magazine of large circulation, which, after suit for libel had been insti-
tuted, retracted and apologized and paid substantial damages. Judge Sloan
was given an ad interim appointment in August, following the adjournment
of Congress, but this could last only till the end of the presidential term. In
the December session of Congress few republican confirmations were made.
So, with the retirement of President Taft, Judge Sloan left the Arizona bench
after long years of service. Judge Wm. M. Morrow of California and other
federal judges filled in the periods of vacancy in the local judgship, to which
in August, 1913, finally was appointed W. H. Sawtelle of Tucson. At first the
court sessions were confined to Phoenix, but later authority gave sessions to
other cities.
Under the territorial form of government, legal jurisdiction, above the
justices and Probate Courts, was vested in District Courts, each presided over
by a justice of the Territorial Supreme Court, a presidential appointee. An
early Legislature tried the experiment of County Courts, but they had short
life, the creating act proving defective.
Under statehood Superior (County) Courts were established, embracing
probate functions, and over them a Supreme Court of three members. The
personnel of this court has not been changed in two elections. Judge Alfred
Franklin (son of the late Governor Franklin) first served as chief justice, a
distinction that went to Judge Henry D. Ross in 1914.
The first state Legislature of Arizona convened March 18, 1912. As presi-
dent of the Senate was chosen M. G. Cunniff of Yavapai County, who had been
chairman of the Committee on Revision and Style in the Constitutional Con-
vention, and who had had much to do with the character of the document
evolved. The most important part of the work comprised drafting laws in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, furnishing some excuse for
the unprecedented and seemingly unnecessary length of time consumed by
the body, at very great expense to the taxpayers.
A few days after the beginning of the session was performed an interesting
duty, the formal election of Marcus A. Smith and Henry Ashurst as senators
from Arizona, following out the expressed wiU of the people and at the same
time deferring to the Constitution of the United States. It is worthy of notice
that in the Arizona Senate, Smith's nomination was made by none other than
John T. Hughes of Pima County (son of the former governor), thus burying
a hatchet that had been much in evidence for many years between his family
and the senator-elect. The Legislature passed a very drastic miners' lien law,
provided an inheritance tax, and possibly trespassed upon the powers of Com-
gress in providing that aliens who cannot become citizens shall not hold real
property, giving those in possession of such property five years in which to dis-
pose of it. There was a continuation of the anti-corporation legislation, includ-
ing five laws for the regulation of railroads, in such matters as electric head-
lights, the length of trains, etc.
Much remained to be done at the expiration of the session's time limitation
on May 18, and a special session convened May 23 to adjourn June 22, still
with much undone in the way of putting into effect the mandates of the Consti-
A special session of the First Legislature was called by Governor Hunt^
commencing February 3, 1913. The message, which was of seventy-five para-
graphs, outlined a broad field of work and especially named fifty-seven statutes
for possible amendment.
At the special session H. H. Linney was elected speaker of the House, Sam
B. Bradner being deposed on the ostensible ground that he had forfeited right
to membership in the Legislature by accepting appointment as secretary of
the Arizona Live Stock Sanitary Board. Gunniff was retained as president of
the council. Still a third special session, the fourth session in about a year,
had to be convened April 14, because no appropriation bill had been passed
and work had not been finished on the civil code. There had been passed a
criminal code, but it had been vetoed by Governor Hunt because it did not
conform with his peculiar ideas with reference to the pardoning power. The
governor in his call again gave this special session a large amount of leeway,
including no less than sixty-two items on which legislation was recommended.
The act creating a board of pardons and reprieves was directly leveled at
Governor Hunt's prison policies and his known antagonism to capital punish-
ment. It provided that all pardons and reprieves should be granted by him
only upon recommendation of a board not of his own appointment. In the
state penitentiary were a dozen murderers who had been reprieved repeatedly
by the governor, pending possible approval of his policies by the people and
courts. Final appeal to the courts gave no comfort to the executive, for the
Supreme Court of Arizona, in April, 1915, approved a decision of the Superior
Court of Pinal County declaring the board a legally constituted body.
At Tucson, June 3, 1912, came a decisive split in the republican party. The
two counties of largest voting strength, Maricopa and Cochise, had aligned
with Roosevelt. Yet, with a favoring chairman's aid, both were claimed for
Taft. So the Roosevelt supporters, with former Governor Kibbey leading, had
a separate convention, to nominate a delegation that was thrown out at Chicago.
The real strength of the two republican divisions in Arizona was better shown
at the fall election. The democratic primaries showed a preference for Champ
Clark, with Bryan and "Wilson following.
The election of November 5, 1912, resulted in the demonstration of a solid
and unshakable democratic plurality. The democratic electors led in nearly
all counties and were given a total vote of 10,324. Roosevelt, progressive,
received 6,949, and Debs, socialist, 3,163 votes, leading Taft, republican, who
United States Senator from Arizona
had only 3,021. Chafin, the prohibition candidate, received 265. In the pre-
ceding primary election, held September 10, the total vot« had been only 7,267,
with the democrats easting 3,867.
Arizona's first presidential electors were WiU T. Webb of Graham County,
John R. Hampton of Greenlee County and Mrs. Pauline O'Neill of Maricopa
County. Webb tarried long in St. Louis, where later he was married, and
got to Washington too late with the ballots, but no objection was made to their
inclusion within the Wilson strength.
At the election of 1912 were submitted a number of constitutional amend-
ments and referred bills, nearly all of them with party support from the
democracy. The recall of judges, which had been stricken from the Constitu-
tion as a prerequisite to statehood was re-enacted by the overwhelming vote of
16,272 to 3,491.
Woman suffrage was enacted by an unexpectedly large majority, the vote
standing 13,452 to 6,202. The electors also granted the state power to engage
in industrial pursuits.
A bias against corporations manifested in the First State Legislature led
to the passage of a 3-eent fare bill. This was taken to the people for a refer-
endum vote and the corporations again were downed. Thereafter, in consider-
ing a judgment of alleged illegal charges made by a Tucson public utilities
corporation, the Supreme Court of Arizona decided that the Legislature had
no powers in such eases and that service charges made by such corporations
could be fixed only by the Corporation Commission. Thus an act of the Legis-
lature and the voice of the people at the polls both were declared unconstitu-
tional. The 3-cent-fare case still was pending before the commission over a
year later.
There had been a Supreme Court decision to the effect that state officials,
who had believed themselves elected for only a short year, would hold over
tiU the end of 1914. This narrowed the political struggle of the fall time.
Carl Hay-den, democrat, who was serving under a national tenure of office, was
re-elected congressman, over Robert S. Fisher, progressive, and Thomas Camp-
bell, republican.
In 1913 there was much legislative talk about the governor's attitude toward
criminals and there was even an investigation of conditions at the prison, with
testimony to the effect that^convicts had been permitted to go to social enter-
tainments in Florence. The governor defended himself vigorously, claiming
that the prosecution was by persons actuated by hatred, jealousy and base
political motives. There was only mild censure of the investigating committee,
for the governor already had corrected the objectionable features of what
seemed a too-lax prison discipline. This same session refused to vote any
money to the California expositions. Suggested appropriations were fought
especially by labor unions, which were against San Diego on account of that
city's attitude in an I. W. W. invasion.
When this Legislature finally stopped, May 17, 1913, it was figured that it
had cost the state about $180,000, for a while the expense running nearly $1,000
a day. State Auditor Callaghan made a computation that for the fiscal year it
had cost $304,460.01 more to I'un the State of Arizona than it had the territory
and state during the preceding fiscal year.
Named as a holiday for all of the state, there was an especial celebration
April 24, 1914, "Arizona Day," rather indefinitely honoring the fiftieth anni-
versary of the establishment of government in Arizona. In Phoenix was a
formal banquet and, in compliance with the governor's recommendation, in
each of the larger towns citizens met to drink a toast to their state.
The year 1914 was a busy one politically, for a half dozen parties were iu
the field at the primaries. The democrats renominated all the state officials,
save the treasurer and Attorney-General G. P. BuUard, who had resigned. ■ In
his place was put Wiley E. Jones. Senator Marcus A. Smith, who had drawn
the short term and who sought re-election, had opposition in the primaries, but
secured a place on the democratic ticket. The progressives put out a full
ticket, with Geo. U. Young for governor and J. B. Nelson for United States
senator. The republicans, seeking coalition with the progressive forces, placed
Judge J. H. Kibbey at the head of the State Central Committee. Their nomi-
nations included J. Lorenzo Hubbell for senator and Ralph H. Cameron for
In the fall Senator Smith secured 25,790 votes, compared with 9,178 for
Hubbell. The third candidate unexpectedly was Eugene W. Chafin, prohi-
bitionist, who received 7,248 votes. The progressive party failed to make its
showing of the previous election. Carl Hayden was re-elected representative in
Congress by the largest vote given any candidate, 32,296. Governor Hunt was
re-elected by a vote of 25,226, Cameron receiving 17,602. The other state
officials were re-elected in order, saving only P. J. Miller, tax commissioner,
in whose place was chosen T. E. Campbell, republican, and Mitt Simms, demo-
crat, succeeded to the office of treasurer.
The referred measures were led in importance by prohibition, which carried
by a majority of 3,144. In only five of the counties of the state did prohibition
carry and the majority in Maricopa County alone was practically the same as
that within the state at large. The section of the penal code dealing with
pardons and reprieves was approved over the protest of the governor and the
3-cent-fare law was approved, only to be found unconstitutional. Among the
initiated measures carried were the anti-blacklist law, the mothers' pension bill,
the 80 per cent law, the electrical construction law and a bill permitting the
state to engage in industrial pursuits. Among those defeated were the anti-
capital punishment bill, an appropriation for the coast expositions, an Australian
tax bill and a bill for the creation of Miami County.
It is an interesting fact that the more important of the labor bills passed
later failed to stand the scrutiny of the courts, including the anti-blacklist and
mothers' pension bills. The latter would have provided at least $15 a month
for every destitute mother and a separate grant for each child, as well as an
old-age pension, irrespective of sex or of dependence, all of this going with an
abolition of alms houses. The same course was taken by the 80 per cent bill,
which permitted the employment of only 20 per cent of aliens in any work
wherein five or more were engaged.
United States Senator from Arizona
The second State Legislature met January 11, 1915. Dr. W. P. Sims of
Cochise County was elected president of the Senate and William Brooks,
speaker of the House. The session especially was distinguished by the seating
of two female members, Mrs. Frances Willard ^lunds in the Senate and iMrs.
Rachael K. "Berry in the House. It is possibly worthy of note that Mrs. Munds
expressed herself in favor of smoking in the legislative chambers and ^Irs.
Berry protested against the use of the weed. All members were democrats, save
Senator D. D. Crabb, republican. The governor's message was lengthy, with
special consideration of the labor question and of warning against the pernicious
activity of the corporations, with a suggestion that the unemployed should be
cared for by public works, that there be a state employment bureau and that a
minimum wage be established for women. The initiative and referendum were
defended at length as of potent value and there was defense of the governor's
jn'ison policy.
That the special session habit had become fastened on Arizona State Legis-
latures was evidenced in the adjournment of the second Legislature on the
evening of March 11, 1915, without passing the appropriation, mine taxation
and land sale bills. Sixty-eight bills had been passed, none of them particularly
important. Possibly the act of largest general interest passed was the Pari-
iiuituel, designed to permit betting at the state fair. This act was assailed by
church organizations and finally was vetoed by the governor.
A special session had to be called; commencing April 23, 1915, and still
another on June 1, which, on account of the temperature of the legislative halls,
disposed of its work and departed .soon thereafter.
Among the measures approved were : Providing for the changing of county
seats by popular vote; establishing fish hatchery stations; permitting cities to
appropriate for local advertising; establishing a bureau of mines within the
State University; authorizing Indian superintendents or agents to issue mar-
riage licenses and solemnize ceremonies; authorizing the sale of the old Indus-
trial School property at Benson; adopting the design of a flag for the State of a^-"- '"^
Arizona, a golden-rayed sun, rising on a sea of blue ^giving towns for fire pro- ndi'^
tection 50 per cent of any state tax paid by fire insurance companies for busi-
ness written within the cities affected; providing that all persons who register
for voting shall declare the political party to which they are affiliated and shall
vote only for the candidates of such parties at primary elections; prohibiting
the opening of barber shops on Sunday; establishing a law and legislative
reference bureau. Bills to ^enforce the prohibition law all were passed over,
though such legislation had been directed in the referendum proposition. A
memorial tablet in the capitol rotunda was voted to the memory of M. G. Cun- '
niff, late president of the Senate, who had died the previous December.
The membership of the State Legislatures follows:
First state Legislature.
Senate: Apache, Lorenzo Hubbell; Cochise, C. M. Roberts, W. P. Sims; Coconino. FreA
S. Breen; Gila, J. F. Hechtman, Alfreil Kinney; Graham, Wm. W. Pace; Greenlee, G. M.
Chase; Maricopa, H. A. Davis, C. R. Wood; Mohave, Henry Lovin; Nava.jo, J. H. Willis;
Pima, .1. T. Hughes, A. O. Worsley; Pinal, J. F. Brown; Santa Cruz, J. II. Ilarrision ; Yavapai,
M. G. Cunniff (llre^i(lcnt), II. If. Wood; Yuma, F. W. Wessel.
House: Apache, Naeieseuo Gonzales; Cochise, J. M. Ball, Sam B. Bradner (speaker).
Dr. George DeLos Craig, A. G. Curry, J. F. Duncan, W. J. Graham, C. B. Kelton; Coconino,
Thomas Maddock; Gila, W. E. Brooks, J. T. Lewis, John Murphy; Graham, Anton E. Jacobson,
A. R. Lynch; Greenlee, M. H. Kane, Wm. M. Whipple; Maricopa, D. C. Babbitt, G. F. Cocke,
J. A. K. Irvine, L. S. Jacobs, Harry Jolinson, D. P. Jones; Mohave, John Ellis; Navajo, F. O.
Mattox; Pima, J. W. Buchanan, F. L. Crowfoot, K. T. Moore; Pinal, Alexander Barker; Santa
Cruz, H. J. Saxon; Yavapai, Perry Hall, H. II. Linney, A. A. Moore, P. S. Wren; Yuma, T. M.
Drennan, James E. Kerr.
Second State Legislature.
Senate: Apache, Fred T. Colter; Cochise, W. M. Riggs, W. P. Sims (president) ; Coconino,
Hugh E. Campbell; Gila, John E. Bacon, Alfred Kinney; Graham, D. H. Claridge; Greenlee,
Geo. H. Chase; Maricopa, O. S. Stapley, Sam F. Webb; Mohave, Henry Lovin; Navajo, D. D.
Crabb; Pima, Mose Draehman, Andrew P. Martin; Pinal, Chas. E. McMillen; Santa Cruz,
H. K. Karns; Yavapai, Morris Goldwater, Mrs. Frances W. Munds; Yuma, J. S. Garvin.
House: Apache, Mrs. Rachel Berry; Cochise, Sara P. Briscoe, Wm. L. Cook, Oscar Doyle,
C. T. Francis, Wm. J. Graham, J. S. Merrill, J. E. Newbury; Coconino, Wm. Marlar; Gila,
Wm. E. Brooks (speaker), B. F. Baker, W. D. Claypool; Graham, J. D. Lee, J. H. Lines;
Greenlee, John Christy, S. F. Lanford; Maricopa, G. D. Acuff, A. G. Austin, J. C. Goodwin,
J. E. McClain, T. T. Powers, L. F. Vaughn; Mohave, W. P. Mahoney ; Navajo, Sam W. Proctor;
Pima, J. W. Buchanan, S. A. Reed, J. B. Richardson; Pinal, F. Pinkley; Santa Cruz, Richard
Farrell; Yavapai, A. A. Johns, J. E. Leeper, J. J. Sweeney, O. F. Orthel; Yuma, J. L. Edwards,
J. B. Flanagan.
Decline and Fall of Arizona Gambling — Character of the Professional Gambler — Early
Efforts Toward Prohibition and Final Success — Female Suffrage and Its Effect upon
Politics — Non-alcoholic Baptism of the Battleship "Arizona."
Gambling was a recognized institution in Arizona till only about ten years
ago. In many places gambling games ran day and night and it wasn't uncom-
mon to see the most prominent citizens of each community gathered around the
faro tables in gambling halls, where women singers were regularly employed.
The Twentieth Legislature was notable for about the first attempts made
to curb gambling and the liquor traffic. Measures of this sort usually were
fathered by Member Winfield S. Scott of Maricopa County, a retired chaplain
of the regular army. Announcement was made by him that on a certain date
he would deliver a three-hour address on the vice of gambling. After only five
minutes of his great speech the House brutally adjourned.
Tucson led in the territorial movement against gambling. In January, 1905,
the first business done by the new city council, led by Mayor L. H. Manning,
was to place a license fee of $250 a month on all gambling games and to pro-
hibit such games in the vicinity of saloons. The gambling element was assumed
to have won the city election in Phoenix in May, 1905, in the election of the
republican candidates, despite the fact that the opposition ticket had declared
against the licensing of any game of chance. The Legislature of 1906 refused
to prohibit gambling but at that time there were indications of the beginning
of the end.
Possibly Phoenix led in reform measures, passing ordinances forbidding the
employment of women in saloons and closing sjiloons at midnight. In a Phoenix
republican city convention, held in 1906, the nominees were pledged to submit
to a vote of the people the question of gambling. The proposition was popular,
for every candidate was elected in the face of an apparent democratic majority.
When the vote was taken, the first referendum ever known in Arizona outside
of school districts, a large majority of the voters instructed the city council to
make gambling illegal. The Legislature of the next spring followed the lead
and prohibited gambling all over Arizona. There were predictions of dire mis-
fortune and of business stagnation in thus abolishing one of Arizona's most
cherished institutions. But the change proved beneficial and it is possible that
the same results will proceed out of prohibition.
It might here be noted that the gambler of frontier times was, on the whole,
a pretty decent sort of fellow, in whose hands your life and property were
reasonably safe. This observation, however, refers only to the men of acknowl-
edged gambler class and not to hangers-on, vicious then as now. The gambler
did not create the conditions around him — he merely was a part of them, sup-
ported by the spirit of the times, in which nearly every man was willing to .stake
life or wealth on a throw of the dice. Gambling and liquor furnished about
the only diversions available to or understood by the pioneer, who knew not
the savings bank and in whose pockets money would burn a hole. In the dif-
ferent communities they met quiet welcome from such men as Fred Hughes, Ben
Parker, Smithy and Johnny Benbrook, Charlie Brown, Six-Toed Pete, Preacher
Frank, Tom Barnum, Ben Belcher, Bob Brow, Jock Blinckhorn or Wiut House
and were assured of "a clean run for their money." Such men as named really
filled an important place in the society of the times. One of the most notable
of the frontier gamblers was Caribou Brown, for more than thirty years a faro
dealer within the territory. He was a giant in size, six feet four inches in
height, yet one of the gentlest men in demeanor and speech. He wa.s said to
have never been known to teU an untruth or pull a crooked card. He had been
a sailor and was captain of a merchantman before he came to the Pacific Coast
with some romance attaching to his history concerning the quelling of a mutiny
in which he is said to have taken rather harsh measures. He died in Tucson
in May, 1903, at the age of 87 and every saloon and gambling house closed while
their attaches attended the funeral.
Though Arizona abroad is considered a region in which the hours of the day
are marked by "drink times," and while it is a fact that much of the early
social life and politics of the territory centered in the saloon, there were attempts
even in what might be called pioneer times to abolish the use of alcohol as a
beverage and to diminish the strength of the all powerful liquor interests
Gov. A. P. K. Safford in 1874 charged nine-tenths of the crime of that day to
ardent spirits and observed: "When we consider that no one is benefited by
its use, except for medicinal purposes, and that no greater evil afflicts the human
family, should it not stimulate every good man and woman to discountenance its
use as far as possible?"
In 1884 Tucson was vited by Miss Frances Willard, evangel of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, who then organized a territorial W. C. T. U. A
few months before that in Preseott had been organized the first local branch of
the W. C. T. U. by the wife of Colonel Clendenning, then stationed at Fort
Whipple. In 1887 at the third annual territorial convention of the W. C. T. U.,
held at Pha;nix, a legislative committee was appointed to urge the enactment
of three laws: fixing the age of consent at 16 years, prohibiting gambling and
requiring the observance of the Sabbath. Failure of success in this mission led
to the organization of the Women's Equal Rights Association which, in one
form or another, has been maintained ever since, with the main idea that only
by putting the ballot in the hands of women could the liquor power he over-
thrown. Federal supervision of the liquor traffic in the territories was recom-
mended by Governor Hughes in 1893.
But suffrage and prohibition still met defeat at each successive Legislature
until statehood came. Finallj', in 1901, a local option act was pushed through
the Legislature largely through the influence of the Mormon Church. Under
this, scattered conimunities coiumenced to vote themselves "dry," particularly
in Apache, Navajo, Maricopa and Graham counties. The local option bill had
been allowed to pass only with the provision that any incorporated town could
be segregated in a county vote on prohibition. Thus it happened that while
Apache and Graham counties went wholly dry, in Navajo County Winslow was
excepted and Phoenix in Maricopa County. Finally, on a referendum vote in
the election of 1912, woman suilrage proved successful. In the succeeding
election the long-sought-for result was accomplished. In November, 1914, pro-
hibition, the first on the ballot of several suggested constitutional amendments,
was adopted by a popular vote by a majority of 3,144, though carrying less than
half the counties. This result was almost unexpected by the liquor dealers, who
promptly appealed to the courts, claiming illegality of the amendment and a
practical confiscation of their property through the provision that the act became
effective January 1. It was alleged that in preventing the use of wine in sacra-
mental services the act violated the Constitution of the United States, that it
violated the interstate commerce law and that it was not self -executing and that
it could not be enforced until the Legislature had established proper legal
machinery therefor. Every protest proved unavailing, however, and the law
went into effect promptly in the first hour of the new year. There were no wild
orgies, as had been predicted. Very generally the liquor dealers at midnight
herded out a quiet crowd, locked the doors and went home.
There has been a large loss of revenue from liquor licenses, but on the other
hand petty crime has decreased very materially and the cost of public adminis-
tration thereby has been lowered. In Phoenix the arrests for drunkenness had
averaged o^rer ten a day. Only occasionally in 1915 has there been an arrest
for this cause and such an arrest usually led up to the apprehension of some
illicit liquor dealer. General business is said to have been even benefited by
the diversion of the money that formerly went for the purchase of liquor. It
is yet too early for a full report, but there appears to have been an economic
gain through prohibition, without reference to the abstract morality involved in
the change from a condition of license that had historic authority behind it.
As elsewhere stated, the woman suffrage idea in Arizona rather had its incep-
tion in the prohibition movement, with the understanding that women would
knock out the Demon Rum^ were she given the ballot. This is what really hap-
pened, after many years, but the suffrage movement had gained its own stand-
ing in the meantime and was being pushed with only incidental reference to the
liquor trafSc. Suffrage had been accepted as a really vital political issue.
Almost since the establishment of a school law in Arizona women have been
permitted to vote in school elections, when they were mothers of children of
school age or property owners. Along this same line was a bill that pa.ssed the
Legislature of 1897, that gave suffrage in municipal elections to taxpayers, re-
gardless of sex. This law later was found defective.
Women's rights has been before almost every legislative session in Arizona
back as far as 1891. Governors Hughes and Murphy recommended it. Fre-
quently one house would pass an enfranchisement bill after assurance had been
received that the other body would kill it. Once, ia spite, the second house
passed the measure, when the governor was known to be more than anxious to
attach his signature. The Legislature took a recess long enough to receive the
tearful thanks of the female lobbyists. When the women had gone to telegraph
the good news, the Council reconvened, recalled the bill and killed it very dead
indeed. The Twentieth Legislature and Governor Murphy in 1899 seemed
interested and much legislative work that year was done by the women, led by
President Carrie Chapman Catt of the National Equal Suffrage Association.
On the Legislature of 1901 the women made an exceptionally determined at-
tack, represented on the floor by Assemblyman Andrew Kimball. On final action
in the House only eight voted for the measure, after Assemblyman James had
moved that the bill "be laid on the table with reverent and gentle hands, to be
covered over with beautiful flowers and there lie till the meeting of the next
Legislature. ' '
Female suffrage in Arizona nearly became a reality in the Legislature of
1903. The two legislative bodies were far from friendly and when the House
passed a suffrage measure the Council unexpectedly concurred by a vote of
eight to four. So the bill went to Governor Brodie, who in the latter hours of
the twenty-second legislative session, much to the relief of the legislators gen-
erally, transmitted to the House his veto of the measure. The message was
received with applause from the floor and the veto was sustained by a vote of
fourteen to eight. The governor's message recited briefly that in the opinion
of the executive the bill was not within the powers of the Legislature to legis-
late upon, that it was not consistent with the Constitution of the United States
and was beyond the constitutional limitations of the Legislature. However
pleasing the veto was to a majority of the legislators, there was consternation
in the galleries, where a hundred suffragists had congregated to enjoy their
In 1909 there started a regular campaign for suffrage, led by Mrs. Frances
Willard Munds of Prescott, Mrs. Pauline O'Neill and Mrs. L. LaChance of
Phoenix and a half dozen others who believed it a holy crusade. An organizer
was brought in and the women of the territory were brought into line in sys-
tematic manner, with clubs in every town. In the first State Legislature a
suffrage bill made no progress but one that called for submission of the ques-
tion to a popular vote came within one vote of passing.
Then it was that the women abandoned the* Legislature and appealed their
case to the people, favored by the very progressive laws established by a con-
stitutional convention that, like that of 1893, refused the women enfranchise-
ment. The appeal was made in the election of 1912. The men responded and,
by a vote of about two to one, lifted women to full political equality.
The result by no means has been incendiary. Undoubtedly it has had much
to do with the vote by which Arizona, from January 1, 1915, abolished the
traffic in liquor. But, in a general way, the political complexion of the state
lias been affected not at all. The relative balance between the parties seems to
have remained the same. A few more women are to be seen around the public
offices. A woman, Mrs. Pauline O'Neill, was a presidential elector, Mrs. Munds
has gone to the State Senate, and Mrs. Rachel Berry, another strong character,
a daugliter of Rufus C. Allen of the Mormon Battalion, has served in the second
House of Representatives from Apache County. The last election found women
voting in about the same proportion as men and the campaign and election were
the cleaner for their presence. Even cleaner will be succeeding elections, it is
felt, through the separation of politics and liquor.
An interesting judgment was given in February, 1914, by the Supreme
Court of Arizona in a case wherein the property of a husband had been attached
on a judgment of $6,500 secured by his stenographer against his wife, who had
inflicted bodily injuries upon the employee. The court decided that when
woman was enfranchised in this state, she thereupon assumed full liability for
her own acts, her husband liberated from the position of acting guardian, a
relationship recognized in most of the states. Had the ruling been otherwise
it would have been a grim joke, for the man and wife in the meantime had
separated. '
The State Federation of Women's Clubs, a body that is non-partisan in every
sense, was organized in Phoenix in November, 1901, the idea brought to Arizona
by Miss Anne Rhodes, a vice president of the New York Federation. The Fed-
eration now has membership of clubs, in every part of the state, including
organizations devoted to eveiy phase of feminine interest in civics and the arts.
The first American warship of importance to bear the name of "Arizona,"
slid from the ways of the Brooklyn navy yard in June, 1915, christened with
the first water over the Roosevelt dam, from a bottle broken against her prow
by Miss Esther Ross of Prescott. Inquiry develops the fact that two vessels
before had borne the name, though only one was of any importance. She was
an iron, paddle-wheel steamer, built at Wilmington, Delaware, in 1858. Her
name was changed during the Civil war, when she became the blockade runner
"Caroline." While enroute from Havema to Mobile, loaded with munitions of
war, she was captured, October 28, 1862, by the Federal warship "Montgomery."
She was condemned in a prize court at Philadelphia, sold to the Government for
$845,000, given her original name of "Arizona," and assigned to the Gulf
squadron, armed with a battery of si.K guns. She participated in a number of
important engagements along the gulf coast, at Sabine Pass, and on Red River,
till destroyed by an accidental fire while on her way up the Mississippi River
from Southwest Pass, to New Orleans. Four of her crew of ninety-eight men
were lost in the fire.
The new Arizona when she goes into commission will have displacement of
31,400 tons. She is 608 fee? long, will have a speed of twenty -one knots, and
will have cost the Government more than $13,000,000 to build and equip. She
will have a main battery of twelve fourteen-ineh guns, firing projectiles that
weigh 1,400 pounds each, in addition to a secondary battery of twenty-two five-
inch guns. Her crew will number about 1,000 officers and men.
Prospectors Ever in the Vanguard of Civilization — IVealth that has Come Through a
"Crubstalie" — "Lost Mines" of the Southviest — The Miner Part's — Fraudulent
Mining Schemes — Arizona Diamonds that Came from Africa — Quijctoa's
It is a curious and little appreciated fact that the miner is the scout of
civilization. He braves the savage, the desert's heat, the Arctic's cold. Alone,
he fearlessly penetrates regions wherein his foot is the first to tread. It was
the pursuit of golden dreams that sustained the weary marches of the Spanish
explorers of America. Thus it was with Arizona. Coronado's quest, four
hundred years ago, was for the gold of the Seven Cities. Though the Spaniar|ds
found no gold in Cibola, they found it elsewhere, and for centuries the greatest
revenues of the Spanish crown were from mines now included in Southern
Arizona. The Spaniard mainly confined his operations to Pimeria, among
peaceable tribes. The Anglo-Saxon went even farther when he came into
possession of the land. There is not a valley in Northern or Eastern Arizona
that has not its tale of prospectors ambushed by Apaches. Yet, step by step,
the Apaches were driven back. Following the prospector and the miner came
the trader, the cattle rancher, the farmer, the homeseeker, till today Arizona's
civilization, based upon the mine, is as sound and as modern as is that of much
older commonwealths. No longer is mining the only industry, but it is still
the chief. It is well that it is so, for the dollar from under the ground is a
new dollar and a whole dollar. The bright golden bar from the assayer's den
in the stamp mill means so many more actual dollars added to the money in
circulation; every drop of the fiery stream from the converter's lip, means
just so much more permanent wealth brought into being for the good and use
of mankind. And mining has passed the experimental stage. "Luck" counts
for little in the business. Nearly every great fortune of the "West has been
made in mining, and nearly every fortune, has been made by men of good, hard
horse sense, who went in on their judgment and not on their hopes and enthus-
Though many of the people of Arizona for years clung in affection to the
16-to-l theory, it was a fact that the demonetization of silver really liad little
effect upon Arizona. Broadly stated, almost every silver mine within the ter-
ritory had closed before silver had sunk below a dollar an ounce. The famous
mines at MeCracken, Tombstone, Silver King, Richmond Basin, ]\Iack ^lorris
and in the Bradshaws about all had been closed down and there remained very
little exploration for silver outside of Mohave County.
The professional prospector of the Southwest is practically of the past. As
a rule he lived on a "grub stake" furnished bj' some gamblesome group of
individuals in the town wherein the prospector made his headquarters. The
law of such co-partnerships was definitely recogiiized. As a rule there was
no very close agreement made between the parties; rarely was any contract
put down in writing, but the unwritten law of the land was that the man who
furnished the "grub stake" got a half interest in any location that was made
by the prospector during the time when he fed upon "grub" furnished by his
urban partner. It was rare indeed that such agreements were violated. The
prospector nearly always kept faith. The system came into Arizona from
Nevada and California, where many of the fortunes realized by country store-
keepers, saloonkeepers and gamblers came through modest "grub stakes" fur-
nished some old prospector.
The prospector's outfit was of the simplest, in keeping with his life and
taste. There was always a burro, usually one that had had years of experience
in the prospecting game, and that never strayed far from the camp, however
transient it might be. Wonderful tales are told of these prospecting burros of
old; they were fond of bacon rinds, and would always leave the sage brush
and catclaw, upon which they were supposed to thrive, to join the prospector
in consuming the last of the baking-powder biscuits.
The prospector of old was a man sustained by a boundless faith and never-
quenched hope. In reality he was a gambler of the most pronounced type ; every
hill held for him the chance of a bonanza, and no rocky point was passed with-
out an investigating tap from his hammer; every iron-stained dyke had to be
sampled in his gold pan. Most of the prospectors were overly sanguine; they
fairly loaded themselves and their principals down with prospects, on which
the annual assessment work would have cost far more than the value of the
ground. Many a prospector has boasted that he held even 100 locations. To
have fulfilled the letter of the mining law, such a number of claims would have
necessitated the expenditure of $10,000 in annual assessment work, yet the
individual speaking might have assets on which could not have been realized $10.
All through the hills of Arizona are to be found the monuments loft by
these prospectors, where they first located and then tested claims that were
worthless in nearly every instance. They were looking for sudden riches, and
failed to understand the philosophy of the latter-day miner, worked out by
hard experience, that mining, after all, is a manufacturing industry, and that
the greatest profits are not found in rich pockets of silver and gold, but in the
percentage of income over expense that can be gained by the working of large
quantities of ore of fairly uniform grade, handled almost mechanically and
under the most economical conditions.
The prospector's life was rough, and yet not particularly laborious; he
drifted through the hills on trips that were limited only by the quantity of grub
he carried or could command. As a rule he slept out in the open, whatever the
weather, and his diet was based unendingly upon bacon and black coffee, with
sour-dough or baking-powder bread on the side. Tobacco, of course, was an
absolutely essential feature of his ration. When the trip was up and his loca-
tions had been recorded, rarely did the professional prospector ever work upon
the mines he had found. If the find proved good, he sold out for some modest
sum, which he often spent in dissipation. Then it was back again to the hills
with the same old burro, living a life which he would not have exchanged for
any other.
A very different type was the miner who did occasional prospecting, usually
when he was out of work or when he got tired of the darkness underground
and wanted a trip into the hills in communion with the face of Nature, instead
of her heart. A man of this soi*t usually paid his own way and held fast to
anything good that he found. Not necessarily of higher type than the profes-
sional hunter of mines, he was of more substantial character and in hundreds
of instances graduated into the class of mine-owning capitalists and became
one of the leading citizens of his locality.
Mohave County has given the world many instances of rare courage in its
pioneer days, but nothing finer than the tale how a blind miner, Henry Ewing,
unaided sunk a shaft on his Nixie mine, near Vivian, not far from the present
camp of Oatman. It was in 1904, after Ewing, a gentleman of culture, had
lost his eyesight. Despite the warning of friends, he persisted in returning
to his mine, where he rigged up leading wires, to assure him a degree of safety
and then set up a windlass over his twenty-foot hole. He blasted and dug and
hauled the oi-e buckets to the surface and cared for himself in camp, his worst
adventure an encounter with a rattlesnake and narrow escape from death on
the trail. Another experience was falling from a ladder a distance of thirty
feet, receiving serious injuries, yet managing to climb out and to seek assistance
at a nearby mining camp.
Almost as much pluck has been shown by several miners who have developed
their claims alone. In the Hualpai Mountains, Frank Hamilton started upon
such a work in 1874 and alone sunk two shafts, 100 and 50 feet deep. In the
same district a memorandum has been found of J. L. Doyle, who alone sunk
two 65-foot shafts and connected them with a drift. Enoch Kile, a Yavapai
County miner, single-handed sunk a 75-foot shaft and doubtless many other
such instances could be found.
Almost every prospector, whether professional or tenderfoot, had his own
pet "lost mine" that he looked for. Hundreds of "lost mine" stories have
been localized everywhere over the West. The richest always was somewhere
out in the desert, beyond water, or within almost inaccessible mountains, where
wild Indians guarded the golden secret handed down to them by their fore-
fathers. Of course, most of these tales were merely inventions or distorted
dreams. But the prospector, with only his burro for companionship, was wont
to dream strange dreams and, eventually, to transmute them into what he con-
sidered reality. On the deserts lie the bones of scores of men who believed
these tales and who staked their lives in the search for things which did not
One of the best authenticated of these stories was of tlie lost "Soldier"
mine. The story has had little embellishment and, in part, may be true.
Briefly narrated, it is this: In the summer of 1869 Abner McKeever and
family were ambushed by Apaches on a ranch near the Big Bend of the Gila.
McKeever 's daughter, BeUe, was taken captive. A number of soldiers gave
chasfe. The Apaches separated into several bands, whose trails were followed
by small detachments of soldiers, the most westerly by Sergeant Crossthwaite
and two privates, Joe Wormley and Eugene Flannigan. Two of their horses
dropped of fatigue and thirst and their provisions ran out. Taking some of
the horseflesh with them, they struck northerly, seeking water in what is sup-
posed to have been the Granite Wash range of mountains in Northern Yuma
County. "Water was found just in time to save their lives, for Wormley already
had become delirious. In the morning they found the spring fairly paved
with gold nuggets. Above it were two quartz veins, one narrow and the other
sixteen feet wide. The soldiers dug out coarse gold by the aid of their knives.
About fifty pounds of this golden quartz they loaded on the remaining horse
and then set out for the Gila River. Less than a day's journey from the river,
the three men separated, after the horse had dropped dead. Wormley reached
the river, almost demented from his sufferings and unable to guide a party
back into the desert. Men struck out on his trail and soon found Flannigan,
who would have lasted only a few hours longer. He was able to tell the story
of the gold find, and the rescuing party went farther to find Grossthwaite 's
body. In a pocket was a map, very roughly made and probably very inaccurate,
on which he had attempted to show the position of the golden spring. Still
better evidence was secured a few days later in the discovery of the dead horse,
with the gold ore strapped to his back. The ore was all that Flannigan claimed
and $1,800 was realized from its sale. Flannigan made several unsuccessful
attempts to return to the find, but he dreaded the desert and never went very
far from the river. He died in Phoenix in 1880. The district into which the
party penetrated has been thoroughly prospected during the past twenty years
and contains many mines of demonstrated richness. It is possible that the
mountain was the Harqua Hala. The find might have been the later famous
Bonanza, in a western extension of the mountain, from which several millions
of dollars in free gold were extracted. Farther west, around Tyson's Wells,
also has been found placer gold, though none of these discoveries seem to
exactly fit the special conditions of the Lost Soldier mine.
Another lost "Soldier" mine was found by a scouting soldier from old Fort
Grant in the hills north of the Gila River, not very far from the mouth of the
San Pedro. His discovery was of quartz speckled with free gold. The country
about has been thoroughly prospected since that time and mines of import-
ance have been worked in that vicinity, but the nearest approach to the dis-
covery of the old-time bonanza has been in the finding of placer gold in several
of the gulches.
Most of the stories of lost mines had to them an Indian annex. Usually the
story ran that the Indians would bring in gold and silver, but would refuse to
tell the secret of their wealth. Ross Browne told in 1863 that at the store of
Hooper & Hunter in Arizona City he saw masses of pure gold as large as the
palm of the hand, brought in by adventurers who stated that certain Indians
had assured them that they knew places in the mountains where the surface
of the ground was covered by the same kind of yellow stones. But neither
threats nor presents, whiskey, knives, tobacco, blankets, all the Indians craved,
could induce the savages to guide the white man to the fabulous regions of
wealth. The explanation then was given that the Indians were afraid that
the white men would come in such numbers that the Indian preponderance of
population Avould be lost.
Most popular of lost mine stories in pioneer days was that of the "Nigger
Ben." A. H. Peeples, one of the "Weaver party, to which Ben also belonged,
in 1891 told the editor what he knew of the legend.
Nigger Ben — and he was a good man if his skin was black — was the only one of us who
dared to prospect around very much alone. The Indians would not harm him, evidently on
account of his color. He struck up a friendship with several Yavapai chiefs, even when they
were the most hostile to the other miners, and they told him of a place where there was much
gold, far more than on Rich Hill, where we were working. Ben took a nugget from our stock
that was about the size of a man 's thumb and showed it to a chief who was especially friendly
with him. The Indian said he had seen much larger pieces of the same substance and started
off to exhibit the treasure to him. Ben was taken to some water holes, about sixty-five miles
northwest of Antelope, toward McCraeken, in southern Mohave County. When there, however,
the chief would show him no further, seemingly being struck by some religious compunctions
he hadn 't thought of before. All he coxdd be induced to do was to toss his arms and say,
' ' Plenty gold here ; go hunt. ' ' Ben did hunt for years and I outfitted him myself several times
and b(dieve he finally died of thirst on the desert. Numbers of others have tried to find the
Nigger Ben diggings, but they have not been discovered as yet. Ed Sehieffelin, who discovered
tlie Tombstone mines, wrote me several months ago, asking about them. I gave him all the
information I had on the subject and he is now out with a large outfit thoroughly prospecting
till' whole of that region. I am confident the gold is there.
One variety of the "Lost Dutehman" story concerns the operations of a
German who made his headquarters at Wiekenburg, in the early seventies. He
had a very irritating habit of disappearing from the camp once in a while,
going by night, and taking with him several burros, whose feet would be so
well wrapped that trailing was impossible. He would return at ilight, in
equally as mysterious a manner, his burros loaded with gold ore of wonderful
richness. Efforts at tracking him failed. The country for miles around was
searched carefully to find the source of his wealth, which could not have been
very far distant. The ore was not the same as that at Vulture. The location
of the mine never became known to anyone, save its discoverer. He disappeared
as usual one night, and never returned. The assumption that he was murdered
by Apaches appears to have been sustained by a prospector's discovery near
Vulture in the summer of 1895 of the barrel of an old muzzle-loading shotgun,
and by it, a home-made mesquite gun stock. The gun had been there so long
that even the hammer and trigger had rusted away. Near by was a human
skeleton, bleached from long exposure. The next find was some small heaps
of very rich gold rock, probably where sacks had decayed from around the ore,
and then at a short distance was discovered a shallow prospect hole, sunk on a
gold-bearing ledge. The ore in the heaps was about the same character as that
which had been brought into Wickenburg in the early days by the ' ' Lost Dutch-
man, ' ' but it didn 't agree at all with the ore in the shallow prospect hole, which
was not considered worthy of further development.
In the winter of '79 some trouble was stirred up among coufiding tender-
feet by the publication of a story in the Phoenix Herald, printed as a fake so
plainly transparent that he who ran might have read. It told of the arrival
of a prospector from the depths of the Superstitions, whence he had been driven
by pigmy Indians, who had swarmed out of the cliff dwellings. His partner
had been killed, and he had escaped only by a miracle. But the couple had
discovered some wonderful gold diggings, from which an almost impossible
quantity of dust had been accumulated by a couple of days work. The story
was widely copied, and from eastern points so many inquiries came that the
Herald editor had to have a little slip printed to be sent back in reply. On
the slip was the word "take." The editor feared to even remain silent, for
most of the lettei-s told of the organization in eastern villages of parties of
heavily-armed men to get the gold dust or die in the attempt, and there miglit
have been dire consequences on the head of the imaginative journalist had
Phoenix been reached by even one of the desperate rural eastern expeditions.
The largest exploring and prospecting expedition Arizona ever has known
since the days of Coronado, originated on the tale of a prospector named Miner.
He claimed that he was the only survivor of a party that had found wonderful
placer diggings somewhere near a hat-shaped hill over beyond the Tonto Basin.
Prom a single shovelful of earth had been panned seventeen ounces of gold.
In May, 1871, he was in Prescott, coming with several companions from Nevada,
and in that month reached Phoenix from the North with about thirty men. The
point of rendezvous was near old Port Grant, where were collected 267 men,
divided into five companies. At the head of the Prescott party was Ed. Peck,
discoverer of the famous Peck mine at Alexandria. Other members were,
"Bob" Groom, the noted pioneer; Al Sieber, the foremost Indian campaign
scout of the Southwest, Willard Rice and Dan O'Leary. Governor A. P. K.
Safford commanded the recruits from Tucson and was elected commander-in-
chief of the party at the camp near Grant. From Tucson and Sonora came two
large companies of Mexicans. Prom Grant the march was to the Gila, up the
San Carlos and thence to Salt River. There was found the hat-shaped moun-
tain, since known by the name of Sombrero Butte, and the men prospected
widely through the Tonto Creek and Cherry Creek valleys, and over the
Sierra Anchas. Returning down Cherry Creek, the prospecting was continued
up the Pinto Ci*eek and Pinal Creek valleys. Pinally in disgust the different
parties separated at Wheatfields and returned to their homes. Miner, at the
time, was thought to have been mistaken in his bearings, but members of the
party later became convinced that he was merely a liar.
Possibly connected with the Miner tale that led Safford and his party very
far afield, was the lost Thorne mine. This story was based on the adventures
of a young surgeon named Thorne, who, having cured the eye troubles of a
couple of Apaches at a post whereat he was stationed, was induced to visit the
Indian village where there was an epidemic of the same disorder. He was
blindfolded, a procedure that usually obtained in stories of this sort, and event-
ually readied the village, not knowing IlS direction. After he had conquered
the epiUeiuic, he was placed upon a horse and taken to a deep rock-walled
canon lacing a high ledge of quartz that glittered with flecks of gold. Below,
in tlic saiid of the wash, was almost a pavement of gold nuggets. Thome pre-
tended tliat tlie find was of little value, but furtively took all the bearings he
could, ill the distance he saw a high mountain, crowned -with a peculiar rocky
formation liKe a gigantic thumb turned backward (a description that might fit
Sombrero i.'Utte) to the eastward of the Cherry Creek Valley. Though the
Indians pressed handfuls of the nuggets upon him, Thorne sail persisted in
his posr that the stuff was worthless and refused to take any, convinced that he
could again iihd the treasure. He led two expeditions into the country, but
found no less than four such formaticns such as he had marked, and the bonanza
never was discovered, and Thorne afterwards was denounced as an impostor.
It is a fact, however, that the Cibicu Indians of the Cherry Creek Valley knew
of the existence of some rich placer field. On one occasion, Alchisay is known
to have pawiied a nugget worth $500 for $10 worth of supplies, and later to
have redeemed the gold, of which he seemed to know the full value.
In the desert somewhere west of Yuma, many expeditions have searched for
the lest "Peg-Leg" mine, said to have been discovered by a one-legged indi-
vidual named Smith, about forty years ago. Some there were who thought
the mine in Arizona, but whatever its Iccation, it has never been found, and
may have been only in the imagination of a rum-soaked prospector.
Frcmiuent among the "lost mines" stories of Northern Arizona was that
of the "Adams Diggings." Mcst indefinite are the details, and the various
locations indicated lie anywhere from the Colorado River through to Globe.
Adams understood to have been a San Bernardino colony ilcrmon, in 1886
heard from a Mexican a story of a rich gold deposit, and forming a party of
twenty-two, struck eastward to a point supposed to have been near Pert Apache,
where the "Diggings" were fcund. The story continues that after working
for a while, eleven of the party started for the Pima villages for supplies. They
failed to return and nine more, driven by impending hunger, took the same
trail, leaving in camp only Adams and two others. The three, finally driven
out by famine, started out and fcund on their trail, the bodies of all their
comrades, who had been murdered by Apaches. The trio appear to have suc-
ceeded in returning safely to San Bernardino and, in 1875, to have started, as
members of a party of twelve, to return to the lost bonan?a. Jas. C. Bell, later
of Globe, with two companioi s joined this party near Pr, scott and were made
members, while four more joined at Fort Verde. The lapse of time had made
Adans very uncertain in his Iccaticn, but he remembered that it was in a deep
caii^n running in an easterly directien, at a print where a gold ledge was sharply
defiiied on the sides of the gulch, and near two black bnttes. Search was made
down as far as the Gila, near San Carles and thence up to the headwaters of
the Gila and back again to Fort Apache, but there was m success, and still
undiscovered are the ashes of an old cabin wherein Adams told Bell, was buried
gold dust worth at least $5,000.
However rich Arizona mines have been, there is a suspicion that, before the
days of ecppcr, their net proceeds would hardly equal the amount of money
furnished by ignorant investors toward the development of prospects that have
never amounted to anything. Still worse, many of these enterprises have been
most unblushing frauds, the money stolen from the unwary after advertising
campaigns that claimed enormous riches for the mine that happened to serve
as bait, used by schemers, who found their victims in the eastern states of the
Union. Tcday such work would hardly be done, for the United States authori-
ties keep elcse watch upon any extravagant advertising, and make investigation
as to the basis of the claim. One of the frauds in 1899 grew to such large pro-
portions that Gov. N. 0. Murphy considered it his duty to issue a formal letter
of warning, addressed to outside investors in Arizona mines. This letter brought
down a storm of protest, and Murphy was accused of a .jealous desire to ruin
Arizona mining. Within a few months, however, it was demonstrated that his
action had been dictated by a true sense of local patriotism. The particular
swindle to which he referred was the Spenazuma mining pro.iect, developed by
"Doc" Flowers, who already had made an enormous fortune in the sale of
proprietary medicines. The Spenazuma, which was exploited as the greatest
mine in the world, was in Graham County and was a very ordinary mine indeed.
Ore samples that were sent east and that were piled on the mine dump for the
inspection of committees of stockholders were brought from other mines of far
greater value in the Black Rock district.
The expose came through a newspaper man, Geo. H. Smalley of Tucson, who
furnished Governor Murphy with the information that led to the publicity
given. But Flowers sold stock, at advanced prices, even after his methods had
been shown up in eastern .i-^urnals. Flowers cnuld not buy Smalley off and soon
thereafter had to quit operations in the Southwest.
One amusing feature of Flowers' operations on the Spenazuma was a fake
stage hold-up, thoughtfully provided for the benefit of a number of prospective
investors. He hired a number of cowboys to hold up the caravan of coaches,
but the defenders succeeded in driving ofiE the bandits, who, later, however,
couldn't keep from .ioyously narrating the features of their employmL'nt.
Flowers was a man of true Wallingfrrd stripe and found opportunity for mak-
ing money en every corner. In 1890, while under indictment en a charge of
selling fraudulent stock, and while under bond for $50,000, he floated in Phila-
delphia a company for tha promotion of a method of making gold. He was
arrested on several charges of grand larceny, but he succeeded in escaping to
Canada. Slnw-footed justice at last came to him, as late as December of 1914.
After extradition from Canada, he went to trial at an eastern point, and at the
age of 70 years was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. If he had stolen
a pig his sentence would, probably, have been at least five years.
In 1892 Dr. H. H. Warner of Rochester, New York, an individual famed for
his observatory, his bitters and his pills, bought of John Lawler and Judge Ed
AVells the Hillside group of min^s in southwestern Yavapai County, paying
$50,000 cash en the price of $450 000. The property then was stocked under the
name of the Seven Stars Gold Minirg Company. Ordinary stock was sold at
$1 a share, but beyond this was issued a block of 100,000 shares at $5, on which
Warner, then believed worth millions, personally guaranteed annual dividends
at 13 per cent. Warner failed soon afterward and the bubble burst and the
mine, with much added development, went back to the sellers, despite the protests
of the stockholders.
In clearing up the affairs of the George A. Treadwell Mining Company,
which had a weird sort of reduction plant near Humboldt; it was claimed hy rliA^CfL
stockholders that the promoters of the company on stock sales aggregating '
about $1,000,000 had cleared up a "profit" of $500,000, "while not more than
$100,000 had been spent on the property. One of the promoters, a New York
lawyer, was said to have been paid counsel's fees of $36,000.
One Eastern firm of brokers secured bonds or options on a number of
Y''avapai County mines, of the "has-been" class, of former leaders in the silver
production of Arizona. These old mine workings were cleaned out to an extent,
and some of the cleverest of advertising, mainly beautifully printed circulars
and letters, was sent broadcast, inviting investment, while plans of the most
gorgeous description were announced of reduction works that would make rich
tlie miners of the entire country. But little was done after the stock-selling
campaigns. With a stock seller it mattered little whether his mine had any
worth or not. He never did more mining than was necessary to make a show-
ing for his campaign. This condition, however, never has been peculiar to Ari-
zona. Such schemes were worked much more generally, and with even greater
success to the promoters, during the days of mining activity in Alaska and
One individual who had a mine near Prescott issued a unique prospectus full
of quotations from the Bible and of glittering generalities concerning the wealth
that was to be secured in the marvelous mine exploited, which later seems to have
dropped from the public eye. Within the prospectus appears the following
gem :
Come, little brother, and sit on my knee.
And both of us wealthy will grow, you see;
If you will invest your dollars with me,
I will show you where money grows on the tree.
One early-day promoter issued a prospectus wherein was set forth, "experts
agree that sheet gold will be struck at no great depth." A three- foot vein
usually was enlarged to a 100-foot dyke and few of these writers permitted their
ore to run less than $100 to the ton. Some of them, even far down in Sonora,
were declared on the same mineral belt as the United Verde and dime-novel tales
usually were recited concerning the discovery of these wondrous bonanzas.
Early in 1899 there was excitement along the Grand Canon, where had been
staked out a large area of the lime-carbonate capping of the region a.s valuable
for platinum. The bubble was punctured by Prof. W. P. Blake, director of
mines of the Territorial University, who after careful assays reported that the
"ore" sent him was a carbonate, containing only silica, calcium, magnesia, iron
and a little alumina. Not a trace of platinum could be found, though similar
rock elsewhere submitted was reported to have returned values of $300 a ton in
platinum. W^hile deploring the influence of his report upon the prospectors
who thought they had found wealth, he said, ."the people of Arizona generally
do not propose to profit by ignorance, pretense or misrepresentation." It is
probable that the excitement all started through efforts made to assure trail
holdings down into Cataract Canon.
Another notable swindle was that of the Two Queens and Mansfield Mining
companies. The former had several prospects, near Winkelman, about 100
miles southeast of Phoenix. The latter had a mine in the Patagonia district of
Santa Cruz County. The Post Office department secured the arrest of several
Kansas City (Missouri) stock brokers, who had been selling shares in the two
companies, by means of extravagant full-page advertising. As is usual in such
cases, strong defense was made on the basis of testimony taken in Arizona, but
the defendants finally were convicted and were sent to jail in May, 1909, thougli,
as usual in such cases, they received relatively light sentences.
Another typical instance concerned a temporary resident of Wickenburg,
Arizona, who had bought a mining claim a few miles from that town. He sold
at least $100,000 worth of stock in several villages along the Hudson, near West
Point, and, in order to show his good faith, brought out a Pullman carload of
selected stockholders to view the wonderful mine from which he was to make
them fortunes. The mine was viewed, he being the only witness testifying con-
cerning its richness, more stock was subscribed on the spot and the party went
rolling eastward convinced. The following day, Sheriff Hayden of IMaricopa
County appeared on the same ground with an attorney and formally sold, under
a judgment of debt, all the property owned by the promoter or his company in
that vicinity. Hayden ever since has been filled with regret that he permitted
the attorney to delay him one day on the sale, or he would have been on the
gi'ound at the same time as the investors' party.
A company with a capital of $10,000,000 was organized in San Francisco in
1872 for the exploitation of a diamond field somewhere north of Fort Defiance
in Northeastern Arizona. The reputed discoveries of the field were a couple,
Arnold and Slack, who exhibited in New York and San Francisco some mag-
nificent rough diamonds and some very good rubies. The San Francisco com-
pany included a number of the wealthiest men of the city, of large experience
in a mining way. They sent out some agents who returned with more diamonds,
picked up from the surface of the ground. Just the location of the find was
disputed, however, for it was told that locations made north of Fort Defiance
were merely for the purpose of diverting attention, when in reality the field
whence the diamonds came was south of the IMoqui villages. The whole scheme
was a fraud on a gigantic scale. It was uncovered by Clarence King, the noted
western geologist, who first demonstrated that the diamonds were not of the
same character, bearing characteristics both cf the South African and Brazilian
fields. King visited the Arizona field and confirmed his own belief that it had
been salted with stones brought from abroad. It is probable that the two ' ' dis-
coverers" were merely tools of much more wealthy men, who expected not only
to get back the gems that had been "planted," but to sell stock to the unwary
small investor. There was another fake diamond "discovery" down on the Gila,
not far from Yuma, but this was on a much smaller scale and excitement died
even more quickly.
One of the few ephemeral boom camps of Arizona was Quijotoa, sixty-five
miles west of Tucson, by the side of a mountain shaped like a basket, the name
coming from the Papago word, "kiho," meaning basket. The tirst locations
were made early in 1879 at the bottom of the hill, renamed Ben Nevis by the
Scottish Alexander McKay, one of the pioneers. May 11, 1883, Chas. Horn or
McKay discovered rich ci'oppings at the summit of the hill and then the excite-
ment began. It was claimed that five tens of the ore gave a' return of .$2,500 at
the Benson smelter. Tunnels were started into the hillside to cut the ledge at
depth, but failed, for there was no ledge. In the language of a San Francisco
mining man, the deposit was "merely a scab on top of the mountain." j\IcKay
did give a bond on the property to the Flood-Pair-Mackey-0'Brien syndicate of
San Francisco at a price of $150,000, but the option was not taken up at
maturity. A half-doztn companies were formed in San Francisco, each with
ten million dollars capitalization, for the working of the Quijotoa mines, and
the news went broadcast that in Arizona had been found another Comstock.
As a result, thousands of men flocked in, despite warnings that the mines were
only in the development stage. Around the original Logan townsite were four
or five additions. In January, 1884, at Quijotoa, were only a couple of tents, ten
miles from water. Two months later, several thousand people had come and
there were many marks of a permanent town, including a weekly newspaper,
"The Prospector," published by Harry Brook. The time the boom broke is
indicated best by the fact that the printing office was moved to Tucson in the
fall of 1884. Scon thereafter, J. G. Hilzinger of Tucson bought the mines, a
mill that had been moved over from Harshaw, and all the other property of the
principal corporation for $3,0C0.
Mohave mas First in the North — The Old Vulture — Romance of the Silver King — Ed.
Schieffeitn and the Discover}) of Tombstone — Riches of the United Verde — Desert
Bonanzas — horv the Ve^ol Was Found.
Following the line of least resistance, much prospecting was done in the late
'50s northward from Yuma along the Colorado. Placers were worked only
fifteen miles above the Gila at the Potholes, about where the present Laguna
dam has been placed. The old town of La Paz owed its existence to placer min-
ing in the gulches to the eastward. Forty miles above Fort Yuma, in lb58, a
prospector named Halstead discovered the Colorado River copper mine, claimed
as very rich, though it failed to stand the test of time. Several tons of ore were
shipped to San Francisco, and the property was bought from Halstead by Wil-
cox, Johnson & Hartshorn, who owned a steamer plying on the Colorado, and
with whom were associated Hooper, a Fort Yuma merchant, and Lieutenant
Twelve miles east of the Colorado and a short distance from Bill Williams
Fork lies the Planet, one of the oldest copper mines of Arizona and one that
still shovvs signs of activity. It was worked as early as 1863 by a San Francisco
company, which for a while operated two small furnaces on oxide and carbonate
ores and which proposed shipment of ore by sailing vessels from the Colorado's
mouth to Swansea, at a cost estimated at $25 a ton, for ore that averaged $300
a ton. Heavy ore shipments were made to San Francisco. The Springfield
company also operated a copper furnace about the same time on ore from the
Orion mine.
In 1856 Lieutenant Humphries reported he had found gold, silver, copper
and lead in the country east of the Colorado on the northern road.
Judge Jas. M. Sanford, with John Brown of San Bernardino, built the first
ferry at the Mojave crossing of the Colorado in 1801, and in, the fall of the
following year left the river with .twelve men to hunt for gold diggings heard
of to the westward. Only four of the expedition are said to have returned.
Sanford spent his last days at Williams.
The Mojave Mountains again were explored in the summer of 18G3 by a
party headed by Chas. W. Strong, representing New York capital. The same
region was visited and discussed scientifically the following summer by B. Silli-
man. The San Francisco District of Mojave County is one of the oldest in
Northern Arizona and early in the '60s small mills had been erected at Hardy-
ville for handling gold ores. Early established was the Wauba-Yuma mining
district, twenty miles east of Hardyville. The name given was that of an
Indian chief. Howard Coit, later for years caller of the San Francisco Stock
Exchange, was recorder of Wauba-Yuma District and owned one of the very
few claims that have endured.
The miners of Northwestern Arizona in the early sixties were soldiers from
Camp Mojave, off on brief furlough, or discharged soldiers of the California
Column. That they were men of education and of mining experience is shown
by the records they kept, still available, stored in the neat recorder's office at
Kingman. The official pioneer records at Kingman probably are the best pre-
served in all the state.
As early as January 1, 1863, there had been a meeting of miners of Colorado
district, held in the San Juan Company's office at El Dorado Caiion. The dis-
trict was organized at a meeting January 8. "William Caley was elected presi-
dent and reference made to the election of a Mr. Lewis as recorder, to fill an
unexpired term that began June 1, 1862, showing prior action along the same
line. There had been 661 locations in this district by the end of 1863.
November 13, 1863, there was a meeting of miners at Soldiers' Springs,
whereat George Okey was elected chairman and John Comerford, secretary, and
there was formed San Francisco Mining District, running twenty-five miles
along the Colorado and fifty miles to the eastward. Each locator was granted
a claim 200 feet long and 150 feet on each side of the lode. It was ordered that
the books of the district be kept at Fort Mojave or at Silver Creek, "the posi-
tion of the district being in an Indian country and away from protection."
Robt. A. Rose was elected the first recorder. On the last day of the same year.
Rose was succeeded by W. Walter. Within the district the first claim record
was the Nevada Lode, November 23, 1863, the locators John Comerford, George
Okey, W. S. Pearson and Robt. A. Rose. A number of locations were made
along this same Nevada lode, by the Union, Lincoln, Todd, Hancock, Stanley
and other companies, some of the appended names being R. C. Drum, DeWitt
Titus, D. J. Williamson, John Stiirk, W. E. Strong, J. I. Fitch, R. P. Nason,
Charles Atchison, John Murray, D. W. Ridley. Sixty claims had been placed
of record by the close of the year. The first deed was from W. B. Jeffries to
M. G. Moore and A. E. Davis, both parties resident at Fort IVIojave, conveying
for the sum of $95 the Union original location.
Now included within the Oatman District is the old ^loss mine, located by
John Moss in 1863 and now under bond to the United States Smelting and
Refining Company. The surface ores were very rich. Two tons taken out in
' 1865 returned the owners $185,000. In latter days golden riches have been
uncovered in the Tom Reed and Gold Roads mines. The eroppings of the latter
in the River Range Pass were crossed by the main road that ran westward to
Fort Mojave and Hardyville, but it was not till years afterward that the mine
was located by Jose Jerez, a Mexican prospector, "grub-staked" by Henry
Lovin of Kingman. They sold for $50,000, but the mine thereafter has pro-
duced annually not less than ten times its cost.
Some time before 1874 there were two small smelting furnaces at Chloride,
in that year one of them already being reported in ruins. Lode mining at
Eight thousand feet in length
Chloride Flat was started as early as 1864 ou claims at Silver Hill, but it is
told that the first miners, three in number, were killed by Haulpais, one mur-
dered at the windlass and the two others stoned to death in the shaft. Other
miners in the same locality were killed or driven off and for a few years mining
in Mohave County was considered a rather unhealthful occupation. One of
the smelters at Chloride was the Baker furnace, placed close to tlie Schuylkill
claims. The mines around Cerbat were worked as early as 1863, at date that
gave the name to the Sixty-three mine, two miles northwest of the camp. In
1857 the first effective quartz mill in the county was built by Davis & Randall,
near Hackberrj% on a mine that had been discovered in October, 1874, by Wil-
liam Ridenour, S. Crozier and two others. They had been prospecting in the
Grand Caiion and, after attack by the Indians and losing all but their lives,
managed to reach ilineral Park, thereafter to discover the Hackberry claim,
one of the richest of the early mines. Another little mill was started at Mineral
Park on Washington's Birthday in 1876.
In Southern Mohave County the McCracken mines, six miles north of Bill
Williams Fork, was discovered by Jackson McCracken, August 17, 1874. The
product of the mine for a while ran as high as $200,000 a month, mainly from
a stringer of high-grade lead carbonate, found within a vein over eighty feet
in width. The ores at first treated averaged about $75 a ton in silver and 20
per cent lead, but the lead percentage increased and the silver decreased, till,
about 1881, operations at the camp were practically at a standstill and the
nearby mill town of Signal had passed the period of its brief glory.
By 1880 Mohave County had become a large producer of silver, from a score
of camps, and had secured rank as one of the richest mining sections of the
Southwest. ' A few years later, though favored by railroad construction, there
came a time of stagnation that lasted till only a few years ago. Now silver is
in the background and gold and zinc give much larger returns. Chloride and
Oatman have assumed large prominence in the mining world.
During the past year the Oatman camp, within which are included some
of the oldest Northern Arizona mines, has been having a boom that seems to
approximate that known by Tombstone or the later Nevada camps. Thousands
have come to join in expected riches from gold that already has been found at
the depth of about 300 feet, in greenish and unattractive quartz that lies beside
great diorite dykes that thrust their heads through the country for miles. Great
deposits of high-grade ore have been cut in several mines. While the gold is
very fine and light, it is cheaply and thoroughly extracted by means of cyanide.
Near Mineral Park are turquoise deposits from which since 1904 valuable '
shipments of the gem material have been made to New York. About a dozen
mines have been worked, the greatest production from one owned by the Tif-
fanys. Some of the gem rock is of deep blue color and has value up to $6 a
carat. The deposits were worked by the ancient people of Arizona, whose stone
cutting tools are found scattered around the locality.
The large value of the mineral discoveries of the Walker party had prompt
appreciation in the mind of Gen. Jas. H. Carleton, commanding the military
department of New Mexico, whose letters on the subject the author has been
happy in finding. One private communication, to Gen. H. W. Halleck, then in
command of the army, told, under date of June 14, 1863, of the receipt in Santa
Pe of two letters, by Chief Justice Benedict "from a kinsman who is a member
of a prospecting party which left the Rio Grande under the leadership of old
Captain Walker of Rocky Mountain and California celebrity." The general
tells that he has seen gold that had been sent to Judge Benedict, that it was
coarse and cf the first quality. Carleton suggested immediate action by the
military arm and an expedition over the Whipple road of two companies of
California volunteers, for which he would employ Walker as guide, and the
establishment of a post for the protection of the miners. He advised also the
mapping oF the region.
Carleton on June 22 wrote Walker himself, telling that Surveyor-General
Clark of New Mexico soon would visit the new gold fields and asking that the
old s;icut return with Clark to Albuquerque to serve as guide for the troops that
would be sent to fcund a permanent post. The letter was very cordial in tone
and offered all good wishes and substantial support, assuring Walker that he
and his party deserved substantial success and large reward for the toil, hard-
ships and danger that had been encountered.
On the same date in June the general ordered Captain N. J. Pishon of the
First California Cavalry from Pert Craig with his command to serve as escort
for the surveyor-general. The captain was directed to take a supply of gold-
wasJung implements and to have his men wash the gulches on arrival, to accur-
ately determine the richness of the sands. On the report returned would depend
the permanent occupation of the section, though Carleton prophesied that Pish-
on's repjrt would excite a veritable revolution.
The surveyor-general bore the letter to Walker, and himseW received a very
readable communication from the general, who gave him good advice concern-
ing the dangers and difficulties of his trip. To him Carleton commended none
other than our eld pioneer friend Bob Groom, "who last fall came from the
new geld diggings on the Colorado River, ascending Williams Pork to the San
Francis3o Mountains and thence in by Zuiii to Port Wingate and Albuquerque.
Groom was commerded as a guide or packer, anxious to return to the gold field
he had passed, and as a gentlemanly and intelligent man, in destitute circum-
stances, but worthy of consideration, kindness, confidence and help.
Though the surveyor-general's stay at the gold fields was short, it was not till
the mi-Idle of September that he returned to Santa Pe, reporting that the
country visited was rich in gold, silver, cinnabar and copper, even compared
with California. General Carleton had issued instructions for the prospecting
of all bis department, something that would have been done in any case, for
most of his soldiers were old California miners. On the Prieta affluent to the
Gila gold had been found that washed 40 cents to the pan, as well as argen-
tiferous galena worth a dollar a pound. Rich copper, abounding in gold, "in
quantity enough to supply the world." had been found near the head of the
Gila. Especially interesting was a reference, found in a letter written by the
general to Secretary Salmon P. Chase of the treasury department, accompanied
by two specimens of pure gold from the top of Antelope Mountain, a discovery
that had been referred to by I\Tr. Clark. These specimens had henn sent to
the general, he wrote, "by Mr. Swilling, discoverer of the new gold fields near
the San Francisco Mountains. If it be not improper, please give the larger
piece of the gold to Mr. Lincoln. It will gratify him to know tliat Providence
is blessing our country, though it chasteneth." The general sagely added:
"Now, would it not be wise for Congress to take early action in legislating for
such a region, to open roads, to give force to subjugate the I.idians, to give
mail facilities, to claim rights of seigniorage in the precious metals, which
will help us pay cur debts, etc.?" All of which shows that General Carleton
was one of the earliest of Arizona boosters.
Conner of the Walker party tells that the surveycr-general's party left five
large wagons behind near the site of Prcscott, to be used later, with some of
the Walker mules attached, in transporting goods from California.
The advent of the new territorial government gave stimulus to immigration
and it is told that in 1865 at least 3,000 placer miners, favored by a wet season,
were washing the sands of the gulches around Prescott. Within the mining
population was a large admixture of Galiforniar.s, accustomed to doing things
in an orderly manner, so as early as December 27, 1883, a meeting was held at
Goodwin City, a mile south of the site of Prescott, for the organization of a
raining district.
Another record found tells that the Walker party struck Groom Creek May
7, 1863, and therefrom spread into all the likely-looking gulches roundabout.
In June they found diggings on Lynx Creek, where Sam C. Miller killed a lynx
and George Colter got $350 from the wa.shing of a single pan. In October of
the same year, the Lount party of thirteen from Califoniia made camp in
Miller Valle;^-. It is claimed that fliis party made the first location under
American laws of any lode mine north of the Gila. It was on Lynx Creek,
called the "Pride of Arizona," and the notice was recorded December 27, 1863.
Charlie Genung claims that the first lode mine located in the Yavapai hills
was the Montgomery, staked out by a party of which he was a member late in
1863. The fame of the geld diggings had spread, for the Walker party and
others of the first comers were more than anxious for a larger settlement, in
order to secure better protection against the Apaches. In November, twenty-
four miners, including Ed Peck, arrived from New Mexico and joined the
Miller Valley colony.
While some of the creek beds of Yavapai County are washed for gold to
this day, the era of placering soon was succeeded by that of silver lode mining,
that in turn by gold mining and it again, by the development of the copper
industry. By 1875 on the Hassayampa, twenty-five miles south of Prcscott,
had been installed a 30-tcn smelting furnace, to work the silver-lead ores of
the Crescent and. other mines of the locality. Over in the Bradshaws had been
found the Tiger, Del Pasco, War Eagle, Peck, Black Warrior, Tuscumbia and
Silver Prince. Possibly best known of all of these was the Peck, which bad a
five-foot body of silver chloride within which a pay streak seemed about one-
half silver. The ores were reduced at a pioneer qunrtz mill at Aztlan, six
miles south of Prescott. The Peck was discovered in 1875 by Ed C. Peck, C. C.
Bean, William Cole and T. M. Alexander. Peck found the first heavy silver
float as he was stooping to drink from a spring. In 1877 the property was
capitalized in San Francisco. Then there was litigation and, though over
$1,000,000 is said to have been taken from the mine in its first few years, little
has been realized from it since.
One of the early properties was the Senator, on the upper Hassayampa,
which had a ten stamp mill early in the seventies. Rice and the Elliott brothers
discovered the Accidental in 1864 near Lynx Creek. The well-known Poland,
named after one of its discoverers, is of pioneer rating, as is the Silver Belt,
near Big Bug, from which lead-silver ores were worked in a furnace on the
Agua Fria. Still further to the northward Charles Spencer, Dan O'Leary and
other daring prospectors made their way into the canons of the Colorado and
down into the mysterious gorge of Cataract Creek, where they found hori-
zontal veins of silver ore of great richness, but in spots almost inaccessible on
the sides of the cliffs.
Jack Swilling, Bob Groom, Ed Peck, Jack Moore and a number of other
noted pioneer Arizonans, were busy in the hills of Yavapai County in this
period, defying the Indians, but leaving behind little more than a history of
their deeds. The Tip Top probably was the leading mine of the Bradshaws
during the late seventies and its stock was listed on the San Francisco board.
The famous Vulture mine, in desert hills eleven miles from the railroad
town of Wickenburg, has had broad renown as the greatest producer of gold
ever known in the Southwest and tales of its output run up to $10,000,000. It
was (and is) a great mine, but hardly to the extent quoted. It was discovered
late in 1863 by Henry Wickenburg, who had been a member of the Weaver
party. The mine at first was a pile of almost loose rock, with gold visible to
the naked eye anywhere across a thirty-foot ledge. It is told that miners
became wealthy by simply bringing away pockets or lunch cans full of gold
quartz that at times carried a volume of more than half of the precious metal.
Apaches swarmed in the vicinity and many travelers were killed between the
waterless mine and the river. More than forty arastras at one time were being
operated on the river on ore from the Vulture. Charlie Genung happened
along in July, 1864, in time to help Wickenburg build his first arastra, the
first clean-up realizing $100 from a ton of ore. The arastras in general were
operated by contractors, who paid Wickenburg $15 a ton for ore at the mine,
the buyer doing his own mining and packing and generally making by his
deal. In 1865 the arastras had been succeeded by two small mills at the Town
of Wickenburg, said to have been so named by Governor Goodwin. One of
these mills was built by Michael Goldwater, who took a mortgage on the first
product to secure his pay. He ran the mill a month, realizing $3,000 a day
and then turned it over; the bonanza ore was gone and the ledge matter had
dropped in value to $30 a ton. In the spring of 1866 the main claim was
bought for $75,000 by B. Phelps of New York, a miner of prior experience at
the Picacho, near La Paz, and in the Heintzelman and Cababi camps. There-
after a twenty-stamp mill was built at Wickenburg. The gross gold product
for about a year, to September, 1867, was only $45,633.
A better storj' was told, however, by the noted western assayer, Thomas
Price, who estimated that the Vulture Company, within six years, crushed
118,000 tons of quartz, with extraction of about $2,500,000.
The mine has passed through the hands of many operators, some of wlioin
have used it merely for stock selling. The ores have been reduced at several
points along the Hassayampa, particularly at Smith's mill and at Seymour.
Still later an eighty-stamp mill was erected at the mine, where ore of very low
grade was successfully handled until a pipe line from the Hassayampa was
swept away by the flood of 1890. During a lease of the property, the old stone
buildings at the Town of Vulture were torn down and run through the mill
and it is told that the walls averaged about $20 to the ton in gold. The mine
worked only to the depth of 550 feet on an incline, when a fault was encountered.
The old workings largely caved in and became a wreck. During the last few
years a new company operating the mine has sunk at a different point and
again has found the lead, almost as rich as it wa.s in pioneer days.
Despite the richness of the surface ores and the fact that he received a gross
sum approaching $100,000 when he sold the claims, Wickenburg failed to hold
more than a very modest competency. His death was at his own hand, by a
bullet through the brain, in his little adobe house on the Hassayampa a short
distance below the town that bore his name. He was aged about 86.
An investment of $550,000 was represented in the works of the Arizona
Smelting Company at Humboldt, ' ' blown in ' ' during March, 1906. This plant,
designated to furnish an outlet for the ores of the small mines of Yavapai
County, has had a checkered career, mainly remarkable for the quantity of
bonds that were sold upon the strength of its operations. Latterly it has passed
into the hands of a company which appears to be operating it for profit locally
derived. In the same district have been a number of remarkable experiments
in the way of reduction plants, which have failed as soon as tested. The Brad-
shaw Mountains near by, found productive in pioneer days, now are yielding
their riches in greater volume than ever before, the miners assisted by modern
methods in realizing value contained in ores once called rebellious and henee
considered worthless.
On the southwestern spurs of the Bradshaws, beyond the famous diggings
of Rich Hill, lies the onee-famous Congress, the deepest mine of the South-
west, with an incline shaft over 4,000 feet in length. This mine was bought in
1887 by "Diamond Jo" Reynolds of St. Louis, locally represented by Frank
M. Murphy. Reynolds died* at the camp in March, 1891, some months after
the start' of the mill. The property was very productive for years, but finally
proved unprofitable. A few miles distant is the well-known Octave property.
The United Verde at Jerome generally is considered the richest copper
mine in Arizona, though not the largest, measured in pounds of product or in
area. Nearly wholly owned by former Senator W. A. Clark of Montana, it is
understood to be worth several millions a year net income. Yet the mine
before Clark's ownership had a history of financial disaster.
Credit for the first mining location in the Black Hills section has been
given to the noted scout Al Sieber, who, in 1877, staked out a claim he called
the Verde. This mine later was owned by the Verde Queen Company, which
found little profit in the operation of a small smelting furnace. This mine
and gcod looking croppings nearby, about where Jerome now stands, were
visited the same year by Gecrge W. Hull, who, years later, was pleased to
own exteiisio.i o^i the ground he had passed over. Two claims on these crop-
pings were located in 1877 by John Dougherty and Capt. J. D. Boyd and there
was organized the Verde Mining District, with G. V. Kell as recorder. The
next year three ad.ijining claims were located by M. A. Ruffner, who, with.
Rod McKimiuii, did much work on the Eureka and Sleeping Beauty mines.
In 1S82 the mines were examined by F. F. Thomas, who had been told in
Prescott, by Angus McKinnon, that he and his brother had a fine copper mine
in the Black Hills, about twenty-five miles distant. This was the Wade Hamp-
ton, where Angus and John McKinnon had sunk a forty-five foot shaft and a
short drift. '1 he prospect locked good and so an agreement was made to pay
McKinnon $jCO cash and $15,000 December 1. Thomas employed tlie McKin-
nons, who seemed to be afraid to sink for fear of knocking the bottom out of
their mine and spoiling a good prospect. Thomas foreseeing the prospect of a
big mine by consolidation of several claim, thereafter bonded the adjoining
Eureka mii cs from Charles Lennig of Philadelphia, the Hermit claim from
Ruffner and the McKinions, the Azure and Adventure Chromes from Judge
Rilej- of Nevada and his nephews, in all getting possession of eleven claims, as
well as title to a spring in Walr.ut Gulch. Nearly all had good copper crop-
pings. but some shewed only iron, zinc and lead sulphide, with low assays in
silver and gld. In the same year Gecrge A. Treadwell, later noted as a raining
expert, was taken to see the property and became enthusiastic over it, later
acquirir g an interest in the ground. Securing the necessary money for making
the bond payments was not easy, and the month of December was spent by
Thomas in chasing around eastern financial centers and trying to interest
capital. The McKi' ncn bnnd had been extended to January 1, by which date
Thomas had telegraphed $7,500 to the McKinnrns. The incorporation of the
United Verde Crpper Company was effected in 1883, with James A. McDonald,
president, and Eugene Jerome as secretary and treasurer, with Thomas super-
intendent and general manager, authorized to install reduction works, build a
road and operate the prrpcrty. Thomas left New York ^March 23, 1883, and
soon thereafter start-d the first fifty-ton furnace, which made a phenomenal
run on rxidized ores, high with silver. Thomas had already surveyed the town-
site, which he named after the company's secretary.
While the mine was wonderfully rich, reduction processes of that day had
not dev, loped to the print wherein its ores could bo handled profitably. Within
a year the company had paid $62,000 in dividends cut of a total production of
$779 01 '0 wrr'h of copper. This came mairly in the form of a 60-per cent matte,
in which was eonsidernble gold. Transportation was even as much trouble as
the refractcrv rr:s and si. lat? in NovembeP, 1884, when copper had dr'^pped-to
about seven cen+s a pound, and when snow covered the Black Hills divide, over
which the hauling had to be done to Ash Fork, the mine was closed down. In
the summer of 1887 Governor Tritle secured a bond and lease on the property
from the United Verd-* Company, but soon found the same distressing condi-
tions bearing down m him that had confronted the previous management.
According to G. W. Hull, locator cf adjacent property, "the men at the inine
not being paid their wages, took possession and threatened to destroy the plant."
Some sort cf settlement was made, and then the mine was on the market. Prof.
James Douglas examined the prcperty, but considered it too remote Irom trans-
portation. Fcllowing him came \V. A. Clark of Montana, accompanied by John
L. Thompson and J. L. Giroux. In February, 1888, Clark leasod the property,
and in Ja;iuary, 1&89, afttr Giroux had made full investigation and a number
of smeller runs had been made, Clark purchased control cf the company.
A narrow-gauge railroad was ccmpleled in November, lS9i. over the hills
and down a torlufus valley. Abcut the same time fire started in a sulphide
slope and evin today there is troublo from this source. In Octeber, 1900, was a
serious cave-in that dropped a large part of the reduction works and railroad
grade about five feet. In the early Clark days, a tunnel struck an immenso body
of water.
Clark's capital and the skill cf his managers soon put the mine on a paying
basis. It was appreciated, however, that the reduction works and slag dump
should not bo o i top of the mine, si plons Wvre made for a new reduction plant
in the valley, where the Town of Clarkdale now is in being, supported by the
oporation of a sm- Iter that alonf has c^st $3.0CO,000, with a broad gauge rail-
road eenneding wiih the Santa Fe system, and with a wonderful railroad lead-
ing i :to the mountain on the mine's 1.000-foot level. The old smelter above
Jerome was abandoned in September, 1915.
One cf the bes»^ known cf what have been called the desert mines of Arizona
was the Ilarqua Hola in Northeastern Yuma County, a bonanza of relatively
late date. It brought i^^s original owner .$75,000, and later was sold to an
English corporation by Hubbard & Bowers for $1 350,000. Three times it had
been rep-rted worked out. but two of these times almost accidental prospecting
uneov red groat 1 uses of ore running high in gold.
Within the plains of southern and central Yuma County have been found
many rich gold mines, from the cement placer deposit near Quartzsite down to
almost the Jlexican line. Some of these, such as the King of Arizona and the
North Star, prf^duced phenomerally for a while, but failed to retain value with
depth. One of the richest and most enduring of these desert gold mines was
the Fcrtuna, from which millions rf dollars were taken up to early in 1903,
when the shaft was destroyed by a slip that caved in the lower levels.
In the north' rn part rf Yuma County largo expenditures were made about
1910 by the Clara Consolidated Copper Company, a corporation mainly capital-
ized m Los Angelos. which built a smelter and railroad before it had developed
its ore body. The usual result followed and the smelter has been idle save for
a few months, and the company has passed through bankruptcy.
One of the best known of the pioneer mines was the Gunsight, in Myers
district, twenty milos north cf the Mexican border, in south-central Pima
County, discovered in November. 1878. Early shipments of ere were made with
returns net at the rate cf $1 200 a t^n. The name itself was significant of riches,
for fr-^m the croppings one of the discoverers whittled himself a pure silver
gunsight, to replace cne that had been lest. The ore was heavy in lead.
A forty-two mile railroad has just been completed to connect Gila Bend
with the old A jo camp, Arizona's first copper producer. The mines now are
held by a company subsidiarj'^ to the Calumet and Arizona, and more than
$5,000,000 has been spent in preparations for working the great deposits that
are said to average not over 2 per cent in copper. Yet, through the perfection
of modern mining processes, even this small saving of forty pounds of metal
to a ton of ore is expected to bring in large profits. At Ajo has been developed
a reduction process believed to be worth many millions to Arizona copper
miners. Success has attended experiments in treating the surface carbonate
ores, which heretofore have been considered beyond economical reduction when
carrying less than 5 per cent copper. Now it has been demonstrated possible to
concentrate carbonates which were thought before only suitable for smelting.
In Februarj-, 1908, at Sasco (Southern Arizona Smelting Company) was
started the smelter of the Imperial Copper Company, a company subsidiary to
the Development Company of America. The ore came from the well-known
pioneer Old Boot mine at Silver Bell. The furnaces were closed down in 1910,
owing to the inability of the company to find profit in the handling of the ore
which seems to have been too low grade for reduction by smelting process.
Immediately two fair-sized towns were deserted.
One of the greatest silver mines in the world, undoubtedlj- the greatest mine
of its class within Arizona, was the Silver King, located at the camp of the
- same name, beneath the western buttresses of the Pinal range, in the northern
part of Pinal County. To this day chloriders are finding ore in extensions of
the outer workings, at no great depth from the surface, but the old mine itself,
with its chimney -like formation, worked to a depth of 1,000 feet, is more than
half filled witli water and is dangerous at am- point.
In the days of its activity it disbursed about $1,500,000 in dividends, and
was one of the few Arizona stocks regularly quoted on the San Francisco Stock
Exchange. Its mill was at Pinal, five miles from the mine, a camp better known
to old timers as "Picket Post," for the most prominent feature of its landscape
was Picket Post Butte, one of the signal stations of the Apaches, from which
they could sight the passing of enemies for many miles around.
/O i X. '^^ ^^^^ camp, in J^?^, came Harry Brook, a professional newspaper man,
wlio, for awhile, tried to find fortune in the editing there of a weeklj- newspaper,
The Pinal Drill; but "The Drill" left pay-rock behind long ago, and the towns
of Pinal and Silver King are mere heaps of crumbling adobes. Probablj' the
best historian of the Silver King is Bi'ook himself and the liberty, therefore, is
taken of quoting from his writings on the subject :
Great chunks of absolutely pure virgin silver were dug out of the Silver King. The
sxijierintendent, Aaron Mason, would sometimes drive down from the mine to the mill with a
string of wire silver several feet long twisted around his sombrero. They sent native silver to
' the mint and had it made into silver dollars, which were given away as souvenirs. We have
heard much, of late, in regard to "high grading" — in plain English, stealing — of rich gold
ore in Nevada. Well, at the Silver King the stealing of silver ore was a common thing, and
several "fences" were prosecuted and sent to jail. Men on the big ore teams would throw
off chunks of rich ore, which were picked up by confederates. It was said that the dust of the
five-mile stretch between the mine and the mill would average at least $5 a ton in silver.
The story of the discovery of the Silver King is one of the romances of Western mining
history. Here it is, as it was told to me: In ]872, Gen. Stoneman, later governor of Cali-
fornia, established a camp near an Apache trail anu constructed a road up the face of a
mountain of the Pinal range. One of the soldiers, named Sullivan, employed in cutting the
trail, returned from work one evening, sat down on a projecting rock near camp, and began
picking up fragments among which were some small heavy, black metallic-looking lumps.
These, instead of breaking up when pounded on the stones, flattened out, somewhat resembling
lead. His term of service expiring soon afterward, he made his way to the ranch of Chas. G.
Mason, on Salt Elver, near the present site of Phoenix. The soldier frequently showed Mason
the black nuggets, without saying where he found them. One day Sullivan disappeared and
was not heard of for years.
Meantime, several attempts were made to find the source of the nuggets. A location was
made a mile and a half away, and called the "Silver Queen," the first location made in the
region. Later was established Globe district, now famous as a producer of copper. In 1875
Mr. Mason and one of his neighbors, Benjamin W. Began, formed a party of five, consisting of
themselves, William H. Long, Isaac Copeland and another to go again to the Globe mine, taking
a train of animals to fetch out some of the ore. On their way back, March 21, 1875, they were
attacked by Apaches, and one of their party was killed. His body was taken to Camp Supply,
at the summit of the Stoneman Grade, and was buried by his comrades in one of the old stone
ovens used for baking bread by Stoneman 's soldiers. When the survivors reached the foot
of the grade near to the water and camp, Copeland was sent to fetch a mule, which had
strayed, and found it standing on some croppings at one side of the trail, some of which he
broke off. He soon after came hurrying into camp shouting, "I have struck it," and "it's
good enough for me. ' ' It was the ' ' black stuff ' ' — metallic silver.
The ownership of the Silver King location was then equally divided between the four
survivors of the party of five. Copeland and Long sold out to their partners for $80,000, under
the impression that the mine was too good to last, but this amount was made from the net
profits in less than six months. Then Charles Mason weakened and sold his interest to Col. S. M.
Barney, of Yuma, for $250,000. At this time the first-class ores assayed $8,000 to $20,000 per
ton, and were shipped to San Francisco by way of Yuma. Soon after, Eeagan began to suspect
the mine had a^ bottom to it, and sold out to Barney for $300,000.
Several years later, when the Silver King was in full operation, an aged man came slowly
into the settlement of Picket Post, as Pinal City was then called, and gazed with interest at
the busy scene around the mill. He went to the oflSce of the company, announced himself as
Sullivan, the old soldier, the original discoverer of the vein, and asked for work. He was
identified, and taken into the company's employ. He had teen working as a farm hand in
California, trying to obtain sufficient means to return to Arizona.
The Silver Queen, referred to by Brook, is now included in what is known as
Superior Mining district. A shaft sunk from near the top of a hillside for
several hundred feet served as outlet for very rich silver ores. The silver at
depth became mixed with copper, and became hard to work and less valuable,
and so, the mine practically was abandoned with hundreds of tons of "refrac-
tory" ore thrown away on the dump. Later, some Globe miners sampled this
dump, and found it so rich in copper that a bond was taken on the mine for
$50,000. This bond later was taken up personally by one of the Globe men, who
sold Lhe Silver Queen claim to Hayden, Stone & Co. of New York, representing
the Lewisohn mining interests. A shaft was sunk deeper and at once ran into
one of the greatest copper bonanzas of the world. Today it is known as the
Magma mine; possessing, developed to great depth, one of the richest copper
deposits opened up in the Southwest, valued at many millions of dollars.
This history of a silver capping to a copper deposit is common in the South-
west, where it appears that the richer the silver capping the richer the copper to
be found below. On this hypothesis, there are many who believe that underneath
the old Silver King workings may lie a body of copper similar to that developed
in the Silver Queen.
There was nothing prosaic about the richness of Tombstone's mines. They
were founded on romance, and romance and excitement dominated the days of
their operation. Romance there was in their location.
Ed Schieffelin, in the winter of 1877-8, after short civilian service with a
company of soldiers, was employed to do assessment work on the Brunckow mine,
about a mile north of the site of Charleston. This was the only mine then known
in that locality. It had been located in '1858 by a Polish scientist, who had
given the claim his own name. The mine was valueless. Schieffelin 's idle time
was spent in the hills prospecting. He was probably the only man in the camp
who cared to prospect, for the hill slopes were uninviting, and it was known
that they contained Apaches. As he started on one particular expedition, a
companion queried, "Where are you going, Ed?" "Just out in the hills to
look for stones," was the reply, and the parting observation as he tramped away
was, ' ' The stone you will find will be your tombstone. ' ' Possibly that very day,
at a point a short distance below the present town, he traced some rich silver
"float" to a ledge on which he set his foot and cried, "At last I have found my
tombstone!" This claim, which he named the Tombstone, he recorded at
Tucson, September 3, 1877. It was several miles from the later camp of Tomb-
stone and about four miles from the San Pedro River.
His work on the Brunckow finished, Schieffelin went to Silver King, where
he learned that his brother, Al, had gone to Signal in Mohave County. He
journeyed thither and showed his "float" to Dick Gird, assayer at the time in
the Signal mill. Much interested. Gird and Al Schieffelin accompanied him
back to Southern Arizona, and soon letters arrived in Signal telling they had
struck it rich, causing an exodus of much of the male population of that camp
bound for the new strike. The original location, the Tombstone, did not
prove of much value, but much better success attended the development of a
number of claims staked out on the very site of the town thereafter established.
These claims included the Tough Nut, Goodenough, Lucky Cuss and East Side
and West Side.
Soon after the arrival of the Schieffelin party, the upper mineral section
of the district was accidentally stumbled upon by Ed. Williams and Jack
Friday. In the night their mules had broken loose from a dry camp that had
been made, and struck out for water along an Indian trail. In the morning
they were tracked, their way made clear by a dragging chain attached to one of
the animals. Following the chain trail, Williams noticed the bright gleam of
metal where the iron had been dragged, and investigation developed the exist-
ence of the Contention lode, the richest location ever made in the district. The
mules were followed over into the Schieffelin camp, where the new mine received
its logical name in the contention that arose over its ownership, for Schieffelin
was none too well pleased that a stranger had discovered mineral almost under
his very nose. The quarrel was settled, however, by the division of the ground,
the Schieffelin interests taking the lower end, the Contention, and Williams and
his partner the other, the Grand Central. Gus Barron, a skilled miner and
friend of Schieffelin, then was called up from Mexico to superintend develop-
Soon after discovery, the Contention was purchased by J. H. "White and
W. S. Denson, who represented W. D. Dean of San Francisco. The price was
$10,000, considered exorbitant by the sellers themselves, who could not foresee
the future production of millions of dollars.
The principal mining companies during the palmy days of the camp were
the Contention Consolidated, Grand Central, Tombstone jMilling and Mining
Company, Vizina, Empire and Stonewall. Water was struck in the Sulphuret
shaft at 500 feet. The Grand Central and Contention put in pumps, but found
that they were draining the district, while the other companies refused to pay a
proportion of the expense. The Grand Central, which had surface works mate-
rially higher than any other in the district, kept pumping to some extent till
May, 1886, when the surface works burned. The Grand Central pump was
modeled after those that had proved successful in the Virginia City section
and is said to have cost $300,000. It was of the Cornish type, with an immense
wooden pump rod, operated by a massive walking beam that reared about thirty
feet above its foundation. This beam and the equally enormous fly-wheel still
are on the hillside, a monument to departed greatness. About a year after the
fire, the Contention hoist and pumping works also were burned, this practically
marking the closing down of the entire district.
In the spring of 1880 the Tombstone District had four towns. Tombstone
then had a population of about 1,000, established on or near the Tough Nut
group of mines. Richmond was a settlement a mile and a quarter to the south-
east. At Charleston on the San Pedro were the Corbin and Tombstone mills.
The Contention mill was at Contention City, also on the San Pedro. Thos. R.
Sorin wrote that, in this same locality, the "Old Bronco mine" had a dark
histoiy, in which was mixed the murders of sixteen men. Dick Gird claimed that
the old Brunckow house had been the headquarters for a band of smugglers,
who did a little mining as a blind.
Early in 1880 Gird was superintendent of the Tombstone Gold and Silver
Milling and Mining Company, of which ex-Governor Safford was president, and
which owned the Tough Nut and five other claims. March 13, 1879, the Corbin
brothers, Hamilton Distin of Philadelphia and Simmons Squire of Boston had
purchased the interest of the Schieffelin brothers in the Tough Nut group for
$1,000,000. Gird later received the same sum for his third.
The Corbin Company, comprising about the same interests, purchased the
others of the original mining claims located by the Sehieffelins and Gird, includ-
ing the Lucky Cuss. The Grand Central in the same period was mentioned only
as a prospect that had been developed to a depth of 280 feet.
Ed Schieffelin was born near Pittsburgh, Penn., in 1848, and when only a
lad was taken by his parents to Oregon. Disliking his father's occupation of
farming, he ran away from home to prospect for mineral in Southern Oregon.
Thereafter he knew no life save that of the prospector, in Nevada, Idaho, Colo-
rado and New Mexico. He worked at anything else only in order to secure
funds for another trip to the mountains. Almost continually his life was in
danger from Indians of various sorts. A description of him, written about
1876, tells that he was "about the queerest specimen of human flesh ever seen,
about 6 feet 2 inches in height, with black curly hair that hung several inches
below his shoulders. His long, untrimmed beard was a mass of unkempt knots
and mats. His clothing was worn out and covered with patches of deerskins,
corduroy and flannel and his old slouch hat, too, was so pieced with rabbit skin
that very little of the original felt remained. Although only 27 years of age,
he looked at least forty." It was about that time that Schieffelin had temporary
service with the army as a scout, but in 1877 he was again punching a burro
in the hills of Southern Arizona.
It is probable that riches brought little pleasure to Schieffelin and that
never again was he as happy as in his Arizona days. His brother died while
still in possession of his share of the return from the mines and left his money
to relatives. Ed gave away large sums to old friends and to his family con-
nections and lost much in speculations that proved him a very bad business
man indeed. Dissatisfied with civilization, he moved from the home he had
established in New Jersey, left his wife in California and again started out
as a prospector, though on a rather elaborate scale. He bought a small stem-
wheel steamer and for a summer prospected the bars of the Yukon River in
In May, 1897, his body was found in a cabin near Canonville, Oregon, death
having come suddenly of heart disease. When his will was opened it was found
that his thoughts had ever lingered with Arizona, for there was a direction that
he was to be buried in the garb of a prospector together with his old pick and
canteen, near the mines he had discovered. The wish was carried out and
burial was on a lonely granite point, several miles west of Tombstone, where
he had made his camp at the time of his discovery. The monument, of cemented
rock, is sixteen feet high and rests upon a foundation twenty feet square and,
though out of the path of travel, can be seen from the car windows of the
Fairbank-Tombstone train. Upon it is a simple inscription: "Ed Schieffelin;
died May 12, 1897, aged 49 years 8 months ; a dutiful son ; a faithful husband ;
a kind brother ; a true friend. ' '
In the early days of the camp, A. L. Grow was one of those who came from
Signal. In 1891 he was made local agent for a couple of the companies, and in
1894 included the Grand Central property within the scope of his supervision.
He evolved a great idea, that of consolidating all the mines of the district into
one corporation that could handle the water, and thus again make available the
riches of the flooded lower workings. Grow got satisfactory bonds on about
all the properties. He tried to float the consolidation in New York and I^ondon,
but failed, though at one time very near to success.
In 1901 E. B. Gage came to the fore and took over the bonds. Gage knew
the property very well indeed, for he had been superintendent and later presi-
dent of the Grand Central Company.
The new controlling corporation, the Tombstone Consolidated Mines Com-
pany, was more or less subsidiary to the Development Company of America,
which had been organized mainly through the efforts of Frank M. Murphy of
Preseott, controlling the stock of companies operating mines at Imperial, Con-
gress, Poland and other Arizona points.
Not far from the old Contention workings, with an especial view toward
tapping the great ledge at depth, was started the Boom shaft, driven down to
1,080 feet of depth. Good silver ore was found and it was felt that a wonderful
copper body eventually would be uncovered a little further down. Other shafts
were cleaned out and equipped, and an expensive forty-stamp mill was built.
As depth was attained, difficulty with water increased with every foot of sink-
ing. A dozen great boilers were found necessary to provide steam for pumps
that at one time were raising 8,000,000 gallons of water a day, the oil fuel
expense alone amounting to $700 a day. It is told that all in all the company
showed debits amounting to over $5,000,000 during the term of its activities,
with only relatively small returns from ores extracted, for the main workings
did not reach the point where the managers believed the best ore lay. Disaster
came quickly in June, 1909. Failure to properly drain the oil tanks let water
into fuel pipes under the boilers and the fires immediately were extinguished.
In the shaft the water leaped upward and drowned out the pumps within an
hour. New sinking pumps were lowered, but it was .just one day more than
fifteen months before the pumping station on the 1,000-foot level again was
drained. The expense proved too much for the company to bear, and on Janu-
ary 19, 1911, the fires wer6 pulled and the water again was allowed to rise
unchecked to its natural level. On August 10 of the same year the company
went into bankruptcy. On June 23, 1914, at receiver's sale the whole property
of the Tombstone Consolidated Mines Company was purchased for $500,000 by
the Phelps-Dodge Company.
The Phel'ps-Dodge Company, warned by the experience of its predecessor,
has not attempted the task of draining the locality, but is proceeding on an
exploration of the ground that may take years before pumps again are started.
During the period of bankruptcy, the trustee in bankruptcy of the property
was none other than Mr. Grow, and it is notable that during this term, instead
of sitting idly, he made the mines bear more than their own expense, producing
$46,000 under a system of leases, with a minimum outlay. The property now
controlled by the Phelps-Dodge Company in the district embraces about 150
An aftermath of the failure of Tombstone was a suit, filed on June 4, 1914,
by the Development Company of America against the Southern Pacific of Ken-
tucky, seeking $15,000,000 damages. The complaint, on the evidence of Frank
M. Murphy of the Development Company, included passing reference to the
manner in which the Southern Pacific had checkmated Murphy and the Santa
Fe in their attempt to enter the transportation field of Southern Arizona.
Apparently involved in the transfer to the Southern Pacific of the Santa F6
east of Phoenix was an agreement whereby 51 per cent of the stock of the Devel-
opment Company was to have been taken by the Southern Pacific for $3,500,000.
With it would have been carried control of the stock of the Tombstone, Imperial,
Congress and Poland mining companies, as well as the railroad out of Red Rock
and a concession for building a railroad into Mexico. It was alleged that in
July, 1910, in consideration 6f the agreement, the defendant company, through
its president, R. S. Lovett, promised to loan the Development Company $500,000 ;
that this agreement was not kept ; that the plaintiff was forced to borrow, under
unfavorable terms, later to lose the hypothecated stock and that the mines
finally had to be closed down for lack of funds to continue their operation.
The Commonwealth mine was discovered in 1894 by a miner, from whom
the resultant camp of Pearce took its name. Two years after the property was
sold for $275,000, though the deepest shaft was one of only fifty feet. A 200-ton
mill then placed on the mine was destroyed by fire in June, 1900. It was suc-
ceeded by an eighty-stamp mill, which continued in opefation till December,
1904, when the mines were closed down. The ores are assumed to have been
much leaner than had been known, though the cause given for the stoppage was
a serious cave-in. It has been told that the output for four years approximated
$4,000,000, mainly in gold. The owners were Pennsylvania people, including
Senator Boise Penrose. The following year Swatling & Smith, former heads
of the mining and reduction departments, paid the owners $200,000 on lease
percentages and are assumed to have cleared at least as much more for them-
selves, during the one year. In 1909 Swatling & Smith, having bought the
property, added to its equipment only to again see the mill destroyed by fire.
In all, the mine is credited with production of at least $10,000,000 in gold. The
property still is operated.
Of romantic history is the old Vekol mine, thirty miles south of Casa
Grande, once a large producer of silver and lead. It was an Indian mine, one
of the few of the many such reported that proved to have real existence. Its
secret was given about forty years ago by Pima Indians to John D. Walker.
Walker, who rather prided himself that in his blood was a strain of Wyandotte
Indian, had lived with the Pimas for years and had secured their confidence
both by his generosity and the fact that he had married into the tribe. The
Indians brought in specimens of ore, which he had assayed, finding that they
contained several thousand ounces of silver to the ton. He passed on the secret
to his friend, Peter R. Brady, but the Indians refused to show the mine if he
was accompanied by anyone save his brother, Lucien. The locators went out at
night, but Brady followed on the trail in the morning, reaching the Vekol ground
while Walker was putting up his monuments, and was welcomed as a third
partner. The ore outcrop from which the Indians had taken their specimens
was worked out within a day, but Lucien Walker stayed with the mine and sunk
a deeper shaft on the spot from which the specimens had come. Following a
talc seam, not thicker than a knife blade, after three weeks' labor he found a
large chamber of rich ore, and by the same method of following the seam other
and larger lenses were discovered, some of them containing phenomenally rich
ore. In gratitude to the Indians, only Pimas and Papagos were employed under-
ground, where the workings were of the crudest sort, running irregularly as
the scams were drifted upon. An offer of $200,000 was made for the property
and refused by the Walkers, who thereafter paid Brady $65,000 for his third
interest. It is told that they made the payment from the proceeds of ten car-
loads of ore they already had available for shipment. The fortunes created were
the cause of a number of bitter lawsuits that originated in Los Angeles, around
the claims of John D. Walker's Indian daughter.
I— f
The History of ihe Globe Seclion — Miami's Recent Development — Ray's Mines and
Hardens Reduction Works — Clifton, a Pioneer Copper Producer — Disbee's Real
Discoverer — Growth of the Camp — Mining for a Meteor — Copper Production.
The first recorded locations in Globe were the Globe and Globe Ledge claims,
the stakes set, in 1873, upon a great iron capping by B. W. Reagan, the Ander-
son brothers, Charles Mason, De Long and Copland. Their claims now are
included within the main workings of the Old Dominion Copper Company, one
of the largest copper producers of the Southwest, but the locators thought they
had a silver mine. Little was done on the property for about three years. Then
Reagan, having become the sole owner, employed "Bud" Woodson and Phil
Phelps to dig a hundred-foot tunnel. The first copper mining was done in 1878
by Garrish & Van Arsdale, who had bonded the Hoosier and Gray claims from
Woodson & Phelps. Some ore was taken out and hauled to Wheatfields, down
Pinal Creek, 'where permanent water was available and where there had been
erected a simple sort of adobe smelting furnace.
A prospector named Stowe is said to have worked in the hills around the
location of Globe as early as 1864 and to have been an occasional visitor to
Camp Goodwin, where he secured his supplies. In 1869 W. A. Holmes, far
better known as "Hunkydory," was a member of a party that passed through
the same region. Locations are said to have been made in 1870 by Holmes,
H. B. Summers and Cal. Jackson.
In 1881 the Old Dominion Mining Company erected a thirty-ton furnace at
Bloody Tanks, about nine miles across the hills from Globe, at the head of iMiami
Gulch, only a short distance from the present site of Miami. This furnace was
run about three months only, on ore from the Philadelphia, New York, Old
Dominion-Keystone and Borva claims. It being evident that the site was poorly
chosen, the company purchased the Globe claim, which by that time had also
been equipped with a small furnace and moved its own water jacket down to
the Globe, the two furnaces occupying a location on the edge of Pinal Creek,
just below the spot where the Old Dominion smelter of to-day now stands.
Beside the 100-foot tunnel, the Globe and surrounding claims had only a few
ten-foot prospect holes, a very small showing on which to base the operations
of a couple of furnaces. But a shaft promptly was started on the hillside
above and the fact remains that, from that day onward, there was never a time
when an ample ore supply was not available, ahead of all demands of the smelter.
A couple of other small water-jackets had been installed about the same time
for working the surface carbonate and oxide ores of the mines, particularly
the Carrie smelter, which stood on a little point of land on the western side of
the creek, now within the residential section of Globe. Its manager was John
"Williams, a pioneer smelter man.
In 1881 Gen. A. A. McDonald built a couple of adobe furnaces, but abandoned-
them almost immediately for one of the water-jacket type, wherein were worked
the silicious ores of the Buffalo group. Still nearer town was the Hoosier smelter
of the Long Island Company, operated by Frank Nicholson, who made a remark-
able record in smelting free ores and established the first eight-hour shift of the
district. Both mines now belong to the Old Dominion group. E. 0. Kennedy
and John Williams, son of the Carrie's manager, made some remarkable records
with the Old Dominion smelter. It was told of the latter, working three thirty-
ton water jackets, that he handled about 150 tons of ore a day for two weeks,
with a return from the ore that averaged 23 per cent black copper.
Transportation was the main expense and trouble of the pioneer copper
days. Most of the travel came around by Casa Grande, Florence and Silver
King, at the last point the passenger mounting a mule for a thirty-mile ride
across the mountains, via Devil's Canon, with its famous rock slide. The mail
came in by the way of Florence, Riverside and Pioneer, across the Pinal Moun-
tains. Wagon transportation had only one way into camp, from Willcox or
Bowie, on the Southern Pacific, 140 miles, through the San Carlos Indian Reser-
vation. There were all sorts of teams upon the road, from two-horse wagons
driven by struggling Mormon colonists from the Gila Valley, up to the famous
bell team of sixteen immense Norman-Percheron horses. There were teams of
twenty-four mules, of the best Kentucky breed, and again, into camp would
roll a mile or so of "rawhide" equipment, of Mexican mules, with Mexican
drivers, both, seemingly, living oil the country as they passed.
There was little sulphur in the ores of that day and coke consumption was
relatively heavy. Some of the coke came all of the way from Wales. It cost
$5.50 duty paid in San Francisco, $20 was added for the railroad freight to
Willcox, and then it cost $40 more to haul from the railroad to the mine.
Naturally, under the circumstances, the best coke was the cheapest in the end.
In 1882, when copper had reached 19 cents and the district was on the
highest tide of prosperity, occurred the failure of the Credit Foncier, through
which most of the copper of the world then was being marketed. The red metal
dropped at once to about 9 cents. The furnaces of the district necessarily closed
and Globe entered upon a period of depression that was not lifted till the
arrival of cheaper and better transportation with the completion of the Gila
Valley, Globe & Northern Railroad, December 1, 1898.
It was the history of mining in the Southwest that practically all copper
districts have silver in their croppings. This was pre-eminently true of Globe.
One of the most noted of the early silver mines was the Stonewall Jackson, at
McMillen, located in February, 1876, by Harris & McMillen. Though it was
worked for more than four years, its location really was on the San Carlos Indian
Reservation, from which it afterward was cut off by congressional enactment
The ledge was a clear one, traceable for ten miles and, in places, eighty feet in
thickness, and it is improbable that its only riches are upon the Stonewall
claim. The surface of the claim had wonderfully rich ore. Some almost pure
silver was chiseled from a pay streak, but most of the product was handled in
a five-stamp mill packed in over the mountains by a California company, which
made about $1,000,000 by its operations, over the cost price of $120,000. One
feature of the early milling was that salt for amalgamation was purchased for
25 cents a pound of the Cox brothers, who evaporated it from the waters of
a saline spring on a tributary of Salt River.
The mines of Richmond Basin were discovered about the same time by
Dickey & Olvaney, who located the Richmond East and Richmond West claims
for themselves and the MacMorris for a grub-stake partner, one Macilorris of
Prescott, together with Cook & Styles of Florence. The last claim proved the
best. In 1885, for $90,000, it was sold to Fisk & Stout of New York, who formed
a company for its operation. The senior member of the firm was Gen. Clinton
B. Fisk, the first national prohibition candidate for President. He sent his son
out to Globe to establish a bank. At Wheatfield the company built a ten-stamp
mill that ran for three years, with returns of $1,750,000. Good values were
found in the ore from the upper levels, but from 400 to 800 feet of depth little
ore was found. There is a story, possibly authentic, to the effect that the last
few mill runs were helped out by the melting of Mexican dollars brought in and
charged to expense. Superintendent Baldwin, who last was in charge, started
for the East to consult with the directors and was accidentally killed while
crossing the Sierras. It is also told that a senior officer of the company, coming
from New York, made a close inspection of the mine and immediately ordered
out every Workman and closed it down, as he supposed forever. Despite this
decision, considerable money has come of late out of the old MacMorris, from
ore ovei'looked in the early workings.
One of the richest silver mines of the district was the Silver Nugget, in
Richmond Basin, located by a German prospector, who sold it, for a mule, to
the four Chilson brothers, whose first shipment to the Selby works in San
Francisco was of $60,000 worth of almost pure malleable native and horn silver,
picked up from granite bedrock on the surface of the ground. Most of it was
in chunks that could be tossed into a wagon. There was a ledge, however, which
■was worked down about 100 feet, with the finding of several pockets of the same
rich ore. The Chilsons sold, for $100,000, to a New York company, which built
a mill and which never realized a cent from its investment.
One boulder of silver ore found on the McMillen-Richmond Basin trail and
known as "Munson's chunk," was worth $3,500 to the fortunate finder. As late
as 1893 a thirty-one pound silver nugget was found in the basin by Leroy P.
Ikenberry. Very rich lead-silver ore was found in the early days in mines
such as the Ramboz (one of the first mines worked). Rescue and Blue Bird,
valued up to thousands of dollars to the ton. Indians are said to have used
some of this silver in moulding bullets.
Just across the Pinal divide is Pioneer, where, in 1877, the Pioneer and
South Pioneer silver mines were located by Tom Newlands and George Scott.
They soon sold to a Philadelphia company, represented by W. B. Hellings, an
old-time Arizonan who had been operating a flour mill near Phoenix. Hellings
built two mills and soon ran through his ore, thereafter having about the same
degree of success in connection with a gold mine a short distance north of
The silver mines of the olden days are nearly all abandoned, though the
Macilorris and Stonewall Jackson still show signs of life. Gold there is, and
even asbestos comes in for shipment, but the camp to-day relies almost wholly
upon copper, save for the trade that comes from the cattle ranges. The Old
Dominion now has a great modern smelter and concentrator. The Arizona
Commercial also owns a reduction plant.
Globe was one of the few Arizona camps to organize a legal mining district,
with its own district laws and its own recorder. Dr. Frink was the leader of
the organization, which was perfected in the winter of 1875. It was abandoned
as unnecessary when Gila County was created. Among those who attended the
first meeting an old-timer recollects Bill Hope, Doc Hammond, Jim Winters,
Dr. Brown, Bob Metcalf, Al Whitlock, George Scott and "Black Jack" Harvey.
Winters took the papers to Prescott for recording, as the district then was in
Yavapai County.
Miami, at the head of Miami Wash, now has taken on identity separate from
that of Globe and is a community of large promise. As a settlement it dates
only from October, 1907, though its postoffiee was not established till October,
1909. Thereafter the growth was gourd-like, till in 1914 the population had
reached about 9,000, with prospects for even a substantial increase in the near
future. In the early days the Miami ores were found both low-grade and "base."
There were no facilities in those days for handling anything save high-grade
carbonate and oxide ores. Its mining locations were among the earliest, but
its development has been late and possible only through the combination of
capital and the relative degree of advancement of concentration processes. In
November, 1907, the Miami Copper Company was organized by J. Parke Chan-
ning, a noted raining engineer, backed by the Lewisohn raining syndicate, to
take over the Oates-Newman group that had been secured a year before by the
General Development Company. At the depth of 220 feet, a prospect shaft
passed through the oxidized strata into 4 per cent chalcocite, the same ore from
which copper since has been extracted valued at millions of dollars. The com-
pany, with B. B. Gottsberger as general manager, now is operating a model
concentrator, with capacity of about 6,000 tons of ore a day.
Still larger in prospect are the operations of the Inspiration Consolidated
Copper Company, which, under Manager C. E. Mills, has completed a concen-
trator with capacity for handling 14,000 tons of ore each day. The company
has done an immense amount of prospecting by means of churn drills. It has
absorbed the Live Oak and Keystone properties, the latter only in the spring
of 1915, after some litigation. There has been much experiraentation with the
oil-flotation process in the big new raill, which is expected to set a new record of
The latest addition to the large industries of Miarai is the smelter of the
International Smelting and Refining Company, placed high on a point above
the valley, where there is ample room for the dumping of slag. The new plant
cost about $2,000,000. With its three great reverberatory furnaces, it will not
be the largest in Arizona, but will have advantage in handling mainly concen-
trates, with an estimated production capacity for 150,000,000 pounds of copper
per annum. It will care for the product of the Miami and Inspiration mills.
One novel feature is that a large part of the power needed in the Miami
mines and reduction works is electrical, brought by wire from the Roosevelt
dam, under an advantageous contract made with the Reclamation Service.
It is understood that at least $16,000,000 has been spent in the vicinity of
Miami in the last few years in the development of mining property and in the
building of reduction plants.
When General Kearny made his forced march from Santa Fe to San Diego
in 1846, his topographer, Lieut. W. H. Emory, was especially struck by the sight
of enormous copper croppings at the mouth of what he named Mineral Creek,
where that stream joined the Gila, a short distance below the Gila's union with
the San Pedro. The lieutenant had a vision of ore-laden barges that should
float down the Rio Gila, presumably to some great reduction works at the head
of tidewater. It would have been well indeed if the officer, who died rich in
honors, could have been spared to visit the locality to-day. Though his informa-
tion concerning the Gila's cargo-bearing ability was most meager, he was a
prophet indeed concerning the ultimate value of the locality as a producer of
copper. Where he crossed the Gila at the San Pedro's mouth now are two
sizeable towns, Winkelman and Hayden. At the latter rise the enormous build-
ings of a great smelter and of one of the largest concentrating mills in the world.
The path he followed down the Gila is occupied by a broad-gauge railroad, of
which a branch turns up Mineral Creek to be the daily carrier of about 8,000
tons of ore.' The iron and copper-stained hills that he viewed with keen appre-
ciation of their riches are not yet productive upon as large a scale as are work-
ings a few miles up the creek, where a Guggenheim corporation, the Ray Con-
solidated Copper Company, is deriving large interest upon an investment of
about $10,000,000.
Mineral Creek, true to its name, is well mineralized along its entire length,
where all the hills show croppings of copper and gold. It is not far by trail
from the Silver King and Superior districts, whose riches naturally caused
close scrutiny of the region roundabout. On the east there passed what for
years was the main highway across the Pinal IMountains to Globe. The earliest
locations were made about the year 1874. In 1883 production had been started
by means of a thirty-ton furnace on the north bank of the Gila, fed by ore from
the Ray, Scorpion and Bilk claims. In September, 1877, had been organized
Mineral Creek Mining District, wherein the principal claims, owned by Thos. G.
Newlands, carried silver, little mention being made of copper mines at that
time. More than thirty years ago the Ray was considered one of the most
remarkable mines in the territory, described as "an immense mass of native
copper in a formation of syenite." The Ray Copper Company was organized
in 1882. George H. Sargent of Boston and H. K. Thurber of New York suc-
cessively were at its head, with Louis Zeckendorf, a Tucson merchant, as secre-
tary and treasurer. Under J. N. Curtis a small concentrator was built, one of
the first in Arizona. The ores were relatively rich, running up to 6 per cent
In 1898 the property was sold to English capitalists, headed by James
Gordon, and there was organized the Ray Copper Company, Ltd., which built
a mill of 250 tons daily capacity at what was named Kelvin, at the mouth of
Mineral Creek, connected with the mine by a seven-mile narrow-gauge railroad.
About 5,000 tons of ore were treated, the concentrates shipped to the railroad
at Tucson. Old-timers find keen joy in telling the story of this period of Ray
mining. It appeared as though all the younger sons of the English stockholders
had to be provided with jobs, irrespective of capacity or knowledge. The trails
were full of very correctly attired young fellows, riding pad saddles on dock-
tailed ponies. Where the material yard and warehouse should have gone at
Kelvin, on the only level spot available, were tennis courts. There is authority
for the statement that the office force "knocked off" daily an hour for afternoon
tea. A road had to be built across the Gila hills to a station on the Southern
Pacific and on this was tried the experiment of English steam motor trains, but
return finally had to be made to the mule, the one dependable standby of pioneer
days. James Hill of London was manager and, handicapped by the character
of the operating force and machinery thrust upon him by his directors, there
can be little doubt that his administration was hardly satisfactory even to him-
self. So the property was closed down within a couple of years.
The mine passed into the hands of its present owners in 1908. It had been
offered to the Lewissohn syndicate, represented by J. Parke Channing, a couple
of years before. But this option was not taken up, as the ores averaged too
low in grade. Channing, in December, 1906, became interested in the Miami
property near Globe, a mine on which the Guggenheim syndicate of Colorado
Springs had failed to take up a prior option. So it happened that the people
who held the option on the Miami eventually bought the Ray and the syndicate
dropping the Ray took up the Miami.
The new Ray company, then, as now, managed by D. C. Jackling, at once
started upon a policy of thorough exploration of its mineral holdings, embrac-
ing 2,000 acres. For several years thirteen churn drills were kept at work
and 346 inch drill holes were made on 200-foot squares. The work for about
six years has been under the immediate superintendence of L. S. Gates, who was
brought down from Bingham, Utah, the pioneer field of low-grade concen-
trating copper reduction. The mill, started in March, 1910, was placed at
Hayden simply because there could be found enough room and enough water.
On adjoining ground has been placed a great smelter, of an allied company,
wherein the reverberatory furnaces were started in May, 1912.
The Gila River mining section has been attractive to mining men ever since
the first bold prospectors dared the Apaches to wash the sands of canons wherein
occasional rich finds of placer gold had been made. There was once a considerable
mining settlement at Riverside, now only a memory, a short distance up the
river from Kelvin.
Simply because it is located in a canon, beneath a frowning bluff, the name
Clifton in error often is assumed to have something to do with cliffs. On the
authority of that pioneer of valued historic reminiscences, A. F. Banta :
In 1864, Henry Clifton, recorder of the Hassayampa mining district, and four other
prospectors, whose names I cannot now recall, left the headwaters of the Hassayampa for a
fabulous El Dorado, the San Francisco Eiver, where gold could be scooped up with a scoop
shovel. Before leaving the district he appointed Charles Taylor as deputy recorder for the
Hassayampa district. Clifton and party discovered copper mines on the San Francisco and,
as he was the leading spirit of the expedition, he was honored in the naming of the locality. In
the early days the country was almost inaccessible in many parts on account of Apaches and,
of course, the more the Apaches and the more inaccessible the section, the greater were the
stories of its golden wealth. So it was about the San Francisco Eiver and its tributaries.
People only knew in a vague way, that it was in the heart of Apacheria right, and that was
enough, but the establishment of Camp Goodwin, on the Gila, or rather at some springs three
miles south of the Gila, gave prospectors courage and they began to reach out for that country.
As far back as the early '50s a trapper named Weanes is said to have
caught beaver along the San Francisco, and copper and gold were found by a
few adventurous parties, such as that of Clifton's, but the country was too
remote and too much infested by the Indians for any greater permanent settle-
One party that had been organized early in 1870 at Pinos Altos, a gold camp
near Silver City, located some claims in Gold Gulch, two miles west of Morenei.
In July, 1870, a few members of this party gathered together an expedition of
forty-six men, one of them Isaac N. Stevens, for many years one of the promi-
nent residents of the district. The expedition had poor luck. It found gold,
but rains failed to come and there was no water with which to wash the gravel,
so the party went back to what is now Silver City, then by the Mexicans called
San Vicente. A few returned later in the year, still looking for gold. These
gold seekers found copper croppings, of course, but no copper claims appear
to have been located until 1872, when some of the Pinos Altos men located the
Arizona Central, Yankie (original spelling) and Moctezuma. These mines
later proved among the largest producers of the district.
The four claims were purchased by E. D. Ward, a Detroit steamboat owner
of large wealth, who paid the locators $2,000 for each claim, together with all
expenses of preliminary development and patent. The first superintendent sent
out by Ward was named Jay. He was an old steamboat captain and it is 'not told
that he knew very much about mining. In 1872 also, Robert Metcalfe located
claims on what now is known as Shannon Mountain, near the Town of Metcalf,
seven miles up Chase Creek Caiion from Clifton. To him also is credited
location of the Longfellow mine, probably the most notable and richest claim
of the district. The miners then organized and formed the Copper Mountain
Mining District. Mr. Stevens from memory tells that the organizers were him-
self, Stewart Brunnan, Owen Roberts, Joe C. Callbell, Bill Blood, Joe Yankie,
Jim Pollard, Bob Metcalfe, Captain Jay, Pierce, Webb and George Parker, the
last a colored cook. Yankie was the first district recorder.
In 1873 Metcalfe secured financial support from the Leszynsky brothers,
who were conducting a large store at Las Cruces. The same year they erected
the first adobe smelter in the district below the Longfellow claims, with a capac-
ity for about a ton of ore a day. The furnace was of Mexican type, built of
adobe. The fuel used was charcoal, supplied from rude kilns in the mesquite
country along the Gila.
The ore smelted was of the richest carbonate and oxide types, usually aver-
aging about 20 per cent metal, but much of this was lost, owing to the crude
method of treatment. The slag dump proved a very treasure when reworked in
the furnaces of a later day.
Four months of this was enough for Metcalfe, however. Profit failing to
materialize, he sold out for $5,000 to the Leszynskys, who continued operations
of the adobe furnace, but a year or so later brought in the first water jacket
The transportation problem proving serious, the Leszynskys were forced to the
construction of a railroad up Chase Creek Caiion, of only 20-inch gauge. This
for a while had mules as motive power, but the fact remains that it was the
first railroad ever built in Arizona.
This railroad system, the "baby-gauge," as it was called, was extended into
Morenei, up a wonderful and dizzy incline from Chase Creek, and thence
through several tunnels, reaching successively Yankie Basin and Morenei Gulch,
to the Humboldt mine and Morenei, wherein now are the furnaces of the Detroit
Copper Company. Later the road also was extended up Chase Creek Cafion
to the Metcalfe and Coronado mines. At each is a long incline, leading up to
tunnels in the hills above. The road later was made a regular 36-inch narrow-
gauge, and now is operated with the highest gi-ade of modern equipment, with
great mountain-climbing locomotives beside which "Dad" Arbuckle's first
engine would appear a mere toy.
The Apaches continued constantly in the hills around Clifton until about
1885. In 1882 a number of miners were killed on Gold Creek and an attack
even was made on the outskirts of Morenei.
The Leszynskys left Clifton in 1883, when they sold to the Arizona Copper
Company, Ltd., a Scotch corporation. It is understood to have paid $2,000,000.
The principal trouble at that time was transportation, though copper had
dropped to a very low price, but the company, with ample capital, proceeded
to build its own railroad, a narrow-gauge, from Lordsburg, on the Southern
Pacific, a distance of seventy-three miles. The first few years were rather lean
ones, despite the richness of the Longfellow ores. In 1892 a material advance
was made by the Arizona Copper Company, in the erection of a leaching plant,
designed by Superintendent James Colquhoun, which, to a degree, solved the
question of handling certain types of low-grade ore.
The ores of the Clifton-Morenci District now worked are generally of low
grade, averaging about 3 per cent copper. This is handled with profit only by
recourse to most effective labor-saving reduction devices. Mining generally is
done by Mexican labor, and nearly all of the ore is handled in concentrators.
The smelter of the Arizona Copper Company, at the junction of the Chase
Creek and San Francisco River valleys, for years was known to mining men as
an animated scrap heap, as it was added to from time to time, as enlarged
production was desired. In 1914, however, the Scotch stockholders were pre-
vailed upon to stop the flow of dividends long enough to build a modern smelter
at a cost of several millions of dollars, on the plans of Dr. L. D. Ricketts. This
new smelter, where the ore is handled in reverberatory furnaces, is located
a short distance below the Town of Clifton and the site of the old furnaces.
The Detroit Copper Company was organized by Captain Ward in 1875,
joined by Church. In 1882 they started a small smelter on the San Francisco
Showing old Detroit Copper Company's smelter
River, six miles from Morenei, the nearest available water supply. After two
years the plant was moved up to the mines, to which water was pumped.
The early Morenei, located in the bottom of the caiion, into where the big
smelter's slag dump since has grown, was a town of shacks and rather notable
for its general toughness. The early peace officers were heavy-handed two-gun
men, however, and kept disorder down to a remarkable degree. Later all
saloons and other concomitant features were removed to what is called Newtown,
entirely away from the ground controlled by the mining corporations.
The Phelps-Dodge Company purchased a controlling interest in the Detroit
Copper Company in 1895. In 1901.it had solved a seemingly impossible prob-
lem and had made railroad connection with the Arizona & New Mexico Railroad
at Guthrie, about eighteen miles below Clifton. The difficulties of transporta-
tion are not ended when Morenei is reached, for the town still necessarily lies
fastened to steep hillsides, and only in the past year has she boasted of a single
street on which a wagon might be driven. Pack mules even yet do the house-
to-house delivering within the camp.
The Shannon mines at Metcalf, in September, 1899, were transferred by
Chas. M. Shannon to a corporation that has built a fine smelter below Clifton
and that has provided its own railroad line between the mines and reduction
As many as 5,000 men have been employed by the principal companies of
the Clifton-Morenci District. The three corporations control hundreds of min-
ing claims, embracing the larger part of the mineralized sections. A number of
other corporations have worked in the district above Clifton, in the San Fran-
cisco River Valley and up Chase Creek Caiion, and gold still is mined in the
section beyond Morenei. Made necessary by the rather erratic "lay" of the
ore bodies, the companies have avoided much trouble by joining in a side-line
agreement. This also has been done at Bisbee.
Clifton has been visited intermittently by destructive floods that have torn
down the channels of the San Francisco River and of Chase Creek. About the
worst was June 9, 1903, during the time of the great mining strike. The prin-
cipal damage was in the Valley of Chase Creek, which had been thickly settled
by the lower class of Mexicans. While only thirteen bodies were recovered,
possibly fifty Mexicans died, carried down by the flood, which at first was of
mud as thick as molasses, for concentrator retaining dams had burst in the
canons above. The damage done approximated $100,000. To the relief work the
local mining companies and banks contributed a fund of $10,000, declining
assistance offered by other towns in the Southwest.
In January, 1905, Clifton experienced one of the worst of floods, resulting
in damage of about $300,000, of which two-thirds was to the property of the
mining and railroad companies. The floor of the Arizona Copper Company's
smelter was submerged six feet deep. Several deaths were incidental.
Still another destructive flood tore through Clifton December 4, 1906.
About a score of human beings perished, most of them Mexicans. In this flood
there was the same destructive downrush of mud in which property and bodies
were buried. A notable feature was the fact that an adobe house in the flooded
section of the town came through in safety, possibly due to its name, for its
facetious Mexican owner had dubbed it "La Area de Noe," which in English
means "Noah's Ark."
In 1909 complaint was made by the farmers of the Gila Valley that the
tailings of the great concentrating mills around Clifton were polluting the
irrigation waters between Solomonville and Fort Thomas, covering the land with
a barren silt in which crops could not be made to grow. The matter was taken
into the courts and the contention of the farmers established to such a degree
that the mining companies remedied the obnoxious situation by building large
dams for the impounding of the tailings.
In October, 1915, started what developed as the most serious labor trouble
ever known in the Southwest. For higher wages and incidental union recogni-
tion, there was a strike of about 5,000 miners and workmen, mainly Mexicans,
in the camps of Clifton, Morenci and Metcalf. The mansigers of the Arizona,
Detroit and Shannon mining companies, fearing bodily violence, left Clifton
at once. At Duncan, on the railroad south of Clifton, the companies started
a refugee camp, wherefrom in December nearly 500 men were sent into Morenci,
to do assessment work on unpatented claims, this importation of non-union men
protected by a force of United States deputy marshals, under orders of the
Federal Court at Tucson.
Bisbee, the greatest of the southwestern mining camps and Arizona's largest
producer of copper, has about it no ancient glamour whatever. It is a decidedly
modern sort of camp. Except for some possible scouting through the Mule Pass
Mountains by early military forces and except for the occasional passage of
smugglers, the locality was little known, and its mineral riches were unsus-
pected until August 2, 1877, when John Dunn, a government scout, found ore
in place within the present city limits of Bisbee.
Dunn at that time was in a military scouting party that included Lieut.
J. A. Rucker and T. D. Bume, both of whom were included in the location
notice of the Rucker mine, as the first claim was named. Dunn is known to
have been a gallant soldier and a man of high character, and that he was also a
man of intelligence and education is shown by a letter M'ritten by him to General
Rucker of the United States army, giving the details of the death of Rucker 's
son, Dunn's partner in the mine, who was drowned July 12, 1878, in a cloud-
burst in a caiion of the Chirieahua Mountains. At Bowie, some time after the
return from the Mule Pass Mountains, Dunn met George Warren, later called
the "Father of the Camp." He told Warren of his discovery and furnished a
grubstake on the usual condition of a half-interest in all the mineral found.
Warren went around by way of Fort Huachuca, secured some companions, and
December 27, 1877, made his first location, the Mercey mine, fifty-six days after
the date of the Rucker. It would appear that any agreement made by Warren
with Dunn was not kept. The locators of the Mercey claim were George Beal,
M. H. Chapin, Harry McCoy, George Warren and Frank McKean. On the
following day Warren is noted as a witness to the location of the Silver Queen
mine, claimed by S. M. Whiteside, John B. Loughead and W. A. Kearns. Geto-
her 12 Warren was one of three locators of the Mohawk and McKean mines, and
in December he was included in the location of the Robb and Neptune claims.
Discoverer of Bisbee mines
Thereafter for about six months his name occasionally appears in connection with
the location, as witness or locator, of the Emmett, Halcro, Virginia, Excelsior,
Iron Springs, Dixie, Wade Hampton and Tar Heel claims. One of the owners
. of the Eobb was D. B. Rea, a Tucson lawyer, who brought into Bisbee in April,
1878, one Warner Buck, who knew something about assaying and smelting and
who built a little smelter, with a large bellows to furnish the blast. The Hen-
dricks mine was located in April, 1878, by Rea. Twelve mining claims were
located in the vicinity of Bisbee in 1877. In 1878 fourteen claims were filed
and two relocations, but in 1879 only three locations were recorded of claims
in Mule Gulch. The Copper Queen mine, the original Mercey, was located on
December 15, 1879, by George H. Eddleman and M. A. Herring. Eddleman
ten days before had located the Mammoth on the old Robb ground.
Warren sold or lost most of his mining property within a few years. It is
told that he lost his interest in one claim by a drunken wager that on foot he
could make a short distance up the gulch faster than another man could on
horseback. In 1881 he was brought before the probate judge of Cochise County
on a charge of insanity and George Pridgen was appointed his guardian. His
estate was found to be a twelfth interest in the Mammoth mine, a third interest
in the Safford and a third interest in the Crescent, in all valued at and by
the guardian sold for $925. Despite his detention for a while in the county jail
as a person dangerous to be at large, it would appear that his dementia must
have been of very mild character, probably due to intoxicants, for he was
released before long, but penniless. Then it is told that he went to Mexico,
where he practically subjected himself to peonage. His Mexican debt was paid
by Judge G. H. Berry. Warren after thus regaining his liberty returned to
Bisbee, where he lived for several years precariously, given a small pension by
the Copper Queen Company and doing odd jobs, such as sawing wood, till he
died a few years later.
Early in 1914 the Bisbee Lodge of Elks set on foot an investigation and
found the grave of George Warren in the poorer part of the Bisbee Cemeterj',
identified by a small rotted wooden headboard, simply marked "G. W." The
body was transferred to a more prominent location and there was provided a
monument more in keeping with the distinction of the man whose last resting
place thus was marked.
Judge Jas. F. Duncan made a visit to Bisbee in the late fall of 1879 from
his camp a short distance from Tombstone. The trip was made around by San
Pedro Valley, and hardly a trail could be found into the lower end of Mule
Pass, which was entered November 7. He records in his notations what appeared
to be the entire population of the village, Marcus A. Herring, better known as
"Kentuck," George Eddleman, D. B. Rea, George Warren, Chas. Vincent and
Joe Dyer. The camp even then had some history for relation. There was seen
the little Rea furnace from which some matte had been shipped, but which
had failed to pay expenses. There had been two deaths, Paddy Dyer and Joe
Herring, the latter a brother of Col. William Herring, later a distinguished
Arizona attorney, but no relation to "Kentuck."
The development of the Copper Queen group of mines seems to have started
with the coming of Edward Riley, a lawyer of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who,
according to Duncan, had invested in a copper mine at Elko, Nevada, and there
erected a smelter of which Lewis "Williams was superintendent. Very much
poorer, Riley came to Arizona, and by L. Zeckendorf of Tucson was directed to
the Mule Pass Mountains as a new and possibly rich mining field. He took
a bond on the Copper Queen claim, and then proceeded to try to market his
option on money loaned by Zeckendorf. In San Francisco he interested a firm
of engineers, Martin & Ballard, which took up the bond for the sum of $20,000.
Mr. Martin of the firm employed Lewis "Williams as superintendent and soon
thereafter was erected a thirty-six inch water jacket furnace for the smelting of
the ores. "Williams arrived June 14, 1880, and had the smelter ready to run in
a^out sixty days. The first run was a failure on account of a too limited water
supply, but there was no trouble after that. About the time of this first furnace
run arrived Ben "Williams, who later managed the mine while Lewis attended to
the smelting end. A third brother, John "Williams, also came, though only to
pass upon some property. About this same time the Neptune Company was
developing a large group of Bisbee claims and had built a small smelter on
the San Pedro River, for water was in small supply at the mines. This com-
pany failed about 1882 and its property later was absorbed by the Copper
Tlie Bisbee copper mines had their silver capping, small deposits that were
worked by the early miners and that still are found profitable by the Copper
Queen, which for years has taken rich silver ores from claims on the hillside,
far above the site of the old Bisbee smelter.
Toward the end of 1880 there came to Arizona a mining expert already
of distinguished reputation. Dr. James Douglas, especially to see the United
"Verde mine, which he decided was too far from transportation to be profitable.
Early in 1881 he paid a visit to his friend Riley at Bisbee, where the little
furnace was turning out about one pound of copper for every four pounds of
ore treated.
The adjoining property to the Martin-Ballard-Riley claim was purchased on
Dr. Douglas' recommendation by the Phelps-Dodge Company for $40,000. At
the end of 1884 Martin found he had only three months' ore left in his mine,
and the Phelps-Dodge property adjoining, the Atlanta, was in much the same
condition, according to the history of the mine contained in a late address made
by Dr. Douglas. There was a prospect of abandoning both properties, when
from either side of the dividing line drifts ran into what Dr. Douglas calls a
"glorious body of ore." Then, in order to avoid possible litigation, the two
interests were joined in August, 1885, under the title of the Copper Queen
Consolidated Mining Company. There were hard times for a while, for copper
had dropped to 8 cents, but the price soon raised and since then the Copper
Queen has had ahead even years of stoping and has driven hundreds of miles
of workings, ever getting deeper toward the southward. The ore has changed
with depth and now mainly is sulphide, which in the early days would have been
impossible to handle, but which now is even more cheaply smelted than are the
surface oxides and carbonates.
In Bisbee there is a story that the discovery of ore in the old workings was
made in defiance of orders. J. "W. Howell was foreman and, taking a few hard-
headed miners into his confidence, he drifted down the gulch on the 400-foot
level of the old incline shaft that started in the open cut above the present
library. To this day old-timers refer to the John Smith stope, for it was on
John Smith's shift that a blast broke into a rich ore body on what is now the
200 level of the Czar shaft of the Copper Queen.
It is impossible within the necessary limits of this publication to give a full
account of the expansion of the Copper Queen Company and its absorption of
the Holbrook, Neptune and other properties, from which later came its main
ore supply.
The Copper Queen Company from the time it took over the mines has pur-
sued a policy almost paternal. Notable monuments to the successes of this
policy are the public schools, hospital, Y. M. C. A. building and library.
The company maintained no boarding house and rented no houses and compelled
no man to purchase at the company store. A number of attempts made to
unionize the camp uniformly were defeated by the company, which did not »
hesitate to stop the larger part of its operations when considered necessary to
drive agitators cut of the camp. The company has led in increases of wage
schedules and has in its employ an unusually large number of married men
who have been with it for years. A few years ago was established an employees'
association for the payment of accident and death benefits. Other companies
of the camp have joined with the Copper Queen in the same general policy
toward their workmen.
In tragedy was laid the foundation of the great Calumet and Arizona mines.
W. W. Lowther was one of the simplest and bravest of men. He was so brave
that he didn't need to parade the fact, as did the professional "bad men" of
the day. As an example of his type, he permitted a knife-armed drunken printer
in Globe to chase him through a saloon and over a bar. Any moment he could
have turned and shot, but all that Lowther did was to hunt up the printer's
employer, and suggest that the man be disarmed, as "a fellow who was a bit
too strong for the camp." On the expiration of Lowther 's term as sheriff in
Gila County, he went to Bisbee, where he was appointed a peace officer. In
Mule Gulch, a mile below the center of town, was the home of James Daley, a
morbid sort of individual, who had been fighting an attempt of the Copper
Queen to establish a right of way across his property. All financial recom-
pense, however liberal, offered by Superintendent Ben "Williams had been
refused. In the course of Jhe continued argument, Daley was shot by Dan
Simon, a constable, who was sent to Yuma on a year's sentence for the offense.
Then it was that Daley declared he would never again be arrested. Some time
thereafter he assaulted a Mexican, who demanded his arrest. April 10, 1890,
Lowther was given the warrant. As he started down the canon, he was warned
of Daley's dangerous character, but answered that he must do his duty. Daley
warned him away from the house, but Lowther kept approaching, finally to be
dropped dead, with a load of buckshot in his breast. Daley fled over the hills
and never was apprehended. It was assumed that he had fled into Mexico.
A few months thereafter, however, Andy Mehan, a saloonkeeper, appeared in
Bisbee with a bill of sale to all of Daley's property which he said had been
given to him by Daley in Trinidad, Colorado. About the same tim.e Mohan's,
property, including this bill of sale, was attached for debt by the Cohn broth-
ers. Tombstone tobacco merchants, who, later, at sheriff's sale, acquired any
rights that Mehan might have had.
Daley had lived with a Mexican woman. As a legal widow, she claimed
possession, selling her claims for $1,800 to Martin Costello, a Tombstone saloon-
keeper. A third claimant appeared in person, with an 18-year-old son, coming
from Leadville, Colorado, claiming to be Daley's lawful wife or widow, but her
claims seemed to have not been pushed very vigorously. The Cohn brothers
on their claim against Mehan of only $300 secured a judgment in the Justice's
Court. The case was taken up in the District Court in 1888 by Costello and,
represented by Judge James Reilly, was decided in favor of Costello, who won
also, in May, 1889, when the case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the
United States, through the Supreme Court of Arizona, the litigation in all
lasting ten years. The importance of the case can better be understood when
it is appreciated that it was over possession of the Irish Mag group of mines,
which later became the central property of the Calumet & Arizona Mining
Company, and from which copper since has been taken valued at many millions
of dollars. Soon after he secured title, Costello sold to the Calumet & Arizona
Mining Company for $550,000. He died a couple of years ago in Los Angeles,
worth many millions. Reilly also died rich, largely through Costello 's gener-
osity, after having lived in poverty nearly all his life. Adolph Cohn is dead,
and Dave Cohn lately was working as a miner in one of the shafts of the Copper
Queen Company.
The Calumet & Arizona Mining Company continued the sinking of the Irish
Mag shaft in the face of a general local belief that the property was not within
the mineralized zone of the camp. But at that time the fact was not appreciated
that the Bisbee ores were to be found deeper and deeper toward the southward
and the width of the zone of enrichment had not been demonstrated. The
developing company soon ran into a wonderfully rich body of sulphide, when
its prosperity became assured. The company has absorbed a number of neigh-
boring properties, and its workings center around the Junction shaft, where
many hundreds of feet were sunk before ore was struck. This shaft, one of the
deepest in the district, has been lined with concrete and made absolutely fire-
proof, a precaution considered necessary through the fact that it handles most
of the water pumped in the entire district.
In 1902 the Calumet and Arizona became a producer. In November of that
year its first furnaces started operations at a site two miles west of the new Town
of Douglas. This smelter was joined on the east in 1904 by a much larger one,
owned by the Copper Queen. Both plants have been entirely rebuilt and now
are turning out more than one-third of the copper production of Arizona.
I'or years mining of the oddest sort has been prosecuted in the Meteor, or
Coon Butte, crater, a few miles southeast of Caiion Diablo station on the main
line of the Santa F6 system. What is being sought is a mass of meteoric iron,
believed to lie nearly a thousand feet deep, down below the floor of what once
was thought the crater of an extinct volcano. But the "crater" is in jaS^"
stone, distinctly of aqueous deposition. In January, 1903, the ground was
secured by D. M. Barringer and associates, Pennsylvania capitalists, who organ-
ized the Standard Iron Company and employed a scientific Arizonan, S. J.
Holsinger, to demonstrate his theory that the meteor still was there. There was
a commercial side to the transaction, for the iron fragments found on the
surface, scattered around the lip of the crater for miles distant, carry a large
percentage of nickel and form a metallic combination much like the highest
grade of battleship armor steel. The crater is about 600 feet deep and averages
about 3,800 feet in diameter. Its lip is raised above the plain about 130 feet
and the stratification of the sandstone has been uptilted from the impact of
the celestial visitor. The crater is floored with a fine silicious dust, "rock
flour," simply comminuted silica, where the sandstone of the plain has been
vitrified by the intense heat of the impact, as it was ground under an infinite
force that displaced at least 1,000,000 tons of sandstone and that upheaved and
threw out about 200,000 tons more, while the lifted or disturbed rock around
the edge has been estimated at above 300,000,000 tons weight. This "rock
flour" will pass through a 200-mesh screen. No particle is as large as an
ordinary grain of sand.
For five and a half miles from the crater have been found fragments of
meteoric iron and hundreds of specimens have been sent to museums all over
the world. It is probable that nowhere else has there been found such a quan-
tity. Meteors have been known to fall in the locality within the past few years.
The composition of the metal found is fairly uniform, comprising about -92 per
cent iron, about 8 per cent nickel, with platinum and iridium present to the
extent of three-fourths of an ounce to the ton of metal, while there has been
demonstrated the presence of microscopic diamonds. Possibly twenty tons of
the iron wete picked up on the plain and shipped, mainly by Trader Volz of
Canon Diablo, the largest piece, now in the Field Columbian Museum at Chi-
cago, weighing 1,013 pounds. Very little iron has been found within the
crater, very logically, for its bottom is deeply covered with talus and loose
material from the borders.
Having demonstrated to their satisfaction that a meteor made the hole
and that at least nine-tenths of the metal that struck the earth must yet remain
below the earthy covering into which it plunged, Mr. Barringer and Mr. Hol-
singer proceeded to dig. A 200-foot shaft ran into wet "rock flour" to such
an extent that no further sinking was possible. Drill holes were sunk, however,
as far down as an unaltered red sandstone that was found in place, as in the
Grand Canon of the Colorado, seventy miles distant. In all twenty-five holes
were bored. In some of them, at depths around 400 feet, further progress was
blocked by striking undoubtedly what was meteoric iron, as shown by analyses
of the material brought up. Yet it is not claimed that the central mass has been
The probable size of the meteor has been made the subject for much calcula-
tion, based upon artillery tabulations. One scientist has concluded the mass
might have been 1,500 feet in diameter, but others have concluded that, with
a final velocity of 9,000 feet a seeond, the estimated penetration of 900 feet in
soft rock could have been accomplished by the fall of a body only one-twenty-
fifth the weight of the maximum estimate made. Save for the fragments that
may have separated from it in its flight through the earth's atmosphere, it is
expected to find it intact, probably a bit to one side of the center of the crater,
as indicated by the different tilting of the strata on opposite sides.
The panic of 1907 hit hard the mining industry of the Southwest. Then
copper went down to about 12 cents, which represented even less than cost to all
save the largest mines. As a result many thousands of miners were discharged
in the fall of the year and reduction works, while not closed altogther, were
operated with as small a force as possible. The worst blow was at Cananea,
where thousands of men had to be dropped. Wages were reduced. Almost
the entire population of some of the smaller camps, such as Ray, Twin Buttes
and Humboldt, moved elsewhere. The panic did not particularly affect the
larger towns of the territory. Clearing-house certificates were issued in Tucson,
Globe, Bisbee, Douglas and Flagstaff. At Globe the First National Bank was
unable to stand the pressure and closed its doors. At Humboldt the smelting
works were covered with attachments aggregating $500,000.
The late summer of 1914 was the beginning of another gloomy period for
the copper nuners of Arizona. The European war had deprived Arizona of
more than half her copper market and the price of the metal had descended
until it had become little more than nominal. All of the copper mines closed
down and in the larger camps production generally was cut in half and the
force of workmen correspondingly diminished. There was no fear for the
future, however, and construction work on a number of new smelting and
reduction plants proceeded steadily and much development work was done in
preparation for better days to come. These better times materialized in the
spring of the following year, when copper returned to active demand at a
remunerative price.
For the year 1915 Arizona's copper production approximated a total of
450,000,000 poimds, the state leading the entire country in the output of
this metal. The heaviest production was that of the Copper Queen at Bisbee,
around 86,000,000 pounds, though the Calumet and Arizona shipped 75,000,000
pounds and the Ray 62,000,000 pounds. The output would have been much
greater had it not heen for the strike that cut off three months' product of the
companies at Clifton and IMorenci. The last of 1915 finds the copper market in
much better condition than for years, with active demand at around 24 cents
a pound. Wages of miners have been advanced to the highest figure known,
labor in this way sharing to a degree in the profits that are coming to the
Long Effort and Millions of Dollars Expended on the Sail River Project — Electric Power
Generation- — Roosevelt Dedicates the Roosevelt Dam — Yuma Well Served from the
Laguna Dam — Storage Plans for the Gila River Valle}).
In Arizona little rain falls in the great valleys where millions of acres of
good land lie available for cultivation. There is a heavier rainfall, with snow,
in the mountains, but all the draining streams, even the Colorado, are torrential
in character. There must be resort to irrigation, but primarily on the basis
of the lowest supply afforded by the watering streams. Otherwise, farming
would be a gamble, pure and simple. Thus, it has come to pass that water
storage is viewed as most essential, insuring irrigation throughout the year,
without reference to the seasons of flood or drought. In the Salt Kiver Valley
once it was said that the farms had irrigation only at medium river stages,
because at flood times the dams were swept away and in times of low water
the streams had too small a supply. All this has been cured by the construction
of a storage dam, giving in every season the flow needed.
The genesis of the Salt River irrigation project was a resolution of the
Phcenix Chamber of Commerce, passed in the early summer of 1889. The
directors of the body had been advised that in the late fall there might be
expected a visit from a senatorial sub-committee on irrigation, headed by Sen.
Wm. M. Stewart, looking for available sites for the storage of water for the
reclamation of the arid lands of the inter-mountain region. So the directors
formally asked the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to bear the expense
of looking for such sites on the Salt and Verde River watersheds. The super-
visors saw the importance of the action suggested and detailed County Surveyor
W. M. Breakenridge for the work. In August, accompanied by John H. Norton
and Jas. H. McClintock, he started out, impedimenta and instruments carried
on pack mules. The journey was a rough one, through much of Central Ari-
zona, keeping, of course, within the drainage area of the two streams that join
at the head of the Salt River Valley. Many damsites were found and a few
reservoir sites, some of them good enough for consideration in the future, but
best of all was the natural combination discovered at the junction of Salt River
and Tonto Creek. There was a narrow caiion for the dam, in hard rock of
advantageous stratification, furnishing the best of building material. Above
was a wing-shaped double valley, within which was storage capacity for all the
floods of an average season.
The results of the trip were presented to the Senate committee a couple of
months later, officially placing on record the advantages of the Tonto Basin site.
The people of the Salt Eiver Valley were fortunate indeed in the ease with
which the Reclamation Service secured title to the Tonto damsite, for its con-
demnation might have been a task practically impossible if it had been held by
a corporation that had insisted upon its rights to build a dam and thus to
control the water system and the destiny of the valley below. There was some-
thing almost providential in the manner in which the site was held for the use
of the people as a whole.
A couple of years after the survey of the dam and reservoir sites by the
Breakenridge party, there came to Phoenix a lawyer and promoter, Wells Hen-
dershott. Happening to see the record of the discovery party, he proceeded to
locate the damsite in the name of a corporation he then formed, the Hudson
Reservoir and Canal Company. His especial idea was the conservation of the
water supply for a large expanse of rich and even yet unwatered land east of
Mesa, which he proposed to serve by means of a high-line canal, taken from the
Salt at a point above the junction of the Verde. This idea was not original. It
had been conceived by the arch-schemer Reavis. In some hypnotic manner
Hendershott succeeded in borrowing considerable sums of money on his personal
account purely, from Man & Man, reputable New York lawyers. A few months
later, finding that their loans to him were likely to be lost, they looked further
into his affairs and reluctantly took as security a large part of his interest in
the reservoir company.
In 1905 one of the members of the firm came to Phoenix with Sims Ely,
secretary of the corporation, with the idea of starting work, Hendershott having
reported he had secured funds elsewhere to practically complete the financing
of the project. It was demonstrated at once that this statement was invented.
Messrs. Man and Sims then arranged for the preliminary work and shortly
thereafter took over all of Hendershott 's remaining interest, incidentally paying
the indebtedness he had incurred. Contracts were secured from the various
canal companies that assured good interest on the investment necessary to the
building of the dam, the scope of the project having been modified so as to
include only the lands of the valley already under canal. A deal was made also
with a mining company of Globe for electrical power. Altogether the invest-
ment seemed to assure an annual return of more than 20 per cent on the pro-
jected investment of $3,000,000.
Notwithstanding the soundness of the project, the necessary capital could
not be secured and, following the enactment of the Reclamation Act, a sale was
made to the Government for $40,000, the Mans taking a loss of about $60,000.
The Government was anxious to purchase, for the engineering and other data
on the project was complete and had been verified by Government engineers.
The project was in fact ready for an instant beginning, the only project thus
available for the work of the Reclamation Service.
Even more important was the fact that rights had been acquired from the
department of the interior that still had some years to run. If these rights had
not been purchased, the activities of the Reclamation Service necessarily would
have been diverted to some other locality and the Salt River project to-da^-
raight have been only in about the same constructive stage as that on the Rio
At that time also there was a great question concerning the power of the
Government, under the law as enacted, to build a reservoir for lands privately
owned. The officers of the Water Users' Association always were nervous over
this legal question until the Government had made such large investments as
to assure the completion of the project. If the Mans £ind Ely had stood on their
rights and declined to sell, it is even probable that there would have been no
reservoir at all, with the Government eliminated, with only the chance left of
securing private capital for the completion of the enterprise.
Maj. John W. Powell may be considered the father of national reclamation
in the United States. He was one of the officers of the Geological Survey at
the time of its institution in 1879 and already had printed a book on the arid
regions of the West. In 1888, after years of importunity of Congress and after
he had been made director of the Geological Survey, he was granted an appro-
priation of $100,000 for investigation of the extent to which the arid regions
might be reclaimed.
In 1896, in Phoenix, was held a most notable session of the National Irri-
gation Congress, whereat, championed by "Buckey" O'Neill, declaration was
made in favor of the policy of national irrigation and wherein one of the
most active, assuredly one of the most eloquent, members was Geo. H. Max-
well, who thereafter became executive chairman of the congress. Mr. Maxwell
preached the doctrine of reclamation all over the United States, supported in
this work by contributions from the great western railroads, which were
anxious to increase population and traffic along their lines. To the Congress
undoubtedly is due the migration of thousands of settlers into the irrigated
districts of the Southwest and, still better, it was a prime factor in educating
legislators to the point where finally the National Reclamation Act had a
chance for passage, after violent opposition by the friends of capital and the
advocates of state cession. One of the strongest advocates of this national
irrigation policy was Francis G. Newlands, representative to Congress from
The principal reason why the Roosevelt dam was built is that the people
of Phoenix went after it with all their might. They were especially favored
in the fact that Field Engineer Arthur Powell Davis of the United States
Geological Survey, who visited this valley in 1896 and made a magnificent
report upon its irrigation, capabilities, was in a position at Washington to
explain the advantages of putting the first demonstration of the national irri-
gation policy at a point where nature favored in such large degree and where
the distribution of water already was provided for within one of the richest
agricultural valleys of the Nation.
In 1900, under authority of the Legislature, Chief Justice Webster Street
appointed a water storage commission, consisting of J. T. Priest, chairman;
W. D. Fulwiler, Charles Goldman, Dwight B. Heard and Jed Peterson. This
commission made a favorable report on the Tonto Basin dam site, but there
was almost despair concerning the matter of finance.
In 1900 Engineer Davis again was sent into the valley for further studj'
of the local situation. He reported upon the McDowell Verde site unfavorably,
and renewed his approval of the Tonto Basin site. This visit was largely due
to the action of a committee of twenty-five members of the National Irrigation
Congress, appointed in the same year. The Arizona member of this committee
was B. A. Fowler of Glendale, who offered his personal guarantee for the
expenses of the field investigation.
The first definite local work toward the building of the Tonto Basin reser-
voir was begun in Phcenix in March, 1901, when, under the leadership of Geo.
H. Maxwell of the executive committee of the National Irrigation Association
there was held a meeting of business men and whereat, to push the work, was
selected a committee, headed by B. A. Fowler. The Legislature of that year
had authorized a Maricopa County tax levy of $30,000 for preliminary work
looking toward water storage. There had been a national appropriation of
$10,000 for the same purpose.
The people of the Salt River Valley were perfectly willing to build their
own dam and, in March, 1902, petitioned Congress for authority to issue bonds
for that purpose in an amount not exceeding $2,250,000. There had been
many other plans to reach the desired end. Governor Murphy had fought
for the cession of the arid lands of the West to the states, with the understand-
ing that the states would sell much of the land to companies that would build
the canals and reservoirs. Governor Wolfley, during his term of office, had
addressed Congress suggesting that in the arid districts corporations be granted
alternate sections of land, contingent upon the irrigation of the whole area.
When, after the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt
assumed the presidential chair, there was a marked change for the better.
Colonel Roosevelt called a consultation of scientists and congressmen interested
in irrigation and to them stated, with even more than customary emphasis,
"I am going to incorporate in my first message to Congress a clause favoring
a Federal irrigation law." All he wanted to know was in what shape he
should put his message. Thereafter there was redrafting of the bill that New-
lands had pushed, and on June 17, 1902, the anniversary of the battle of Bunker
Hill, the Reclamation Act became a law by the signature of the President.
This act provided that the proceeds of land sales in the several states, should
be utilized in the building of reclamation works. There was more or less
assumption on the part of the western representatives that each state should
be returned about what it had paid in. Arizona, however, had been decidedly
favored in this respect, for she has received a score of times more money back
than ever she has paid for lands into the Federal treasury, even though the
Colorado River irrigation project at Yuma was partially charged against the
State of California.
Though plans for a number of irrigation projects already had been
sketched by the Reclamation Service officials, the first work was upon the
Truckee River project, near Reno, the home of Mr. Newlands, and upon the
Salt River project, wherein the Reclamation Service engineers saw their best
chance for the evolution of an ideal storage and irrigation system.
Under the provisions of the reclamation law of 1902, the United States Recla-
mation Service was organized as a branch of the United States Geological Sur-
vey, of which Chas. D. Walcott was director and Fred H. Newell chief
Return of the funds expended by the Government was to be made by the
several projects in ten annual installments, commencing one year from the
date of the formal notice of completion of the project. In 1914 this term was
changed to twenty years. It was assumed at the start that the act was only for
the benefit of unoccupied areas of land, which were to be taken up by bona
fide settlers, under the homestead law, in small tracts. The actual working
out gave results very different indeed. It soon was demonstrated that no
poor settler possibly could exist upon a desert homestead during the years that
would be necessary for the completion of the storage works and of the canals
that would bring water to the arid acres.
Another feature, which practically cut the original settlers of the valley
out from participation in the benefits of the act, in effect gave the ordinary
stream flow to the older settlers and the stored flow to the new homesteaders.
The main reason for the passage of the act was the necessity for water regula-
tion for the benefit of settlers whose irrigation flow had theretofore been cut off
in the dryer periods of the year. It was found impossible also to keep the
funds of any one state to itself, as the expenditure involved for any one
project was far in excess of local land office revenues.
But the new Reclamation Service tackled this job with enthusiasm, despite
the deceiving limitations put upon its energies. Not only because of its natural
advantages, but because its citizens had worked upon that line for years, the
Salt River Valley was given preference as the site of the first large project, and,
as a joint charge against Arizona and California, a diversion weir was planned
across the Colorado.
There was much to do, however, in Phoenix, in order that the bounty of the
Government might be accepted. A local committee of thirty members, headed
by B. A. Fowler, for months met almost daily, wrestling with serious prob-
lems of organization and finance, much impeded in its work by local dissensions
concerning the manner in which the stored flow should be distributed. Owners
of some of the lands of oldest cultivation, secure in their claims upon even the
lowest summer flow, demurred at assuming any share of the burden of the cost
of the project. On the other hand, owners of the newer lands sought in every
way to secure for themselves the benefit of participation to the extent of even
a greater acreage than has been contemplated as irrigable under the project.
Many of the difficulties .were solved, however, by adoption of a plan for the
organization of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association, for which the
articles of incorporation were filed with the county recorder February 4, 1903.
This plan of forming an association to repay the Government the cost of the
proposed works had been evolved by Judge J. H. Kibbey. The articles of
incorporation later were adopted by the Government as a general plan for
similar associations under every governmental reclamation project. B. A.
Fowler was the association's first president and Judge Kibbey its counsel.
On March 12, Secretary E. A. Hitchcock, of the Interior Department,
tentatively authorized the construction of the Tonto dam. Phoenix burned
much red fire on the night of October 15, 1903, on receipt of word that the secre-
tary had made formal order to begin construction at the Tonto Basin dam site
and had authorized the expenditure of $100,000 of a total fund expected to
aggregate $3,000,000.
Soon after the passage of the Reclamation Act, a camp of engineers was es-
tablished near the junction of Salt River and Tonto Creek. The camp and
postotiice were named Roosevelt, and this same name later was given the dam
itself. A contract for the structure was awarded April 8, 190.), to John M.
O'Kourke & Co., of Galveston, Texas, at an initial price of $1,147,600, the con-
tractors to receive free electric power and free cement.
Something of a precedent was established in connection with the cement
Apparently in a trust, the manufacturers' lowest bid was $4.89 a barrel. The
Reclamation Service, refusing to stand what was called a "hold-up," promptly
proceeded to put in its own cement mill; a measure denounced at the time as
socialistic in the extreme and a denial of the vested rights of capital. But the
result proved the wisdom of the policy, for the gross cost of cement, per barrel,
was only $3.11, or a saving of nearly $600,000 on the total cost of the structure.
The cement cost was not a small one. Altogether were manufactured 338,452
barrels, at a gross cost of $1,063,542.
After bed-rock, at its greatest depth of forty feet, had been reached and the
gravel and sand had been sluiced out by hydraulic jets, the first stone of the
foundation was laid, September 20, 1906. The last stone, on the coping, 284
feet above, was laid February 6, 1911.
At the river level ,the dam is 235 feet long and at the' top 680 feet. The
entire length of the roadway on top of the dam is 1,080 feet, for 200 feet of
length was added on either side for spillways, blasted from the mountain side.
Its width at the base is 170 feet and at the top 16 feet. Within the dam are
339,400 cubic yards of masonry, and every stone was washed before it was
cemented into place.
But there was much more to do than to merely build the dam. To provide
power there was built a canal, heading nearly twenty miles above Roosevelt and
terminating just above the dam. The penstock leads, under pressure of about
280 feet, to a power house in the canon just below, where the initial hydro-elec-
tric plant has been developed into one capable of furnishing 11,000 horse power.
A part of this has been sold to mines at Miami, but the works also have connec-
tion with Phoenix, seventy-six miles away, by means of a transmission line, whose
steel towers are firmly set into the rocks of the Superstition Mountains. The
total cost of power development was $2,741,000, not excessive considering the
results achieved. The canals of the valley had to be bought, at a purchase and
betterment cost of $604,000 and $126,000 went into pumping plants for exten-
sion of the irrigated area. All these additions to the original plan were ap-
proved by the Water Users' Association, though through them the cost of the
project has been raised from an estimate of $4,000,000 to $10,000,000.
On the theory that there had to be connection between the dam and the
valley it served, there was built the Roosevelt road, at a cost of probably $300,000.
This road, through the most rugged of mountains and abounding in views of
the grandest character, now is a part of a transcontinental automobile highway,
as well as serving to connect Globe and Tonto Basin with the state capital.
In the summer of 1905 the Reclamation Service secured authority from the
Interior Department for the construction of a bed-rock diversion dam across
Salt River at Granite Reef, twenty-five miles above Phoenix. The necessity for
such a structure had been shown by a drouth of about six months, with serious
results to the farmers and orange growers on the Arizona canal, which had
lost its timber dam in the floods of the winter before. Service from the diver-
sion dam was inaugurated in May, 1908. The structure cost $622,784.
Within the Salt River Valley were four small hydro-electric plants, pri-
vately owned. Three of these have been acquired by tfie Reclamation Service,
in pursuance of its plan for the development of about 25,000 horse power within
the project. This led to some complications. The water power developed in
two works along the Arizona Canal had been contracted for a term of twenty-
five years, of which seventeen years were yet to run, to the local lighting
monopoly of Phoenix. This contract stood very much in the way of the build-
ing of a great power plant, contemplated at the end of a new cross-cut that was
to connect the Arizona and Grand canals. So, finally, Project Engineer L. C.
Hill solved the difficulty by a contract, that at the time excited the most violent
criticism. This criticism simmered down, however, when the logic of the situa-
tion became known. The Phoenix company was continued in its monopoly for
the sale of small quantties of electricity, it to pay the Reclamation Service a
charge of lYo cents per kilowatt for current furnished, but the power houses
were surrendered to the service, and the term of the contract was reduced to
ten years.
The lai-^ely increased cost of the project has been the cause of many allega-
tions of recklessness. To investigate these charges, the Sixty-second Congress
appointed a committee of investigation, comprising Congressmen Jas. M. Gra-
ham, Walter N. Hensley and Oscar Calloway, constituting a sub-committee of
the Committee on Expenditures of the Interior Department. The committee
met in Phoenix in April, 1912, and investigated the project, and also visited the
Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation, where electric pumping works had
been established by the Reclamation Service for the benefit of the Indians.
The report of the committee, submitted February 11, 1913, rather inferred
that the difference between the original estimate and the actual cost had been
due to mismanagement and waste, though figures were presented showing addi-
tional cost not at first contemplated and that the purchases of the old canals
of the valley were made at a cost considerably less than new canals could have
been built paralleling them. The report clearly showed a desire to make political
It is very probable indeed, that were this Salt River project to be built
again, at this date, the cost could be pared, but the fact remains that the
settlers have received much more benefit than at first was contemplated, that
they now own their own distributing and power systems and that all legal (jues-
tions have been cleared away concerning the use of the normal flow of the
rivers or of the water stored.
The Salt River project is the first large enterprise of the sort ever handled
by the Government and, in a v/ay, was experimental, but through this experi-
ment the farmers around Phoenix have been placed years in advance of other
regions in the arid West, which may in time have irrigation works more econom-
ically constructed, but which in the meantime will reap no benefit from the flood
waters that are flowing away unchecked.
The formal dedication of the dam was delayed till March 18, 1911, when
was secured the attendance of Colonel Roosevelt himself. Reference to his
trip has been made elsewhere in this work. At the dam, the arrival of the
colonel was the signal for a salute of dynamite that re-echoed down the caiion.
There had been gathered as speakers a number of men prominent in the irriga-
tion movement. John P. Orme, president of the Salt River Valley Water
Users' Association, the official host, introduced Governor Sloan as chairman for
the exercises and, in order, followed addresses by Chief Engineer Louis C. Hill,
Statistician C. J. Blanchard of the Reclamation Service, and B. A. Fowler,
president of the National Irrigation Congress and one of the men to whom
largest local credit was due. Then the guest of honor expressed his gratifica-
tion, not only over the completion of the structure to which had been given
his name, but over the large degree of success that had attended the operation
of the Reclamation Act, which had become a law during his term of office as
President. He believed that the two most material achievements connected
with his administration were the reclamation work in the West and the Panama
Canal. The speaker paid especial tribute to Engineers Newell, Davis and Hill.
At the conclusion of his address. Colonel Roosevelt, by means of an electric
switch, opened sluice gates on the northern slope of the dam and from twin tun-
nels leaped two great torrents of water that served to fill the bed of the river
below, theretofore dry.
At the time of the dedication, behind the dam was only about 100 feet of
water. The years of construction had been notably damp ones and then there
had come a period of drought. At seventy feet the rising water had eliminated
the original Town of Roosevelt, which lay on a shelf above the river bank a half
mile above the dam site and the residents had hurriedly moved to a new loca-
tion on the. mesa beyond. All apprehension vanished, however, in the spring of
1915, when the water commenced to rise at the rate of several feet a day.
Finally the reservoir was filled to its fullest depth of 225 feet on the evening
of April 15, 1915. The first water that went over the spillway was saved for
use in the christening in June of the new dreadnaught Arizona. The total
capacity of the reservoir approximates 1,300,000 acre feet, in itself enough
to insure the irrigation of the dependent lands below for about three years.
The final judgment of a reclamation commission, issued early in 1915, gave
a net acreage of 180,599 acres, upon which will be assessed the cost of the
project. In addition are 3,000 acres of Indian lands. Plans have been made
for the irrigation of 220,000 acres, the balance generally by means of pumping.
Still in addition will be the acreage to be irrigated by a propo.sed storage dam
on the Verde.
On the Verde River, above McDowell, about sixty miles northeast of
Phoenix, the Salt River Water Users' Association is to build a storage dam
Lake at junction of Salt River and Tonto
Roosevelt Dam, Upstream Face
Theodore Roosevelt addressing the specta-
tors at the openint; of Roosevelt Storage
Dam, March 18, 1911
Louis C. Hill, chief engineer of Roosevelt
Storage Project, siieaking at opening
of the gates, March 18, 1911
Granite Reef Diversion Dam
Roosevelt Dam, seventy-six miles east of
at a cost of $1,000,000, to save the flood waters of that stream. This dam is on
the site of one planned as early as 1889 by the Rio Verde Canal Company,
which proposed to build a 140-mile canal to irrigate 250,000 acres in Paradise
Valley, a northern annex to Salt River Valley. A diversion tunnel was dug
around the dam site, and a long stretch of canal excavated within the valley.
The enterprise later had more or less notoriety from the manner of its
advertisement. In one circular was stated that
The canal should be considered a cause, planned primarily as a missionary undertaking,
largely that Christianity might be thereby advanced, and that the hope of personal prosperity
be the secondary matter. The history of the enterprise contains scores of proofs, which cannot
be questioned by any reasonable man, that it has been the object of scrupulous care of Almighty
God, who has nations and causes in his keeping and controls the wealth of the universe and
the minds and the hearts of men. We feel deeply assured that God 's time is now near at hand
to crown the enterprise with full success. For the glory of his name we now feel led to ask all
of the friends of the enterprise to stand with us in earnest prayer for the victory which W9
believe is near at hand, having the deep conviction that millions for the development of the
enterprise are to be supplied in answer to the united prayers of aU who have been led to become
interested in it. All that is needed is for God to speak the word and make clear his will to
earnest Christian men of large means.
In 1904 subscriptions were acknowledged of over $500,000, with water
rights sold to 150,000 acres and with the expectation that irrigation would be
started in 1905.
When it is understood that this company collected nearly $1,000,000, very
largely through appeals to Christian people, who were told that in Arizona
was to be established a colony, wherein God's will was to be the law, the char-
acter of th6 enterprise can be appreciated. These people, mainly under the
Desert Land Act, located an immense amount of land and made one or more
payments upon it, but their filings nearly all reverted to the Government.
In April, 1899, bankruptcy proceedings were started in Phoenix against
the Minnesota and Arizona Construction Company, which was alleged to be
in debt $1,000,000, with solvent credits of only about $1,000. This was the
construction company of the Rio Verde Canal Company. The principal claim
was that of A. H. Linton, who rated as worth only $1 a note given by the
Verde Canal Company for $120,273.
A serious blow to the Rio Verde enterprise was given by Judge Kent in the
United States District Court at Phoenix, January 11, 1912, though his judg-
ment concerned only a canal right-of-way northwest of Phoenix. Since that
time, however, the scheme appears to have fallen through. The Reclamation
Service has reserved all ground on which a canal might be dug within the
lower Verde Valley. The Rio Verde Company, in another form, was still in
existence as late as 1914.
In the early days of Salt River Valley irrigation, litigation ever was pres-
ent between canals and communities and there even had been threats of force,
as when the Mormon headgates were closed in the summer of 1879. There was
an accession to the legal trouble as soon as the Arizona Canal Company (organ-
ized December 22, 1882) began diverting water from the river. There had
been an assumption that a water right had value in itself. Water rights were
sold and even mortgaged, and were transferred from farm to farm, at the
pleasure of the owners. On this theory, the Arizona canal interests, seeking a
larger supply for their lands and the absolute control of the water supply of
the northern part of the valley, purchased a controlling interest in the Grand,
Maricopa and Salt River Valley canals and, on the authority of the transferred
water rights, sought to carry the water thus appropriated to new lands of
their own choosing. This action started law suits that continued for years.
The principal cases were brought by Michael Wormser, who owned about 7,000
acres of land south of Salt River, later included in the Bartlett-Heard hold-
ings (this somewhat representing the Temple Canal) and by Martin Gold, a
farmer southwest of Phoenix, whose water "right" had been sold, but who
insisted that his land still was entitled to irrigation.
However illogical the last contention seemed at the time, it later was given
legal standing. In 1892 Judge Kibbey, in the United States District Court, in
passing upon one of Wormser 's law suits, involving the right of the San Fran-
cisco ditch to water, rather went out of the narrow track of the judgment in
stating his views concerning the status of the irrigation flow. He then an-
nounced his opinion that canals were merely carriers of water, that priorities
of appropriation should be upon the basis of the first irrigation of the lands
benefited and reclaimed and that the land and the water should not Be separated
in the manner theretofore assumed proper. This later was known as the Kib-
bey decision, though the jurist always insisted that it was not a decision at all,
but merely a bit of gratuitous advice. At any event, it since has become the
law of the land, sustained by courts throughout the arid regions and now
undisputed in its application.
In February, 1899, Judge R. E. Sloan of Prescott, sitting temporarily on
the bench of the Third Judicial District, in a decision on the case of II. E.
Slosser against the Salt River Valley Canal Company took an advanced posi-
tion in irrigation jurisprudence, sustaining the Kibbey decision. While the
decree simply permitted Slosser to purchase the carriage of water in a canal
in which he had no "water right," the court inclined toward the contention
that to the farm and not to the farmer belonged the water that might be
appropriated from a stream. The decision stated that water should go to the
land that first uses it and considered the canal in question a carrier of water,
though not a "common carrier" in the full meaning of the legal term. Float-
ing or unattached water rights were held of little value. Judge Kibbey and
Judge W. H. Stillwell were of counsel for plaintiff.
About the same time Chief Justice Street heard other eases in which the
same general idea was involved. On the day his decision was to be announced,
the farmers, feeling sure of a judgment in their favor, paraded the streets,
each man bearing a shovel or pitchfork. But the court found for the canals.
However, the Supreme Court, in June, 1901, reversed the Street decision and,
in the same period, sustained Judge Sloan.
In 1910 water priorities in the Salt River Valley finally were fixed by a
decision, made of record March 1, 1910, by Chief Justice Edward Kent in the
District Court at Phoenix. The case was docketed as "Patrick E. Hurley,
plaintiff, and the United States of America, intervener, against Chas. F. Abbott
Who built the Roosevelt dam
and 4,800 others, defendants.'^ Abbott simply happened to be the first name
on the list and Hurley was the representative of the Salt River Valley Water
Users' Association. This suit had been brought on the advice of Counsel
Kibbey and had been in progress for nearly five years. Evidence was intro-
duced showing the date of cultivation of every plat of land within the valley.
In the decree Judge Kent definitely declared that no corporation or individual
may become possessed of a water right other than in the attachment of such
right, for beneficial uses, to a certain plot of land. In the same decision tenta-
tively was accepted a proposition that forty-eight miners' inches of water per
annum to the quarter section should be considered a sufficient supply for the
irrigation of crops, though this since has been modified and generally is con-
sidered excessive. It should be explained that in Arizona a miners' inch is
defined under the Reclamation Service standard as "the one-fortieth part of
one cubic foot of water flowing per second of time."
March 30, 1909, Yuma celebrated the harnessing of the American Nile, by
which, in plainer language, is meant the completion of the Laguna diversion
dam across the Colorado River, fourteen miles north of the city. Citizens of
Yuma had provided a fete in honor of the occasion and had as specially honored
guests Governor Kibbey and staff and a trainload of Los Angeles business men.
The Laguna was the first finished of the three southwestern river dams
projected by the Reclamation Service. In reality it is merely a weir for diver-
sion and not storage. It raises the river level only about ten feet, thus being
little more than an artificial reef. Its total depth is only nineteen feet, retain-
ing place upon sand and silt through its own enormous weight, for there is no
such thing in the lower Colorado Valley as bedrock. Up and down stream it
has a total width of 244 feet, with length from bank to bank of over 4,470 feet.
It is built of loose rock, dumped between three concrete walls, capped with an
eighteen-inch pavement of concrete, and with a downstream apron of large
Work on this dam was begun in July, 1905, after preparations that had
consumed a year. The contractors, who had bid $797,000 for the dam itself,
failed and most of the work had to be done directly by the Reclamation Service.
Early in 1908 there was a change in the first plans of the Reclamation Service
and the main supply canal was transferred to the western side of the river.
At first it was planned that Jhe supply for Yuma should be brought by viaduct
across the Gila River at a point some miles to the eastward. The total cost
first was estimated at $3,000,000, though this has been about doubled, owing
to extensions of the original idea. The gross sum is to be repaid by assessment
on about 130,000 acres of land, which has been brought under the control of
a water users' association, organized in the same manner as that of the Salt
River Valley. The main canal leaves the dam on the California side and
passes through the Yuma Indian reservation to a point just opposite Yuma.
There the water is conducted into a siphon and is carried under the channel
of the Colorado, again bubbling out on a hillside below the town and flowing
away as far as the international line. The first water flowed through the siphon
June 28, 1912, and the day was made one of rejoicing in the locality. Inci-
dentally, 700 Yuma Indians are to be enriched in the irrigation of 16,000
acres of their land, divided between themselves and white settlers.
As a part of the Yuma project, there had to be built scores of miles of
levees, protecting bottom land of wonderful richness. It is deemed probable
that in days to come the canal on the California side will need to be enlarged,
to act as a head ditch for the irrigation system of the Imperial Valley.
When General Kearny in 1856 at last cleared the confines of the Gila River
Canon, he saw to the westward a plain of rare beauty and of vast extent, dotted
with the ruins of a past civilization and scored by the lines of ancient irriga-
tion canals. This same plain today is known as the Casa Grande Valley,
stretching southward from the Gila and westward from the Buttes past Florence,
the Casa Grande ruins, Sacaton and the railroad town of Casa Grande as far
as Maricopa, fully fifty miles in all. Throughout, the country generally is
level, with deep and rich soil, its cultivation limited only by the water supply
available for irrigation — for the rainfall of south-central Arizona is too
erratic and too small in its gross annual volume for much benefit to agriculture.
On the authority of Editor Thos. P. Weedin of Florence, the earliest irriga-
tion of the plain around his home town, dating back to 1870, was by six small
ditches, the Alamo Araarillo (Yellow Cottonwood), Montezuma, Holland,
Adamsville, Spines and McLellan. In 1884 was started construction of the
Florence canal, into which nearly all the smaller ditch rights were consoli-
dated. A few years later, at the cost of a bond issue of $30,000, a reservoir
was built on the canal line, especially to supply lands around Casa Grande
and Arizola.
Thereafter came trouble. Settlers on the upper river, in years of relative
drought, diverted about all the summer flow of the stream. The canal failed
to earn a sustaining income and became bankrupt. Bought by judgment
creditors, it was neglected and was allowed to fill with silt. The system finally
went into a receivership, from which it has been taken only lately. Naturally,
development of the tributary farming country was retarded. The farmers
along the Florence Canal arose in wrath and took possession of the waterway,
defying the receiver of the canal company and the court that protected him.
The grangers saved their crops by a proper handling of the canal and all was
serene until the next term of court. Then about forty of the leading citizens
of Pinal County were arrested and charged with contempt of court, assault
and unlawful entry and detainer and, incidentally, were sued for $50,000 dam-
ages. For several court terms the farmers stood off the litigation, but at last
had to acknowledge judgment, though it was no more severe than a perpetual
injunction and a mandate to pay all costs of litigation. Now the main canal
has been returned to ownership within the community and better days are
For years at Florence there has been a struggle for water storage in the
Gila. Keen disappointment was expressed when the Roosevelt dam was
determined upon, for a dam site also was offered at The Buttes. Later The
Buttes site was demonstrated unavailable, bed rock being too deep. Similar
natural features caused rejection of a dam site near Riverside, but, still
CO '-
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further up-stream, at last what is considered an ideal location was found in a
narrow canon of the river, a few miles below San Carlos.
Over the San Carlos dam site arose complications due to a claim on a right-
of-way through the canon made by the Arizona Eastern Railroad Company,
which sought a low-grade connection between San Carlos and Winkelman. On
the basis of an understanding that water storage at the point suggested was
not feasible, due to unfavorable bed-rock conditions, silt and other reasons,
there was general hope in Phoenix that the railroad would secure its right-of-
way. In Tucson, per contra, there was even financial support for the reser-
voir proposition. The discussion within Arizona having waxed too warm for
the further maintenance of good will between the localities affected, the
Phoenix Board of Trade, on March 25, 1911, finally suggested that the whole
matter be referred to the unbiased arbitration of a board of United States
army engineers. It was believed such a reference was the only one logically
possible, for eminent irrigation authorities had flatly contradicted each other
on the subject.
The suggestion was well received and, in due course of time, on request
of the secretary of the interior, detail to the work was made by the secretary
of war of three engineer officers. Their report was made public in February,
1914, and declared in favor of construction of the dam, though at a site 1,000
feet above the point where it originally had been planned. Bedrock was
found within a reasonable average depth and the question of silt was con-
sidered one of relatively slight importance. The cost of an adequate dam and
diversion weir was estimated at $6,311,000, in this being included heavy con-
demnation costs, payable to the Arizona Eastern for trackage damage to its
Globe brahch, and to the Interior Department, for Apache Indian agency
buildings and property within the proposed reservoir's lines.
It was decided that, while much more than that area of good land was
available for irrigation below Florence, the average flow of the Gila River
could be relied upon for the watering of 90,000 acres, of which 35,000 should
be on the Pima Indian Reservation, for the benefit of 7,000 individuals, leaving
55,000 acres to be served elsewhere. Of this about 30,000 acres on the old
ditches around Florence already have prior rights. Repayment of the cost
chargeable to the Indians could be assumed by the United States, while the
white settlers would be assessed not over $70 an acre. As the Reclamation
Service already is overburdened, a bill has been introduced in Congress author-
izing construction of the San Carlos dam on the same plan of repayment as
enjoyed by the neighboring Salt River Valley.
The needs of the Indians in this connection are keen. Years ago they had
an ample irrigation supply, gradually lost to them by the encroachment above
of white men. With power for pumping secured from the Reclamation Serv-
ice works at Roosevelt, 10,000 acres lately have been added to the reservation's
possible tillable area, but this method for securing water is considered imper-
manent and conservative Indians refuse to profit by its utilization. With an
assured water supply, the Pimas of the Gila Valley would become even wealthy,
for they are industrious and are possessed of skill in agriculture, following
cultivation of their lands for centuries past.
Beside the Salt River Valley, Yuma and Florence districts, irrigation in
Arizona for years has been known in the lower and upper Gila valleys, and
on the Santa Cruz, San Pedro and Little Colorado rivers. In the last named
section $200,000 damage was done the spring of 1915 by the breaking of the
improperly constructed Lyman dam above St. Johns, the disaster involving
also the loss of two lives. About the middle eighties, an, immense sum was
spent by the South Gila Canal Company, which started construction on a
great storage and diversion dam near Agua Caliente. Further up the river
near Gila Bend, to cover land that had been irrigated for a time in the early
seventies, materialized one of the most ambitious irrigation schemes of the
Southwest, that of the Gila Bend Canal Company. A short distance below its
junction with the Hassayampa, the Gila was dammed by the company, which
was headed by Governor Lewis Wolfley. The dam washed out and the enter-
prise, renamed the Peoria Canal Company, was absorbed by the Greenhuts of
Peoria, 111., who are said to have sunk over $1,000,000 in the scheme. The
plans contemplated the irrigation of about 100,000 acres of excellent land,
much of it along the line of the Southern Pacific Railroad.
The upper Gila Valley has been farmed and irrigated for over thirty years
from the Apache Reservation eastward almost to the headwaters of the stream.
During the past few years a Chicago corporation has spent over $1,000,000
in the purchase of lands along the Santa Cruz and in the installation of an
irrigation system that has served to add a considerable farming community
within a short distance of Tucson.
Near Prescott a similar enterprise has placed a concrete dam across Gran-
ite Creek and is reclaiming a large expanse of land north of Granite Dells.
Probably the first hydro-electric power system in Arizona was that of the
Consolidated Canal Company, which in 1899 secured a right to carrj' Tempe
Canal water over the thirty-five-foot Mesa bluff, thus generating several hun-
dred horse power. This power plant has been absorbed by the hydro-electric
system of the Reclamation Service. Of importance to the mining industry of
Central Arizona is a hydro-electric plant on Fossil Creek, where a compara-
tively small volume of water tapped at a great height produces electric current
to supply the needs of Prescott and all of the principal mines of Yavapai
Only within the last few months has a start been made to utilize the
enormous power that is wasting in the Grand Canon of the Colorado. The
initial unit of what may become the largest power producing plant in the
Southwest is now under construction at the foot of Diamond Canon, north of
Peach Springs.
Joseph T. Woods; Nigger Jeff; Nat Greer; Hi Hatch; Albert F. Potter
Cowboys, Typical and Olherrvise — Slocking of the Arizona Ranges — Sheep and Their
Faithful Shepherds — Antagonism of the Trvo Stocl( Divisions — Elk Imported from
Wyoming — Rise and Decline of the Arizona Ostrich Breeaing Industry.
The cowboy of Arizona is often a composite character. To the east and to
the west of him the range riders preserve a uniformity of style and trappings,
but not so the cowman of the ' ' Sun Kissed Land. ' ' His saddle may be ' ' Colo-
rado," his cinch "Texas," his bit "Mexico," and his riata "California." Still
the eyes of the cattlemen are keen in all things and the locality of a newcomer
is soon determined, and infallibly by a rapid glance at the equestrian trappings
of the stranger.
Unfettered by a social code, free to roam a boundless expanse of mountain
and plain, it is remarkable that the land knows no more conservative individual
than the "cowboy." His ideas are fixed at the outset of his career and rarely,
if ever, changed. If he hail from Texas, mark you the characteristics of his
"rig." Along, low-cantled, broad-horned saddle, loosely strapped to his pony
by a double cinch, with buckles on the "latigo" straps. His bit will be a rather
light concern, possibly reinforced by a "hackamore," and his "rope" will prob-
ably be either hemp or Mexican grass. And especially should be noted the fact
that "tapaderos" are never seen. Now, hitch up the stirrups until the knees
of the rider are somewhat bent and you have the "rig" that a Texan most de-
lights in.
The Californian despises Texas methods and puts his forty pounds of leather
upon a horse's back in a very different shape. The saddle is higher and the
"tree" broader, and the stirrups are so hung that the rider sits upon his animal
in true clothespin fashion. Tapaderos are deemed a necessity and are often
so long as to nearly sweep the ground. A single broad cinch is used, the girth-
strap being dexterously fastened by a slip knot. The headstall is usually an elab-
orate affair and the bit a heavy one, of the "ring" or "half-breed" patterns.
The "lariat," as he terms it, is made of braided rawhide or calfskin and is the
pride of its possessor.
These peculiarities are marked and unalterable. There can be no argument
as to their respective merits, and each class of cowmen looks at the other with
the same distrust and contempt that would be given a ' ' tenderfoot. ' '
As regards the horses, fully as broad a difference exists. The California
"mustang" comes of proud lineage and, really, it would be difficult to find else-
where, grander saddle horses for rough usage. A matured animal often is put
to the strain of 100 miles' travel in a day, without injury. The mustangs are
commonly tall, "rangy" animals, "buckskin," gray or "pinto" in color. They
are broken when several years old and well experienced must be the vaquero who
mounts them upon this interesting occasion. The exhibition of bucking, rearing
and general cussedness given at the debut of a mustang is truly phenomenal;
but through it all he comes unscratched, tough, willing and speedy.
The Texas pony or "bronco" is somewhat undersized, fairly docile in tem-
perament, and is of Mexican origin. He is thick-legged, strong and hardy, and
if not as available as the mustang, has the doubtful advantage of being held at
only half the price. In Arizona the Texas pony predominates.
The cattle district of Arizona embraces the whole eastern half, and in this
vast expanse the cowboy flourishes. But let me hasten to note, he is not the
"wild and woolly" specimen that the eastern comic papers picture. You will
find him an honest, hospitable sort of a fellow, not averse to whiskey, yet rarely
intoxicated. A large portion of the livestock of the state is made up of small
holdings, and upon the large ranches none but sober, steady men are wanted.
The, cattle rearing industry of Arizona has had many ups and downs, what
with drought and with the necessity for feeding a large part of the Apache peo-
ple. The rich grasses of Pimeria early caused the importation of cattle from
Mexico. As early as 1770 is a record that tells of great cattle increases and of
the depredations of the Indians, who drove off the herds and killed the herders.
But around 1820 a number of great ranchos had been established, mainly in the
upper San Pedro and Santa Cruz valleys, where yet are to be seen the ruins of
large haciendas. By 1843 the Indians had become so bold that the last of these
haciendas had been abandoned and the population of the region had been con-
centrated in the walled presidios of Tucson and Santa Cruz. Large herds of wild
cattle were encountered on the San Pedi'o by the Mormon Battalion in 1846. A
rather better grade came after 1849, with the California goldseekers, whose
cattle often gave out on the arduous journey.
Bill Kirkland claimed that he was the first American to bring a band of
cattle to Arizona, to the old Canoa Ranch, forty miles south of Tucson, in 1857.
The stock was bought in Sonora. According to Colin Cameron, in 1864 the only
domestic cattle were forty head of cows at Tucson, owned by Wm. S. Our.y, and
the same number in Williamson's Valley, near Prescott, owned by a man named
Stevens, these guarded by armed herders and corraled every night. A large
number of cattle and sheep came with the Northern Arizona military parties of
1863, brought for food. For this same reason, in 1866, cattle were driven from
California by one of the Bannings and in succeeding years there were drives
from Texas by Hooker & Hines, who were beef contractors supplying Govern-
ment posts. In 1868, H. C. Hooker unsuccessfully tried to turn cattle on the
range in "Williamson Valley and in the following year tried to hold 4,000 head
near Camp Crittenden, but the Apaches were too bad at both points. The latter
band had to be wintered in the Papago country, 100 miles southwest of Tucson,
where the friendly Indians took toll of 400 head and for a time "lived high."
In 1872 Hooker's firm supplied 15,500 head to the posts, or in unwilling contri-
butions to Apache appetites.
In 1873 was the real modern start of the grazing industry of Arizona. Yet
in 1877, according to Geo. W. Atkinson, interviewed by Col. Allen T. Bird of
Nogales, "when he came to this region and located at Calabasas in 1877, there
were but three herds of cattle in these parts. One was owned by Doctor Benedict,
who was located at Guebabi, ou the Santa Cruz, a couple of miles below the pres-
ent site of the municipal pumping plant; another was owned by Pete Kitchen,
whose headquarters were at the place known now as the Saxon Dairy Ranch,
about five miles north from Nogales, on the road to Calabasas ; and the third was
owned by the late Sabino Otero, who lived at Tubac, and his cattle ranged in the
hills on either side of the valley. In those days cattle were so few, and feed on
the range so abundant, that farmers never considered it necessary to fence their
cultivated fields, and produce of all kinds was raised along the Santa Cruz with-
out fencing the lands at all. ' '
The present practice of fattening range stock was started in 1887 by the
Hooker and Vail interests, when the railroad was completed into the Salt River
Valley and its alfalfa fields, which since have turned off up to 50,000 head of
beef cattle a year. The great drought of 1892-3 showed the cattlemen how
grievously the ranges had been overstocked. Several varieties of the native
grasses, once standing as high as a horse 's back, had perished through over-graz-
ing, though, in the wool of the sheep had been brought from California the seed
of the alfilaria (fileree), now one of the most valuable and most widely spread of
Arizona's forage plants.
Arizona has taken pride in her comparative immunity from the live stock
diseases of Texas and other states around her. This has been due almost wholly
to the efforts of the Live Stock Sanitary Board, which was established in 1887,
with A. J. Chandler as veterinarian. Will C. Barnes, who led the board for
a number of years, latterly has been in congenial employment with the grazing
section of the forestry division of the Agricultural Department at Washington.
Golin Cameron for years was a notably efficient member. From 1893 for many
■years the veterinarian was J. C. Norton of Phoenix.
introdtJction of sheep
Marco de Niza in 1539 had something to say of the possession of sheep by the
natives of Cibola, but probably was mistaken, unless mountain sheep then had
been domesticated. In 1775 Padre Font wrote of the Pimas: "They own some
large sheep, whose wool is good, and also Castilian fowl."
Protected by the peaceful, .sedentary Indians of the Rio Grande Valley, sheep
raising had an early start in New Mexico and rapid development, the herds fur-
nishing their owners with clothing, as well as food. Carson and other pioneers
drove sheep from the Rio Grande to California, to feed the Argonauts. Bartlett
wrote that in 1852 there had been lost near Yuma, stolen by Indians, a band of
4,217 sheep, owned by Joseph White, started from Sonora for California. Near
Tucson Bartlett met an American headed for California with 14,000 head of
Chihuahua sheep. But none of these remained with the country.
The first sheep raising within Arizona was by Navajo and Hopi Indians, whose
bands were seized and slaughtered by the soldiery of the Civil War period, who
thus brought the redskins into a state of comparative peace, befitting a people of
property. In 1874 Felix Scott brought New Mexican sheep into the Little Colo-
rado River Valley, and in the following year some Navajo sheep were taken by
Frank Hunt into Yavapai County. In 1876, according to a rather uncertain
item, one Robinson drove 2,000 sheep into Tonto Basin and in 1878 Wm. H.
Hardy had 3,000 Angora goats on his Mohave County range.
Really the pioneer sheep raiser of Arizona, however, was John Clark, now a
resident of Flagstaff, still interested and prosperous in the live stock industry.
In 1875 he started from Kern County, California, with 5,000 head of sheep. He
lost over half of the band in a California snow storm, with the remainder crossing
the Colorado at Hardy's Ferry on December 7. The winter was spent on the
Big Sandy, but in the following spring a better and permanent range was found
in what is now Coconino County, near Bill WiUiams Mountain. Soon thereafter
he had a neighbor, William Ashurst (father of the present senator), who brought
a large sheep band from Nevada.
In the early days of the sheep industry there was incessant war with the
cattlemen. Wandering sheep bands from New Mexico, herded in to consume the
summer grasses of Arizona, were turned by force at the crossing of Canon Diablo.
There was the same opposition when Northern Arizona sheep were started south-
ward into the Tonto Basin and the valleys of Central Arizona. Something of
this is told in this volume in the chronicles of the wilder days of the territory.
When the forest reserves were established, with their regulations and limitations,
there was general protest from both ends of the live-stock industry. In practice
the reserves have proved a blessing. Overstocking is prohibited, prior rights
are protected, and, best of all, definite zones of occupancy have been established,
as well as legal driveways, over which sheep may be sent southward in the fall,
through the cattle country, to winter and lamb and to be sheared on the warmer
The long-continued fight between the western cattlemen and the sheepmen
now forms a study for the psychologist as well as for the economist. There was
little in common between the two industries. Cattle and sheep could no more
occupy a range in common than oil and water could flow coherently, so the cow-
puncher hated the sheepherder with a hatred that was deep and intense, and the
shepherd girded himself with artillery and sullenly stood on the defensive. The
difference between the habits of the two classes of live stock is broad. Cattle
are home-keeping and hard to lose, for a range cow will make her "run" where
she was born. Drive a cow away even a hundred miles and back she will drift,
although it may be to starve and to die. Sheep, on the contrary, necessarily are
nomadic, gregarious, bunching by instinct, and can be handled in bands of even
four to six thousand, though half the larger figure is usually preferred.
The sheepherder socially has a lower place than the cowboy, though more
often than not he is better paid, more saving and more prosperous. As a rule,
he is a foreigner in Arizona, a Mexican, Frenchman or Basque. The American
is too nervous to stand the life of a shepherd. He cannot endure the monotony,
the necessary separation from humanity, with only a dog for company for months
at a stretch. To the credit of the sheepherder may it be said that he is rarely
unfaithful to his flock or its owner. There is nothing poetical about him, but
he will risk his life for the safety of a lamb. He is much quieter in type than the
Brought the first sheep into Northern Arizona
cowboy, even when in his cups. In the ' ' open ' ' days of Arizona after the wool
had been clipped and all hands were in town for a little fling, he had no wild
yearning for shooting holes in the firmament. He is happiest on a sunny hillside,
lying at ease where he may overlook his flock and hear the ceaseless voicing of its
A herd of seventy-nine elk was turned loose in the forested mountains south
of "Winslow in 1913, the animals brought from Wyoming at the expense of the
Arizona Order of Elks. Protected by law, they have prospered in their new
location and few have been killed by Indians or the casual hunter. When the^
white man first came to Arizona elk were plentiful in the forested North, but
had been extinct for years before this importation. In the same region were
large bands of antelope, a game animal now rarely seen. It is given protection
in all seasons. Also protected are mountain sheep, which once were known in
almost all parts of Arizona.
It is told that the first breeding ostriches brought to the Western Continent
came in 1882. The first brought into Arizona, other than in menageries, were
purchased in California in 1888 by M. E. Clauton from the Cawston Company.
They were twenty in number, but only two survived the trip. In 1891 the first
ostrich was hatched in Arizona, the property of Josiah Harbert, who in 1896 had
a flock of 123 birds. A few ostrich farms outside of Arizona were bought and
the Arizona holdings increased, till in 1914, upon a half dozen farms, there were
at least 6,000 ostriches in the Salt River Valley. About the time of the start
of the European war it was definitely decided that the industry was unprofitable
and the birds of the largest farm were offered for sale at prices that ran down
to $5 a head, though held at $200 a head only the previous year. Through this
sale ostriches have been placed on scores of Arizona farms, where they are handled
under about the same conditions as fenced cattle. Indeed, they are listed as live
stock for purposes of assessment. In 1914 and for several years theretofore a
claim was made that within the Salt River Valley were more ostriches in confine-
ment than known elsewhere in the world outside of South Africa.
While honey is a valuable product of the agricultural valleys, the mountains
of Arizona now abound in bees. In hollow trees are to be found the Italian or
hybrid Italian type and in eaves the little black bees, Kipling's "little people of
the rocks. ' ' There can be no doubt that the yellow bees are escapes from the val-
leys, but it is possible that the black bee is as indigenous to the country as is the
rabbit. This is not believed by scientists who have studied the subject, though it
has been stated that about 500 varieties of the genus apis have been found in
Arizona and New Mexico, mainly in the mountains of the latter state. Bees were
taken to Texas as early as 1820 and in 1845 trappers found honey in the rocks
near the San Carlos River of Arizona. Several hives of bees were brought to
Prescott early in 1864 by Joseph Ehle and wife. Around 1879 hives had been
taken into the Salt I^iver Valley and in that year J. B. Allen of Tucson brought
two swarms from San Diego.
The Church a Great Pioneering Force — John D. Lee Long a Refugee in the Grand
Canon — Seltlements in Northern Arizona — Missionary Work of Jacob Hamblin —
Founding a Slal(e in the Little Colorado Valle'^ — Communities Established at Lehi,
Mesa, Saint David and on the Gila.
The Mormon Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
probably was the greatest pioneering body the world ever has known. Like
the Pilgrims of old, its leaders sought a home in the wilderness wherein they
might not be hampered in the exercise of their peculiar religious beliefs and
wherein they could found colonies of the proselytes that were expected, and
that, indeed, did come. Brigham Young, a very level-headed sort of indi-
vidual, early determined upon a spread of his faith southward by means of
colonization and it would appear that at one time there was an ill-founded
hope that in Mexico the faith might be extended materially. Wherever pos-
sible he made friends with the Indians, the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon,
and his missionaries even succeeded in converting some of the redskins.
The Mormon occupation of Arizona has included many former residents
of Southern Utah who in early days were sent by the church as colonizers to
various parts of the Southwest. In 1851, C. R. Hakes, later president at
Mesa, and President Flake were members of a party of 100 families that
settled in San Bernardino, Cal., where some of the original settlers still reside.
They were led by Chas. C. Rich and Amasa I\L Lyman. The latter 's son now
is president of the Mormon Apostles. They settled on the Lugo ranch of nine
square leagues, for which they paid $77,500. To this sum 10 per cent was
added for deferred payments and the total sum rose eventually to $140,000.
They remained in peaceful possession till December, 1857, when Riley Morse,
one of the brethren, came post haste from Sacramento with the news that 200
mounted vigilantes were on the way southward to run the Mormons out of
California. The Mormons, not wishing to fight, almost immediately took the
back track and at least 400 of them in December started for Utah, leaving
not over twenty families behind. On learning this, the Califomians returned
to their homes. Probably a score of these San Bernardino pioneers later
came into Arizona.
The cause of the California anti-!Mormon outburst was the IMountain
Meadows massacre, which occurred September 11, 1857. The affair itself has
no place in a volume of Arizona history, but has a connection through the fact
that much of twenty years thereafter Northern Arizona was the hiding place
of John D. Lee, leader of the white and Indian assassins of the 125 men, women
and children ambushed in Southern Utah. Lee's Ferry, the only available
crossing of the Colorado River in Northeastern Arizona, was named after Lee,
and there is still standing in a canon below a stone cabin occupied by him for
a number of years. The time of himself and a number of followers largely
was occupied in the washing of gold-bearing bars. Lee, sometimes known as
Doyle (his middle name), was a veritable pioneer in Grand Canon explora-
tion, and it is known that he traveled for many mUes through the abysmal
gorge and that he remained for months or even years at different points in
the main caiion and in Kanab Wash, which branches northward into Utah.
Several of his wives accompanied him on his exile and were scattered around
at his various hiding places.
For at least three years, Lee lived with the Havasupai Indians, in the bot-
tom of Cataract Canon, which at the time had been visited by few whites. He
is credited with planting the first fruit trees known in the valley and with
teaching the Indians much in the way of agriculture. The Powell party, in
the summer of 1872, found Lee tilling a little farm on the Paria, a short dis-
tance above the Colorado. At the time, Lee told Dellenbaugh that he had tried
to stop the Mountain Meadows massacre and when he could not do so he went
to his home and cried, and that the Piutes ever afterward called him "Naguts,"
or "Cry baby."
Lee finally was captured while visiting one of his families at Panguitch, in
Southern Utah, and he was legally executed, by shooting, March 23, 1877, on
the spot where his crime had been committed.
The execution was witnessed by Mr. Hakes, who knew Lee well, and who
very lately has contributed some sworn evidence in opposition to the general
understanding that the massacre had been with the sanction of the Mormon
Church, and that Lee and his party later had been defended by the Mormons.
Curiously enough, this evidence, though in the hands of the Mormon authori-
ties as early as July, 1907, has not been used, as the Apostles seem to prefer
to let the awful memory die. The white men engaged in the massacre were
members of Mormon communities and were assumed to have been communi-
cants of the Mormon Church, but the church has denied throughout that it
had any responsibility for their action. President Brigham Young, referring
to it, said that Lee and his^ confederates had "planned and executed that ter-
rible deed without asking counsel or advice from Brigham Young or the Mor-
mon Church, and he knew nothing of it until it was too late to stop it. They
had done it on their own responsibilities and the results are on their own shoul-
ders, for I say to them, and wish the whole world to hear it, that Brigham Young
or the Mormon Church will never come to their aid in avoiding the conse-
quences of their crime."
Mr. Hakes came closely into the affair the day before Lee's arrest, which
he had privately learned from his brother-in-law was planned by the United
States marshal. Hakes took the news to Brigham Young and other church
dignitaries, who happened to be at the nearby Town of Parowan. The presi-
dent called the senior members of his party together and asked for sugges-
tions. None were offered. If he had been given the word, Hakes was ready
to ride across the mountain and warn Lee, that he might again take refuge in
his canon haunts. But the Mormon head, failing to receive any advice,
turned and said, "Brother Hakes, we thank you for this information, but it
is all right, for the time has come when they will try John D. Lee and not the
Mormon Church. That is all we have ever wanted. Go to bed and sleep, for
it is all right."
At the execution, Lee arose from where he had been sitting on his own
coffin and said only a few words, that he had no fear of death and had only
one deep regret, that he left his wives and children on the mercy of a cold
world, but he added, "There are Brigham Young, George A. Smith and Daniel
H. Wells, leaders of the Mormon Church, with whom I have been acquainted
all of my life. I have traveled with them and stood guard over them. I have
kept them at my house and I have been with them at their homes. We have
been the most intimate of friends. Now, in my time of trouble they do not come
to comfort me."
Soon after the western exodus of the Mormons, scouting parties of the
Saints were sent in all directions from Salt Lake. One of the parties, with a
strong missionary trend, in 1846 visited the Moqui villages, but it is told
received about as inhospitable a greeting as had Padre Garces, and soon re-
turned northward. A Mormon settlement was at Tubac in 1852, but left when
its irrigation supply dried up.
According to Historian Andrew Jenson of the Latter Day Saints, the first
Mormon settlement in Arizona was made by Anson Call in 1865 on the Colo-
rado River. Callville's location now is in Nevada. In the same locality in
1868 the Mormons settled Fort Thomas. A few years thereafter was estab-
lished Fredonia on the Kanab Wash, on the very northern border of Arizona.
One of the leaders in the settlement of Northern Arizona was Jacob
Hamblin, who, though poor and of no high rank in his church, yet seemed an
especially trusted agent of President Brigham Young, who sent him in the
fall of 1858, with a party of twelve, to find if there might be a missionary
field among the Hopis. Members of the party were Indian, Spanish and Welsh
interpreters, the last considered necessary, for a report had come that there
were evidences that the Indians were of Welsh extraction. This and a similar
visitation the following year found the Indians not in receptive mood. On
a trip led by Hamblin in 1860, the Navajos killed one of the party, Geo. A.
Smith, son of one of the Mormon presidents. In the fall of 1861 Hamblin
helped in the founding of Saint George in Southwestern Utah and from that
point, two years later, was sent again to the Moquis, crossing the Colorado
below the eaiion and returning, by the Ute crossing, with three Hopis, who
were taken on to view the glories of Salt Lake. Returning with his Indian
visitors, Hamblin left Saint George in March, 1863, by the western route,
taking the Garces trail through Cataract Canon, where they assured the resi-
dent Indians they would lead no one else into the gorge.
In 1870 and 1871 Hamblin was of service to Major Powell in his surveys
around the canon and went with Powell to a great talk in which 6,000 Navajos
President of St. Joseph Stake
One of Mesa's founders
Former president of Maricopa Stake
participated. Pour years later Hamblin, while on a peace mission to the
Navajos, who had, in error, charged to the Mormons the killing of several of
the tribe, was in serious danger, during an eleven-hour session within a council
lodge, but escaped by his own argument and with the respect of the chiefs.
In the winter of 1873, Hamblin laid out the wagon road now used from
Lee's Ferry to the San Francisco forest and in the spring guided to Moencopie
the first unit of 100 wagons, owned by a company that had been sent to settle
on the Little Colorado or on the Gila. Hamblin remained at Moencopie, to
plant vegetables and soon witnessed the return of all the emigrants, who had
become demoralized and had turned back before they had passed the desert
into the forested country beyond. On the Moencopie, in 1877, was established
a Mormon settlement called Tuba City, named after a friendly Hopi, who had
traveled much with Hamblin. Substantial good was planned for the Indians
by John W. Young in the establishment in 1879 at Moencopie of a woolen
mill, to be run by water power, whereat were to be worked up the fleeces of the
Moqui and Navajo herds. The mill was well equipped, with the best type of
machinery of the day, but the Indians seemed to prefer their own hand looms
and little wool was brought in. The old stone mill still stands at Tuba, but the
Mormons are gone, for the reservation has been extended to the Colorado
River. The settlers were bought out by the Government and their holdings
made into a farm for a large Indian school,
Not discouraged by failure, the church authorities started a more sturdy
expedition southward in 1876. Covering this, nothing at hand is better than
an article contributed by R. E. Porter, now a resident of Saint Joseph, Navajo
County :
At a meeting held in Salt Lake City in January, 1876, four companies, consisting of about
fifty men each, besides the families of such as had families and chose to bring them along,
were organized, with Lot Smith, Jesse O. Ballinger, George Lake and Wm. C. Allen as captains.
These companies began their journey early in February, and on the 23rd of March, 1876, the
lead teams reached Sunset CroEsing of the Little Colorado Eiver at or near the place where the
A., T. & B. F. railroad now crosses that stream, about two and one-half miles east of the present
City of Winslow.
On the day following, the companies, led by Allen, Smith and Lake, proceeded some twenty
miles farther up the river. Allen 's company, which settled Saint Joseph, camped on the site
of the present town of that name on the night of the 24th. '
It was decided at a council held here that Smith should go back as far as Sunset Crossing;
and his company settled the Town of Sunset, some three miles north of that crossing and on
the north side of the river. Allen's company first Fettled about five miles east of the present
Town of Saint Joseph ; but in a sfiort time, moved to a place about one mile east of the present
location, where the town now stands. This settlement was at first called Allen; but in February,
1878, the name was changed to Saint Joseph.
Lake's company settled about three miles south of Saint Joseph on the opposite side of
the river and named their settlement Obed. It was located near some marshy land and because
of the prevalence of chills and fever, broke up in 1877, the inhabitants scattering among the
other three colonies.
During the winter of 1876-77, these four settlements all constructed forts for their pro-
tection against the Indians. At Obed, the outside walls of the fort were all constructed of
rock. In the other three settlements, the forts were for the most part of the stockade type,
constructed of Cottonwood logs obtained from the river bottoms.
Considerable trouble was experienced by these settlements in controlling the waters of the
Little Colorado for irrigation purposes — Saint Joseph built a new dam in that stream every
year from 1876 to 1891, inclusive. The dam constructed during the latter year proved sufiSciently
stable to withstand the impact of heavy floods and is stUl in use.
During the first few years, all these settlements adopted the communistic system of living,
the division of labor in each settlement being arranged by the leaders or managers.
Of these four settlements. Saint Joseph alone has remained permanent. The greater part
of the inhabitants of Brigham City left during the fall of 1880, most of them moving to the
Upper Gila Valley in Pima County and nearly all the remainder, during 1881, moved further
up the Little Colorado, joining with other settlements which had been made in Eastern Arizona.
Sunset was abandoned about 1885, many of the settlers leaving as early as 1883. _
In 1878 the Village of Snowflake was founded by— 4wo— sturdy MoFBioa-
-iamilies from Utah,-*li«se-«l W. J. Flake and Erastus Snow. The name evolved
itself as a matter of course. The site had been the headquarters of the cattle
ranch of James Stinson, who accepted $11,000 for his land, 550 head of cattle
and control of water rights in Silver Creek. Snowflake now has about 800 popu-
lation, and along Silver Creek is a total population of about 2,000, nearly all
Mormons. Flake also was a pioneer of California, going in 1851, a member of
a Mormon party that purchased the present site of San Bernardino. Another
member of the party was the present bishop at Snowflake, John Hunt.
In the same general section is Show Low, which has a name that needs a bit
of interpretation. It is on ground once controlled by Captain Cooley and Marion
Clark, both of whom were devoted to the game of "seven-up." At a critical
stage of one of their games, when the stakes had risen to include about all the
property of the players, Clark exclaimed, "Show low and you take the ranch!"
Cooley showed "low." The same ranch was later sold by him for $11:5,000 to
W. i. Flake.
The agricultural valleys of Apache and Navajo counties today are occupied
almost wholly by Mormon farmers, industrious and frugal, and thereby pros-
perous. Saint Johns, once Mexican, now is a Mormon center, with a large
denominational school.
One of the first expeditions southward was led by Daniel W. Jones, one of
the elders of the church, who had spent some years in travel in Spanish-speak-
ing countries and who had a good working knowledge of the Spanish language.
There had been a scouting party a couple of years before that had traveled down
through Arizona and that had returned with the general report that the country
was practically uninhabited and open for settlement. Jones' expedition left
Nephi September 10, 1875. Crossing of the Colorado was at Lee's Ferry and
thence the way led through the Moqui and Navajo country to the Little Colo-
rado, whence the vi&y was plain to Prescott and southward. The party camped
near Phoenix and the next day traveled eight miles up stream to Hayden's mill,
near which camp was made on the Winchester Miller ranch. The Jlormons
were welcomed by Chas. T. Hayden, the patron of the settlement and owner of
the little cross-roads settlement and of much of the country around. They
traded him a number of pack mules for light spring wagons and resumed their
pilgrimage toward the southeast. Passing through the Pima Reservation, a
church historian tells that they made a number of converts. Tucson was passed
and the eastward way was maintained until at Port Bowie the journey bent
southward into Mexico. It would appear that little success attended this Mexi-
can trip, for late in 1876 the party was back in Utah and Jones had reported to
his superiors.
In January, 1877, under orders from the church, Jones led a second expe-
dition of seventy-one members. Tempe again was reached and, on recommenda-
tion of Winchester Miller, the party settled on Government land a few miles
above Hayden's, near the river, around what now is the Village of Lehi. The
settlement at first was known as Camp Utah and even yet is spoken of by old-
timers as Jonesville. A small canal was dug from the river, with the assistance
of a number of Indians, mainly Pimas, some of whom became converts. When
the Indians wished to settle among the Mormons, there was a schism. Jones
welcomed the Indians, but the larger number of the settlers did not and, led
by P. C. Merrill (adjutant of the Mormon Battalion), moved to a new location
on the San Pedro, where they established the settlement of Saint David. The
Indians claimed a share of the water in the Utah ditch, but their aspirations
toward land ownership finally were settled by their establishment upon a reserva-
tion of their own, north of Lehi. Jones died in Lehi in April, 1915. One of
the early leaders was Henry C. Rogers, who reached Lehi March 6, 1877.
In 1878 a correspondent of the Prescott Miner wrote in praise of the work
of Mormon settlers who had established a colony near ' ' Maysville, ' ' on the pres-
ent site of Lehi. He told : ' ' The work done by these people is simply astound-
ing. The alacrity and vim with which they go at it is decidedly in favor of
co-operation or communism." The correspondent was given a rather fantastic
idea of the intention of the settlers, for he tells that their settlement was to be
within a mile square, enclosed by an adobe wall about seven feet high, in the
center a square around which are buildings fronting outward.
A second expedition of seventy-nine members started from Paris, Idaho,
late in 1878 under G. W. Sirrine and F. M. Pomeroy, moved by climatic con-
ditions. The journey was made with little hardship, except from cold weather,
and the party arrived without particular incident at a point northeast of Gamp
Verde. Thence a committee was sent southward to look up a site for permanent
settlement. Jonesville was visited by the committee, but, unable to come to
terms with Jones, it was induced to look into the possibilities of farming on a
nearby mesa. The rest of the company arrived February 14, 1879, and work
was started at once upon an irrigating canal. One feature that had determined
the leaders of the new colony was the fact that the remains of an ancient canal
were found leading out to the river to the very land on which the settlement
was to be placed. This canal was cleaned out and deepened and the gradients
of the ancient engineers were proven good. At the time it was estimated that
utilization of this old canal had saved the Mormons at least $20,000 in the cost
of excavation. Mesa soon outstripped her older neighbor, which today is a vil-
lage. Mesa now is the second town in the Salt River Valley, in the midst of one
of the richest and most carefully cultivated sections of the Salt River Valley.
A part of its present Mormon population originally settled at Tempe, but
later moved on lands west of Mesa. The Mormon element of Mesa now probably
numbers less than half the population and, though still strong in the faith, no
longer itself forms a concrete community. For many years Mesa ranked as the
richest colony of the church and from it have gone many missionaries and a
considerable number of pioneering bodies into Mexico and various southwestern
Soon after the Maricopa Stake of Zion was formed in 1879, Alexander P.
Macdonald, an energetic Scotchman, was sent from Utah to be its president. A
broader field was found for him in 1885 as president in charge of the Mormon
■ colonies in Chihuahua. About that time there was a hegira of Mormons from
Arizona into Mexico, driven out by Federal prosecution, this one fact largely
accounting for the number of Mormon colonies in Sonora and Chihuahua at the
time of the outbreak of the Mexican troubles, following the deposition of Presi-
dent Diaz. President Jlacdonald died of Bright 's disease at Colonia Dublan,
March 21, 1903. He was an orator of wonderful force, persuasive powers and
memory and is worthy of a place in church annals as a pioneer missionary of
the highest type.
Another notable- Arizona Saint was Benjamin F. Johnson, who died in Mesa
in 1905, aged 87 years. A New Yorker, he had been a member of the church
since 13 years of age and had been closely associated with the prophet, Joseph
Smith. He was leader of the Mormon party that settled at Tempe. His eighty-
seventh birthday, celebrated only three months before his death, had been made
the occasion of a popular gathering whereat he blessed the attendants in the
manner of a patriarch of old. It is understood that Johnson had at least seven
wives and forty-two children and at the time of his death his posterity was said
to include about 800 individuals. Scores of children and grandchildren are today
resident in Arizona and are rated among the best of her citizenship.
Geo. W. Sirrine, generally known as the ' ' Father of Mesa, ' ' died in his home
town in September, 1902, aged 85.
Within Graham County, including the Gila Valley, possibly a majority of
the residents today are followers of Joseph Smith. The first, headed by Jos. K.
Rogers, came in 1879, a small colony which had been unsuccessful on the lower
Little Colorado and which found a tract of land of remarkably fine character
in the vicinity of the present Town of Pima, which first was known as Smith-
ville. It was then in the midst of a dense mesquite forest, which had to be
cleared away before crops could be planted. The farmers at first also were
handicapped by a necessity for digging a long canal from the river.
Thatcher, three miles west of Safiford, was laid off by Stake President Chris-
topher Layton in 1886 and now is the administration point for the Mormon
Stake of Saint Joseph. The name of the pioneer president, who died in 1898,
has been perpetuated in the suburb of Layton, near Safford. President Layton 's
memory is honored yearly on the anniversary of his birth. At a reunion lately
held in Pima, there was announcement that the pioneer was survived by three
• wives and, including those married into it, that the family then embraced exactly
594 individuals. President Layton was one of the most remarkable men ever
known on the frontier. He first came to the Southwest in the Mormon Battalion.
He had remarkable powers of administration, shown both by his conduct of
church affairs and by his personal success in business, though handicapped by
almost entire absence of "book learning."
President of St. Johns Stake
Former president Maricopa Stake Former president, Snowflake
Thatcher, the location of a large academic school, now is considered the
head of the administration of the Church of Latter Day Saints within Arizona,
under President Andrew Kimball of Saint Joseph Stake. The denomination,
once separate and isolated by its own preference, latterly has shown the fullest
desire to join with the Gentile population in everything that leads toward the
betterment of moral and civic conditions within the commonwealth.
The years 1882-5 were sad ones for the Mormon people of Arizona. Not
only were they prosecuted generally for "unlawful cohabitation," but they
were practically disfranchised by an act of the Territorial Legislature that shut
out even believers in the practice of polygamy. In Apache County there arose
a feud, the Mexicans, led by Americans, relied upon to force the Mormons from
the locality. Mormon town lots in St. Johns are said to have been seized with-
out warrant of law and for a while Mormons there lived in dread of assassina-
tion. There is said to have been even a movement to capture and mistreat Brig-
ham Young, Jr., and F. M. Lyman, Mormon Apostles who were on a church
visitation within Northeastern Arizona.
The Thirteenth Legislature passed an act disfranchising polygamists and
permitting challenge of any person accused of membership in any order or sect
that countenanced plural marriage. This act seems to have had little consid-
eration, as election officials in Mormon communities generally were of the faith
of the majority. Governor Zulick two years later warmly defended the Mormons
and called upon the Legislature for repeal of the law, as affecting opinions and
not merely acts. The matter seems to have been settled by merely leaving out
any reference to it in the Revised Statutes of 1887. This action, according to
Governor Wolfley (Report to the Secretary of the Interior, 1889), followed a
switch of the Mormon votes to the democratic party. Governor "Wolfley urged
that Congress disfranchise all Mormons, claiming that, "Morally and politically,
they are an unwelcome and dangerous element." Acting-Governor N. O.
Murphy in his report for 1890, possibly also on political grounds, stated his
belief that the influence of the Mormon Church was "vexatious" and asked of
Congress a "test-oath" law, similar to that known in Idaho.
Popular Adminislralion of Justice at Many Points — Phanix as a "Wild IVesl" ToTvn —
Globe's Hanging Tree — The Bishee Massacre — Heath Lynching at Tombstone —
"Bad Men" and Frontier Sheriffs — Commodore Orvens — Pete Gabriel and Joe
In the early summer of 1879, Phoenix was the supply point for the whole of
the north-central territory, including rich mining districts which then were in
a state of almost feverish activity, with hundreds of prospectors exploring the
hills. The Southern Pacific Railroad had stopped construction work at Casa.
Grande, and a large representation of its camp followers had gravitated to
The town then had about 1,500 inhabitants, about half of them Mexicans.
There was a semi-organized vigilance committee, composed principally of farmers.
This body had done some good work in the past, but seemed to sleep in the
period under view.
Men were wounded and killed till "a man for breakfast" no longer was
interesting. The Semi-Weekly Herald seldom gave more than a half-column to
a murder. Gilmer, Salisbury & Co.'s stage line furnished communication with
the railroad, at old Maricopa station, twenty-eight miles distant. The coaches
were held up by "road agents" about twice a week; even "old man" Stewart
and the famous messenger Gilson were obliged to throw up their hands on several'
occasions. Billy Blankenship tried to hold down the "agents" once and had
his hands filled full of duck shot for his pains.
Race jealousy, too, ran high. One manifestation of it was rather dramatic.
Sunday horse races on the main street were an important feature. One May
Sabbath day, about half the populatibn was stretched along Washington Street,
in two long lines, pressing toward the street center, looking westward to see the
start of two racing ponies. Down the course a horseman came galloping, appar-
ently to clear the way. But the fellow was running ' ' amuck. ' ' In his hand was
a long cavalry saber, with which he was savagely slashing right and left, as he
yelled, "Muerte a los Gringos!" ("Death to the Americans!")
He dashed down the line and escaped before the crowd had fully compre-
hended his murderous mission. A half dozen people were wounded, two of them
seriously. The "Saber-Slasher," as he was thenceforth termed, was followed
far down into Sonora by a courageous officer, captured and brought back and
lodged in jail in Phoenix, to await the results of the wounds he had inflicted.
He made a break for liberty, with the assistance of a mesquite club, and was
killed by Attorney Stephenson and Jailer Hi McDonald, in pure self defense.
The Mexican population chose to regard the killing as murder, and on an August
evening a large number of "paisanos" began to display decidedly wicked tend-
encies. Nearly every one seemed to be armed with a pair of primitive horse
pistols. All things pointed to trouble on the morrow. Messengers were there-
fore hurriedly dispatched to all parts of the valley, to assemble the vigilantes.
The week preceding this day had been rather a lively one, even for a lively
town. There had been six killings, including two murders of especial atrocity.
Luke Monihan, brother of a later mayor, was a farmer living a few miles to
the west. He was driving home in the dusk of the evening, when a wretch named
Keller, with whom he had had trouble, shot him in the back, from behind the
screen of the roadside sagebrush. The steady farm horses trotted home, and the
wife, as the team stopped at the door, came out to find the lifeless body of her
husband in the wagon bed. It didn't take long to run Keller down. Indian
trailers followed his footsteps to the house where he lodged, and the little iron
cage of the county jail received him forthwith.
A stoutly-built, bluff, jovial man was Johnny LeBarr, who kept a saloon on
Washington Street. On the evening of August 21 he was treating some friends
in an adjoining saloon, but refused to provide liquor for a rough named Mc-
Closkey. The latter left the saloon, returning a few minutes later with a long
butcher knife, with which he slashed LeBarr across the body. His victim died
a few hours later.
Next morning, bright and early, the Mexicans commenced to assemble around
the Plaza, hundreds of their ponies tied to the huge cottonwoods that then shaded
the block. A little later the farmers commenced to ride in. All were armed with
rifles and ' revolvers. The gathering place was on Jefferson Street. Marion
Slankard, since deceased, was the captain. Around Montezuma Street, into
Washington, swung the column of over a hundred determined men. All was
quiet in the ranks and on the crowded sidewalks. Up to the little adobe court-
house the men marched and filed in. The officers knew what was coming and had
discreetly found occupation elsewhere. The jailer was the only one on guard.
He demurred to the suggestion of handing over his keys, but soon was convinced
that he should do so.
At least ten malefactors were imprisoned at the time, but the committee
wanted only McCloskey and Keller. These men they took to the plaza. The
fourth and fifth cottonwoods from Montezuma (First) Street, on Washington;
were chosen as gibbets. The condemned men, singly, were put into a wagon,
allowed a few parting words, and then the wagon was driven from under them.
Keller confessed his guilt. He had plenty of drop and appeared to die easily.
McCloskey made quite a sensible and really manly talk — said he deserved his
fate and warned the spectators to profit by the spectacle of his punishment. He
bitterly spoke of liquor as the source of all his many misdeeds. Just as the
wagon commenced to move, IMcCloskey mounted to the endboard and voluntarily
made the leap into eternity. He was a heavy man and the elastic limb bent till
his toes touched the ground ; and so he died, a dreadful sight, death drawing
but slowly across the uncovered face.
McCloskey 's spirit had hardly flown ere there were two cowering figures
more in the dreadful wagon. They were those of two Mexican merchants who
had for several days been preaching a crusade against the "Gringos." They
had been captured by a clever flank movement from among their demoralized
partisans. Slankard spoke good Spanish and made himself quite plain. Point-
ing to the swinging bodies, he warned the shrinking men that such would be their
fate if another incendiary word were to cross their lips. They were then released ;
and the Mexican insurrection was a thing of the past.
The vigilantes then turned their efforts towards cleansing the town of its
undesirable element. Everyone suspected of being a rough or a crook was given
a canteen and a warning. Departure was forthwith, many finding an appro-
priate field of operations in the newly-opened camp of Tombstone. For years
thereafter Phcenix was as quiet a town as one could find in staid New England.
This gratifying result was directly due to the vigilantes. That they accomplished
a work of good is incontestable. They presented the law a peacful city and
neighborhood, and peaceful has it remained.
The first lynching in Phcenix occurred July 3, 1873, when Mariano Tisnado
was hanged on a cross beam of the Monihan corral. On the face of things it
would appear that he had been hanged for stealing a widow's cow, but there
seems little doubt that he was guilty also of the murder of B. P. Griffin, a highly-
respected pioneer who had lived south of the village. In 1877 was the execution
of another popular decree in the hanging of a soldier who had shot Lew Bailey
through the window of a hall in which the better element of the population had
met to dance. This hall was the old stage station on the east side of Center
Street, half a block north of Washington. The lynching was on a cottonwood
on the site of the present waterworks. Bailey later died of his wounds.
On August 23, 18S2, Frank Porter, packer on the mail route across the
Pinal Mountains, dashed wildly into Globe, shouting that the Apaches had taken
in the mail train and that the express messenger, Andy Hall, was dead. The
mules of the pack train were found dead on the trail. The mail, untouched,
still was strapped to the back of one, but the express box, with $10,000 in gold,
intended for the Mack Morris payroll, was gone. Two sets of tracks showed
that white men had done the deed, rather than Indians, and other footprints
showed that Andy Hall had followed the robbers, in the line of his duty. Across
a hill, dying, was found Dr. Vail of Globe, who, with his last breath, told what
he could of two robbers, whom he had accidentally come across as they were
dividing the gold. Further on the trail, miles away, at dusk, was found the
body of Andy Hall, who, ambushed, had fought to the end, his body stiffening
in a stunted shrub in which he had crouched, the last cartridge unfired in a
magnificent revolver that had been presented him by the Wells-Fargo Company
for faithful service. In the body were a dozen bullet holes. The next day, three
arrests were made. One was of John Hawley, a well-to-do wood contractor;
the second was Lafayette Grime, a cowboy-miner, who had done distinguished
service with the Globe Rangers in a late Indian campaign, and the third Cicero
Grime, the town photographer. The last-named confessed, for he had been
only a scout, who had made sure of the coming of the bullion and had not par-
ticipated in the actual shooting. There was a short conflict of authority at
Bloody Tanks, where the prisoners had been held, and where Pete Gabriel, the
■#^jp- ^H
|^< .^t^^pHBk.
noted sherilf of Pinal County, tried to take the men away from Bill Lowther,
the equally brave sheriff of Gila County. In the evening, the men were brought
into Globe, placed in a little adobe jail, whence, a few hours later, they were
taken by an armed organization of citizens. Everything was done in orderly
manner. Geo. A. Allen, the justice of the peace, was summoned £ind bidden
forthwith to make examination into the case. The trial was held in Stallo's Hall
and the defendants were given legal counsel. The evidence was such that Allen
could do nothing else than bind the prisoners over, without bail, to the next
grand jury. This, in effect, was a sentence of death.
Hoping for a chance to escape, Ilawley and Lafayette Grime assented to a
proposition that they show where the money had been hidden. Escorted by a
dozen horsemen, on the darkest of nights, the couple led the way twelve miles
up Russell Gulch, where the loot was found buried some distance apart under
separate trees. In Grime's cache was two-thirds of the spoil, thus demonstrat-
ing the full guilt of the brother. Cicero Grime's case, in the meantime, was
being put to a vote, and his life was spared by a very slight majority of the
ballots cast. He was speedily taken away, for there would have been recon-
sideration when the Russell Gulch party returned with the money and reported.
The orderly proceedings to an extent were directed by J. J. Vosburg, the express
agent, who had read to the crowd a telegram from his superintendent: "Damn
the money. Hang the murderers. (Signed) Valentine."
When Hawley and Grime returned, they were given time to make their wills,
Hawley's wife getting his property, while Grime deeded his cattle to the girl
he was to marry. It was past 2 in the morning when they had finished. Some
one at the Methodist chapel around the corner commenced to toll a funeral kneU.
Out of the Hall, down the street silently tramped the multitude, the prisoners
under guard at the fore. Both walked firmly and made no complaint at their
fate. Near where the creek bent to cross the street stood a large sycamore tree,
one branch stretching nearly across the roadway. Over this branch were flung
two of the three ropes at hand, over the culprits' necks the nooses were drawn,
and a hundred men grasped the ropes, quietly awaiting the word of command.
A good and respected clergyman stepped forward. He was not there to stop
the work, but to do his office for the dying. Hawley roughly refused his aid.
Grime more gently said, "Mr. Calfee, I don't believe that anything you can say
would aid me where I am going." As his handcuffs were taken off to more
closely seoure his hands behind him, Grime bitterly exclaimed, "Damned if I'll
die with my boots on ! " and down in the muddy street he sat and pulled off his
high-heeled boots. Then he stood erect at the side of the imperturbable Hawley.
"Now!" shouted the express agent. The line stiffened, and the bodies rose to
the tree branch above. A few minutes sufficed to still the twitching limbs, the
ropes were wound round the tree trunk and the work was done. Andy Hall
and Doctor Vail had been avenged to the extent of man's feeble power.
On the whole. Globe rather has prided herself on her peaceful condition.
Violence in the early days was unusual. Possibly all such expression of energy
was saved for use against the surrounding Apaches. The first killing within
the camp was that of a prospector named Jones by a miner. Burns, who sus-
pected Jones of designs on his claim in the annual time of relocation.
Tom Kerr, a tall, blonde miner, who at need acted as the camp's auctioneer,
murdered a man who lay asleep on a sidewalk bench — yet somehow, for a time,
escaped retribution. On New Year's Eve of 1882, at Pioneer, he shot and
killed a young teamster who had refused to drink with him. He was seized at
once and the miners and prospectors were brought in by the sounding of the
mill whistles. After a short trial Kerr was taken forthwith to a convenient tree
and hanged. His last words were: "Here goes a New Year's present to the
devil." The bitterest feature of it all developed in a letter from his mother
in Illinois, written in reply to what was intended to be a mercifully inaccurate
account of her son 's death, for she told how good he always had been to her.
Bisbee had its only lynching September 11, 1882. A drunken Mexican re-
turned after midnight to a saloon from which he had been ejected and from the
darkness outside shot into the lighted room, wounding a miner, Jack Walsh,
known as "Curly," as well as two others. One of the wounded. Jack Kehoe,
died from his injuries. The Mexican ran up the canon and was found in a
cabin, his identity established by identification of the ritle with which the shoot-
ing had been done. The miners of the camp laid off work for the morning to
attend to what they considered a public duty. The Mexican was marched up
the caiion and hanged to a tree near Castle Rock. While the body was hang-
ing, one of the principal owners of the Copper Queen Company, just arrived
on a trip of inspection, was driven by Supt. Ben Williams past the swinging
body. Horrified by local conditions, he refused to stay longer and hurried away.
At least one good was done by the trip. He determined that such barbarism
as he had witnessed could proceed only from the lack of education and informa-
tion, and so he sent from New York a large number of well-chosen books, that
served as a nucleus to the splendid Copper Queen Library.
The Mexican hanged had a brother, who started a vendetta against the Ameri-
cans concerned. A few months later "Curly" was assassinated on a trail near
Globe and his brains were beaten out with a stone. The brother, according to
James Kriegbaum, later sent an apology by a messenger, stating that he had
learned that "Curly" really had nothing to do with the hanging and, therefore,
apologies were due, for he didn't consider the row between the miner and the
late lamented anything more than a gentlemanly dispute in which neither was
particularly to blame. Judge Duncan,, however, tells that Walsh really did
adjust the rope at the lynching.
Bisbee never was really "bad" after the fashion of Tombstone and other
early camps. As a rule her miners were of substantial and home-making sort.
The management of the Copper Queen Company also had much to do with
peaceful conditions and any man who started disorder found scant sympathy
and immediate persua.sion to leave.
Bisbee 's first killing happened before there really was a town, in the latter
part of August, 1880. A Mexican furnace man was shot down at his supper
by an unknown Mexican, who was trying to kill, but only wounded, a girl who
was waiting on the table. The Mexican escaped. Judge Duncan has chronicled
a number of killings that followed, but this work is far too limited in space for
the recording of any save the most striking of the hundreds of deeds of violence
that have been- known in Arizona towns since their American settlement.
I On the 8th of December, 1883, occurred what is known as the Bisbee Mas-
sacre, when a number of rustlers "took the town," with three attendant fatali-
ties. The rustlers were Dan Dowd, James ("Tex") Howard, Comer W.
("Red") Sample, Bill Delaney and Daniel Kelly. About 7:30 p. m. a couple
of them entered the store of Goldwater & Casteiieda. With presented pistols,
they stood the occupants against the wall and robbed the store and safe of
money and other valuables. Outside the three others kept the street clear by
shooting at every one who appeared. John Tapiner was shot down on a saloon
doorsill as he was seeking safety. D. Tom Smith, a deputy sheriff, and James
C. Kriegbaum ran out in defense of the town, but the former was almost immedi-
ately shot twice and killed. Kriegbaum was more fortunate in escaping unhurt
and in wounding Sample. Mrs. Anna Roberts, a restaurant keeper, was shot
through the body and killed, though the bullet was fired at a fleeing man. J. A.
Nolly was fatally wounded by Dowd. Then the outlaw quintet left, "shooting
up ' ' the lower town as they escaped out upon the plains into the night.
Kriegbaum mounted and made the distance to Tombstone, twenty -eight miles,
in less than two hours, and sheriff's posses soon were on the trail. Deputy Wil-
liam Daniels, leading one party, found where the fugitives, in sheer cruelty, had
thrown their wornout horses into a deep rocky crevice, after finding fresh
mounts at a nearby ranch.
The robber band broke up in the Chiricahua Mountains, but the pursuit was
continued. Daniels arrested Dowd down in Chihuahua and, helped by a friendly
American mining superintendent, smuggled him back into the United States.
Delaney made his way to Minas Prietas, Sonora, where he was arrested by a
Mexican officer, who, without extradition papers, delivered him over to be brought
across the line in a box car. Kelly was arrested at Deming, identified by a
barber who was shaving him. Sample and Howard were caught near Clifton,
betrayed by a gold watch that they had taken from the safe. This watch Howard
had given to a woman of the underworld. She had exhibited it to a male asso-
ciate, who, jealous of Howard, and recognizing the timepiece by the description
that had been sent out generally, was only too ready to deliver his rival into the
hands of the law and to collect the reward offered.
Among the first to join in the pursuit was a Bisbee resident, John Heath,
whose services were of negative character. He soon was looked upon with
suspicion after he had led the posse from the trail a few times. He was recog-
nized by Frank Buckles as having been at the latter 's ranch with the five out-
laws and other evidence of complicity soon warranted his arrest. The five were
tried together and were sentenced to hang. Heath, tried alone, was found guilty
of murder in the second degree. Judge D. H. Pinney thereafter set March 28
as the date of execution of the five and, on February 21, sentenced Heath to life
The verdict was not received approvingly in Bisbee, and a number of Bisbee
residents promptly set out for the county seat. On February 22, 1884, a mob,
mainly composed of miners, took Heath from the prison and hanged him to a
telegraph pole in Tombstone, setting the sheriff and his deputies aside and leav-
ing the other five prisoners untouched. Heath showed plenty of nerve. Quietly
assuring the crowd he was not guilty, he took a handkerchief from his pocket
and tied it over his eyes and asked that his body be not mutilated by pistol shots,
as often had been the case in frontier lynchings. This request was honored.
By Sheriff Ward the five were legally hanged together March 28, the drops
actuated by the cutting of a single string. All protested their innocence.
Bisbee then formed a committee of safety, called the ' ' Forty-five Sixty, ' ' the
name derived from the cartridge caliber and load carried by the most popular
rifle of the day. The committee found some work to do in ridding the camp of
a number of individuals considered obnoxious or dangerous.
At Tucson in 1873 the people began to apprecate that lax enforcement of law
on the part of county officials made possible the escape, through legal technicali-
ties, of too many desperate criminals. So, on August 8, the population rose,
more or less en masse, and took from the county jail and hanged John Willis,
Leonard Cordova, Clemente Lopez and Jesus Saguaripa. A coroner's jury
summoned commended the executioners and stated that "such extreme measures
seem to be the inevitable result of allowing criminals to escape the penalties of
their crimes." A few months later a grand jury likewise approved the hanging
as justice at the hands of "a large majority of our most substantial, peaceable
and law-abiding citizens." Willis had been found guilty of killing Robert
Swoope at Adarasville, in the course of a drunken discussion of the shooting of
Colonel Kennedy by John Rogers, whose own fate seems to have escaped local
historians. The three Mexicans, for plunder, had murdered in Tucson one of
their own countrymen and his wife. The execution was without secrecy, upon a
common gibbet erected before the jail door, after the condemned men had been
given the benefit of clergy.
The people of the young Town of Safford, in August, 1877, took the law into
their own hands and hanged Oliver P. McCoy, who had acknowledged the killing
of J. P. Lewis, a farmer. McCoy was to have been taken to Tucson for trial,
and there was fear of miscarriage of justice in the courts.
In December, 1877, the people of the little Village of Hackberry, in Mohave
County, hanged Charles Rice, charged with the murder of Frank McNeil, whose
offense seems to have been the disarming of Rice's friend, Robert White, in the
course of an altercation in which White appeared in the wrong. About the time
of the hanging, White, fearing a similar fate, tried to escape and was shot down
and killed by his guards.
At Saint Johns, in the fall of 1881, was a summary execution, a gathering
of citizens taking from the jail and hanging Joseph Waters and William Camp-
bell, who had killed David Blanchard and J. Barrett at the Blanchard ranch.
It was told at the time that the men hanged had been hired to do the murder
by someone who wanted the ranch as a trading post. But nothing was done with
the third party.
April 24, 1885, popular judgment was executed five miles below Holbrook,
where two murderers from the town, Lyon and Reed, were run into the rocks
by a posse of citizens headed by Jas. D. Houck, and killed. The couple had killed
a man named Garcia.
Killed in Saint Johns Raid, ISS*" - <*// 2-
One of the most serious criminal episodes ever known in Yuma waa early in
1901, when Mrs. J. J. Burns, a farmer's wife, was shot and killed by a constable,
H. H. Alexander, who had been charged with the service of a legal paper.
About two months after the shooting, Alexander was convicted of murder and
sentenced to life imprisonment. April 9, while being taken from the courthouse
to the territorial penitentiary, walking between two officers, Alexander dropped
dead, killed by a rifle bullet from the window of a building near by. It was
assumed that a relative of the King family (to which Mrs. Burns belonged)
had assumed the fullest degree . of vengeance, but the matter was taken no,
In December, 1899, the county jail at Holbrook had a notable prisoner, George
Smiley, convicted of the killing of a section foreman named McSweeney. Th§
sheriff at that time was F. J. Wattron, a school teacher-editor, who thought to
make the first legal execution in the new County of Navajo a sort of social
function. So he issued a "cordial" gilt-bordered invitation to visitors, assuring
those invited that "the latest improved methods in the art of scientific strangu-
lation will be employed and everything possible will be done to make the sur-
roundings cheerful and the execution a success. ' ' There were hundreds of pro-
testing letters over the sheriff's levity. Governor Murphy waxed indignant,
scored the sheriff for flippancy and granted the prisoner a month's reprieve.
Smiley was hanged January 8, 1900. The invitations for the second date were
somber and funereal in tone. The sheriff tried to "even things up" with the
governor by wording which was, "with feelings of profound sorrow and regret
I hereby invite you to attend and witness the private and humane execution of
a human being. You are expected to deport your.self in a respectable manner
and any 'flippancy or unseemly language or conduct on your part will not be
Some of the ' ' bad men ' ' of early Arizona really were decent fellows down at
the bottom, men who would divide their last cent with a friend and in whose
hands a trust would be inviolate. As was commonly said at that time, such
fellows merely had "a streak of the devil in them," and a disposition towards
violence that seemed to be encouraged by local conditions. In Arizona, as in
many other states, the carrying of firearms was traceable to the necessity for
protection against Indians. The habit generally was discontinued when danger
from Indians passed in .the middle eighties. Later a territorial statute was
passed forbidding the carrying of deadly weapons in towns. Some of the des-
peradoes of early days had really childish characteristics. They liked to shoot
much for the same reason that a child likes firecrackers. Very often they were
full of a childish vanity, which they considered assertion of a sense of personal
honor, supporting their reputation for bravery and truthfulness. There rarely
was malice in the actions of a band of cowboys riding through a settlement, at
full speed, in a joyous pastime of "shooting up the town." It was only one
way for relieving over-exuberant spirits. Naturally, individuals such as de-
scribed would have what they called enemies, usually men of their own inclina-
tions. Bitter feuds started from merely a casual comparison of the relative
pluck of a eouple of cowboys and on such a trifling basis two men often would
fight to the death. However, in many communities there were spirits who
seemed to take pleasure in evil doing, who robbed stage coaches and trains and
who murdered in sheer blood lust. The fate of some of these is told in this work,
for nearly every one eventually had disastrous contact with the courts of justice
or with popular tribunals. To handle these rough characters seemed to demand
men with just as much of their own reckless spirit, and of such men, drafted
into the service of law and order, the conditions developed many.
In the pioneer days of any western community peace officers usually were
selected for personal prowess and quick-firing ability. On the doctrine that the
devil should be fought with fire, each community sought the services of men
individually able to cope with any desperado who might appear. This was a
condition which usually meant battling with no evil other than mere violence.
One of the most famous of frontier sheriffs was Commodore Owens, whose
particular field was Northeastern Arizona. "Commodore" wasn't a nickname;
he was thus christened. He looked the part of the frontier sheriff, with long hair
down his back, large hat and high boots, carrying at least one large revolver. In
his life happened many sensational episodes, but what gave him more than local
celebrity was a fight in 1886 at Holbrook, in which he killed three cowboys and
wounded a fourth.
At that time Holbrook was still included within Apache County, of which
Owens was sheriff. One Andy Cooper had a few head of cattle in Pleasant
Valley. He bore a bad reputation with the stock men generally and on numerous
occasions had been accused of stealing cattle and horses, but the fellow had been
canny in his operations and never could there be gathered together evidence
enough to convict. Finally the Apache County grand jury found an indictment
against him, but evidence was lacking. The sheriff was advised by the district
attorney that the indictment had been found more as a "scare" than anything
else. So Commodore practically let the matter drop, as was expected of him,
but the public had not been taken into the confidence of the district attorney and
only knew that the indictment had been found. On the day of the killing
Cooper was in Holbrook visiting his mother, at a time when the sheriff inoppor-
tunely also happened in town. The latter promptly was advised of Cooper's
presence by a number of saloon loungers. When Owens showed no inclination
to make the arrest, he was baited by the crowd which finally struck a tender spot
in the sheriff's makeup with a suggestion that Cooper was known as a hard
customer and that probably Commodore was afraid to tackle him. Then it was
that Owens lost patience. Seizing a rifle and jumping on his horse, he answered
his tormentors, " I '11 show you whether I am afraid to arrest Cooper, ' ' and rode
to the house of Cooper's mother, Mrs. Blevins, in the eastern part of the town.
About thirty feet in front of the house he dismounted and then walked up on the
porch. In response to his rapping, the door was opened slightly and Cooper's
face appeared. "What do you want?" he inquired. Owens replied, "Andy, I
want you." "All right, Commodore." said Cooper. "Just wait a minute,"
and he slammed the door in the sheriff's face.
Owens took the hint of trouble and backed from the porch towards his horse,
carrying his rifle at his hip, a position in which he could shoot practically as well
as he could with his eye on both sights. He had backed nearly to his horse when
the house door opened and a rifle ball sang past the sheriff's head and killed
his horse. Before the door could be closed, Owens fired, shooting his would-be
murderer through the shoulder. Then was appreciated the fact that he had
several men to deal with, for the man he had shot was John Blevins, Cooper's
half brother. At almost the same instant. Cooper's face was seen peering over
the sill of a window. Commodore immediately fired through the boards of the
house, directly below the window sill, shooting Cooper through the lower part of
the body. A simultaneous attack from three points had been planned, for hardly
had the sheriff's second shot sounded before a third cowboy, namedrRobei-ts, "Ww)'
was seen stealing around from the rear of the house, with a revolver held over
his head in readiness to fire. When he appreciated that the sheriff's eagle eye
already was on him, he attempted to turn for shelter, but not soon enough, for
a rifle bullet struck him in the back. He dragged himself into a back room and
was dead in ten minutes. Then young\ Blevins, a lad only 16 years of age, ^i*'^^ '^
appeared through the same front door from where the first shot had been fired.
Clinging to him was his mother, shrieking and trying to hold him back, but the
half-crazed lad, disregarding her, was dropping his pistol to shoot, when Owens
sent a bullet through his heart. Owens expressed regret after the affair only
over killing the boy, but observed that a "boy could kill as easily as a man"— ■
there was no other way for him to do, he simply had to kill the boy or be killed
by him.
The scene of the tragedy has been well described to the editor by W. H.
Burbage, who was on the ground at the time. The sight within the house was
horrible. Andy Cooper was crawling around on the fioor, on hands and knees,
cursing arid imploring anyone to put him out of pain. In an adjoining room
-John Blevins was sitting in a chair, bloody from his wounds. In another room
young Blevins lay dead, and on another bed was the dead body of Roberts.
Blood was everywhere, on the floors, walls, doors and furniture, and the air ^
reeked of it. Most pitiful was the sight of the mother mourning her slain sons.
Needless to say, there was no further adverse comment by the populace con-
cerning the personal valor of the sheriff, ^/.t^y* 3t*.(9^«>*. 4'/i,f//<} - ^i^jLKi-tt^ -^i
Henry Garfias was appreciated by Arizonans as one of the bravest men ever
known in this region of brave men. He came in 1874 from Anaheim, California,
and was a native of the -Golden State. In 1876 he was elected constable of
Phoenix precinct and since that time had continued till his death to be a peace
officer in some capacity. For seven or eight years he was city marshal.
One of the famous episodes of Phoenix history was participated in by Garfias
in his capture of "The Saber Slasher," who was trailed by the officer far down
into Sonora, and was found in a den of cut-throats. Garfias, nothing daunted,
marched boldly in, captured his man, brought him back across the border with-
out any such formality as extradition and deposited him safely in the Phoenix
jail where he was later killed.
A desperado named Oviedo was to be arrested. As he and Garfias were per-
sonal enemies, the latter was unwilling to undertake the arrest, but did his duty.
Oviedo had threatened to kill Garfias on sight. As the officer walked toward
him, his hands open and with pacific words, Oviedo snatched up a shotgun and
fired pointblank. Garfias was one of the quickest of men with a revolver £ind prob-
ably beat the record on this occasion, for when the load of buckshot whistled
over his head he had put two deadly bullets into Oviedo 's body.
Several years later, while Garfias was city marshal, several Texas cowboys,
fresh from their native heath, mistook the character of Phoenix and started to
"shoot it up." They were plainly not acquainted with the reputation of the
marshal. As the first joyful yell came to his ears and the sound of pistol shots
opened the ball after the fashion of the Panhandle, Henry was on his horse.
The four cowboys were gaily curvetting down Washington Street eastward, occa-
sionally taking a shot at a promising looking door, sign or hanging lamp, when
called upon by the lone marshal to surrender. They did not, and there lay their
error. They opened fire. The marshal was unharmed, despite a very hail of
lead and in his response was fortunate enough to wing two of the cowpunchers,
one of them fatally. Then he rounded up the others and put them in jail.
A dozen other stories might be told of the dead deputy sheritf. He seemed
absolutely without fear. As one frontiersman put it, "Henry isn't entitled to
any credit for his sand, for he doesn't know any better." Liberal to the last
degree, he spent his large earnings as fast as made and he left no estate.
One of the most notable peace officers of the Southwest was George Scarbor-
ough of Deniing. He had killed a number of men, but always in discharge of
his duty. There was nothing of the bully about him. It is probable that he
was feared by the cattle rustlers as had been no other man. In April, 1900,
Scarborough and Deputy Sheriff Walter Birchfield of Cochise County started
from San Simon to investigate a case of cattle rustling. In the Chiricahuas
Mountains they rode up to a couple of saddled horses, when they were fired upon
from ambush. The two officers, revolvers in hand, galloped into the rocks under
a hailstorm of bullets. Both officers were wounded, Scarborough so severely
that he died two days later. His companion dismounted and built up a rock
fortification, behind which, when darkness fell, he left Scarborough and, finding
his own horse, dashed away for help. Before daylight in the morning he was
back from San Simon with a force of cowboys, but the outlaws had departed,
headed for Mexico. The outlaw band, which had five members, was met by the
two officers unexpectedly. It had come from the mountains near Saint Johns,
Apache County, where, on March 27, Frank Lesueur and Gus Gibbons, two
young cowboys, were ambushed and killed. The next day the five bandits suc-
cessfully resisted an attempt toward arrest made by Sheriff Beeler and a number
of stockmen. Four of the murderers were known, namely, John Hunter, Ben
Johnson, John Wilson and John Coley.
For about fifteen years the peace of Preseott was kept by Jim Dodson, an
officer typical in all respects of the accepted melodrama type of the city marshal.
Jim handled matters rather after his own ideas and petty misdemeanors inter-
ested him very little. He was always looking for large game and the carrying of
a huge revolver in a belt where his hand could reach it quickest was not for
ornament, for upon a silver-mounted belt that had been presented him by the
citizens of Preseott he had carefully cut eight nicks, the number standing for the
number of men he had killed in the performance of his duty. Possibly on
account of Jim Dodson, Preseott never was a disorderly town, however much
the cowboys and miners might flock in from the hills. It was told that in the
Civil war he had been a member of the Quantrell guerrilla band. In the course
of time he retired from office as marshal and served as guard on the wall of the
penitentiary at Yuma, when his skill with the rifle proved valuable in at least
one desperate attempt made by the prisoners to escape. The latter part of his
life was spent in Phoenix, where he died May 10, 1907, at the age of 67.
One of the historic "shooting scrapes" of Arizona was that between Pete
Gabriel and Joe Phy on the main street of Florence, in June, 1888. Each was
considered worthy of a high place among the gun men of the day. Gabriel had
been sheriff and had done good work also as United States deputy marshal. Phy
had had long service as an officer of the law and had been deputy sheriff under
Gabriel. Bad blood had been developed between the two when Phy made an
unsuccessful attempt to succeed his chief in office. For weeks it had been known
that a meeting between the two would mean deadly work. This meeting came
accidentally in Keating 's saloon. There was a quick exchange of shots, each
man claiming that the other fired first, and then the battle was continued outside.
Each man emptied his revolver and every shot told. Phy finally went down
with a broken hip bone. Gabriel weakly stood above, to receive fierce summons
from his foe, "Damn you! I can't get up. Get down here and we'll finish it
up with knives." Gabriel, shot through the kidneys and otherwise desperately
wounded, answered, "I guess we both have plenty," and tried to cross the
street, reeled and fell. The only surgical attendance at hand was given Phy,
who died in the night. Gabriel lay for hours in the office of Stevens' corral till
a surgeon «ould be brought from Sacaton. He recovered and later moved his
residence to Yuma. Of the two, Gabriel was rather of higher type, yet was a
hard drinker, while Phy was an abstainer. Phy had gone to Florence from
Phcenix, where, while serving as a peace officer, he had been ambushed by Mexi-
cans in an alleyway, just north of the present site of the Adams Hotel, repeatedly
stabbed and left for dead, a few minutes later found with his head under water
in a large ditch. "When he was able to travel, he left Phcenix, which he said was
a bit too tough a town for him.
Possibly the wildest time ever known to Saint Johns was San Juan's Day,
June 24, 1882, when Nat Greer and a band of Texas cowpunchers thought to
provide themselves a little entertainment by "shooting up" the sleepy Mexican
town. On the border they had been accustomed to seeing Mexicans run when-
ever the fusillade started. They were mistaken in the character of the popula-
tion of Saint Johns, for the Mexicans there refused to be intimidated and
returned the fire with interest, especially from an improvised fortress in the loft
of Sol Earth's home. The defense was under the charge of^erez Tomas> a
Mexican deputy sheriff, who, according to Charlie Banta, "was as fine a man
as ever lived." Only one Mexican was wounded, TafoUa, whose son afterward
was killed while serving in the Arizona rangers. "Father" Nathan C. Tenney,
an elderly and beloved Mormon resident, accidentally was killed while trying
to act as peacemaker. One of the attacking party named Vaughn was killed
and Harris Greer was wounded. The Texans finally were repulsed and rode
away. Later they were arrested and brought back to Saint Johns for trial.
P'or a time there was serious danger of lynching and the Mexican population
even organized to storm the jail. Summary action of this sort was avoided
through the influence of Sheriff E. S. Stover and of Barth and the raiders in
the end escaped with light punishment. It is notable that one of them was a
negro only known as ' ' Jeff, ' ' who had been brought by the Greers from Texas.
One of the most lurid dime novel bandits the Southwest ever knew was
Augustine Chacon, captured near the international line by Ex-Captain Moss-
man of the Arizona Rangers, who had a personal interest in landing the des-
perado. Chacon murdered a Mexican in Morenci in 1895 and thereafter was
sentenced to hang. He escaped from jail a few days before the date of his
execution and later was charged with the murder of two prospectors on Eagle
Creek and of an old miner, whose body was found in an abandoned shaft. He
then joined Burt Alvord and other outlaws in Sonora and participated in at
least one train robbery. Chacon, after his later arrest, was duly hanged at
Solomonville in December, 1902.
In the list of desperadoes of the early days, a place undoubtedly should be
reserved for a blacksmith named Rodgers, who, at the Santa Rita mines in 1861
boasted of having killed eighteen persons, and who then produced a string of
human ears to prove his tale. At the time he promised that he would make the
number twenty-five before he quit. In this ambition, according to Professor
Pumpelly, he later killed six men at El Paso, where he was caught and, in a
laudable endeavor to make the punishment fit the crime, he was hanged by the
heels over a slow fire — and his own ears made the twenty-fifth pair.
The first legal execution in Yuma County occurred in 1873, and was that of
Manuel Fernandez, hanged for the murder of D. A. McCarty, generally known
as "Raw Hide." The crime was committed for loot, and, before it was dis-
covered, the Mexican and his confederate had worked several nights carrying
wagonloads of goods away from their victim's store.
A rather noted criminal was Joseph Casey, hanged in Tucson, April 15, 1884.
He was a deserter from the regular army and had been charged with a num-i
ber of murders and with other criminalities along the border, finally being
arrested in 1882 in the larceny of cattle. October 23, he, three men held on a
charge of murder and five other prisoners broke jail at Tucson, but Casey, six
months later, was rearrested at El Paso. April 29, 1883, again^an inmate of
the Tucson jail, in a second attempt to escape, he killed Jailer A. W. Holbrook.
A mob tried to get him out to hang him, but there was swift retribution and he
was soon sentenced by Judge Fitzgerald to capital punishment and was duly
A notable execution occurred at Tombstone late in 1900, in the hanging of
the two Halderman brothers, found guilty of the murder of Constable Chester
Ainsworth and Teddy Moore at the Halderman ranch in the Chiricahua Moun-
tains. The brothers had been arrested on a charge of cattle stealing by Ains-
worth and Moore and had been allowed to enter their home to secure clothing.
Instead, they reappeared with rifles and shot the officers from their horses. The
murderers fled, but were captured near Duncan by a sheriff's posse and returned
for trial at Tombstone.
The Great Wham Robbery and Its Political Complications — Cribble and Barney Martin
Murders — A Female Bandit — Train Robberies that Proved Unprofitable — Jim
Parker's Path to the Calloivs — Burt Alvord and the Cochise Train Robber]).
One of the most notorious crimes of the Southwest, possibly the only
instance of an attack by white men upon American soldiery, since has been
known as the Wham robbery. May 11, 1889, Maj. J. W. Wham, paymaster
U. S. A., started from Port Grant for Fort Thomas, taking with him in an
army "Dougherty" wagon a box containing $26,000 in gold and some silver,
for the pay of the troops at the latter post. As escort he had eleven colored
soldiers, from the Twenty-fifth Infantry, led by a sergeant. The party had
passed Cedar Springs, a point of sanguinary history in Indian wars, and had
entered a small defile when the way was blocked by a large rock that seemed
to have rolled down the hillside. A number of the soldiers were busying them-
selves in rfemoval of the rock, their rifles laid aside, when a fusillade of shots'
came from the brow of a nearby ridge. The soldiers acted well, deploying
behind such cover as they could find, but the road was fully commanded by a
foe that had constructed seven little rock shelters and who offered only the tar-
get made by the smoke of their rifles. Five of the soldiers had been wounded,
happily none of them seriously, when the major was found in full flight. Their
only officer gone, the negroes followed and the field was left to the enemy and
to the wounded. Three men were seen to come down to the road, pick up the
chest and carry it over the ridge. Help soon came from Grant. The rock rifle
pits were found deserted. Near by the contents of the box had been emptied!
into gunnysaeks and the robbers had departed on horses and in all haste. At
the time it was believed tbat thirteen men had shared in the robbery, but at
the time only seven sets of tracks were found.
Within a few days the military authorities had secured evidence on which
were arrested eight Gila Valley farmers and stockmen, including Lyman, Ed.
and Wal. Follett, Gilbert and W. T. Webb, Dave Cunningham, Tom Lamb,
and Dave Rogers. A number of witnesses were gathered up, one of them
swearing that he had seen several of the accused hide their booty in his hay-
stack and use his fireplace in which to bum the gunnysaeks in which had been
carried the loot.
Ed. and Wal. Follett and Tom Lamb were dismissed and no evidence was
found against a Gila farmer who was popularly charged with having laid the
plot and with having received his share of the golden booty. The others were
bound over under very heavy bonds, which were supplied only in the case of
one of the accused.
The case was brought up in November. Serious as was the crime, the main
issues early were beclouded. Though President Harrison had assumed office the
previous March, at Tucson were democratic "hold-overs," United States Marshal
W. K. Meade and District Judge W. H. Barnes, incidentally bitter enemies.
Barnes, an active partisan in politics, had at least one personal friend and
political associate among the defendants and had arranged to have the case
tried by Judge Hawkins, from Prescott But the grand jury that found indict-
ments against the prisoners had been told nothing of the proposed coming of
Hawkins. So the next step was a telegram sent by the grand jury to the depart-
ment of justice, recommending Barnes' removal, with the inference carried in
the dispatch that the judge was in league with the attorneys for the defense.
Judge Barnes got a copy of the telegram. When court opened, the follow-
ing morning, the grand jury was summoned before him and was discharged,
after it had been called "a band of character assassins, unworthy to sit in any
court of justice." Then followed a few days in which "the wires were kept
hot." Barnes lost, though probably with little reference to the pending rob-
bery case, and to the place was appointed a j'oung Florence attorney, Richard
E. Sloan, whose name was destined to even higher position in Arizona's hall of
The trial began in November and lasted thirty-three days. The Government
was represented by District Attorney Harry Jeffords, who was assisted by Wil-
liam Herring and S. M. Franklin. The attorneys for the defense were led by
Marcus A. Smith and Ben. Goodrich. There were 165 witnesses, more than
half of them at the cost of the defense. The five negroes who had been left on
the field identified three of the accused, but were handicapped in the fact that,
without exception, they had made the same identification at the preliminary
examination according to their best "acknowledge and belief." Wham was as
bad a witness as he was a soldier and by Mark Smith was led into a trap in
trying to identify $1,000 in gold that had been seized by the Government after
deposit by Gilbert W^ebb in a hotel safe. When the coins were spread out in the
court room, the wily lawyer scrambled with them a handful of other twenty-
dollar pieces and defied the paymaster to pick out his own. The defense brought
testimony in quantity to show that they were far from the scene of the crime at
the time of its perpetration. The man with the haystack declared he had lied
in his first statements.
At the time lawyers rather generally observed that the case had been "over
prosecuted." There was prejudice in Arizona communities over prosecutions
by the Government, for the Government then had little standing except as a
source of income in many communities. There was a disinclination to accept
the testimony of the negroes and Wham had made a mess of his own evidence.
So the verdict was for the defendants. There was a general disposition at the
time to criticise the jury, but there was no aftermath, except a conviction for
perjury of a witness who had done the defendants no particular good. What-
ever became of the money, the defendants emerged from the trial destitute of
what they had had. Wham was debited with the money he had lost and not
till several years thereafter was he released of responsibility by the passage of a
special act in Congress. He died in Washington in 1908, after another "bad
luck" episode in his official career that happened in the Northwest and in which
the Southwest would have little interest.
In July, 1883, on a road to the northwest of Tucson, there were a couple of
stage robberies, something not uncommon in the least in that locality ; but added
interest was given from the fact that in the second robbery, the highwayman
had pretended to lead a considerable number of other, though unseen, bandits,
and from behind a clump of sage brush had protruded the muzzle of a shot gun.
The passengers were rather irritated when it was found that the robber was
alone, a fact demonstrated by none other than the famous Pete Kitchen, who,
with some Papago trailers, tracked the robber about thirty miles into the Santa
Cruz Valley, south of Tucson, where the trail had to be abandoned. Soon
thereafter into town came a healthseeker, who had a milk ranch four miles
from Tucson, with a tale that he was harboring in his house a desperado who
had threatened him with death if he failed to return that night with provisions
and ammunition. The rendezvous was kept in the mesquite thicket, where also
was Sheriff Charles Shibell with a posse, and in the resultant melee the robber
was killed. He proved none other than Jim Brazleton, who had been employed
in the livery stable of R. N. Leatherwood, next to the courthouse in Tucson, and
there was later evidence that the same man, within nine months, had robbed
seven mail coaches around Albuquerque, from which point he had come.
In 1887, Superintendent Josiah Gribble of the Vulture mines and two guards,
Johnson and Littlefield, were murdered a few miles from Vulture, as they were
starting for Phoenix with a bar of gold bullion, valued at $7,000, the product of
the Vulture mill. Gribble had been warned at Vulture by T. E. Parish of the
risk he was taking, but replied that he had fought robbers in Australia and
South Africa and was willing to meet any thieves in Arizona. The murderers,
Inocente and Francisco Valenzuela and a younger Mexican, probably saw from
afar the arrangement of the guards and killed the three at the first fire. The
murderers fled southward, headed for Mexico. At the Gila River they separated.
They tried to cut the bar with an axe, but failed, so buried the bullion in a
cache near Powers' camp. The chase after the murderers was one of the most
spectacular ever known in the Southwest, in it participating Sheriff Bud Gray,
Hi McDonald, Henry Garfias and Jim Murphy, all hardy and determined men
and hard riders. They followed the trail across the blazing desert and the
Mexicans narrowly escaped capture. Francisco got safely into Mexico, escaped
extradition, and in the course of time died at Altar. Inocente, from Phcenix,
later stole back to the cache on the Gila. His absence was marked, however,
and a posse descended upon him. Impeded by his golden burden he was unable
to travel with any speed. He showed fight and was killed and the bar was
recovered. The third Mexican claimed that he was compelled to take part in
the robbery and his story was accepted, inasmuch as he had turned state's evi-
Vol. TI— 11
The same Valenzuela gang for years terrorized the section along the Has-
sayampa River, robbing placer miners and killing wherever they were opposed.
They also are charged with the murder of Barney Martin and his family in
the summer of 1886. Martin had kept a little store and had acted as stage
agent at Stanton, in the Antelope Hill section of Southern Yavapai County,
where he had incurred the enmity of the local gang of cutthroats and thieves.
' Martin finally sold out and, with the money for the sale of his property in his
pocket and with his wife and several children, he loaded his few remaining
effects into a covered wagon and started for Phoenix. Few men were more popu-
lar than he and his departure was generally regretted, so his way southward
was one of welcome and good cheer. Capt. M. H. Calderwood, at Coldwater
Station on the Agua Fria, had been notified of the impending arrival of the
Martin family and prepared a royal reception. But several days passed after
the stage had reported Martin's departure from the Brill Ranch, on the Has-
sayampa, and Calderwood became alarmed. -Not far from the present Hot
Springs Junction was found the track of a wagon, leading off into little hills.
This track was followed a few miles, and the trailers came upon the remains
of a wagon that had been burned and in the ashes the charred bodies of Barney
Martin and the members of his family. The murders had been committed on
the highway and the wagon had been driven away from the road to try to hide
the evidences of the crime. Though revenge is supposed to have been a cause
of the crime, as well as cupidity, nothing more than suspicion of the assassin
could be fastened upon anyone, though Governor Zulick offered a reward of
$1,000. The bodies of the murdered ones were brought back to the Brill ranch
and there interred, the headstone a perpetual reminder to those who thereafter
passed of the dangers of pioneer days.
There was an understanding at the time that these Mexican outlaws had a
secret leader in S. P. Stanton, who was assassinated by a young Mexican about
1886, in revenge for an insult of several years before to the boy's sister. Stanton
long was a resident among the very worst Mexican population of the Southwest,
ostensibly a storekeeper, supplying goods to the Mexican placeros. He was
charged with complicity in the Barney Martin murder, but nothing could be
shown against him. There was a general belief that Stanton had been a Catholic
priest, but this was denied in 1901 by Hector Ri^s, who told that ' ' Stanton was
never a Catholic priest, though he went far upon the road toward priesthood.
He was expelled from Maynooth College for immoral conduct, and, though he
took his case in person to Pope Pius IX, he failed to get himself reinstated."
In 1889 Arizona rejoiced in the possession of a female bandit. Pearl Hart,
who carried shooting irons and who robbed stages. She was a woman of the
half-world, with an insatiable craving for morphine, cigarettes and notoriety.
According to Sheriff Bill Truman of Pinal County, she was a very tiger-cat for
nerve and endurance and would have killed him if she could. When the sheriff
came upon the woman and her male companion, Joe Boot, as they were sleeping
on the ground in camp in the San Pedro Valley, a couple of days after they
had robbed a stage in Kane Springs Canon, she was attired for the road in rough
shirt and blue overalls. Pearl for a while was held in the county jail at Tucson
where, in October, she succeeded in escaping by cutting through a light parti-
tion. She was recaptured in Deming, New Mexico, with a hobo companion, about
the time, it is understood, she was preparing to depart with a bandit gang,
wherein she was to rank as queen. She was tried in Florence in November,
1898. A sympathetic jury foimd her not guilty of stage robbery. Judge Doan
thereupon ' ' roasted ' ' the jurors and dismissed them from the panel for the bal-
ance of the term. The woman was then again tried on the charge of robbing the
stage driver of a revolver. She was promptly convicted and was sentenced for
a term of five years to the penitentiary of Yuma, where she was the sole female
prisoner. Her companion, Boot, was given a sentence of three years. The
woman was paroled by Governor Brodie in December, 1902, upon the condition
that she at once establish her residence at some point outside of Arizona. Her
real name was Taylor and her home had been in Toledo, Ohio.
March 21, 1889, an Atlantic & Pacific train was stopped at the Canon Diablo
station by four robbers, who, after searching the contents of the express strong
box, fled northward. The scene of the robbery was in Yavapai County and so
the trail was taken by Sheriff Wm. 0. O'Neill, with three deputies. The posse,
after a chase of 300 miles, consuming two weeks, finally sighted their men in
Southeastern Utah, forty miles east of Caiionville. Then came a pitched battle,
in which over fifty shots were fired, though the only effect was the wounding
of one of the robbers' horses. The fugitives, leaving their horses behind,
plunged into the mountains on foot, soon to be run down by the Arizonans. The
capture included Wm. D. Stirin, "Long John" Halford, John J. Smith and D.
M. Haveric'k. Upon them was found about one thousand dollars. A rather
amusing incident was the attempt of citizens of Caiionville to arrest the des-
peradoes, but the attempt failed, for the large citizens' posse was held up by the
robbers and made to stack arms and retreat. The return to Arizona was made
around by Salt Lake. On the homeward journey Smith escaped through a car
Another train robbery, September 30, 1894, occurred near Maricopa, where
the through express was boarded by Frank Armer, a Tonto Basin cowboy, only
20 years old, who climbed over the coal of the engine tender and, at the muzzle
of a pistol, stopped the train where a confederate, Rodgers, was in waiting. Lit-
tle booty was secured. The two men, before this, had ridden in circles around
the desert in order to thro^ pursuers off of their track, but Indians, taking a
broad radius, soon picked up the trail. Rodgers was caught far down the Gila,
and Armer was taken at the home of a friend, near Phoenix, after a battle with
Sheriff Murphy and officers in which he was desperately wounded. At Yuma
penitentiary, under a thirty-year sentence, he made three attempts to escape.
He dug a tunnel that was discovered when it had nearly connected his cell with
the world beyond the great wall. A second time, when he broke for freedom
from a rock gang, he had to lie down under a stream of bullets from a Gatliiig
gun on the wall. A third time he secreted himself while at outside work and
eluded the guards, but was run down in the Gila River bottom by Indian trailers.
Finally, prostrated by consumption, he was released, barely in time to die at
home in the arms of his mother. Rodgers, sentenced to a forty-year term,
served only eleven, then being discharged for exemplary conduct.
Grant Wheeler and Joe George on January 30, 1895, held up a Southern
Pacific train near Willcox and robbed the through safe of $1,500 in paper
money. The safe was broken open by dynamite, upon the explosive piled sacks
of Mexican dollars, of which in the car there were about 8,000. The result
was eminently satisfactory, the safe not only being cracked open, but the ex-
press car nearly wrecked as well, the silver pieces acting upon it like shrapnel,
sowing the desert around with bent and twisted Mexican money, which also
was found deeply embedded in telegraph poles and in the larger timbers of the
car. Sections of the telegraph poles and o'f the car, stuck full of silver dollars,
like plums in a pie, were valued souvenirs for years thereafter in railroad and
express offices along the coast. Yet only $600 was lost from the silver shipment.
The robbers escaped into the hills. They returned for more on February 26,
when they stopped a train at Stein's Pass, but made the mistake of discon-
necting the mail ear instead of the express car, so got no booty. The trail was
taken up by W. M. Breakenridge, then in charge of the peace of the Southern
Pacific line in Southern Arizona, who trailed Wheeler into Colorado and ran
him down near Mancos April 25. The next morning the outlaw, surrounded and
appreciating the hopelessness of his position, after a brief exchange of shots
with the pursuing ]x>sse, committed suicide.
One of the sensational crimes in the first few days of 1897 was an attempted
robbery of the Santa Fe express train at Rock Cut in Mohave County by out-
laws headed by Jim Parker, a Northern Arizona cowboy. The gang is believed
to have had six members, but only Parker and one other participated in the
holdup. While Parker covered the engineer and fireman, his partner cut off one
car of the train, mistakenly thinking it the express car, but it was only mail
that was found when Parker ordered a stop a few miles up the line. There he
also found that he was acting alone, for his associate in crime had been shot by
the overlooked express messenger. Parker took some of the registered mail and
started into the wilderness with it. The fourth morning thereafter Sheriif Ralph
Cameron tracked him down in the snows of the Grand Caiion region, where
Cameron knew about all the rocks and assuredly all the trails there were. After
conviction at Prescott, Parker in May headed a jail break. The .jailer was felled
and Lee Norris, assistant district attorney, a young lawyer of brightest prospects,
was killed as he was encountered in the corridor of the courthouse. One of the
three who escaped was soon captured. Another, a Mexican, is supposed to have
perished from wounds received in a skirmish with a pursuing posse. Parker
himself got away on Sheriff Ruffner's best horse, "Sure Shot," and evaded a
hundred men for nearly a month. He was finally caught, still with "Sure Shot,"
by an Indian trader and a dozen Navajo Indians on the very northern edge of
the territory as he was making good his escape into Utah. Returned to Pres-
cott, he was convicted of the murder of Norris and thereafter was hanged.
For a while train robbery had popularity in Arizona, despite a statute
passed, though never enforced, making the crime one punishable by death. One
of the most daring train robberies of the Southwest occurred about midnight,
September 9, 1899. Express Messenger Charles Adair, who had killed an over-
adventurous train robber on the same run the year before, stepped to the door as a
westbound Southern Pacific express reached the small station of Cochise. As he
looked out it was into the muzzle of a revolver and he and the train force soon were
lined on the platform with their hands in the air. The express car was detached
and run a couple of miles westward. The messenger was known to be ignorant
' of the safe combination, so the safe was opened with dynamite The loot was
rich, comprising a bag full of gold and currency, with value of at least $10,000.
The four men involved struck into the Chiricahuas, unsuccessfully followed by
posses headed by Sheriff Scott White and George Scarborough.
The truth concerning the Cochise robbery came out a few months later
(February 21, 1900) following a supplemental train robbery, that of the express
car of a Benson-Nogales train, which was held up at Fairbank. The hero of the
aflfair was Express Messenger Jeff D. Milton, who fought till incapacitated by
a bullet wound that terribly shattered an arm. The wounded messenger who
was given the highest praise for his defense of his trust, in previous days had
been a cattle association detective, a customs inspector and chief of police of
El Paso. The bandits numbered five. One of them was captured the next morn-
ing six miles from Tombstone, where he had fallen from his horse and had been
abandoned by his companions. He was Jess Dunlap, alias Three-Fingered Jack,
a well-known cowboy horsethief. He died a few days later in the Tombstone
hospital, having received in the body a buckshot load from Milton's shotgun.
In a pass of the Dragoon Mountains Sheriff White captured three of the others,
who proved to be the leader. Bob Burns, and John and Lewis Owens. With them
was the booty, which coi^sisted of only seventeen Mexican pesos. The robbers
had expected that the Fort Huachuca payroll would be in the express car safe.
Soon afterward the score was made complete by the arrest at Cananea of Tom
Yoes, alias "Bravo John," who had been shot in the leg.
Before Dunlap died, he gave the officers the first authentic information
concerning the Cochise robbery, implicating Burt Alvord, constable at Will-
cox, and William Downing, a well-to-do cattleman. There was some humor in
the situation, owing to the fact that Alvord had been one of the noisiest and
most active pursuers of the train robbers. Later W. N. Stiles, deputy con-
stable at Pearce, confessed the details of the whole afliair. He and another cow-
boy, Matt Burts, did the work alone, but the job was planned and supplies for
it were furnished by Alvord and Downing. Alvord had provided the dynamite,
secured by breaking into a Willeox powder house. Immediately after the job
was done, the spoil was taken to Alvord and Downing at Willeox for division.
Stiles received only $480 as his share and consequent dissatisfaction is said to
have been the reason for his confession. It is evident, however, that Stiles suf-
fered from remorse, though not for his crimes. Considered merely a witness
for the Government, he was allowed some liberty. He repaid confidence in April,
1900, by entering the Tombstone jail and, after shooting the jailer through the
leg, releasing Alvord and "Bravo John." Downing refused to leave, and
Burts, who had been arrested in Wyoming, happened to be outside at the time
with a deputy sheriff. So the trio hung upon them all the weapohs they could
find in the sheriff's office and took to the hills on st6len horses. They were
next heard of at Alvord's ranch near Willcox, where they made announcement
that they proposed to rob a few more Southern Pacific trains. When the Tomb-
stone Prospector criticised the sheriff's office in connection with the escape, the
sheriff's brother replied by hammering Editor Hattich over the head with a re-
volver. In addition to various rewards offered by the sheriff and territorial
authorities, W. C. Greene offered $10,000 for the capture of the two outlaws, who
were understood to have especial animus against himself.
Alvord surrendered in 1902, tired of the free life of a roving bandit, and ex-
pressed himself well pleased at being back where he would be sure of three
square meals a day. He had been in the bandit business three years since he
laid the plans for the great train robbery- at Cochise. He had spent most of the
intervening time in Souora, where Captain Mossman of the Rangers followed
and secured expression of a wish to return to the United States if assured of
reasonable clemency. But it was to his old friend Sheriff Del Lewis that the
surrender was made on the border near Naco. Alvord's way was made easier
by the fact that he had assisted in the capture of Chacon, a notorious Mexican
murderer. At Tombstone he was discharged from custody, owing to the events
of the territorial statute that provided death as the only penalty on conviction
of train robbery, but< he was rearrested and taken to Tucson on the charge of
interfering with United States mails. Alvord and Billy Stiles came into the
limelight again in December, 1903, when they dug out of the Tombstone jail
and for the second time escaped. A week before Alvord had been convicted
on the charge of robbery of the mails. He had been held at Tombstone merely
as a witness in the case against Stiles. Alvord later was taken at Naco, but had
only two years' imprisonment, managing to evade arrest on other charges at the
time of liberation at Yuma. He is said to have made his way to Panama, where
he bossed Spanish-speaking laborers for a while, thence departing for Argentina.
When Downing was tried on a charge of train robbery he was acquitted for
the reason that conviction would have meant hanging, but on another charge he
served a seven-year term. Downing was happily removed from necessary and
continuous consideration in Arizona by a pistol bullet in August, 1908. He had
used bad judgment in defying Territorial Ranger Speed, after terrorizing Will-
cox for months. After his death it was learned that he had been a member of
the notorious Sam Bass gang of Texas and had been driven out of that state by
Texas rangers. In Arizona he had served two penitentiary sentences, one for
train robbery and one for shooting Robert Warren. Burts went to Ynma for
a term and was followed by Stiles, who surrendered in the summer of 1900. The
latter was reported killed in December, 1908, while working in Nevada, where
he was known under the name of Larkin. The killing was said to have been
assassination, the man shot in the back while leading a horse.
Maricopa County in all its history has had but one legal execution, that of a
Mexican boy, possibly 18 years of age, by name Demetrio Dominguez, who had
murdered, in the Bradshaw Mountains, a wood camp foreman who had dis-
charged him from employment with, possibly, unnecessary severity. Dominguez
located his victim, a large and powerful man, in a stage coach on the Preseott
Road, near Gillette and, in the middle of the night climbed into the stage and
found his quarry, knifing him to death. The official surveyors of Yavapai and
Maricopa counties had to jointly meet to determine the venue of the crime,
which was established only a few feet south of the joint county line. The trial
was held in Phoenix in the fall of 1880 and in November Sheriff Rube Thomas
hanged the lad on a scaffold erected in the old cemetery, in the southwestern
part of the village, very near to a grave that had been provided. The Mexican
population resented the conviction, and so the cortege from the jail to the
scaffold, a distance of over half a mile, had an escort of about fifty citizens,
armed with rifles.
The Earps and Their Career at Tombstone — What It Cost to Take Sheep into Pleasant
Valley — Justice as Rough Hewn on the Frontier — Arizona Rangers and Their Cood
Work — Arizona's Penitentiaries — End of the Wild West Era.
Among the most notable of Arizona's many exponents of the gospel of vio-
lence unto all men were the Earps, who early placed Tombstone on the map as
well deserving its cheerless appellation. Wyatt Earp in 1881 was a deputy
United States marshal and Virgil was city marshal, offices that afforded legal
standing in the affairs in which they were engaged. They were very much at
outs with Sheriff Johnny Behan, with whom they divided the influence of the
gamblers, who had much to say in those days concerning the administration of
affairs. All the Earps had been professional gamblers. They were charged,
first and last, with about half of the robberies that were of such frequent occur-
rence on the roads leading out from camp. It is told that, while not actively
participating, they were parties to a notable robbery of the Bisbee stage, that
the actual work was done by Prank Stillwell, and that the primary cause of
trouble betwen Stillwell and the Earp gang arose out of his refusal to divide
up the spoils. Bud Philpot, a well-known stage driver, was killed on the box of
the Benson stage, near Contention. Bob Paul, later United States marshal for
Arizona, was riding with him at the time, as guard, and it is possible that the
bullet that hit the driver was intended for the messenger. The Earps and Doc
Holliday were absent from the town at the time of this particular episode, but
returned soon after from a jaunt into the country. They were not arrested.
The shooting of Philpot generally was charged to Holliday. John Dunbar
remembers that that particular day he had let Holliday have a horse. If it was
from stage robberies that the Earps derived the major part of their income, the
money only served for the purpose of dissipation. Another factor was that the
town really was terrorized and the larger part of the population simply was
trying to keep out of trouble and said little of things of which many knew. So
popular support was not given to any effort toward the enforcement of the law
or the detection of criminals.
Undoubtedly the most notorious episode of Tombstone's early history oc-
curred October 26, 1881. The Clanton gang of cowboys had refused to recognize
the local supremacy of the Earps, and there was bad blood between the factions.
On the night of October 25, Ike Clanton, a prominent, though decidedly not
plucky, member of the cowboy faction, had been arrested by City JMarshal Virgil
Earp and had been fined $50 for disorderly conduct, which appears to have
been merely in objecting to the marshal's abuse. On the morning of the 26th of
the Clanton gang in Tombstone were Tom McLowery, Frank McLowery, Billy
Clanton and Ike Clanton. They had appreciated the intimation that Tombstone
was unhealthy for them and had saddled their horses to leave for their home
ranch in the Babacomari Mountains. The horses were in the 0. K. Corral, which
fronted on two streets. Fearing trouble, they planned to leave by the rear gate,
on Fremont Street. Ike Clanton and Tom McLowery were not armed, for both
the evening before had had their pistols taken from them by the city authorities.
The other two had revolvers.
The men were leading their horses out of the gate when they were confronted,
almost from ambush, by four of the Earps, Virgil, Wyatt, Morgan and Jim, and
by Doc Holliday. Virgil Earp, armed with a sawed-off express shotgun, and ac-
companying his demand with profanity, yelled, "Throw up your hands." But he
didn't wait for the action demanded and shot almost as soon as he spoke. Tom
McLowery showed his empty hands and cried, "Gentlemen, I am unarmed."
Holliday answered with the discharge of his shotgun. Billy Clanton fell at the
first fire, mortally wounded, but rolled over and fired two shots from his pistol
between his bent knees. One shot "creased" Morgan Earp across the shoulder
and he fell to the ground. Ike Clanton ran into a vacant lot and escaped. Frank
McLowery remained, fighting bravely, and, holding his horse by the bridle, fired
four shots at the three Earps in front of him. One bullet hit Virgil Earp in the
calf of the leg. McLowery became aware that Holliday was shooting at him
from the rear and had turned to answer the fire when his pistol hand was hit.
He then raised his revolver with both hands and shot, striking Holliday 's pistol
holster. At the same moment Morgan Earp rolled over and shot from the
ground, his bullet striking McLowery on the temple, killing him instantly. The
Earps and Holliday then marched back to the main part of the town and sur-
rendered themselves. They were examined behind closed doors by Justice of
the Peace Spicer, who discharged them as having acted as peace officers in the
performance of their duty.
Thereafter Virgil Earp received a bad wound in the arm, shot one night by
some unknown person concealed in a building. Soon after, Morgan Earp was
killed in an Allen Street saloon, about 9 p. m., while playing billiards, his assassin
shooting through a rear glass door, himself hidden in the darkness. The mur-
derer was supposed to have been Frank Stillwell, a cowboy of the outlaw stripe.
If it were Stillwell who did the shooting, he established a reasonable alibi by
being in Tucson early the next morning. Ike Clanton already was in Tucson,
under arrest for a stage robbery on the road between Tucson and Bisbee. A
few days later, the Earps, Holliday and one Johnson, started for California in
charge of Morgan Earp's body. The train, taken at Benson, arrived in Tucson
about dusk. Ike Clanton, out on bail, learning of the preseiice of his enemies,
secreted himself, but Stillwell, possibly to maintain his attitude of innocence,
went to the depot and walked slowly along the train as it was drawing out. The
next morning his body, riddled with buckshot, was found at the head of Penning-
ton Street, possibly a hundred yards from the tracks, back of the railroad hotel.
It was assumed that one of the Earps had jumped off, shot Stillwell and then
regained the train.
At Rillito station, a few miles westward, all but Virgil Earp left the train.
They walked back to Tucson, and, a short distance east of the town, flagged a
freight train and on it went to Benson, where they got horses and returned to
Tombstone. There Sheriff Behan received a telegram to arrest them. When
the sheriff notified them that they were under arrest they directed him to a
torrid region, secured fresh horses and rode out of town. They were next heard
from in the Dragoon ilountains, where they shot and killed a Mexican who was
chopping wood for Pete Spence, one of their mortal enemies, possibly irritated
over not finding Spence himself. Thence they rode to Hooker's Sierra Bonita
ranch, where the owner gave them fresh mounts. They rode across country to
Silver City, New Mexico, where they disposed of the horses and took a train for
On hearing of the refuge of the Earp gang. Governor Tritle on May 16, 1882,
issued a requisition on Governor Pitkin of Colorado, asking the return of Wyatt
and Warren Earp, Doc Holliday, Sherman McMasters and John Johnson, all
charged with the crime of murder. The requisition was refused on the grounds
that the papers were defective in form and because Holliday already was under
indictment for a crime committed in Colorado. June 2, Governor Tritle sent
amended papers, to again meet rebuff, Governor Pitkin replying on the ground
that he "did not consider it possible for any agent to deliver the parties named
in safety to Tucson." Just the character of influence brought upon the gover-
nor of Colorado does not appear at this late date. It is probable the people of
Tombstone cared little, as the exile of the Earps was the first possible move
toward a lasting peace, which then began to be felt.
Virgil Earp died of penumonia, in Goldfield, Nevada, October 19, 1905, aged
63 years, and was buried in Portland, Oregon, where a daughter lived. He
had been married twice. Of the flood of reminiscences, brought up at the time
of his death, much was made public beyond the more notable episode of his
Tombstone career. He came to Arizona first in 1876, in company with his broth-
ers, Wyatt and Morgan, and Doc Holliday. While Ed Bowers was sheriff, Pres-
cott was visited by two cowboys from Bradshaw Basin, who enjoyed themselves
in true cowboy fashion, shooting up saloons, finally riding out of town firing
their pistols as they went. They camped at the Brooks ranch, and sent back
word that they would remain in case the sheriff wanted them bad enough. Bow-
ers organized a posse, of which Virgil Earp was a member. In a pitched battle
that followed, Earp found one of the cowboys crouched under an oak tree, re-
loading his gun, and shot him twice, one bullet passing through his heart and
the other only about two inches from the first. It was remarked, when the body
was taken away, that between the man's teeth was still a cigarette he had been
smoking when shot. The other cowboy also was brought in prostrate, dying two
days later. Virgil Earp came back to Arizona, to the scene of his old exploits in
Yavapai County, and engaged in mining in the Hassayampa district. In 1900
he was nominated for sheriff, but failed to make the race. He had seen service
in the Civil War in an Indiana regiment of volunteers.
Wyatt Earp went to Colton, California, where relatives lived, and where he
later was elected chief of police. He was given much publicity in his capacity
of referee at the Sharkey-Pitzsimmons fight in San Francisco, in which his
decision, awarding the battle to the former, was sustained by his reputation
as a handy man with a gun. He was in Nome in its boom period. ■
Holliday died of consumption at Glenwood Springs, Colo. Warren Earp, the
youngest brother, a stage driver, in the summer of 1900 met his end at Willcox,
where he was killed by John Boyett in a way that a coroner's jury considered
In 1882 conditions were so bad in Southeastern Arizona that President
Arthur issued a proclamation calling upon bandits to disperse and threatening
extermination at the hands of the military authorities and United States mar-
shals. This followed a letter from Acting Governor Gosper to the secretary of
the interior calling attention to the seeming inability of the territory to sup-
press the outlaws.
Doc Holliday, the right bower of the Earp clan, possibly best was described
by the equally famous Bat Masterson, who was interviewed on the subject, and
whose history of the once-distinguished Arizonan, before his local advent, may
as well be quoted:
I never liked him and few persons did. He had a mean disposition and differed from
most of the big gun fighters in that he would feek a fight. He was a consumptive and physically
weak, which probably had something to do with his unfortunate disposition. He was of a fine
Georgia family and was educated as a dentist. He went West after shooting down several
defenseless negro boys in a quarrel as to who should occupy a certain swimming hole. He
made Dallas in the early seventies and hung out his shingle, "J. D. Holliday, Dentist," but
he soon quit that for gambling. His shooting of the negroes became known and so he got a
reputation as a bad man from the start and associated on equal terms with men of more
notable record. He finally killed a man in Jacksboro and fled. Then he killed a soldier,
and to avoid being caught by the military authorities made a desperate flight to Denver,
across 800 miles of waterless, Indian-infested desert. He made Denver in '76. The law
forbade him to carry a gun there, so he slipped a knife into his boot leg and presently carved
up the face of one Bud Ryan, who bears the marks to this day. He then fled to Dodge City,
where I first met him. He kept out of trouble in Dodge somehow, but presently wamiered to
Trinidad, Colo., where the first thing he did was to shoot and seriously wound Kid Colton.
Then he escaped to Las Vegas, a boom town in New Mexico, where hei disagreed with Mike
Gordon and shot him dead in a doorway.
In their palmy days and even later the Earps had many friends, generally
enemies of the even rougher element that the brothers opposed. It was claimed
that in their former abiding place. Dodge City, Kansas, as well as in Tombstone,
they were found oppoSed to the criminal element and that they never killed a
man whom the community was not pleased to lose. Especially has been com-
mended their good work in shooting "Curly Bill," who had considered him-
self well above the law and left to go free after his cold-blooded murder of
White, the first city marshal of Tombstone. Such a man as E. B. Gage has
been quoted as stating that "Whatever Virgil Earp did in Tombstone was at
the request of the best men in Cochise County."
Prom 1879 to 1884 to the Indian atrocities was added the trouble caused by
the advent of scores of outlaws, possibly driven out of other localities, possibly
attracted by reports of Arizona's remarkable mineral development during that
In a message to the Twelfth Legislature, in March, 1883, Gov. P. A. Tritle
sharply called attention to the "thefts, murder and general lawlessness" then
prevailing in the southern part of the territory and especially in Cochise and
neighboring counties. The Tucson Star of March 28, 1882, related: "The
officials of Cochise County, with all the available strength they can muster,
seem to avail nothing in putting down the bloodthirsty class infesting that
county. Ex-city and United States officials have taken to the hills as so many
Apaches. A lot of loose marauding thieves are scouring the county, killing
good industrious citizens for plunder. The officials are out in every direction,
but nothing is accomplished." In the following month the Tombstone Epitaph
gave added testimony, summing up thusly: "The recent events in Cochise
County make it incumbent upon not only officials but good citizens as well to
take such positive measures as will speedily rid this section of that murderous,
thieving element which has made us a reproach before the world and so seriously
retarded in the industry and progress of our county."
The President of the United States was appealed to by petition of southern
Arizonans to ask Congress to make an appropriation of $150,000 to be used to
place a force of mounted police or rangers in the field to pursue and arrest
criminals and prevent raids from hostile Indians. Citizens of Tombstone sub-
scribed $5,000 for maintenance of a small body of special officers, led by Deputy
Marshal John H. Jackson.
One of the bloodiest features of Arizona's oversanguinary history was the
Pleasant Valley, or Tonto Basin, war. It began with the driving southward
from near Flagstaff of several bands of sheep, reputed to have been the prop-
erty of the Daggs brothers. Theretofore the Rim of the Mogollons had been
considered the "dead line," south of which no sheep might come. There were
allegations at the time that the Tewksbury brothers had been employed to take
care of any trouble that might materialize over the running of sheep out of
bounds. At first there seemed to be little active opposition, but early in W85 a
Mexican sheepherder was killed. The opposition centered around the Graham
family, to which gathered a considerable number of cowboys and cattlemen.
Tom Graham later told how at first he tried to use a form of moral suasion.
Not wishing to kill anyone, there would be a wait till the sheepherder began
the preparation of his evening meal and then, from the darkness, Graham would
drop a bullet through the frying pan or coffee pot. This intimation out of the
night usually was effective in inducing the herder to forget his hunger and to
move his band very early the next morning.
Several old residents of the Tonto Basin section, lately collaborating on the
subject, decided that twenty-nine men had been killed in the war and that
twenty-two graves of men of the Graham faction could be found in the vicinity
of the old Stinson ranch. Only four of the Tewksburys died, but the most
awful feature of all was the manner of the death of two of them. John Tewks-
bury and one Jacobs had brought in bands of sheep, "on shares." Both were
ambushed near the former's home and killed. Their bodies, in sight of the house.
were left to be devoured by hogs, while members of the Tewksbury family were
kept away by a shower of bullets from a hillside on which the Grahams watched.
Finally Deputy Sheriff John Meadows entered the valley, to bury what was
left, defiant of the wrath of the Grahams. The Tewksburys were half-bloods,
their mother a California Indian, and it is probable their actions thereafter
were based upon the Indian code of revenge. Pew were left of the Blevins
family of the Graham faction. The men shot at Holbrook by Sheriff Owens
were active Grahamites. The elder Blevins was killed in the hills near the
Houdon ranch and a skeleton found in after years is assumed to have been
his. Al Rose was killed at the Houdon ranch by a party of a dozen Tewksburys,
as he was leaving the house in the early morning. The favorite mode of assas-
sination was from ambush on the side of a trail. One of the last episodes was
the hanging of three of the Graham faction, Scott, Stott and Wilson, on the Rim
of the Mogollons by a large party of Tewksburj's. The three had been charged,
possibly correctly, with wounding a Tewksbury partisan named Laufer and
summary retribution was administered by hanging them on pine trees, hauled
up by hand, with ropes brought for the purpose. John Graham and Charles
Blevins were shot from their horses in the fall of 1886 by a posse from Prescott,
headed by Sheriff William Mulvenon, as the riders were approaching under the
impression that the officers had departed from a mountain store in which the
visitors still were in hiding. Both were mortally wounded. Mulvenon made
several trips into the Basin. There was a bloody battle at the Newton ranch,
which had been burned and abandoned. Two cowboys, John Paine and
Hamilton Blevins, had been killed at the Newton ranch, while William Graham
had been ambushed and killed on the Payson trail. George Newton, formerly
a Globe jeweler, was drowned in Salt River, while on his way to his ranch and
it was thought at the time he had been shot from his horse, though this is not
now believed. His body never was found, though his widow offered a reward
of $10,000 for its recovery. Sheriff O'Neill of Yavapai County led a posse into
the valley, but most of the damage then had been done.
Resident in the vicinity was J. W. Ellison, one of the leading citizens of the
basin. He states that at first the Grahams had the sympathy of the settlers, all
of whom owned cattle and appreciated the danger to their range from the incur-
sion of locust-like wandering sheep bands. But the fighting soon became too
warm for any save those immediately interested, for the factions hunted each
other as wild beasts might have been hunted. Mr. Ellison frankly states that
he saw as little of the trouble as he could and is pleased that he managed to
avoid being drawn into the" controversy.
In the end the Tewksburys were victorious, with a death list of only four.
One of the fleeing Grahams was Charlie Duchet, a fighter from the plains. He
had celebrity from an affray in which he and an enemy were provided with
Bowie knives and were locked together in a dark room. It was Duchet who
emerged, but permanently crippled by awful slashes on his hands and arms.
The end of the war was the killing of Tom Graham. His clan about all gone,
in 1892 he had fled from Tonto Basin and had established himself and his young
wife on a farm southwest of Tempo. He had harvested his first crop of grain
and was hauling a load of barley to town. When about opposite the Double
Butte school house he was shot from ambush and his body fell backward upon
the grain. The deed was witnessed by two young women, named Gregg and
Cummings, who positively identified Ed Tewksbury as one of the murderers.
A. J. Stencel, a Winslow cowboy, later declared that he had met Tewksbury,
riding hard on the Reno road, on his way back to Pleasant Valley, 120 miles,
whence a strong alibi later was produced. Tewksbury and one of his hench-
men, John Rhodes, were arrested and charged with the crime. Rhodes was
discharged at a preliminary hearing before a Pha'uix justice of the peace, after
a dramatic attempt on his life by Graham's widow. She "tried to draw from
her reticule her husband's heavy revolver, but the hammer of the weapon
caught, giving time for her disarmament. Tewksbury was found guilty of
murder in the first degree, although well defended. His attorneys, however,
found that his plea of "not guilty" had not been entered on the record of the
District Court and so the verdict was set aside. There was a second trial, at
Tucson, on change of venue, at an expense probably of $20,000 to Maricopa
County, resulting in a hung .jury. Over 100 witnesses had been called. Then
the case was dismissed. Tewksbury died in 1904 in Globe, where, for a while,
he had served as a peace oflScer. l~Ja^a£i .'^Y,-i'-i^C\,
Soon after the Graham murder, a lad named .i^ was assassinated while
traveling through Reno Pass, on the Tonto Basin road. There was general
belief at the time that murder had been committed by the Apache Kid, but it
was considered significant that Y-osir had been connected with the Graham ■
Thus ended one of the bloodiest range wars of the West and, like most wars, VU*-* 7
one that had no result save unnecessary cruelty and bloodshed.
The Daggs brothers had been hard hit financially by the wool slump during
the first Cleveland administration. Two of them, P. P. and W. A., moved to
Tempo, where they secured control of the Bank of Tempo and where they pur-
chased thousands of acres of land for the consideration of remotely dated notes.
The bank soon thereafter failed, with practically no cash left in the treasury
and no satisfactory accounting of just where the cash had gone. The land had
been transferred twice and thrice, so the original sellers generally got nothing.
Two more Daggs brothers, R. E. L. and A. J., came from Missouri to handle
the long-continued legal trouble that had arisen over these transactions. A
record of family immunity from violence finally was broken when A. J. Daggs
was assassinated. Though mainly engaged in corporation work in Phoenix, he
had secured valuable mining interests in the Superior District and on January
1, 1908, paid a visit to his claims, accompanied by a body-guard, George Dit-
more. From a distant hill top a prospector saw the men shot from ambush.
Daggs dropped and two men broke from bushes beside the trail to pursue and
slay the fleeing Ditmore. Then the pair returned and completed their bloody
work. It developed, however, that Daggs had utilized his few remaining
moments of life. Already mortally wounded, he had mustered up enough
strength to scribble in his note book, "Stewart and Fondren have killed me,"
then threw the book and pencil behind a near-by bush, where later they were
found. Robert J. Stewart and Edward Fondren were promptly arrested. They
had quarreled with Daggs over mining claims and had made threats on his life.
but the prospector who had seen the murderers from afar could not identify
them, and they might have escaped punishment had not one of them, in his
cups, boasted of his deed. Both went to the penitentiary.
Frontier justices are famous for the rough hewn brand of law dispensed in
any court "west of the Pecos," their variations on ordinary judicial procedure
sometimes based on ignorance and sometimes on sheer contempt of pi-ecedent.
Possibly sometimes they were mere instruments of the community, such as
Justice George Allen of Globe, on whom was placed a decision that resulted in
the summary execution thereafter of two murderers. In Mohave County in its
earliest days, a Mineral Park justice is said to have sentenced a murderer to be
hanged and the district attorney had trouble in keeping the camp constable
from executing the sentence. A Tempe justice of the peace in the eighties
divorced a Mexican couple which he had united a few months before. A south-
ern justice, with the courage of his convictions and backed by a rather good
knowledge of the law, took it upon himself to pronounce unconstitutional, illegal
and void an act of Congress, and it is probable he was right. Another justice
of the peace in Graham County, finding a willing maiden, but no available
magistrate or minister, himself performed his own marriage ceremony, answer-
ing the questions propounded to himself by himself and finally making a nota-
tion on his marriage records and issuing himself a certificate.
In the early part of the last decade Judge Fitzgerald occupied the bench
of the First Judicial District at Tucson. The judge proposed to check the
laxity of conduct he thought he found in his courtroom. The attorneys were
informed that smoking would not be tolerated and that coats must be worn
under pain of displeasure of the court. The grand jury was called for the
first time. Among the jurors summoned was a brawny miner, who appeared in
his usual costume of dark shirt and overalls. "What do you mean, sir," thun-
dered the magistrate, "by appearing in this courtroom in your shirt sleeves?
Where is your coat?" "At home, Judge," mildly responded the juror. "Then
go and get it. Not a word, sir, or I'll commit you for contempt." About two
weeks later, the miner, dressed as the court had demanded, stepped within
Judge Fitzgerald 's range of vision. To the irate court he tendered the explana-
tion that his home and coat were both in the mountains, near the Mexican border,-
over a hundred miles away, and that he had but obeyed the orders of His
Possibly Arizona's most noted justice of the peace was Jim Burnett of
Charleston, who was killed by W. C. Greene in Tombstone. According to an
old resident of Cochise County, the degree of lawlessness in Tombstone ' ' wasn 't
a marker to Charleston, where they began the day at dark and where the San
Pedro cowboys were allowed the fullest of swing. But the toughest of all was
Burnett." Burnett had a number of followers, who seemed to do about what
he wanted and who maintained him in authority as dictator of the town.
Burnett made only one quarterly report to the Cochise County Board of Super-
visors, and with it he made demand for a balance of $380 in fees. The super-
visors cut it down. Burnett thereafter pocketed all fees and fines and advised
Tombstone that, "Hereafter the justice's court of Charleston precinct will look
after itself." Jack Schwartz, a saloon keeper, killed an assistant foreman in
one of the mills, one Chambers. Burnett is said to have levied a fine of $1,000.
Schwartz, not exactly satisfied with the judgment, is said to have consulted
Mark Smith, with the idea that an appeal might be taken from the justice's
court. The lawyer assured him that he was getting off light. Schwartz appre-
ciated the gravity of his crime just in time to escape, before District Attorney
Lyttleton Price sent a posse for him from Tombstone with a warrant. An
instance of Burnett's operations was when he walked up to Jack Harrer when
that desperado was crazy with drink, pulled him from his horse, disarmed him
and on the spot fined him twenty head of three-year-old steers. Through such
transactions as this and through trading in cattle that had "strayed" across
the border, the Charleston justice attained a competency. It is singular that
his killing was for one crime that in all probability he did not commit.
The organization of the Arizona Rangers was on recommendation of
Governor Murphy to the Legislature of 1901. As the first captain was appointed
Burton C. Mossman, a Northern Arizona cattleman, who proceeded with an organ-
ization of a company that at first consisted of only twelve men, with Dayton
'Graham of Cochise County as first lieutenant. Mossman made his organization
wholly non-political and men were sought for enlistment on account of their
records as efficient officers, good shots and good frontiersmen, well acquainted
with the country. In some cases, men were enlisted whose previous records
would not have entitled them to distinguished consideration in a Sunday school,
but who had reputation for courage and endurance. Such men usually gave a
very good account of themselves. According to Mossman: "I have never
known a body of men to take a more intense interest in their work. They were
very proud of the organization, proud of the record that they were making,
and there was great emulation among the men to make good." Every section
of the territory had its representatives, so that wherever the command might
be called there would be some ranger familiar with the country, water holes,
trails, etc. During the first twelve months after organization, 125 arrests were
made of actual criminals, who were sent to the penitentiary or back to other
states to answer for crime. The deterrent effect of these many captures was
great, serving to drive from the territory a large percentage of its criminal
population. ,.-
Organized in August, the rangers proved effective from the first. In Novem-
ber two of its members, Carlos Tafolla and Dean Hamblin, reinforced by four
Saint Johns cattlemen, chased the Jack Smith band of outlaws into the Black
River country south of Springerville. The outlaws were headed for Mexico
with a band of stolen horses and were surprised while in camp. After apparent
surrender, they dodged behind trees and opened fire. Tafolla and a cattleman
named Maxwell were killed and two of the outlaws wounded. The latter escaped
in the darkness on foot, leaving their camp outfit and horses behind. Captain
Mossman, with three more rangers, soon was on the trail, but the gang, stealing
fresh horses, managed to escape in the snows of the New Mexican mountains.
Tafolla 's widow was pensioned by the Legislature.
Captain Mossman early established amicable relations with the Mexican
authorities, and an agreement was entered into with Lieutenant-Colonel Koster-
litsky of the Mexican Rurales that either should have the privilege of chasing
outlaws across the border and that they should work in unison with the definite
object of ridding the Southwest of the "rustler" element.
In 1903 the force embraced twenty-six oflScers. Six years after organization
report was made that the rangers in that time had made 4,000 arrests, of which
25 per cent had been for serious felonies. The best work was against horse
and cattle thieves. Especial value was found in the fact that the Rangers were
independent of politics and were not controlled by considerations that often
tied the hands of local peace officers. This very feature, however, led to occa-
sional trouble with disagreeing sheriffs.
After Governor Brodie assumed office a change was made in the leadership
of the Arizona Rangers, to the position being appointed T. H. Rynning, who
had been a lieutenant of Rough Riders. Under hiifl the organization did splen-
did work, especially in the labor troubles at Bisbee and Morenci. At the latter
point, one episode most worthy of mention was when a band of several hundred
rioters, coming over the divide from Chase Creek, encountered a few rangers,
commanded by Sergeant Jack Foster. Poster was hailed and a demand was made
upon him for his guns. The sergeant, remembering his experience in the Rough
Riders, deployed his men along the crest of a ridge and laconically answered:
"If you want the guns, eome and get them." The rioters concluded to move
on, and Foster saved both his rifles and his self-respect.
The history of the rangers, under whatever leadership, was one of devotion
and of rare courage, w^ll worthy of a separate volume. Some of it is told in this
work, but much more necessarily left unchronicled. There is the story how
Ranger Frank Wheeler, with Deputy Sheriff John Cameron, killed Herrick
and Bentley, former convicts wanted for horse-stealing, in the course of a battle
in the rocks, after the fugitives had been tracked for five days. There might be
mentioned, as typical, the encounter in Benson of Capt. Harry "Wheeler with
a desperado named Tracy, wherein the latter died with four bullet holes in his
body and "Wheeler received wounds that disabled him for months. There was
the case of "Willis "Wood, an outlaw of worst type, who was taken by Rynning
from a roomful of the prisoner's friends. All such things were merely in the
day's work.
Rynning resigned to become superintendent of the territorial prison during
the period of its reconstruction at Florence and, March 21, 1907, was succeeded
by his lieutenant, Harry "Wheeler, later sheriff of Cochise County. Wheeler
notably was successful in handling difficult border conditions. But politics
finally caused the disband ment of the rangers. The Legislature of 1909, striving
to take away all prerogatives and power from Governor Kibbey, voted to abol-
ish the force. Since that time county rangers have been authorized, though not
as effective, assuredly not as picturesque, as were Wheeler's men. It is possible,
however, that the old-time need for the organization no longer is known.
Provision was made in 1867 for an Arizona penitentiary building by an act
of Congress, that left the designation of the sites of the buildings to the Legia-
latures of the several territories favored. December 7, 1868, was approved an
act of the Arizona Legislature locating such prison at or near the Town of
Phoenix, then in the County of Yavapai. In 1873, however, the Federal Govern-
ment had done nothing in the premises and so a legislative resolution was sent
to Congress, seeking early construction of the building contemplated, it being
told that there was pressing necessity, as criminals under sentence were con-
fined in the insecure county jails, where their health was impaired by reason
of close confinement and where useful employment was impossible.
Congress still failing to contribute, on February 12, 1875, was authorized a
loan to provide for the erection of a territorial prison and two years later pro-
vision was made of a sinking fund. The location finally was fixed at Yuma,
where, in 1876, Supt. Geo. Thurlow started with seven prisoners.
Few prisons have had a larger degree of publicity than the old territorial
penitentiary at Yuma. It was built upon a site most admirably adapted for the
purpose, on a high tongue of land thrust far out into the channel of the Colorado
River. It was little more than an open corral, though from the outside, the thick
wall, built high of sun-dried adobe brick, with watch towers on the corners and
armed wardens pacing the top, it had, close similitude to a castle of days medieval.
Though the prisoners at night were locked in long tiers of rock-built cells, there
was little about the prison itself to hinder escape. The true barriers were the
rifles and the old-fashioned pepper-box Galling gun that was mounted high
on one of the corners, where it commanded both the jail yard and the quarry.
This same Galling was used with effect in several outbreaks
October 27, 1887, occurred one of the most serious attempts to escape ever
known at the prison In the resultant fight. Convicts L. Puebla, E. Bustamente,
Jose Lopez and F. Vasquez were killed and Superintendent Thomas Gates was
seriously wounded. The superintendent had entered the jail yard in the early
morning, when he was seized by five knife-armed Mexican prisoners, who, as
they pushed him toward the sallyport, demanded their liberty, with Gates' life
as the alternative. The convict doorkeeper threw open the main portal in the
wall, the gate later closed by Assistant Superintendent J. H. Behan against a
threatened exodus of all the convicts. The gang with Gates tried to use him as
a shield against the bullets of several prison officers who were closing in. Par-
ticularly admirable was the work of old Guard Hartlee, who, from the top of
the prison wall, used his rifle as coolly as though at target practice, his rifle
bullets finding their marks within a few inches of the superintendent's body.
Puebla finally drove his sharp butcher knife into Gates' body, through the lungs,
and was about to administer even a more deadly stroke when he was seized by
another convict, Barney K. Riggs, who, securing a pistol, shot Puebla near the
heart. Riggs himself had a narrow escape from death, for Hartlee 's deadly
aim for a moment was directed against him, till his defense of the Superintendent
became apparent. Riggs, a life prisoner, sentenced from Graham County for
murder, was pardoned, of course. Upon leaving the penitentiary he resumed his
old ways and, a few years later, was shot and killed in a brawl at Stockton,
Texas. Gates never quite recovered from his wound and never regained his old-
time spirit. Finally, four years later, in his quarters outside the prison wall, he
shot himself through the head and was dead when found, kneeling beside his
From Graham County Laustenneau, leader of rioters in the Morenci strike
of 1903, and a number of his lieutenants were sentenced to terms in the peni-
tentiary. Laustenneau again was heard from May 28, 1904, when he headed
an attempt to break out. An attack was made upon Supt. W. M. GrifSth and
Asst. Supt. Wilder and both were beaten, though not seriously injured. They
were saved by the help of a convict cook, W. C. Buck, who, at the risk of his
life, came to the assistance of the officers with a carving knife. Buck left
several of the would-be escapes in such shape that they had to be taken to the
hospital for surgical assistance. He received a pardon as reward. For his part
in the attempted outbreak, Laustenneau was given an additional sentence' of ten
years, after trial in the District Court at Yuma. He died in prison of consump-
tion, August 20, 1906.
Penitentiary removal was determined upon in the Legislature of 1907, with-
out material opposition from Yuma. Before the change, an appropriation was
made of $120,000 for the construction of modern buildings on a site near
Florence. The new penitentiary structure was erected almost wholly by the
labor of convicts, directed by Supt. T. H. Rynning, himself a practical builder.
Within a high concrete wall were placed a number of detention and shop struc-
tures, also of concrete, and the prisoners found time, in addition, to build a
concrete bridge across the nearby Gila River and later to do much road building.
The deed to the old prison lands had come to the Territory of Arizona with
a reservation that the title should return to the City of Yuma whenever the land
ceased to be used for prison purposes. So, within the old adobe battlements
were placed offices of the Yuma City government and a section of the Yuma
schools. To the north of the walls, on a rough pebbly slope, still remains the
old prison cemetery, with rough crosses and wooden headboards that usually
bear only numbers.
In the listing of crimes of desperadoes, of lynchings and of hangings, the
Editor would state that by no means has he tried to illustrate more than typical
phases of border outlawry and crime. The lists in any particular intentionally
are incomplete and it is possible that there have been passed over many events
that might be considered worthy of notice. But enough undoubtedly will be
found to show that to Arizona, as the scum of the ocean drifts toward its edge,
came many of the worst of humanity, seeking a land without law or religion.
This scum had been driven steadily westward and comprised many who had
won notoriety in the camps oi the plains and Rockies. Most of them are dead,
and the greater number died by violence, as they had lived by violence.
It should not be understood that the bloody deeds of these men had any
degree of approval from the communities they seem to have dominated. It was
easier to let a gun fighter pass than to take up any unorganized and possibly
fatal opposition to the wrongs of the community. The days of the "bad man"
are gone in Arizona, where the carrying of firearms was made a crime by a
Legislature of many years ago. The gambling halls and drinking places they
frequented no longer are known within the new state. In brief, Arizona, under
a new dispensation, is peaceful and law-abiding to a degree unknown in many
other commonwealths.
How the Work of the Missions Was Taken Up — Establishment of the Diocese of Tucson
— Entrance of the Episcopal Church — Bishop Kendrick's Good Deeds — Earl's
Protestant Missionaries — Foundation of the Public School S])stem — The Universit])
and Normal Schools.
In 1850 New Mexico was made a vicariate apostolic of the Catholic Church
and to it as bishop was appointed the Rev. John B. Lamy, a young Cincinnati
priest and a native of France. Doctor Lamy had to make a trip into Mexico
and interview the Bishop of Durango, under whose charge New Mexico had been,
before his authority was acknowledged by the priests of the new diocese. His
trip to Durango was made on horseback, his total journeyings before he was
seated in office amounting to 1,900 miles. Bishop Lamy found a dozen priests
within his new charge, most of them within Indian pueblos. To this force he
added from time to time, mainly by recruiting priests in Prance.
In 1859 the western part of New Mexico was annexed by papal decree to the
diocese of .Santa Fe and' Vicar General Blachebeuf was sent to make inspection
of religious conditions. Tucson at that time had about six hundred inhabitants.
Since the expulsion of the Franciscan fathers there had been no resident priest.
Father Maehebeuf assumed the station himself. The old church was in ruins
and a chapel had to be improvised. The new priest took a great interest in the
nearby mission of San Xavier, where he found that some of the Indians still
"could sing at mass in a very tolerable manner" and could remember the Span-
ish prayers that had been taught years before. The same priest in 1860 per-
formed the same work of pioneering in Denver and in 1868 there was consecrated
as bishop.
In November, 1863, Bishop Lamy traveled through Northern Arizona by way
of Preseott to Los Angeles and thence returned by way of La Paz, Maricopa
Wells and Tucson. A new parish, that of Saint Augustine, was founded at
Tucson, administered by Rev. C. Mesea and Rev. L. Bosta, Jesuits, who in 1864
were recalled by their superior and the territory again was left without priests.
Two started from Santa Fe, but were turned back, for the road had effectually
been blockaded by the Apaches. This lack was not filled until January, 1866,
when from New Mexico started three volunteers. Fathers J. B. Salpointe, Francis
Boucard and Patrick Birmingham. Fathers Salpointe and Boucard were estab-
lished at Tucson and Father Birmingham at Gila City.
September 25, 1868, the Territory of Arizona was organized as a separate
diocese, at its head Bishop J. B. Salpointe. In 1869 it was transferred from the
Missionary Bishop of Arizona (deceased)
Durango see to that of Santa Fe. The bishop-eleet had to postpone for a while
his ordination trip to Europe because in the whole territory there was but one
other priest, Rev. Francisco Jouvenceau. On his return from Europe the bishop
brought six French missionaries, one of them Rev. Peter Bourgarde, later his
successor as Bishop of Tucson. In 1875 Santa Fe was erected into a metropoli-
tan see and Bishop J. B. Lamy made its archbishop. In February, 1885, Bishop
Salpointe was sent to Santa Fe to become coadjutor to Archbishop Lamy, to
whose office he succeeded July 18, 1885, with the resignation of his predecessor.
Archbishop Salpointe resigned January 7, 1894, and was succeeded by his
coadjutor. Bishop P. L. Chapelle. Archbishop Chapelle later was transferred
to the see of New Orleans. Successor to the Bishopric of Tucson is Rt. Rev.
Henry R. Granjon, a strong administrator of church affairs, with keenest interest
in the history of the church in the Southwest.
A Catholic parish was organized in Phoenix in 1881 and the first church, of
adobe, was erected in the same year, under the direction of Rev. Ed. Gerard,
parish priest at Florence. The parish passed into the hands of the Franciscan
order in 1896. On the site of the first little adobe Catholic Church in Phojnix,
erected in 1880, there was completed early in 1915 the finest cathedral in the
Southwest, erected at a cost approaching $200,000. It is especially a monu-
ment to the energy of Father Novatus Benzing, a Franciscan, who for years had
been in charge of the parish.
It is almost impossible within the scope of a work such as this to give an
accurate and authentic record of the early religious work of Arizona. Without
doubt itinerant Protestant preachers of various denominations were found witliin
the territory far back in the days of the passage of the California immigration.
At Navajo Springs at the time of the inauguration of the territorial government
was Wm. H. Reid, who offered a prayer, but who appears to have not been a
regularly ordained clergyman. He and his wife in 1864 probably started the
first regular religious services ever known in Northern Arizona in the gathering
of a Sunday school.
Baptist and Methodist missionaries had been working in New Mexico as early
as 1850, particularly Rev. J. M. Shaw and Rev. E. G. Nicholson. A Baptist
church was built in Socorro in 1854. The first Baptist work in Arizona was
done by J. D. Bristow, an unlicensed preacher, on the Verde in 1875. The first
authorized church was at Prescott in 1879, under the supervision of Rev. R. A.
Windes, now a resident of Tempo.
According to church records, the first Methodist minister to preach within
Arizona was Rev. J. L. Dyer of the Colorado Conference, who came in 1868, and
there is a record of the general service of Rev. G. H. Reeder of Ohio, appointed
by Bishop Simpson in 1872 to work in the territory. In 1874 he was at Tempo.
Rev. D. B. Wright of the New York Conference came to Ehrenberg in 1874 and
Rev. J. J. Wingar reached Prescott in June, 1877. In 1879, a general Meth-
odist organization was effected under the superintendency of Rev. Geo. H.
Adams, who in September of that year found only four Protestant places of
worship in all of Arizona. Mr. Adams was a great builder of churches.
About 1871 in Phoenix was an organization of tlie Methodist Episcopal
Church South, with Alexander Groves as pastor. In 1878 under Pastor L. J.
Hedgpeth, was built an adobe house of worship on a site that the congregation
still occupies. The same denomination also was early in occupying the Prescott
The Presbyterians in 1868 authorized the sending of a missionary into Ari-
zona. In the following year Rev. J. M. Roberts was with the Navajos and Rev.
Jas. A. Skinner of Stockton, Cal., was transferred to a charge at Prescott, ap-
pointed by the American Bible Society. The church seems to have started about
its first formal work on the advent of Rev. William Meyer, sent to Phoenix in
September, 1878, by the Board of Home Missions. His congregation for a while
found accommodations with the South Methodists, but in April, 1879, the mis-
sionary and O. P. Roberts erected a church of a novel sort, a brush arbor on the
south side of the courthouse plaza upon a lot owned by the Methodist Church.
One of the strongest religious forces of the state is the Arizona Sunday School
Association, of which Rev. E. D. Raley is general secretary. It was organized
in PhoeniK March 31, 1890, its first president Rev. F. D. Rickerson, an early
day Baptist pastor of remarkable ability and large attainments.
The Young Men's Christian Association for years has had strong branches,
with well-equipped homes in Bisbee, Douglas, Phoenix and Tuscon. Bisbee,
Phoenix and Tucson have branches of the Young Women's Christian Association.
Possibly the first Episcopal clergyman to visit Arizona was Bishop O. W. Whit-
aker. Though he had been appointed missionary bishop for Nevada and Arizona in
1868, he waited till 1874 before visiting the southern part of his diocese, taking
two months for a trip from Virginia City to Tucson, Florence, Phoenix and Pres-
cott. On his suggestion, the missionary jurisdiction of New Mexico and Arizona
was created at the general conference of the same year and Rev. Wm. F. Adams
from Louisiana was created its first bishop. He never came West and re.signe(l
in 1877. A similar disinclination was shown by his successor, Rev. D. B. Kniek-
erbacker, of Minneapolis. For the three years following Arizona was under the
charge of Bishop Spaulding, of Colorado. In 1880 there was a church report
from Rev. Wm. H. Hill, of California, who visited the territory, where he found
Phoenix a pleasing place, Tucson an important town and Tombstone a conden-
sation of wickedness. It is probable that the establishment of the Episcopal
Church in Arizona is really due to Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont, wife of the
governor, who, in 1879, wrote Bishop Spaulding suggesting that Prescott might
support a clergyman of the faith. Tucson she considered rather unavailable
because of its large Mexican population, while the pretensions of Phoenix were
put aside as the town "recently had been included in an Indian reservation,"
developing a hitherto unsuspected historical lapse. November 21, 1880, Rev.
Geo. K. Dunlop was consecrated bishop for New Mexico and Arizona, trans-
ferred from Kirkwood, Missouri. He found in Arizona "not a church building,
not a piece of property, not an organized congregation, not a clergyman and
only forty communicants who had in any way reported." Bishop Dunlop died
March 12, 1888, leaving church buildings at Tombstone and Phoenix and a con-
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gregation also at Tucson. Phoenix, headed by J.' W. Pearson, had 176
Then, with appointment date from January 18, 1889, came Bishop John
Mills Kendriek, held in affectionate remembrance as veritably one of the saints
of the Southwest. His diocese extended eastward from the Colorado River,
including Arizona and New Mexico and Texas west of the Pecos. Not only did
he establish congregations in all the largest settlements of the two territories,
but he branched out among 35,000 Indians, one of his works being the establish-
ment of an Indian hospital on the Navajo reservation near Fort Defiance.
Bishop Kendriek had been a soldier in his youth. He served as first lieutenant
and adjutant of the Thirty-third Ohio Infantry, later being promoted to be
captain and assistant adjutant-general of volunteers. Yet he was not a militant
sort of Christian. He was one who went up and down his land spreading confi-
dence in his faith by gentle words and good deeds. It is probable that a sweeter
character never lived nor one of greater compassion for the frailties of mankind.
By his clergy and his congregations he was regarded as little less than a saint and
his memory will long endure. In 1911, with advancing load of years and of
religious cares, the diocese was divided. Bishop Kendriek taking the New Mexi-
can side. He died in Pasadena, Cal., December 16, 1911. Burial was at Phoenix.
When the diocese was divided, Arizona was given to Bishop Julius W. At-
wood, formerly of Ohio, who had served as archdeacon and as rector of Trinity
Church, Phoenix. Dr. Atwood, a ripe scholar and a religious executive of excep-
tional force, already has his monument in Saint Luke's home, near Phoenix, a
church institution for the treatment of tuberculosis. He has made progress also
on the erection of a cathedral in the city of his episcopal residence.
The first schools of the Southwest were those of the Catholic Church. At
Santa Fe in 1852 was established a girls' school taught by four sisters of the
society of ' ' The Friends of Mary at the Cross. ' ' In 1859, also at Santa Fe, the
order of Christian Brothers started a boys' school. One of Colonel Boston's
first acts was to help in the establishment of a Catholic school at Tucson or San
Xavier, especially for the Indians, but the institution had short life. In 1866
a Catholic school was started in Tucson under a teacher named Vincent and in
1870 the Sisters of St. Joseph there organized a girls' school and erected a
building, for which the lumber was brought from the Huachuca Mountains by
wagon. A number of Arizona communities now have large parish schools.
One of the important educational institutions of the state is St. Joseph's
Academy at Thatcher, a Mormon institution with an attendance of about three
hundred. A handsome new building for the use of the school was dedicated
December 15, 1911. A similar church academy is maintained at St. Johns.
Schools were slow in coming to Arizona, probably because of the absence of
children other than Mexicans. Few of the pioneers brought families into the
territory. It is probable that most of the pioneers simply had an idea, like the
first California adventurers, of "making their pile" and going "home." Upon
the groundwork they laid, however, was established a more permanent civiliza-
tion, within which schools were a necessity. The First Territorial Legislature
passed a school code, but there seems to have been only one school, a small private
one in Preseott, and that maintained largely by private subscription.
The educational system of Arizona had its beginning January 1, 1865, on
which date became effective an act of the First Legislative Assembly that set
aside $500 for the benefit of a public school in Tucson "in which the English
language shall form a part of the daily instruction" and $250 each to Preseott,
La Paz and Mojave, in each case conditioned upon the raising of a similar sum
by the residents of the locality affected. An additional $250 was appropriated
and donated to the Mexican school at San Xavier del Bac for the purpose of
purchasing books of instruction, stationery, and furniture. A more permanent
method of public school support was a direction to the treasurers of the different
counties to pay over to the county commissioners all moneys that might accrue
from licenses and not otherwise appropriated to be used as a fund for the
benefit of such public schools.
The creation of school districts was effected by the Legislature of 1868, which
gave the county boards of supervisors power to organize such districts in any
village with a resident population of not less than 100 and covering an extent of
country of not more than four square miles. For support of the schools of such
districts should be levied a tax of not more than one-half of 1 per cent on the
assessed value of all its taxable property.
Governor Safford in 1871, referring to a school census of 1,923 children, made
declaration that in that year Arizona had not a single public school, though the
school code provided county school superintenuents and a territorial board of
education. Safford became interested in pushing education and soon there were
schools in every community of any size.
Augustus Brichta, a pioneer Arizonan, appears to have made the first at-
tempt in the teaching of a public school in Tucson in the spring of 1869, with
fifty-five pupils, all boys. He had good backing in Wm. S. Oury, John B. Allen
and W. W. Williams. In 1871, under L. C. Hughes, county superintendent of
schools, with Samuel Hughes, W. F. Scott and W. C. Davis as trustees, John A.
Spring opened a school on the corner of McCormiek and Meyer streets, with an
enrollment that reached 138, all boys, mainly Mexican in parentage. The same
year the Sisters of St. Joseph started a denominational school, especially for the
benefit of girls. Another girls' school was started in 1872 by Mrs. L. C. Hughes
and in 1873 regular school sessions were started in Tucson, with Miss Harriet
Bolton and Miss Maria Wakefield as teachers. The former became Mrs. John
Wasson and the latter Mrs. E. N. Fish. There was a regular school building, a
long adobe structure on North Congress Street in 1874, when the trustees were
R. N. Leatherwood, Samuel Hughes and Estevan Ochoa. The principal study
was the English language, for Spanish was the tongue of the community.
Miss Mary E. Post, now an honored resident of Yuma, opened a public school
at Ehrenberg in 1872. About this time a graded school was opened at Preseott.
Phoenix had its first public school September 5, 1872, the teacher J. D. Daroehe
and the trustees J. D. Rumberg, W. A. Hancock and J. P. Osborne, in the
court room on the present First Avenue, just south of Washington. Later there
was a permanent school building, on North Center Street, a little adobe, where
the teacher was Miss Nellie Shaver, later Mrs. J. Y. T. Smith. In 1879 the
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teacher was R. L. Long. He had an assistant teacher in Mrs. Beverly Cox, whose
primary class was accommodated in the South Methodist Church.
In the Legislature of 1875, at Tucson, there was much discussion concerning
a possible division of the public school funds with the Catholic parochial schools.
Already there had been several specific appropriations toward the support of
Catholic schools in Tucson, where the church had been an educational pioneer.
But any suggestion for legislative recognition of Catholic schools received bitter
opposition. To combat this, Chief Justice Edmund P. Dunne delivered an ad-
dress, pro-Catholic, in the hall of the House of Representatives, soon after the
holding of a ball, whereat there had been raised a considerable sum to be ex-
pended in local education. The bill dividing the funds with the church came
up in the council a few days later and came within one vote of passing.
In 1879 Colonel Hodge made a record of all the schools of the territory.
There were public schools at Yuma and Ehrenberg, Mineral Park, Cerbat, Pres-
cott, Williamson Valley, Verde, Walnut Creek, Walnut Grove, Chino Valley,
Kirkland Valley, Peeples' Valley, Wickenburg, Phoenix, Florence, Tucson, Tres
Alamos (on the San Pedro), Safford, and a few other points. There were Cath-
olic schools at Yuma and Tucson and Indian schools had been established by the
Government at San Carlos and Sacaton.
In 1882 there were ninety-eight school districts, with over 10,000 pupils and
the value of school property was given as $116,750. In 1883, under still more
definite legislative provisions, M. H. Sherman, who had been principal of the
schools at Prescott, was elected territorial superintendent of schools and later
drafted a short code of school laws. The election of a territorial superintendent
was in reality a violation of the governor's prerogatives, but continued for a
number of 'years thereafter, unchallenged. Superintendent Sherman, who also
served as adjutant-general and thereby gained a military title, later became one
of the millionaires of Southern California.
A still more amplified school code was enacted in 1885. It was prepared by
R. L, Long, who had been in charge of the schools at Phoenix and who in the year
mentioned started a term of service as territorial superintendent.
The growth of Arizona's common school system may be indicated by con-
trasting with the early allotments the present expenditures for primary and
grammar school maintenance, which this year will amount to the enormous sum
of $2,674,930, this in addition to $1,057,813 that will go to the university and
normal schools and for vocational training. This is not all by any means, merely
constituting the general allotments.
The university was established at Tucson by the Legislature of 1885, in
pursuance of a legislative distribution of spoils in which there was little con-
sideration of the probable value of such an institution. At the same time Tempe
was given a normal school and Phoenix the insane asylum, while Prescott retained
the capital. Under the authority of a congressional act of four years before,
School Superintendent M. H. Sherman selected seventy-two sections of land in
the forested area of the Mogollon plateau, to be preserved for the benefit of the
university. A tract of forty acres was donated by B. C. Parker, E. B. Giflford
and W. S. Reid for the university site.
The committee that secured the university showed wisdom in this choice of
state institutions, for from the Morrill Agricultural College fund and the Hatch
Agricultural Experiment fund from the first were available about $37,000 an-
nual income, an income from national sources that has increased with the
years. The University Board of Regents was organized in November, 1886, with
Dr. J. C. Handy as chancellor, C. M. Strauss as secretary and M. C. Samaniego
as treasurer. The original building, on which construction was started the
following spring, cost about $32,000.
Theoretically the school was started in July, 1889, with the appointment of
Selim M. Franklin, a Tucson attorney, as professor of agriculture and director
of experiment stations, in order to comply with the national laws and save the
appropriation. The first regular terra of the university, beginning October 1,
1891, ended in the following June. Dr. Theo. B. Comstock was the first ap-
pointed president after the administrative consolidation of the colleges of agri-
culture and mines. At the head of the latter was Prof. Wm. P. Blake, who had
won distinction as a geologist as early as 1854. Prof. F. A. Gulley headed the
agricultural college. Dr. Comstock resigned during the Hughes administration
and was succeeded by M. M. Parker, who was removed in 1902.
Dr. K. C. Babcock, late of the University of California, was made president
in the fall of 1903. Dr. Babcock in 1910 accepted an appointment in the Biireau
of Education of the Interior Department and departed for his new field of labor
bearing a gold loving cup as a testimonial of the esteem of the students of the
institution. He was succeeded. May 1, 1911, by Dr. Arthur H. Wilde, from the
department of history of the Northwestern University. Ad interim, the admin-
istration of the university had been under Dr. A. E. Douglass, professor of
physics and astronomy. President A. H. Wilde resigned in May, 1914, and
acceptance was made effective in the following September. He was succeeded
by Dr. R. B. Von KleinSmid, from Depauw University, Indiana, where he had
been head of the department of education and psychology.
The Normal School of Arizona at Tempe started from an idea in the mind
of Chas. Trumbull Hayden, "Don Carlos," the "Father of Tempe." A creating
act passed the Legislature March 10, 1885, pushed by Assemblyman J. S.
Armstrong. The first building, of which illustration is here given, was a low
structure of four rooms, costing $6,500, placed in the middle of a donated tract
of twenty acres. The first principal, and only paid teacher, was Hiram B.
Farmer, who came to the position from the principalship of the Prescott schools.
Incidentally, the present head of the school, A. J. Matthews, was taken from the
same place. Among the principals of the intervening years, especially are to be
mentioned R. L. Long, twice superintendent of public instruction ; D. A. Reed,
who had been at the head (^i the Phoenix schools ; and Dr. James McNaughton.
For years the school seemed to have little success, with only a small output of
teachers. Since then it has been firmly established and has turned out hundreds
of graduates, exceptionally well qualified to take charge of schools within the
territory and state. The faculty now numbers nearly thirty and the buildings
have grown from the single one-storied structure to a dozen, several of them
expensive, and all equipped according to the most modem standards.
The establishmeut of the Northern Arizona Normal School at Flagstaff was
due to a sequence of changing ideas rather than to any demand for an additional
educational institution. The main building was erected under a legislative
appropriation of $35,000 for the establishment of a branch insane asylum, on
ground donated by the Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Company. In 1897 an addi-
tional appropriation was made of $18,000. Then the people of Flagstaff became
rather dubious concerning the near prospect of such an institution in their
midst, so in a succeeding Legislature a switch was made and the designation of
the institution was changed. This time it was to be a reform school and within
the handsome brown stone building a start was made toward the construction of
a number of cell-like rooms. Still again there was local doubt concerning the
advisability of bringing into the community a flock of incorrigible boys and
there was a happy thought that the building might be utilized as a normal
school. This change was made in the Legislature of 1899, which turned the
Flagstaff building over to the Board of Education of the Normal School of
Arizona. The buildings were fitted up for school purposes and the school itself
was opened September 11, 1899, with a faculty of only two teachers, A. N. Taylor
and Miss Fannie Bury. The school today has a faculty of sixteen, led by R. H.
H. Blome, an educator of large ability, transferred to the position of principal
from head of the psychology department in the Normal School at Tempe.
Beginnings of Arizona Journalism al Tuhac and Fori Whipple — Trvo journalistic Duels
that Were Bloodless — How Editor Bagg Evened an Old Score — Neivspapers Knorvn
in Ever^ Section — Hopes and Ideals of the Frontier Scribes.
The first printing press in the Southwest was brought to Taos and Santa Fe
from Mexico in 1834, and there is extant one of its first impressions, a proclama-
tion of Governor Perez, dated June 26, 1835. Probably from this same press was
printed the first newspaper of New Mexico or Arizona, El Crepusculo (The
Dawn), published by Padre Martinez in Taos. It had a life of only four weekly
numbers, of which the first was printed November 29, 1835. There appears to
have been no very lively demand for news in those days. In 1840 in Santa Fe
and for three years thereafter was published an official paper, La Verdad (The
Truth). It was succeeded in 1845 by El Rayo de Nuevo Mejico.
The Santa Fe Republican made its first appearance September 4, 1847, with
its text divided between English and Spanish. It was published by Hovey &
Davies, with G. R. Gibson as editor. December 1, 1849, Davies and Jones started
the New Mexican, but the present publication of that name dates back only to
January 22, 1863, when it was founded by Charles Leib. It became a daily as
far back as 1868. Sonora had a periodical publication as far back as 1850. It
was La Sonoriense, published at Ures, especially for printing official announce-
Arizona's first newspaper was The Weekly Arizonian, the initial issue prob-
ably in March, 1859, for the editor of this history has the eighteenth number,
printed June 30. It was a decidedly neat four-paged paper, four columns to
the page, reading matter and advertisements set in small type, very well dis-
played, considering the period and the remote location. In the issue at hand, a
well-written editorial declares unfeasible the plan for a separate territorial
government for Arizona, as called for by a convention held at Mesilla on June
19. It was frankly stated that a territory such as proposed would be under
the control of the Mexicans, a situation far from agreeable.
One of the advertisements called for the return of a Mexican peon, who
had run away from his employers, Hoppin & Appel of Tubac. In the news
columns was much of interest: A party from Tucson had returned after explor-
ing the Pinal Mountain region, where two of the expedition had died from eat-
ing wild parsnip. A soldier at Fort Buchanan had been drummed out of the
On left, office of Tubac Arizonian, 1859 The Arizona Miner's firat office, 1864
Prescott's Pioneer Journal
Office of the Phoenix Semi-Weekly Herald, 1879
service after having been whipped, liaving had his head shaved and having been
branded with a red-hot iron with the letter "D," standing for deserter. The
people of Tubac, following the killing by Mexicans of John Ware, had organized
their own civil government, with James Caruthers as justice of the peace. The
first case wais that of a IMexican who on conviction of theft was given fifteen
lashes at the hands of the new constable, N. Van Alstine.
The printing material, including a hand press, was bought in Cincinnati and
was brought in by way of Guayraas. The paper was owned by the Salero Mining
Company, but the plant was in charge of the Wrightson brothers, with whom
was associated Col. Ed. Cross, who appears to have done much of the editorial
work. Colonel Poston was, at least, a valued contributor and is understood to
have written much of the editorial matter at one time or another.
Cross, a New England man, had political opinions very much at variance
with those of Sylvester Howry, a local mining magnate, and the two soon clashed,
after Mowry had been attacked violently in the editorial columns of the Ari-
zonian. So Cross was sent a challenge, which was accepted promptly, with
rifles as weapons. Mowry 's second was none other than Bill Oury of Tucson,
while J. W. Donaldson acted for Cross. The toss was won by Cross and Mowry
was placed with the sun shining in his face. Both missed at the first fire. At
the second fire Cross missed and Mowry 's rifle failed to explode. Mowry then,
as was his right, coolly reprimed his weapon and raising it to his shoulder aimed
it at his opponent, who stood calmly with his arms folded, awaiting what seemed
inevitable death. This continued for possibly half a minute, when Mowry raised
the muzzle of his weapon and fired it into the air. Thereafter, it is told that the
pair became sworn friends. Mowry soon after assured himself against hostile
newspaper 'criticisms by purchasing the Arizonian.
There is a tale, here repeated without any guarantee of its truth, to the
effect that two of the Tubac printers, Jack Sims and George Smithson, were
charged with complicity in a stage robbery, that Smithson was killed while
resisting arrest and that Sims was discharged after an able defense by Grant
According to Sam Hughes, the Arizonian ended its career in Tubac in 1860
(Bancroft makes it in the following year) and the paper was brought to Tucson.
J. Howard Mills is said to have edited it for a while after the change, possibly
representing Mowry 's friend, W. S. Oury. S. R. DeLong supplements the story
by telling how the plant was utilized for a few weeks by a traveling printer
named Pearce, who provet^. over-bibulous. Then DeLong bought the material
and published the Arizonian himself. L. C. Hughes tried to buy the paper, but
found that it was for sale to anyone except L. C. Hughes.
The Arizonian 's press is now in Tucson, a sacred relic in the rooms of the
Arizona Pioneer Society, after service in handling the first issue of the Tucson
Citizen, utilization on the Tucson Star and Dos Republicas and in the printing
of the first and many subsequent copies of the Nugget, Tombstone camp's first
paper. It was given to the Pioneer Society by "William Hattich of the Tomb-
stone Epitaph when he abandoned the Arizona newspaper field in August, 1913.
According to some correspondence in the Arizona Republican, the first news-
paper in northern Arizona was the Mojave Dog Star, which came off the press
October 1, 1859. The editors and proprietors were Montgomery, Peters and
Johns. Montgomery stands for Montgomery Bryant who afterward was a
colonel in the regular army; Peters otherwise was known as Peter R. Brady,
who at the time was post trader at Fort Mojave, and Johns was Dr. John J.
Milhau, an army surgeon. The paper was issued more for pastime than other-
wise, its ostensible object being to correct the free love tendencies of the Mojave
The next newspaper came with the territorial government, the material
brought overland, purchased by Governor Goodwin and Secretary McCormick.
This material included a Ramage press, understood to have been made in Philar
delphia as early as 1825, and in use in Preseott as late as 1880. It was in the
big fire of 1900. Its bed was recovered, however, and lately was in use as an im-
posing stone in one of the Preseott printing offices. The first issue of the Arizona
Miner came out March 9, 1864, and the very first copy that came from the
press still is preserved. The nominal editor was Tisdale A. Hand, though it is
understood that "Dick" McCormick was responsible for much of the editorial
matter. The paper's date line told of its publication at Fort Whipple, which
then was at Postle's ranch, near the later better-known Banghart place, and
near the present railroad station of Del Rio. As was the fashion of the times,
it had a motto, "The Gold of that Land is Good." It was a neat little sheet,
with four columns to the page. Advertising occupied only a single column.
The news mainly was of Indian depredations, in which the pluck and audacity
of the Pinal Apaches made them foes much to be feared.
When the military camp was moved to Preseott, the newspaper came also.
Its first issue in Preseott, in June, 1864, was with the press set up between two
log walls, without a roof, on the western side of the plaza. Soon thereafter
Hand was succeeded by E. A. Bentley.
The Miner's lineal successor still is in existence, the Daily Journal-Miner,
a consolidation of two papers, effected in August, 1885. For years it has been
under the management of J. W. Milnes.
Of the many who were associated with the publication of the sheet in any-
thing like pioneer times, only two survive, A. F. Banta, who was employed in
1864, and J. C. Martin, who was editor after the consolidation. Some of the
names of the departed ones are bright in history, including John H. Marion,
who in years thereafter published the Preseott Courier with B. H. Weaver.
Hand and Meecham, the earliest editors, are dead, the latter from wounds re-
ceived in an Indian fight in Copper Basin. Col. H. A. Bigelow and "Long
Tom" Butler, later territorial treasurer, have passed away. Chas. W. Beach,
for many years owner of the sheet, was assassinated near Preseott in 1889. One
of his successors, S. N. Holmes, was burned to death in the Sherman House fire
in Preseott. "Buckey" O'Neill died at the head of his troop in Cuba, during
the Spanish war.
The claim of the Journal-Miner to lineal succession from the original Miner
has been disputed by E. E. Rogers, editor of the Preseott Courier, himself suc-
cessor to the chair of John Marion.
Indicating the vicissitudes of early-day journalism, Banta has a story, in
which the leading characters are Editor Hand and a desperado, Lou Thrift,
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who had come from New Mexico with the Peck party and who, still later,
was killed, almost accidentally by an inoffensive fellow named Jay, whom he
had been bullying. Jay, in turn, met a violent death, killed by Apaches in the
Big Bug district. The Hand story follows:
Thrift was a native of Virginia and an ardent sympathizer of the southern cause, and
was likely to grossly insult anyone ' ' wearing the blue. ' ' One day at dinner in the Prescott
House, early in the summer of 1S64, he had a dispute with Tisdale E. Hand, the nominal
editor of the Arizona Miner, over some incident of the war then in progress between the states.
The two sat at opposite sides of the table, and in the dispute Hand was so indiscreet as to call
Thrift a liar. At first Thrift was more astonished than otherwise; soon recovering himself
he proposed to settle the matter there and then with "Colonel Colt" as arbiter. To this
Hand demurred and said he was "unarmed and never carried a pistol." Thrift replied, "Such
cowardly curs as you are ready* to shoot off their mouths and then hide behind the law."
Thrift carried two six-shooters; drawing one, he cocked the gun and placed it beside Hand's
plate, remarking at the same time, "Now you are armed; cut loose." Hand waS badly
frightened and dared not touch the gnn; but begged Thrift not to shoot him, and said, "Mr.
Thrift, you have the advantage and could kill me before I made a move." By this time Thrift
was simply boiling with rage; jumping up, leaving his pistol on the table. Thrift stepped back
to the wall some distance away; he hissed through his teeth, "Now, you white-livered scoundrel,
you have the advantage." Notwithstanding the cocked gun lying beside his plate Hand
very prudently declined to do any shooting. He lacked the nerve, even with all the advantage
Thrift gave him. Had he attempted to shoot and had shot, unless the shot was suddenly fatal
Thrift would surely have killed him. Thrift picked up his gun and made a move to kill Hand;
but instead, he slowly returned the gun into the scabbard, remarking as to himself, "No
credit to kill a cur like that." Shortly after this Mr. Hand left the country for the East.
Following the brief career of the Arizonian in Tucson, the Arizona Citizen
was established October 15, 1870, by John Wasson, surveyor general of the
territory, and edited by W. W. Hayward. For a while in that year there were
only two other Arizona newspapers, namely, thfe Miner and the Enterprise,
both published in Prescott. Capt. John P. Clum, fresh from experiences as
an Indian agent, bought the Citizen from Wasson in 1877. The following year
he moved it to Florence where official patronage could be commanded through
the land office, but it was back again in Tucson soon. "Wasson established the
Daily Citizen in 1879, selling out in 1880 to go to Tombstone. For many years
prior to 1901 the Citizen was edited by Herbert Brown, now deceased, who left
a name fully as notable for natural history researches as for editorial work.
Brown, one of the mildest mannered of men, for a term served as superintendent
of the state penitentiary at Yuma. Wasson also is dead, passing away only a
few years ago in Pomona, Cal. The Tucson Citizen for several years was pub-
lished by O'Brien Moore, a man of national reputation as a journalist and long
the representative of large newspapers in the press galleries of Congress. 'He
had made the Citizen a forceful exponent of democratic principles till the date
of his death, late in 1909. Purchasers in 1910, returning the sheet to the
republican ranks, were James T. Williams, former member of the United States
Civil Service Commission, and Allen B. Jayne, the latter an Arizona journalist,
who has retained management of the paper to the date of this writing.
The first daily paper in Arizona, The Bulletin, was started in Tucson in
March, 1877, by Tully & Hughes, with only four columns to each of its four
pages. It prided itself on its telegraphic service, that came, when the wires
were not down, across the desert from San Diego. That was a fearful and
wonderful telegraph line, strung even on giant cactus, its wires frequently
utilized by unfeeling teamsters for wagon repairs. The Bulletin lasted only a
month or so, when it was succeeded by the Tri-Weekly Star, later a daily, and
edited by Louis C. Hughes, for a while attorney general of Arizona and, during
the second Cleveland administration, governor of the territory. Attached to the
Star edited by Charles H. Tully, was a Spanish publication. Las Dos Republicas.
The Star was sold to W. B. Kelly in July, 1907, by Governor Hughes, who told
in his last editorial that only once in thirty years had an issue been missed and
only thrice had there been failure to publish a telegraphic report.
It is notable that the earliest newspapers of Tucson are also the last. Not
less than twelve daily and ten weekly newspapers have died in the old pueblo.
The most notable of the lot was the Morning Journal, published in 1881, the
first seven-day daily ever issued in Arizona.
In January, 1878, Phoenix was given its first newspaper, the Salt River
Valley Herald, a weekly edited by Chas. E. McClintock and owned by him.
Territorial Secretary J. J. Gosper and C. W. Beach. McClintock furnished
the experience, Gosper a note of hand and Beach some printing material. All
three are dead, Gosper dying a few years ago in dire poverty, in Los Angeles.
In 1879 the name of the publication was changed to the Phoenix Herald, and it
was made a semi-weekly. In the fall of the same 3'ear was commenced publica-
tion of a daily. McClintock died in the summer of 1881. About a year later
N. A. Morford, later territorial secretary, secured control and managed the
paper until its consolidation with the Republican in May, 1899.
Among the various Phoenix newspapers that have been born only to soon
pass away, one of the earliest and one of the most interesting was the Weekly
Expositor, moved up from Yuma in 1879 by Judge Jas. A. Reilly. The paper
for a while was issued daily. Reilly was an early-day iconoclast, who knew
well how to write interestingly in the vernacular of the time. He was a charac-
ter unique even in the Southwest. When he first struck Arizona his living was
earned by cutting wood on the Colorado banks for the river steamboats. He
had managed to study a little law at Yuma. In Phoenix he printed his thoughts
too freely and thus lost the democratic county printing. His income cut off, he
left for Tombstone during the early days of the camp, where his legal pickings
were not very profitable before he became attorney for Martin Costello. Wher-
ever any lack of legal training presented itself, he had a shrewd native wit that
carried him far. There is an old story to the effect that he was visited by a
young- man who asked the cost of admission to the bar, under Reilly 's instruc-
tion. Reilly gravely considered the matter for a moment and answered : "Well,
that will be according to the amount of laaw you want to know. Now, if you
want to know as much laaw as, we'll say, Mark Smith, it'll cost you about tin
dollars; if you want to know as much laaw as Allen English, you will have to
raise it to about twinty dollars ; but, me son, if you want to know as much laaw
as I do it'll cost you wan hundred dollars."
The daily Arizona Gazette was founded in 1880, by Chas. C. and H. H.
McNeil, two printers from San Jose, California. The first editor was Wm. 0.
O'Neill. July 4, 1887, the Gazette was sold by H. H. McNeil to several South-
ern Arizona lawyers and John 0. Dunbar of Tombstone. This paper still covers
the evening field in Phoenix, after years of vicissitudes and of many changes of
ownership and of policy, now being in the democratic column. It is owned by
Chas. H. Akers, former territorial secretary, and H. A. Tritle, son of former
Governor Tritle. Dunbar still remains in the harness, publishing a weekly that
bears his own name and that deals particularly with political criticism.
The Arizona Republican was started as a seven-day daily May 19, 1890. Its
manager was Ed. S. Gill, its editor, Chas. 0. Ziegenfuss, a newspaper man of
long experience and large ability. Ziegenfuss, a victim of his own convivial
habits, after having served in editorial capacities on a number of the leading
newspapers of America, finally died in San Francisco by the gas route. The
Republican was started as an organ, pure and simple. Its stockholders were
Governor Wolfley and the officials of the territorial government, each assessed
to make up a monthly deficit in income. The first year of its publication cost
the stockholders not less than $25,000, and the only possible return was their
gratification in the issuance of what was undoubtedly a paper far ahead of the
time, with the first full Associated Press report ever taken in Arizona. Ziegen-
fuss and Gill were succeeded by W. L. Vail, and he by T. J. Wolfley, the last
a Saint Joseph, Mo., newspaper man. In 1898 the paper was bought by Frank
M. Murphy of Prescott and returned again to high value from a newspaper
standpoint, under charge of C. C. Randolph, a Washington journalist. After
several years of success, Randolph sold his interest to former State Auditor
Geo. W. Vickers, who secured the services of Sims Ely as editor. Mr. Ely
remained in that capacity till 1905. September 1, 1909, the Republican was
purchased b^ Mr. Ely and S. W. Iligley, a former railroad man. In the mean-
time Mr. Ely had served as private secretary to Governor Kibbey, as territorial
auditor and as chairman of the Arizona Railway Commission. In October, 1912,
the journal passed to the ownership of a company headed by Dwight B. Heard
and its policies were changed to conform to Mr. Heard 's progressive ideas. For
the greater part of the Republican's history it has profited by the services of
J. W. Spear, who latterly has occupied the editor's chair.
Tombstone had its first newspaper, the Nugget, in the fall of 1879, A. E. Fay
and Thomas Tully bringing from Tucson a printing outfit of most primitive
sort, including the historic hand press on which had been printed the Tubac
May 1, 1880, was the date of the first issuance of the Tombstone Epitaph,
founded by John C. Clum, postmaster and mayor of the town, Chas. D. Reppy
and Thos. R. Sorin. There are two versions of the manner in which the paper
received its name. One is that it was suggested by John Hays Hammond, the
celebrated mining engineer, at a banquet given at the Can Can restaurant. The
other is that while on the incoming stage, Clum asked his fellow travelers to
make a suggestion for the name of the paper he w£^s about to start. One of the
passengers was Ed. Schieffelin. From him came the sage observation, "Well,
I christened the district Tombstone; you should have no trouble in furnishing
the Epitaph."
The early days of Tombstone journalism decidedly were not monotonous ones.
The camp was "wide open" and human life and money both were held in little
account. Good items and good fellowship were on tap everywhere. Just as
Virginia City took the cream of west coast newspaper men, so Tombstone
skimmed to itself the brightest minds of the Southwest. Some of the writers
of the pioneer days of the camp were Pat Hamilton, Harry Brook, John O.
Dunbar, Sam Purdy, Harry Wood, Dick Rule, Wm. 0. O'Neill and O'Brien
Moore, men who knew what was news and how to write it well.
Pat Hamilton, of more than local fame as a writer, was editor of the Inde-
pendent. Sam Purdy, who later controlled the political destinies of Yuma
County, edited the Epitaph. It was the habit of the day for editors to slam
each other editorially on every possible occasion. Hamilton and Purdy, with
somewhat more than ordinary ability on either side, did the ordinary thing
in such extraordinary fashion that a personal encounter at last seemed inev-
itable. So in the fall of 1882 a duel formally was arranged between them. Ned
MacGowan for Hamilton and Billie Milliken for Purdy arranged all details,
proceeding solemnly on the basis of procedure secured by them in a study of
Lever's novels. Dr. George Goodfellow, who died only a few years ago, chief
of the Southern Pacific surgical staff, and Dr. McSwegan were official surgeons.
The party started out with ostentatious secrecy. Everyone knew all about it
and bets promptly were offered in gambling saloons concerning the one or the
other to be hrought back feet foremost. The sad cortege reached a point in the
San Pedro Valley a little below Hereford, where it was determined to start the
carnage. A number of stories came back about the subsequent proceedings. It
would appear that neither of the principals was very keen and that the seconds
themselves were far from bloodthirsty. The seconds went to the extreme of
pacing off the ground, then got in such a row over the position of the principals
and the selection of pistols that they finally had to declare the whole affair
"off" and the two parties made their way back to Tombstone by night. Next
day they were forced to endure chaffing of the roughest sort.
Tombstone, at the date of this writing, has only one newspaper, the Daily
Prospector, which has the Epitaph as its weekly issue. More than twenty years
ago the Prospector passed into the unwilling hands of a local merchant, S. C.
Bagg. Following the habit of the country, he was most outspoken on public
matters and became adjudged in contempt of court for remarks passed upon
a decision of District Judge W. H. Barnes. Bagg was fined $500 and committed
to jail in default of payment. The sheriff being a good friend of his, Bagg had
his cell nicely fitted up as an office and from it conducted the affairs of the
newspaper and the store, his imprisonment made lighter by the sympathy of
friends. He was well able to pay the fine, but was obstinate and preferred to
be a martyr. Finally, the pleadings of his friends proving unavailing, they
took up a subscription among themselves, paid the fine, and, presenting a legal
release to the sheriff, dragged Bagg out of the cell and threw him into the street,
the jail door being locked behind him against his indignant protests.
A few years thereafter, Barnes was attorney for the Phoenix Gazette and
its managers in a libel suit brought before Barnes' successor. Judge R. E. Sloan,
in the District Court at Tucson. Barnes, seeking a change of venue, had his
Y clients sign an attack upon the probity of the court. The signers were haVled
before the bar and asked why they should not be committed for flagrant con-
tempt of court. Barnes' authorship of the affidavit then developing, he and
Editor Dunbar were ordered to jail, Judge Sloan sorrowfully commenting on
the necessity of having to maintain the dignity of his court when attacked by his
predecessor in office. Judge Barnes went through the jail doors in a state
approximating mental collapse. Sympathy and stimulants were extended by
local partisans, however, and the judge cheered up to some extent. A messenger
boy arrived with a telegram. Barnes opened it with a flourish, exclaiming:
"Ha, Ha! Friends from afar have heard of this outrage." The telegram, held
out, was read by a half-dozen at once. It was from Tombstone, Arizona :
"Judge W. H. Barnes, County Jail, Tucson, Arizona.
"Are you there, Moriarty? (Signed) S. C. Bagg."
For twenty years, until August, 1913, the Prospector and Epitaph were
managed by William Hattich, the date of his retirement being tlie twenty-fifth
anniversary of the Epitaph's publication.
Possibly the most distinctive type of southwestern journalism was repre-
sented by Judge Aaron H. Hackney, of beloved memory, who, on May 2, 1878,
issued the first number of the Silver Belt, Globe's first newspaper. "With him
for a month or so was associated A. H. Morehead. Hackney had had prior
experience in the business, in Silver City, New Mexico, where he had bought a
small weekly. Not satisfied with the name of the Silver City sheet, he changed
it to "The Herald." No large type being available, the Judge had the new
heading carved on a block of wood he sawed from a well-seasoned ox yoke. He
had gone to* New Mexico in 1857, after serving as a writer for the old Missouri
Republican. He went to Silver City when it had but a single house, and it was
he who gave the town and the new County of Grant their names. From Silver
City he brought a small printing outfit, including a foot-power press on which
the paper laboriously could be printed, one page at a time. His only absence
from Globe was a trip to Tucson in 1882. From his window he saw the coming
of the railroad, but he never visited the depot. After several years of paralysis
that failed to more than slow down his mental activity. Judge Hackney died
December 2, 1899. He was one of the most interesting of characters, a veritable
father in the community, though confined for many years to his chair, by reason
of failing strength and excessive weight. His kindliness even extended to con-
sideration for the Apache Indians, and he was never quite ready to believe all
the tales that were brought him of outbreaks or of frontier deviltry. The Silver
Belt was continued after the death of Judge Hackney by his nephew, J. H.
Hamill. The paper later was acquired by C. W. Van Dyke, who moved it to
Miami. Hamill then returned, to start in Globe the Arizona Record, which still
occupies the daily field under the management of C. E. Ilogue.
In the very early days of Globe, from 1880 till the time of the copper slump,
also flourished the Globe Chronicle, a newspaper founded by W. H. Glover and
edited successively by Hinson Thomas, Judge Julius S. Van Slyke and Jas. H.
McClintock. The paper was owned by a local mining company. It gave espe-
cial attention to mining and to the Indian news that Judge Hackney did not
want to print.
Geo. W. and R. C. Brown (not related by blood) made a strong journalistic
team in early days. For a while, around 1881, they managed the Tucson Citi-
zen. Later they owned the Florence Enterprise, one of the best of weeklies
that carried the news of the entire territory. After the Enterprise had been
moved to Tucson, the Browns became engaged in the bitter fight waged in 1892
against the administration of Governor Hughes. Tried for criminal libel against
the good name of a Tucson attorney, they were sentenced in the District Court
to one day in the territorial penitentiary. The journalistic fight really was
being made against Frank Heney, then attorney-general of the territory. His
demands for dominating authority later caused a break with Governor Hughes
and the retirement of the attorney-general from office. If the sentence had been
to the county jail, there would have been little criticism, but a penitentiary
sentence carried with it not only added stigma but the loss of rights of citizen-
ship. At the state eapitol was held a session of the Arizona Editorial Associa-
tion. The indignant editors then called at the executive offices to demand the
pardon of the Browns before execution of sentence; Heney, behind Hughes'
chair, was referred to for legal answer, but the editors refused to hear him.
They made point blank demand upon the governor for the pardon, inferentially
threatening dire consequences if it was not issued, and left the office with the
precious document. It is an odd fact that the official record of this case, in the
biennial message of Governor Hughes, shows that the Browns had been sen-
tenced to five days in the penitentiary. This is one case where the memory
of all participants questioned fails to agree with the record.
As a rule the press of Arizona has been untrammeled in its expression of
opinions of men and things. One notable exception was in April, 1910, when
a large part of the population of Parker gathered to expel from the town Editor
Jas. J. Healy of the Parker Herald. Ilealy was marched into the desert several
miles, interest in the trip added by several stops at telegraph poles, whereon
the editor was gently drawn by the neck toward the crossarm, each time with
the idea that the experience was to be his last. Healy finally was allowed to
escape to Bouse, from whence he complained to the governor and district attor-
ney, but seemingly with little result.
The first paper of Bisbee was the Democrat, a weekly edited by F''rank
Detheridge. Its first issue was August 9, 1888. It lasted only six months.
The Bisbee Review came into being early in the campaign of 1900, a number
of Warren District democratic capitalists feeling the need of a journal to
support their cause. As editor was engaged Paul Hull, a Chicago man, who
for twenty-eight weeks had conducted a high-class illustrated weekly, the
Arizona Graphic, at Phoenix. The newspaper that he published at Bisbee was
good, but the income for the first month was about .$2,000 less than the outgo.
Hull soon abandoned the attempt to publish a Chicago newspaper in a western
mining camp and the journal thereafter had months of vicissitude. During the
campaign in which Mark Smith was opposed for Congress by Governor Murphy
it was split for financial reasons between the democrats and republicans, each
of whom had half of the front page for editorial pabulum. Then came more
Pioneer newspaper publisher of Globe
prosperous times under G. H. and "Will Kelly. Latterly the Review has pros-
pered under the management of Frederic Sturdevant.
The Sentinel was established in Yuma in 1869 by a local company, with
John W. Dorrington at its head. "W. T. Minor, Judge "W. M. Berry and Geo. E.
Tyng successively edited the little journal, which still endures, issued weekly
by W. H. Shorey. The newspaper establishment twice has been burned out and
once was submerged in a flood. John W. Dorrington, whose ownership has
extended over most of its years, has defended during the years libel suits that
would have cost him $125,000 had they been successful — which they were not.
For many years Florence has been served by the Weekly Blade and Tribune,
a combination of papers, for the greater time controlled or edited by Thos. F.
Weedin, a pioneer printer and miner, who, under democratic auspices for several
years, has been filling the position of register for the United States land office
at Phcenix, where the receiver is John J. Birdno, likewise an editor, taken from
the tripod of the Graham Guardian of Safford. Weedin 's first experience in
Arizona newspaperdom was on the Florence Enterprise, getting out its first
issue March 20, 1881.
Of pioneer rank also are Anson H. Smith and Kean St. Charles, whose
Arizona journalistic work has been upon rival journals in Kingman. There
should be special mention also of the founder of the Coconino Sun, C. M. Fun-
ston, who early established in the north the grace of fine typography, continued
to this day by his successor, F. S. Breen.
One of the personal pillars of Arizona journalism has been Geo. H. Kelly,
now editor of the daily Douglas International, for years owner of the Solomon-
ville Bulletin, one of the very best of the early weeklies. A son, Will Kelly,
reared in the work, now operates the Copper Era at Clifton. At Douglas also is
a second daily, the Dispatch.
The Arizona Press Association was organized February 9, 1891, with L. C.
Hughes as president. The other offices were filled by John H. Marion, Geo. W.
Brown, S. C. Bagg, W. L. Vail, J. W. Dorrington, N. A. Morford, John 0.
Dunbar and Ed. S. Gill. Two subjects especially were discussed at the first
meeting, the price of legal printing, which was thereupon set by the Legislature
at a high rate, and methods of combination of the newspaper men in order to
get favorable consideration of the craft from the legislatures.
The names of Arizona newspapers frequently have been given with keen
appreciation of local conditions. For instance, a great industry is appropri-
ately represented by Our Mineral Wealth and the Mohave Miner of Kingman,
the Prescott Journal-Miner, the Wickenburg Miner, the Miami Silver Belt, the
Tombstone Prospector, and Prescott Pick and Drill, the Pinal Drill, the Clifton
Copper Era, and the Jerome Copper Belt. The Sentinel of Yuma, the Vidette
of Nogales and the International of Douglas naturally are on the border, watch-
ing out. The Sun is not out of place in Yuma, though another paper of the
same name is published in the less-torrid Flagstaff, wherein the first journal
was the Flag. The Nogales Oasis surely is an agreeable name in a desert land.
The long-stilled Voice of Casa Grande might have been likened to one crying
out in the wilderness. Clifton had a Weekly Clarion and Saint Johns an Apache
Some people still write to Arizona for the Arizona Kicker. There never
was such a sheet, outside of the Detroit Free Press office, though the editor
of the Tombstone Epitaph once thought the name a valuable one and tried to
hold it for the outside circulation of his strictly sober and unemotional weekly.
There never was a paper in Arizona that looked like the Kicker, or that had an
editor of the pistol-carrying, swash-buckling type.
Outside of a sort of psychic fascination, there appears to have been no
possible reason for the way in which men have plunged into the deserts and
mountains of Arizona to establish newspapers. Yet there has been pride in
many an Arizona hamlet, with its people gathered around the little hand press,
to welcome the birth of a journalistic babe of promise that should carry afar
the story of their greatness and of their hopes. Damp and limp the first copy
came off the press, and with its appearance the camp forthwith stepped full-
panoplied into metropolitan magnitude. The editor would not have changed
jobs with Horace Greeley. There was a paper at Quijotoa, the Prospector,
created February 23, 1884, by Harry Brook, one of the pioneers of Arizona
newspaperdom, and later an editorial writer on the Los Angeles Times. Gay-
leyville in the Chiricahua Mountains is only a memory, for it was gutted and
burned by the Apaches more than thirty years ago; but it had a newspaper
before then, and at the nearby more modern, yet scarcely larger, camp of Para-
dise was established another. Just think of the immense optimism that named
a mining camp Paradise, though it may look that way to a newspaper martyr.
There have been papers at Tubac, Mineral Park, Chloride, Maxey, Naco, Con-
gress Junction, Pinal, Gila Bend, Arizola, Courtland and a score of other places
today of relatively small population or utterly off the map.
About sixty publications are being issued today, about a fourth of them
daily. It is a notable fact that Arizona has ten members of the Associated Press
taking news daily by wire, though the state's population is only about 220,000.
There are eight memberships in Arkansas, population 1,574,000; two member-
ships in Delaware, population 202,000; three in the District of Columbia, popu-
lation 331,000; six in Idaho, population 325,000; five in North Dakota, popula-
tion 571,000; and the comparison could be carried further into a half-dozen
other states and would further sustain the journalistic pride of Arizona. There
is little doubt that Arizonans are better patrons of the public press than almost
any other people within the Union.
Major A. J. Doran, one of the earliest pioneers, has stated, with all warmth
of expression, that the press has been the most potent of the factors that have
worked for the civic and material uplift of Arizona. It is probable that he is
right, and yet not because all Arizona papers were uplifters and reformers.
Some of them had decidedly bad policies and a few editors possibly had quit
their former homes under pressure, but most of the editors of the pioneer period
in Arizona were men of even more than average standing in their communities.
Most of them, undoubtedly, would be out of place in the modern newspaper,
where the old tramp printer, such as Bill Luddy or George MacFarlane, has
been succeeded by an expert machinist, who sits before a wonderful erection of
steel and piles up more composition in a night than one man used to 'put up
in five, and where the perfecting press has sueceded the old hand press, with its
laborious output of a "token" an hour. Yet, after aU, the press in Arizona
remains the same in this, that it voices its community's best hopes, that it prints
little of evil and much of good, and that it advocates betterment in aU things
material and civic.
Parlicipalion of the "Rough Riders" in the War With Spain — Honor to the Flag of the
Arizona Squadron — Captain O'Neill and the Monument at Prescotl — The First Ter-
ritorial Infantry — National Guard of Arizona and Its Service on the Field.
Though itself a battle ground for centuries, and though the blood of slain
thousands has sunk into its sands, much of the warlike fame of Arizona rests
on its record in the war with Spain. It cannot be said that Arizona was very
particularly interested in this war. It was rather remote, and the circum-
stances were not such as to arouse any great patriotic fervor, but the adventur-
ous spirit of the Southwest caused the offer of far more men than the quota
allotted to the territory. The war was rather slow in coming. President
McKiuley had used every diplomatic means to avoid it and it is probable that
war would not have occurred had not the Maine been blown up in the harbor
of Havana. Thereafter the jingo press simply led the Nation into a demand
for war, which finally was declared April 21, 1898.
Two days later, the President issued a call for 125,000 volunteers and on
May 25 for 75,000 more. These were in addition to the strength of the stand-
ing army, which at that time was 2,143 officers and 26,040 men. The total
strength gathered approximated 275,000 men.
The act of April 22 empowered the Secretary of War to recruit from the
Nation at large, troops with membership possessing special qualifications not
to exceed 3,000 men in all. Under this authority were created volunteer
cavalry regiments, known as the First, Second and Third United States Volun-
teer Cavalry. It was assumed that their membership would be almost exclu-
sively cowboy in character, every soldier a horseman and a rifleman, inured to
hardship and able to take care of himself and his horse in any difficult situation.
Secretary Alger commissioned as commanders of these regiments Colonels
Leonard Wood, Jay L. Torrey and Melvin Grigsby. The Second and Third
regiments, which appeared to have had rather disappointing commanders, never
got farther than southern concentration camps. They were recruited mainly
in Montana and Wyoming and seem to have been generally of excellent enlisted
The First United States Volunteer Cavalry later became known as Roose-
velt's Rough Riders. It would appear that the name grew out of an observa-
tion by Roosevelt that he was to join a command of "rough riders," men who
could ride bad horses, though Roosevelt himself refers to the christening of the
Lieut. Samuel Greenwald Capt. W. 0. O'Xeill Lieut. J. D. Carter
Lieut. George B. Wilcox Capt. J. L. B. Alexander
regiment by the public as "for some reason or other." "Within itself it was
known also as "Young's Horse Marines" and as "Wood's Weary Walkers."
It should be told that when the Arizona contingent of the regiment was
being raised, there was no knowledge of its ultimate destination in a military
sense. The idea itself was that of Wm. 0. 0 'Neill, better known as ' ' Buckey. ' '
O'Neill always had had military aspirations. In 1880, when the citizens of
Phoenix had organized a troop of rangers under Maj. C. H. Vail, to chase
hostile Indians, O'Neill was one of his lieutenants, though to be disappointed
in seeing active service. In Prescott, he was made captain of a militia com-
pany. His military leaning was not because of any fondness for bloodshed.
Indeed, when his company was called out to guard the scaffold during the
execution of Dilda, a murderer, he fell in a faint, suddenly struck by the horror
of the scene. Later he served as adjutant general under Governor Wolfiey.
O'Neill wanted to raise a full regiment of cavalry, and proceeded on that
line. He took up the recruiting in the northern part of the state. The southern
enlistment was looked after by his old friend, Jas. H. McClintock. The colonel
was to be Alexander 0. Brodie of Prescott, a graduate of West Point. Brodie
had had distinguished service on the frontier as a lieutenant in the First Cavalry
and had campaigned against the Apaches. He had resigned from the army to
take up the work of a civil engineer. Held in the highest esteem throughout
northern Arizona, he was elected recorder in Yavapai County. Also he was the
first line colonel of the National Guard of Arizona.
About 1,000 recruits for the proposed regiment had been enrolled by the
date of the declaration of war. The services of the regiment had been offered
to the war department almost daily for weeks, in letters and telegrams, sent by
Governor Myron II. McCord.
The governor accepted with pleasure the suggestion that Colonel Brodie
should be the ranking officer &f the proposed organization. But he did not like
O'Neill, who for several years theretofore had been his active political enemy
and who had scored him severely in writings in the public press. There had
to be some stiff argument on this point before McCord could be shown that
public duty should be placed above personal prejudice.
April 26, five days after the declaration of war, there came to the governor
the formal call to arms. It was disappointing in one respect : He was advised
that from Arizona would be taken only 210 men, to form a part of "a crack
regiment of cavalry, that would be specially armed and equipped for special
The governor promptly wired the war department nominations of Brodie
as major and of O'Neill and McClintock as captains. Very soon thereafter
were added the junior appointments. O'Neill's first lieutenant, and later his
successor in troop command, was Frank Frantz, a young Prescott business man,
and his second lieutenant was Robert S. Patterson, a Graham County banker.
In McClintock's troop, the lieutenants were J. L. B. Alexander, a prominent
Phoenix attorney and democratic politician, who also had been an active political
enemy of McCord 's, and George B. Wilcox, who had had prior military service
in the Fourth Cavalry and who was senior hospital steward at Fort Huachuca
when Colonel Wood was surgeon at that post.
April 27, ouly a day after the call came, the time mainly consumed in
physical examinations and with forced rejections of about two-thirds of the
applicants, the first of the southern Arizona contingent, twenty-eight strong,
left for the rendezvous at Whipple Barracks, probably the first movement of
organized volunteers to the front. It was deplored at the time that many cow-
boys, just the timber needed to rely upon, failed to pass the tests set by the
medical ofScers.
The scenes of parting were affecting in the extreme. The troop had been
given God-speed by Governor McCord, in his chambers at the temporary capitol,
in a speech that brought tears to the eyes of nearly all. At the depot had been
gathered practically all of the population of the city, so massed that the little
column, flower-laden, could scarcely break its way through to the train. The
last straw, as the train slowly moved out, was the singing, by the massed church
choirs of the city and a chorus of normal school girls, of "God Be With You
Till We Meet Again."
Further detachments from the north and south, summoned by telegi'aphic
orders, came into Whipple for several days thereafter, until tlie last possible
man had been enlisted in the two troops. The muster-in at Port Whipple was
made by Second Lieut. Hershell N. Tupes of the regular army. This muster
proved erroneous in some points and was duplicated on May 15 by Lieutenant
Tupes, who traveled to San Antonio for the purpose. Thus it follows that the
Arizona contingent is not given its true credit for seniority in the records of
the war department. There were busy days at Whipple Barracks, for Major
Brodie was anxious to be off. The last man had hardly had his physical exam-
ination when the squadron, on May 4, started for the regimental rendezvous in
Texas. Entrainment was at Prescott. The squadron was marched from Whip-
ple to the Courthouse Plaza, where there was brief ceremonial.
The command had been routed around through Oklahoma, via the Santa Fe,
but opportune washouts caused the selection of a more direct route over the
Southern Pacific, through El Paso. Colonel Wood already was on the ground
with his adjutant. Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt had remained behind at
Washington to hurry up the shipment of war munitions. Aided by his
full knowledge of departmental procedure, this he did with wonderful success,
securing tentage, saddles, arms and everything else that was necessary. The
regiment itself was favored over all other volunteer commands that went to
Cuba in being armed with Krag-Jorgensen carbines, of a type that had lately
been given the mounted troops of the regular establishment. These carbines,
using smokeless powder and with high muzzle velocity and low trajectory,
placed the regiment at least on an equality with the Mauser-armed Spanish.
At San Antonio there was much work of drilling, of mounting and of
equipping, and in this the Arizona squadron grew to full appreciation of the
ability and knowledge of Major Brodie. The regiment, as organized in Texas,
comprised twenty-seven ofScers and 994 enlisted men. To secure the full
formation of twelve troops, there was somewhat of a shake-up and the two
troops from Arizona with strength of 107 men each, were called upon to give
thirty -seven men each to a third organization, lettered as "C." Lieutenant
Alexander was promoted to the command of this. Second Lieutenant Patter-
son was made his first lieutenant, and Hal Sayre of Colorado, son of a high
army officer, was made second lieutenant. In Patterson's place in O'Neill's
troop was promoted Quartermaster Sergeant J. D. Carter of Prescott. In
Troop B, Wilcox was moved up to first lieutenant and First Sergeant T. H.
Rynning secured promotion to shoulder straps. Rynning was a skilled officer,
who had had service up to the grade of first sergeant in the Eighth United
States Cavalry. Special mention should also be made of First Sergeant W. W.
Greenwood of Troop A, an old soldier, and of First Sergeant Wm. A. Davidson
of Troop B. The latter, like Rynning, had been a first sergeant of regular
cavalry. Troop B was rich in soldiers of experience, including its quarter-
master sergeant, Stephen A. Pate, who later died at Fort Bayard, after service
in the Philippines, from the result of a gunshot wound through the lung, re-
ceived in the Cuban campaign, Sergeadt Elmer Hawley, who was an old Fourth
Cavalry regular and Sergeant John E. Campbell. Campbell, who lately died
at the Soldiers' Home in Sawtelle, California, . was a soldier of rare ability,
whom lack of education alone kept to the rank of a non-commissioned officer.
Later he had distinguished service in the Philippines as first sergeant in the
Thirty-fourth United States Volunteer Infantry.
When O'Neill was killed, John C. Greenway was transferred from Troop Q
to be first lieutenant under Frantz. Greenway then hailed from Hot Springs,
Arkansas, but later came to Arizona as manager of mines at Bisbee. Sergeant
Sam Green wald of Troop A was commissioned as a second lieutenant ,iust be-
fore the muster-out of the regiment.
Under the final organization. Troops A, B and C, with Troop D of Oklahoma,
Capt. R. B. Houston, constituted the First Squadron, under Major Brodie.
Under this readjustment, the original local subdivision of the trobps was very
much broken up, and into the Arizona squadron were placed a considerable
number of new recruits, who came from almost anywhere except Arizona. Thus
were gained, however, a considerable number of eastern college men of excep-
tionally high character, who were soon taken into the fullest comradeship by the
men from the Southwest. Several of these new comrades later secured com-
missioned and non-commissioned rank.
It was at San Antonio that the regiment first learned of its popular designa-
tion of "Rough Riders." Assuredly a lot of rough riding there was done, for
the regiment was equipped fully with horses, which afterwards proved to have
been unnecessary. These .horses were purchased as broken, but many were
right from the ranges. It was no unusual sight, when the Arizona squadron
reined into line for three or four horses to bolt wildly out and start "bucking,"
in defiance of all military rules and regulations. It is not remembered that
any of the men were dismounted thereby, though they complained bitterly that
their McClellan saddles had no horns. ,
The term "Rough Rider" in the popular mind usually is associated with a
khaki vmiform, a hat turned up on the side and a polka dot handkerchief.
The regimental service uniform, till after the return from the Cuban cam-
paign, really was of brown duck, the ordinary fatigue clothing of the regular
army. When double sewed, it was all that could have been desired, cool, strong
and neutral-colored.
It was in San Antonio also that the regiment had fastened upon it the war
song, later generally recognized as especially its own. San Antonio had a fine
military band, led by corpulent Karl Beck, whose greatest joy was to come to
the camp at the fair grounds, take station before the Colonel'^ tent, and noisily
execute some stirring, warlike composition just about the time the Colonel and
his officers were in serious consultation. Beck's favorite tune, probably be-
cause he saw it pleased the soldiery, was, "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old
Town Tonight. ' ' The song, with its doggerel wording, went with the regiment
eastward, and when the vessel that bore the Rough lliders was towed into the
bay from its berth beside the wharf at Tampa, past two score of other army
transports, every band on the vessels passed successively "played the regiment
out" with the same tune. In Cuba, the Spaniards gained a very erroneous
impi'cssion concerning the patriotic music of the invaders, for they distinguished
"The Hot Time" as "El Ilimno Nacional de los Yanquis."
The Arizona squadron led the regiment out of San Antonio, entraining
May 29. There had been rumors, with seemingly good foundation, that the war
department proposed to land the Rough Riders on the southwestern coast of
Cuba, there to join Cuban troops and to march eastward to form a junction
with the main invading force. With all due consideration of the Cuban army,
this rumor luckily proved untrue. Instead of Galveston, the destination was
Tampa, Florida. Incidentally, this port was probably the worst that could
have been chosen anywhere in the United States outside of Florida, and its
selection is assumed to have been due to the influence of a skillful railroad
lobby at Washington. The port was to be reached by a railway with but a
single track and there was only one wharf from which to load.
Tampa was reached June 4, after a leisurely trip over southern railroads,
whereon the employees seemed willing, but rather out of the habit of rushing.
One such experience was at Tallahassee, where the horses had to be watered,
and where only one cattle chute was available for their unloading. There
being no watering trough near the railroad, the horses were all driven up into
the old town and given a drink around the historic capitol of Florida, in zinc
and wooden tubs brought out by the negro servants of the interested and most
cordial local residents.
At Tampa, camp was made in the pines, and the regiment was assigned to
the First Cavalry Brigade of the Fifth Army Corps. This brigade was com-
manded by Brigadier General S. M. B. Young, later retired as lieutenant
general from command of the United States army. The Rough Riders were
accepted at the start as available and efficient, as was shown in their assign-
ment to a brigade wherein the other fractions were the First and Tenth regi-
ments of cavalry, organizations of the highest standing within the army. The
stay in Tampa was of only ten days. The camp, with the men quartered in
light shelter tents, was made quickly and in good order. Drilling was with
especial attention to battle formations.
On the evening of June 7 orders were received to be at Port Tampa at day-
break the following morning, with only eight dismounted troops of seventy
men each. Four junior organizations were left at Tampa, together with about
fifteen men from each of the departing troops, the latter to come along with the
horses when the landing had been effected. The same was done in every
A cowboy Rough Rider
cavalry regimeut, save that some were only allowed to send four troops. It
was understood that the force was simply an expeditionary one, to land and
prepare the way- for the main body. The organizations left behind at Tampa,
under Maj. H. B. Hersey, were those of Captains Alexander, Curry, McGinnis
and Day. Nothing save credit can attach to tho officers and men of the con-
tingent left behind, for they obeyed orders and did a work fully as important
as that of the force which "went down to the battle."
Under this distribution of the squadrons, Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt went
out in command of four troops, ranking Brodie. The latter was fortunate
enough to take three of his troops and gained a good fourth in Troop E, com-
manded by Capt. Frederick Muller, who had had experience in the regular army.
Despite the orders received, no transportation was provided, and after sev-
eral shifts between the railroad tracks, long after midnight the commanding
officers practically seized a train of coal cars, into which the men and their
blanket rolls were loaded, together with a few tons of cartridges, and the
journey of nine miles to the port was concluded well after daylight. At Tampa
the situation was no better, for no transport ship had been provided, and tlie
long wharf was crowded with thousands of men who didn't seem to know
where they were going or what they were to do. Colonel Humphrey of the
quartermaster's department finally was located. He allotted the regiment a
transport, the Yucatan, No. 8. It was found that she had previously been
alotted to two other regiments, the Second Infantry and the Seventy-first New
York Volunteers, either one of which had more men than could possibly have
been stored aboard. So Wood and his men double-timed down the wharf to
board the boat just a few minutes before rival claimants to its accommodations
appeared. '
Though promptly set out into the bay, it was only to anchor, for there had
been rumors of the coming from Spain of what later was known as the ' ' Spook
Fleet." Finally the start was made on June 13. There was a very close
approach to a conclusion of the trip at its very beginning. As the Yucatan
was proceeding down the shallow channel to the sea, a large troop ship, just
ahead, stuck her nose into the mud and swung with the tide across the channel.
The Yucatan's captain barely managed to escape cutting the other ship in
twain. Unknown to the soldiery of both ships, who regarded the collision as
rather a pleasant break in the monotony, the Yucatan in her bow carried about
a ton of gun-cotton ammunition for a dynamite gun, which had been given the
regiment, in keeping with thte idea that it was a freak organization.
The expedition comprised the Fifth Army Corps, under command of Maj.-
Gen. "Wm. R. Shafter, for many years Colonel of the First Infantry in Arizona
and perhaps better known throughout the army as "Pecos Bill." Just why
he was placed in command has never been explained. Not only had he never
shown any especial capacity for large command, but he was almost incapacitated
for active service owing to excessive weight.
The regimental flag of the Rough Riders, like the organization itself, was
volunteer in origin. When the detachment of recruits left Phoenix the fact
that it had borne no flag was noted by a number of ladies of the Relief Corps
attached to the Phcenix post of the Grand Army of the Republic. They searched
the city for silk of the proper color, but could not find any heavy enough for
the purpose. But, doing the best they could, they met at the home of one of
their number and spent almost a whole night in a labor of patriotic devotion,
never stopping till the flag was done and scissored stars had been well sewn on.
As no cord could be found, the top of the staff was decorated with tri-colored
satin ribbons. A few days later, at Prescott, the flag was formally presented
by Governor McCord and a committee of ladies. From the war department no
flags had been received, so the Arizona flag was carried at parades and dis-
played before the tent of the regimental commander.
After the shore and blockhouse at Daiquiri had been shelled by the war
vessels of the American fleet and the Spaniards driven back, in one of the first
small boats to land was the flag of the Rough Riders. On suggestion, it is
undei'stood, of Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt, it was taken to the top of a hill
that frowned above the bay to the eastward, to be raised above a blockhouse
wliich had been the target of the warships for hours, but which, possibly owing
to its elevation, had escaped almost unscathed. The party that climbed the hill
comprised the surgeon-major of the regiment. Doctor LaMotte, Color-Sergeant
Wright and Chief Trumpeter Piatt. At the blockhouse they were joined by
Edward Marshall, a noted newspaper correspondent, later seriously wounded
at Guasimas, and a sailor, who proved to be the only expert climber of the lot,
and with whose assistance the flag was finally displayed, its staff lashed to the
Spanish pole.
As the flag blew out in the breeze, there came on one of the most dramatic
episodes of the war. The Rough Riders were on the transport Yucatan, close
to the shore. An Arizona captain had seen the small party winding up the
path to the top and had noted their maneuvers. He first noted the raising of
the flag. As the wind caught its folds he snatched up a field glass and saw the
sti-eaming ribbons, then threw his hat to the deck, jumped to the top of the
bulwark and yelled: "Howl, ye Arizona men — it's our flag!" and the men
howled as only Arizona cowboys could, delirious in their joy and in the pride
of their patriotism. Someone on the hurricane deck tied down the whistle cord,
the band of the Second Infantry whisked up instruments and played "A Hot
Time" on the inspiration of the moment, and every man who had a revolver
emptied it over the side. Almost in an instant every whistle of the fifty trans-
ports and supply vessels in the harbor took up the note of rejoicing. Twenty
thousand men were cheering. There was a rattle of musketry from the Cuban
allies on shore. A dozen bands increased the din in only immaterial degree.
Then the guns of warships on the flanks joined in in a mighty salute to the flag
of the Nation, harbinger of victory, emblem of liberty. No flag on land or sea
ever had grander salutation. And the flag was the flag of the Arizona squadron.
The Arizona flag led the regiment on the awful day of Las Guasimas; it was
at the front all through the heat of the battle of Kettle Hill ; it waved over the
trenches before Santiago and later was borne through the captured city to the
At Montauk in waiting were a regimental flag and a standard, but they
were snubbed. The colors had "run" in the squadron flag and it had lost its
beauty. Its ribbons were torn and faded. But the rents that came from the
flight of a half-dozen Spanish bullets only made it the more cherished and no
other flag was carried till the day of muster-out. Somewhere in the show rooms
of the war department at Washington are flags inscribed "First United States
Volunteer Cavalry," but they never were in service. In Santa Fe is a hand-
some flag, presented by New Mexicans to the second squadron of the regiment,
but it remained at Tampa with the camp guard troops and was never in action.
In the ofiice of the Governor of Arizona, in a deep, oblong, glass-doored box,
is a draped American flag. In its folds are rents and holes. It is not hand-
some, yet it is held by the governor in trust as one of the most valuable of
Arizona's treasures — the first flag raised on foreign soil by American soldiers
in the war with Spain.
The southern coast of Cuba was reached June 20 and on the morning of
the 22d came the order for landing at the little port of Daiquiri, where the
Spaniards had been shelled from a couple of block houses by the fire of the
ships of Sampson's squadron. The landing was at a small half-ruined
staging. Here two negro soldiers were crushed between the boat and the wharf,
and, loaded down with their cartridge belts, and probably dead already, sank
to the bottom of the deep inlet. Captain O'Neill here distinguished himself in
a manner that undoubtedly would have won him a medal of honor had he lived
to receive it. In full uniform he plunged over the side to rescue the men, but
without success.
Camp was made at Daiquiri beside a block house that had been wrecked by
the fire of shells from the fleet. Each man lay down in the curve of his blanket
roll, for there might be necessity to go on picket or to repulse a Spanish charge.
All was quiet, as became the first night of landing on a foreign shore. Upon a
hilltop, a Cuban bugle played "tattoo," the shrill notes mellowed into rare
sweetness by the distance. Then some soldier seized the psychological moment.
In a clear tenor, from somewhere near the center of the recumbent mass of
men, he sang "Upon the Bank of the Wabash." He sang it alone. Be it to
the credit of the good taste of his comrades, there was no interruption. When
he finished, a little sigh appeared to run all through the regiment and each man
settled back to slumber or to his thoughts. But one Arizona trooper hoarsely
murmured, addressing no one in particular, "I guess that's about all I can
stand. If he had sung 'Home, Sweet Home,' I would have gone over and
murdered him."
The following day largely was spent in the inspection of a passing army of
about 4,000 Cubans, the Orientales of General Garcia. It can hardly be said
that the Arizonans enthused over their allies, who, generally, were bare-legged
and ragged, were undisciplined and variously armed. As Sergeant Davidson
put it : " And that is what we came down to set free ! If the walking wasn 't
so damn bad, I believe I'd start back home right now."
At 3 o'clock that afternoon the regiment was ordered to Siboney, which
was reached shortly after dark, after an exhausting twelve-mile march through
the jungles, mainly in single file, with little attention paid to safety. The next
morning, sunrise found the regiment toiling up a steep hillside, at last really
going into action.
The night before, the senior officers had been in consultation with General
Young and General Wheeler. The last named, already famous as a leader in
the Confederate ■ army, had been placed in command of the cavalry division.
As General Shafter was still on board of the steamer Seguranca, General
Wheeler was ranking officer on laud. He had received from Cuban General
Castillo a map of the country behind Siboney, in which the main Spanish posi-
tion was shown at Guasimas, about four miles inland, on the inner trail to
Santiago. Young's brigade was directed to march against this post. Colonel
Wood's command, about 500 strong, was to take a ridge road, while the regu-
lars, four troops each of the First and Tenth Cavalry, were to advance along a
parallel valley road, to join a half mile from the enemy's outposts.
The assertion was made at the time that the Rough Riders were ambushed,
as they were traveling over the trail. This was absolutely not so. Colonel
Wood had been notified by Cuban scouts that he would find on the trail a dead
guerilla, killed the previous afternoon. Captain Capron, an officer of experi-
ence in the Seventh Cavalry, was in command of the vanguard, and all possible
precautious had been taken against surprises.
The civil governor of Santiago is authority for the statement that the Span-
ish force amounted to 4,000. There was considerable lying over the engage-
ment, for the Spaniards could hardly admit that with such an army they had
been defeated and driven from an entrenched position by an American force
that numbered only 940. The Spanish position was in command of General
Rubin, but preseut during the fight was Lieutenant-General Linares, the senior
Spanish officer of the Military Division of Santiago de Cuba, accompanied by
Generals Taral and Vara del Ray. Linares was shot and so badly wounded
that the command of the Santiago forces later devolved upon Taral. The
engagement lasted a couple of hours. The American fire, which was individual
among the volunteers and not by volleys, proved very effective. According to
the Spaniards, the Americans didn't know that they were beaten, but per-
sisted in advancing, fighting in a peculiar style to which the enemy was un-
It is probable that the Spaniards had been leaving their entrenchments for
some time before the final rush of the Rough Riders, for when the Americans
reached the trenches within them only were found twenty-nine of the Spanish
dead. Spies and Cuban refugees later stated that for six hours that day, dead
and wounded were being brought into Santiago. General Taral admitted a loss
of 250, while the Spanish press conceded that seventy-seven were killed.
On the American side, Captain Capron and fifteen men were killed, and
six officers and forty-six men were wounded. Corporal George H. Doherty and
Private Edward Liggett of Troop A were killed. Major Brodie was shot in
the arm. Captain McClintock received several machine-gun bullet wounds in
the ankle. Thomas W. Wiggins and Norman L. Orme of Troop B were badly
The first reports of this battle of Guasimas, or Sevilla, as the Spaniards
called it, received by the American public, were misleading and false. This
was largely due to the report brought back to the people by a staff officer, who
claimed to have been "sent" to the rear for reinforcements. He made remark-
ably good time, though on foot. At a block house, on the hill above Siboney,
he met Farrier Barney Harmsen of Troop B, who, when attacked by acute
rheumatism, had been left behind, with a broken gun. Harmsen had repaired
the rifle and had painfully made his way up the hill. In answer to his inquiries,
the officer, who had dropped from fatigue, told him that Troop B was "wiped
out" and that he himself had seen the captain fall. Harmsen saw bis duty
clearly and, grasping the carbine, he started to hobble up the trail, remarking
as he went: "If the good old troop is gone, by God it's my place to go with it."
The Arizona troops participated with their regiment in the fighting at San
Juan, July 1-3, and in the rest of the Santiago campaign. There was heavy
loss in action. In Troop A, Captain O'Neill and Privates James Boyle, Fred
E. Champlin and Lewis Reynolds were killed and Sergeant Jas. T. Greenlee,
Corporal Harry G. White, Trumpeter Emilio Cassi, Wagoner John H. Waller
and Privates Fred W. Bugbee, Chas. B. Jackson, Edward O'Brien, Chas. B.
Perry and Wm. F. Wallace were wounded. In Troop B the killed included
Corporal Joel Rex Hall and Privates David Logue, Oliver B. Norton, Race W.
Smith and John W. Swetnam. The troop list of wounded included Quarter-
master Sergeant Stephen R. Pate, Sergeant David L. Hughes, Corporal Jerry
F. Lee and Privates John M. Hall, John S. Hammer, Jas. E. Murphy and David
E. Warford.
There were casualties among the Arizonans other than in battle. In Troop.
A, Privates Stanley Hollister, Alex H. Wallace and George Walsh died of
disease. In Troop B, Leroy E. Tomlinson died of typhoid on the way to Cuba,
and Wellman H. Sanders died in the trenches of fever. Since the war, largely
from the efffects of hardships and fever, it is believed that more than a third of
the membership of the two troops has passed away. Almost nine-tenths of the
Arizonans in Cuba were "on sick report" at one time or another before
O'Neill's death was as dramatic as his life had been. He had proven an
excellent officer, alert and painstaking, with a romantic view of the war which
seemed to gloss over the hardships of the campaign. He was not the sort of
soldier, however, who lay in a trench uncomplainingly. On the first of July
his troop was in a sunken road behind a dense leafy screen, through which was
coming a very hail of bullets, wasted by the Spaniards, as usually, only in the
direction of the unseen foe. O'Neill, uneasy and anxious to see what was going
on and to move forward, arose and walked along the line of the road in front
of his men. A sergeant called to him to lie down, that he was in danger. With
an airy wave of a freshly rolled cigarette, the Captain observed, "The Spanish
bullet isn't molded that will hit me." Then it was that he was struck down
by the messenger of death, shot through the head and instantly killed.
At the San Juan fight were six newspaper correspondents to every regiment
actually in the field in Cuba. Yet there have been claims that the Rough Riders
never were at San Juan. Possibly the best refutation is the list of killed and
wounded. The Rough Riders charged an extension of the San Juan height,
called Kettle Hill, for on its crest had been left a large sugar kettle. This hill
was taken mainly by the Rough Riders, who drove from their front a large force
of intrenched Spanish infantry and who later held the crest, digging trenches
at night to better sustain their position. The fighting was at least as severe on
the Kettle Hill side as at San Juan and the casualties were as heavy.
Here should be punctured also a report, that seems commonly accepted, to
the effect that the negro troops saved the Rough Riders at San Juan. A squad-
ron or more of the Ninth Cavalry, colored, was lying in comparative safety in a
depression at the foot of the hill and was passed over by the Rough Riders.
Colonel Roosevelt, seeing his duty before him, joyously led the way forward.
"Whether he ordered the Ninth Cavalry to come on or not is entirely immaterial.
Several of its captains, possibly disregarding orders to remain in reserve, called
up their black troopers and in a moment there was a parti-colored line of
carbine-bearing soldiery swarming up the grass-covered eminence. Assuredly
this was not "saving" the Rough Riders. The two commands were only a
part of a large army that was assaulting the Spanish position along a line that
was miles in length. On the same subject, reverting to the Guasimas fight,
four troops of the Tenth Cavalry, held in reserve for a brief period after the
fight started, served magnificently in flanking and driving the Spaniards, toward
the end of the engagement. But this, again, hardly could be called "saving"
the Rough Riders, for the negro cavalry constituted only one-fourth of the at-
tacking force. No better fighting was done on the Island of Cuba than by the
negro troops, but the "saving" story is the veriest piffle.
After Guasimas, Colonel Wood had become a brigadier and Colonel Roose-
velt had succeeded to the command of the regiment. The manner in which he
led it is American history. Even finer than his conduct upon the battlefield
was his regard for his men, who sickened by scores in the miasmatic trenches,
both before and after the surrender of Santiago on July 16. It was he who
finally started the movement for the return of the troops to the United States.
The regiment left Santiago August 8 and arrived at INIontauk Point, New
York, August 14. Troops C, H, I and M, which had been left at Tampa, had
been brought to the Montauk camp only two days before, their members hardly
in better condition than were the troopers who had gone to Cuba. The com-
mand became real cavalry again for only a short time, for it was mustered out
of service September 15, 1898, with a strength of forty-seven officers and 1,090
enlisted men, present or absent.
There should be mention that Arizona also provided the regimental mascot
This was a half-grown mountain lion, presented by Robert Brow of Prescott.
The beast, named Josephine, was as fierce as was the regiment in popular esti-
mation. Josephine had been well cared for at Tampa and Montauk, but on the
western journey was lost in Chicago. After the war nearly all the surviving
Arizona troopers returned and quietly dropped into their old vocations.
Since muster-out, the Rough Riders have had several reunions. The first
was at Las Vegas, New Mexico, June 24, 1899, on the anniversary of the battle
of Guasimas and likewise on the day of the Feast of San Juan. A regimental
association had been formed at the Montauk Point camp, with Brodie, pro-
moted to be lieutenant-colonel, as president. The second reunion, a year later,
was at Oklahoma City and the third at Colorado Springs, all three attended by
Colonel Roosevelt, who proved a strong drawing card for the attendance of
thousands of civilian sightseers. Then in April, 1902, while Colonel Roosevelt
was Vice President of the Nation, came the reunion at San Antonio, where the
attending troopers were camped upon the same spot from which they started
for Cuba. There has been no general reunion since that time. The regiment
was nation-wide in its origin and most of the surviving troopers are men of
moderate means. Attempts have been made to bring them to Prescott, particu-
larly at the time of the dedication of the Rough Rider Monument, but distance
and cost have prevented. At the inauguration of President Roosevelt, March
4, 1905, the President's personal bodyguard comprised a platoon of thirty
Rough Riders, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Brodie. Other members from
Arizona were Captains J. H. McClintock and J. L. B. Alexander of Phoenix,
Lieut. G. B. Wilcox of Bisbee, B. F. Daniels of Yuma and C. E. Mills of Morenci.
In Arlington is a shaft in honor of the dead of the regiment, erected by the
Rough Riders' National Monument Society, an organization headed by Mrs.
Allan K. Capron, widow of the first Rough Rider commissioned officer killed
in the Santiago campaign. The dedication of this monument, on April 12, 1907,
was honored by the presence of the President of the United States.
Energetic citizens of Prescott, in May, 1905, headed by R. E. Morrison,
conceived the idea of a magnificent statue and kept at the work until, on July
4, 1907, was dedicated the O'Neill Rough Rider Monument, on the very spot
on the Prescott Plaza from which the Rough Riders had marched out for war.
The statue, the work of Solon Borglum, is a magnificent bit of bronze, illus-
trating more the spirit of the regiment than serving to reproduce the form or
features of O'Neill. The statue was accepted on behalf of the territory by
Governor Kibbey and a notable feature of the exercises was a stirring poem,
written and delivered in person by John S. McGroarty.
Wm. 0. O'Neill was 38 years of age when he died in Cuba. He was bom
and reared in Washington and educated in Georgetown College. With a knowl-
edge of typesetting and stenography as his capital, he came west to Arizona in
1879, to be a typesetter on the Phoenix Herald. He was printer and court
stenographer for years, working in Arizona and New Mexico, at all times noted
for reckless liberality that made him a friend of every man ' ' down on his luck. ' '
"Buckey" was a designation early received for the fondness he displayed in
"bucking the tiger," — western parlance for gambling at faro. Most of the
way on foot, he returned to Arizona from Santa Pe in 1881 and established him-
self in Prescott, for a while connected with the Miner and later with his own
paper, the Hoof and Hori*. He was elected probate judge in 1886 and two
years later became sheriff. During this latter term he became famous through
the capture of four robbers, who had held up the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad
train at Canon Diablo in April, 1889. A short time later, O'Neill, becoming
dissatisfied with the way the Mormons were assailed, turned from the republican
party to populism. It is worthy of note that in that convention the successful
opposition was led by R. E. Morrison, who later was one of the men most instru-
mental in rearing a monument to O'Neill's memory. As a populist, O'Neill
twice ran for Congress, and in one contest was nearly elected. With his death .
the party died in Arizona. At the time he left for Cuba, he was filling the
office of mayor of Prescott. In spite of the fact that he gave away his loose
cash to any cowboy or prospector who asked, he had become wealthy through
the sale of an onyx mine at Mayer and of a copper mine near the Grand Canon.
Much has been written concerning an alleged utterance of O'Neill's, "Who
would not die for a star!" This has been interpreted variously as meaning
either the annexation of Cuba or the placing of Arizona's star of statehood on
the nation's flag. Its real basis was in connection with the presentation of
commissions to the senior Arizona officers in Phoenix, when Adjutant-General
R. Allyn Lewis, lifting high a glass of wine, dramatically exclaimed, "Here we
drink the soldier's toast — death or a star." The adjutant-general made ex-
planation at that time that he meant the star that marked on the shoulder strap
the rank of a general.
O'Neill was buried on the battlefield in a little valley near San Juan Hill.
Search for the grave by Captain Alexander proving unsuccessful. Chaplain
Brown, who had superintended the burial, was called on. He found the loca-
tion and made positive identification, for, in the dead soldier's blouse, within
O'Neill's match safe, he had placed a paper carrying the officer's name and
rank. The body was returned to Washington and. May 1, 1899, there buried
in all honor, in the National Cemetery at Arlington, beneath a massive granite
monument inscribed with the name and with a brief chronicle of the deeds of
the soldier who rested beneath.
The Twentieth Legislature passed a resolution introduced by Stevens of
Pima County, expressing the sorrow of Arizona over the sad and untimely
death of Captain Wm. 0. O'Neill and of the other Arizona troopers who gave
up their lives in the Spanish war. Expression was given "the high estimate
entertained for Captain O'Neill's public and private ability and personal in-
tegrity and especially his distinguished patriotism when his country called for
heroes. ' ' So therefore it was resolved ' ' that we offer our kindliest sympathy to
his sorrowing family and offer in alleviation in the pangs of suffering, that his
life was gentle and the elements so massed in him that nature might stand up
and say to all the world : ' this was a man. ' ' '
When the Rough Riders were enlisted in Arizona there was even opposition
from the National Guard of that date, which claimed, with apparent justice, that
it should have been made a part of the first army. But the first quota went to
the First Volunteer Cavalry, and it was not until the latter part of 1898 that
the National Guardsmen were given their chance. Arizona then was allotted
three companies in an organization that was given the "top-heavy" name of
"First Regiment Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Indian Territory United
States Volunteers." When it was found that the initial letters would run
around the collars of the officers and would occupy all of a soldier's hatband, the
designation was changed to "First Territorial Infantry." The commanding
officer was none other than the governor of Arizona, Myron H. McCord. He
had had no military experience, but was an old-time associate of President
McKinley, with whom he had served in Congress. McCord was deeply patri-
otic, but did little more than administrative work. Drill was handled by
Lieut.-Col. D. G. Mitchell, a regular army officer of ability, who utilized the
excellent material given him to whip into shape what undoubtedly was one of
the best volunteer organizations enlisted in the war with Spain. The personnel
was of the best. The companies were recruited to regimental strength of about
1,300. Four of the companies were from New Mexico and four from Oklahoma.
The twelfth company was from Indian Territory, attached to the Arizona
The rendezvous of the Arizona companies was at Fort Whipple. Organiza-
tion of the regiment as a whole was made at Fort Hamilton, near Lexington,
Kentucky, in October, 1898. At Lexington it remained for about six weeks, when
it was transferred to Camp Churchman, near Albany, Georgia, where it was
mustered out in February, 1899. It had seen no service and there had been
little incident, save forcible resentment by several hundred soldiers of the
mistreatment, by the city authorities at Lexington, of several of their num-
ber. The regimental officers credited to Arizona, besides Colonel McCord,
were Major Frank Russell. and Regimental Adjutant J. W. Crenshaw. Com-
pany A was mustered in at Phoenix, July 4, with Russell as captain and Cren-
shaw and F'. W. Hill as lieutenants, its strength nearly all National Guardsmen.
Company B was from Tucson and other Southern Arizona points. Its ofScers
were Capt. Herbert S. Gray and Lieuts. Wiley E. Jones (later attorney-general
of Arizona) and Emanuel Drachman. Company C was credited to Prescott,
although much of its strength was from Flagstail. C. E. Donaldson was captain
and F. C. Hochderfer and W. G. Scott were lieutenants. When Russell was
made major, Christy followed him in command of Company A, Crenshaw
became adjutant, Hill first lieutenant, and First Sergeant E. M. Lamson was
commissioned second lieutenant. The death roll of the Arizonans during
enlistment or immediately after discharge was small and included J. J. Sullivan
and J. A. Arnold of Company A, T. E. Cunningham of Company B and H. E.
Small of Company C.
February 15, 1900, in Phoenix, was held a reunion of the members of the
First Territorial Infantry. In the chair was Colonel McCord, who stated that
not for an instant had he ever regretted his action in resigning the governorship
of Arizona for the command of such a superb body of men.
Arizona furnished a company or more to the Thirty-fourth Regiment of
United States Volunteer Infantry, organized at Fort Logan, Colorado. Leading
fifty-one young men from Phoenix were J. E. Campbell and A. H. Stanton,
former Rough Riders and regulars. The enlistment was under the charge of
First Lieut. Max Luna, a former captain of Rough Riders from New Mexico.
Luna was drowned in the Philippines a few months later, while fording a
stream in company with General Lawton.
During the early territorial period the war department furnished a large
number of rifles on the receipt of the governor, to be issued to settlers for
defense against the Indians. The rifles were distributed, but only a few ever
came back. It would appear that they were not needed very keenly, for about
every man had his own gun in those days. Still, a number of them doubtless
armed the motley band of Mexicans and Indians that formed the greater part
of the attacking force at Old Camp Grant, for, as early as October, 1866, the
attorney-general was instructed by the Legislature to settle with Wra. S. Oury
for 105 muskets and 18,000 rounds of ammunition belonging to the territory and
which remained unaccounted for.
Under the authority of legislative action, Governor Safford, late in 1870,
organized a company of volunteers to protect the settlements in the Sonoita and
Mowry sections and which operated in conjunction with the regular troops in
scouting against the Indians along the border.
The Ninth Legislature early in 1877 gave authority to the governor to raise
a company of volunteers to protect the settlers against hostile Indians and appro-
priated $10,000 toward the necessary expenses. The command was to embrace
sixty men, within which might be included Indians. The captain was to
receive $100 a month, each white soldier was to have $1 and each Indian 50 cents
a day, with allowance of 50 cents per man for rations.
The citizens of Tucson in 1882 had raised and equipped a company of fifty
men, under Capt. W. J. Ross, after having received assurance from Governor
Tritle that he would recommend to the Legislature repayment of the sums
expended in support of the organization. This amounted to $11,000, and Tritle
turned the account over to the Twelfth Legislature, in 1883, as per agreement.
While there had been many volunteer organizations within Arizona, ranking
as "militia," gathered usually in a desire to help against the Indians, the first
company to be really mustered in appears to have been Company B, First
Infantry, its captain, Frank S. Ingalls, commissioned by Governor Tritle on
May 25, 1882. Captain Ingalls only a short time before had arrived in Prescott,
to serve as secretary for the governor, after service in the military battalion
of the University of California. Thus for years he held place as the officer
of oldest service within the guard, from which he took retirement with the rank
of major.
The first company was to have been one in Graham County, with Peter J.
Bolan, a very well-known politician of the day, as captain. But Bolan's organ-
ization never reached the really military stage. The letter, about a year after,
was taken by the Prescott Grays, a company headed by "Buckey" O'Neill.
In December, 1884, Governor Tritle instructed Adjutant-General M. II.
Sherman to inspect all military organizations within the territory and take
charge of all military property, much of it held by persons legally unauthorized.
In 1887 Governor Zulick stated that only the two companies in Prescott could
be accepted as regularly organized.
Since the organization of the National Guard of Arizona, it has had only
four commanding officers. After the passage of the military law in 1891,
Governor Irwin appointed as colonel of the First Infantry Alex. O. Brodie of
Prescott, a graduate of West Point and a cavalry officer of distinguished service
on the frontier. He served for only a year, resigning in May, 1892, when
N. 0. Murphy succeeded to the office of governor. Then, elected by the officers,
the command of the regiment passed to John H. Martin of Tucson, who had had
National Guard experience in an eastern state. Colonel ^lartin retired in 1902
and was succeeded by Jas. H. McClintock, who had had late service in the First
United States Volunteer Cavalry. On the retirement of Colonel McClintock in
1912, Capt. A. M. Tuthill of Morenci was elected to the place vacated.
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In February, 1896, occurred the Fitzsimmons-Maher prizefight. It was
assumed that Arizona was to be the favored locality, contemptuous of a con-
gressional law making prizefighting within the territories a crime. The govern-
ors of Arizona and New Mexico were privately instructed by the Secretary of
the Interior to see that the fight did not occur within those territories. In
obedience. Gov. L. C. Hughes of Arizona used the only means at his disposal
and very properly called out several companies of the Arizona National Guard.
The governor and Adjutant-General Ed. Schwartz placed the work in charge
of Maj. R. Allyn Lewis, First Infantry, later adjutant-general. Major Lewis
learned that Promoter Dan Stuart intended to load his fighters and fight attend-
ants on a Southern Pacific train in the El Paso yards, steal into the San Simon
VaUey about daybreak, two days before the fight was billed, and finish the fight
in time to take the single east-bound train of the road the same afternoon.
So Companies D and F of Tucson, under the command of Captain Traylor,
were dropped by Major Lewis at Bowie. The troops there remained about a
week, while Major Lewis kept watch at headquarters in El Paso. A suggestion
to go across the border to Juarez was defeated by the refusal of the Mexican
authorities, with whom the state department at Washington had been in com-
munication. The fighters and their admirers finally were started eastward on
the Southern Pacific, and the fight was "pulled off" just across the Rio Grande
at a point near Langtry, Texas.
The Legislature of 1899 cut off all appropriation for the National Guard,
for some unknown reason only slightly connected with the opposition of labor
organizations. The officers of the guard, for the succeeding two years, led by
Adj.-Gen. H. F. Robinson, themselves paid all incidental expenses of the organ-
ization. The following Legislature, in March, 1901, passed a new militia code,
giving authorization for the necessary expenses of the guard, established a
salary for the adjutant-general and repaid him his expenditures.
The Legislature of 1903 passed an act effective June 1 of that year fixing
the period of employment of workingmen in all underground mines at eight
hours a day. Trouble started promptly on June 1, for a number of mining
companies had made provision for an hourly rate of wages instead of the former
payment by the day. The agitation covered practically every camp in the
territory, but proved serious only in the Clifton District of Southeastern Ari-
zona, where the mine owners had posted a wage schedule of nine hours' pay
for eight hours' work. Inasmuch as the average compensation of the Mexican
miners was only $2 a day,'the new scale was considered below a living wage
and so there was a strike of 3,000 men and the enforced closing of the works
of the Arizona, Detroit and Shannon copper companies.
For the first few days, lacking union organization, the strikers lacked
cohesiveness. Bands of them marched down upon mines and mills and enforced
their demand for the stoppage of all industry. At Coronado thus was forced
out of work a Roumanian, W. H. Laustenneau, better known as "Three-fingered
Jack," who in another day had seized command of the strikers' forces. He was
a wonderful liar. He told his followers that he had telegrams from President
Roosevelt and from President Diaz, assuring him of support. On the strength
of some military training in his native land, he organized 1,600 of the strikers
into eight companies and evolved a clever plan of campaign by which he
expected to capture the Town of Morenci. The plan failed, owing to two unfore-
seen circumstances. The first was a heavy rainstorm, on June 9, that oppor-
tunely swept down on the locality just as Laustenneau was marshaling his
forces on the hills above the town. The other was the arrival of two battalions
of National Guard Infantry on the afternoon of June 10.
"When trouble appeared imminent, the mine managers so informed Acting
Governor I. T. Stoddard, who forthwith ordered out the greater part of the
First Arizona Infantry, under Col. Jas. H. McClintock, acting adjutant-general,
and also telegraphed the war department requesting that regular troops be sent
to support. The National Guard reached Morenci with all expedition and
totally unexpected by the rioters. The mining works and stores were being
held by a splendid force of American employees of the several mining companies,
reinforced by a score of Arizona Rangers led by Capt. T. H. Rynning. Also
to be considered was a considerable force of deputy sheriffs headed by Sheriff
The camp at once was surrounded with a cordon of soldiers who upheld the
authority of the sheriff as he picked up a score of the leaders of the rioters. The
bayonet had to be used in a number of cases, but no one was severely wounded
on either side. The next day public meetings were dispersed and arrangements
were being made by the mine officials for the reopening of their works, when
the camp was reached by Colonel Lebo of the Fourteenth Cavalry, with five
troops of dismounted cavalry from Forts Grant and Huachuca. The regulars
remained in camp below the camp that evening and the next day the territory
to be guarded was divided between them and the territorial troops. Within a
week civic conditions had returned to about the usual state and all soldiery
had departed save a garrison of one troop of the Third Cavalry, sent in from
Fort Apache.
In the latter part of 1915 more trouble materialized in the Clifton-Morenci
District, where the miners struck for higher wages and for union recognition.
The National Guard again was called in, under Adjutant-General Harris and
Majors Donkersley and Grinstead, though with declared official sympathy with
the strikers at the state capital.
After the passage by Congress of the Dick militia act, the administration of
the Arizona National Guard was given much better support, nationally and
locally, and today the citizen soldiery of the state, in a full regiment of twelve
companies, constitutes a remarkably effective force, well armed and equipped
and weU trained.
Possible Benefit of Harsh Natural Conditions — Fen; Grants Made in Arizona — The No-
torious Peralta-Reavis Fraud and How It Was Uncovered — Work of the Court of
Private Land Claims — Railway Suhsid]) Grants — Modern Surve\)s.
According to one of Arizona's latest and ablest territorial governors, the
harsh natural conditions under which pioneering had to be done in Arizona, the
. very hostile fringe of Apaches, were not unmixed evils. "Where Nature had
more friendly aspect, as in the lands on either side, the valuable sections speedily
were parcelled out to politicians of the day, and thereafter were kept in large
blocks, wherein the later American settler had small show of entrance. Many
of the fairest valleys of California and New Mexico still remain in single private
holdings, where hundreds of homes should be.
Few were the land grants of Arizona, and luckily they were placed upon
few localities in which, in the end, they had blighting influence. It has seemed
as though some beneficent power had saved the richer lands of Arizona for later
and more beneficial uses. Today the valleys of the Salt and Gila and lower
Colorado, saved from the Spanish land grant by desert passages and hostile
Indians, know thousands of homes instead of a few great haciendas.
Under the ancient laws of Spain, Nueva Espafia was claimed by the monarch
as a conquered kingdom. For facility in handling a settlement of the lands in
1756, New Spain, exclusive of Upper and Lower California, was divided into
twelve provinces, intendencias. One of these was the Intendencia of Sonora
and Sinaloa, with headquarters at Arizpe, whereat most of the Arizona grants
A bit of complication was afforded by the establishment of missions, each
of which was granted ground for buildings and settlement farms and gar-
dens. The missions particularly having lands in question in Arizona were
Guebabi, on the present Arizona's southern edge, and Tumacacori and San
Xavier in the Santa Cruz Valley.
Grants had been made for various purposes from the time of the independ-
ence of Mexico, around 1821, when the disposition of lands continued under
about the same methods as before.
The former intendencia covering upper Sonora became known as the Estado
del Oceidente. In 1825 the Sonora Legislature, which had the resounding title
of the "Constituent Congress of the Free, Independent and Sovereign State of
the West, ' ' passed a law under which much of the northern lands passed under
private control. It would appear that most of the transfers eventually were
abandoned for various reasons, particularly drouth and Apache raids.
Under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in 1848, and the Gads-
den Purchase, in 1853, the United States was bound to recognize all land titles.
One of the principal duties of the surveyor-general of New Mexico, whose office
was created in 1854, was to trace the validity and outline the boundaries of the
various land grants. The same duty was put upon Surveyor-General John Was-
son when he was appointed to the office of surveyor-general of Arizona in 1870.
He and his successors could do no more than to gather up the loose ends of
the land grant claims. This in itself was a serious task till the whole subject
was referred finally to the Court of Private Land Claims, especially created to
pass upon southwestern titles originating under the authority of Spain or
Following is a tabulation of grants that were brought before the court, the
acreage claimed and the acreage conferred:
Acres Claimed Confirmed Rejected
Peralta grant 10,467,456 10,467,456
San Eafael de la Zanja 152,889 17,353 135,535
San Ignacio del Babacomori 123,068 34,707 88,36]
El Sopori 141,721 141,721
Tumacacori, Calabazas y Guebabi 73,246 73,246
Agua Prieta 68,530 68,530
Tres Alamos 43,384 43,384
San Ignacio de la Canoa 47,000 17,208 29,791
San Pedro 37,000 37,000
Los Nogales de Elias 32,763 32,763
San Juan de las Boquillas y Nogales 30.728 17,355 13,372
Aribac 26,508 26,508
El Paso de las Algodones 21,692 21,692
San Eafael del Valle 20,034 17,474 2,559
Buena Vista 18,648 7,128 11,520
San Bernardino 8,688 2,366 6,321
San .lose de Sonoita 12,147 7,592 4,555
Reyes Pacheco 600 600
Total 11,326.108 121,187 11,204,920
The San Rafael de la Zanja (of the ditch) grant dated from May, 1825, when
a grant was made to Manuel Bustillo of four square leagues of land in the
vicinity of the Presidio of Santa Cruz. It cost all of $1,200, for there were other
bidders. There was some confusion concerning this, for the Mexican surveyor
absentmindedly laid off four leagues square for good measure. This grant
embraces a large amount of valuable grazing and farming land in the present
County of Santa Cruz, including the mining camps of Harshaw and Washington
in the Patagonia Mountains. The grant passed into the hands of the Cameron
interests of Pennsylvania, and today is included within an enormous and very
valuable cattle ranch.
The San Ignacio del Babacomori grant lies in Cochise and Santa Cruz
counties, in the neighborhood of the Presidio of Santa Cruz. The grant orig-
inally was made to Ignacio and Eulalia Elias, brother and sister, to whom it was
sold December 25, 1832, for the sum of $380 for grazing purposes. The grantee
under the court decision \vas Dr. E. B. Perrin.
El Sopori grant, of 141,721 acres, was rejected on the ground that "the
original title papers were forged, antedated and otherwise were invalid."
The grant of Tumacacori de las Calabazas y Guebabi, approved for the entire
claim, dated back to 1806, when a grant of land was given Juan Laguna, gov-
ernor of the ancient Indian Pueblo of Tumacacori, to replace title papers that
had been lost and destroyed. There were two sections granting lands for ' ' f undo
legal" for pueblo territory, and for an "estancia" or stock farm. The district
was abandoned, at least temporarily, and, in 1844, under an act of the Mexican
Congress, was sold at auction, realizing the large sum of $500, paid by Francisco
A. Aguilar, from whom title descended.
The San Ignacio de la Canoa grant in the Presidio of Tubae was granted in
1821 to Tomas and Ygnacio Ortiz at an approved valuation of $30 a square
league. This grant was confirmed by the Mexican Government in 1849 and
again by the United States on favorable report of the surveyor-general in 1880,
placing the title in Frederick Maish and Thomas Driscoll of Tucson.
The Boquillas grant lies along the San Pedro River. Title was given in
- 1853 to Ignacio Elias Gonzales and Nepomuceno Felix for the sale price of $240.
The ranch, which extended as far as the old settlement of Tres Alamos, was
confirmed to the possession of George Hearst and Janet G. Howard.
The San Rafael del Valle grant dated back to 1832, when it was sold for
$240 to Rafael Elias Gonzales as a stock farm. About 1874 the tract was claimed
under a mortgage by Camou Brothers of Sonora, in whom title finally was
Buena Vista grant, more properly known as the Maria Santisima del Car-
men, was located in the jurisdiction of the Presidio of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz
County. T^he original grant, October 24, 1831, was to Doiia Josefa Morales,
fi-om whom it had descended to Maish and Driscoll of Tucson.
San Bernardino grant, situated in southern Cochise County, was sold by the
Mexican Government March 23, 1822, for $90, to Ignacio de Perez, from whom
title had come to John H. Slaughter.
The San Jose de Sonoita grant lay in the rich Sonoita Valley, about twenty-
five miles southeast of Tubae and six miles northeast of Calabazas, and was
granted May 15, 1825, to Leon Ilenores, on payment of $105. The title was
finally vested in Matias Alsus. ,
Especially interesting was the application for title to the Baca Float Grant
No. 3, a matter settled in the ordinary courts. Its basis was the purchase by
the United States of a valuable grant in Northern New Mexico near the Town
of Las Vegas from Luis Maria Baca, he receiving as consideration permission
to take rights for the selection of five tracts of approximately 100,000 acres
each. Two of these rights were placed in New Mexico, one in Colorado and two
in Arizona. One of the Arizona "Floats" is in "Western Yavapai County near
Walnut Creek, and is owned by Dr. dferE. Perrin. The other right, on June
20, 1863, was dropped upon land in the upper Santa Cruz Valley, including the
settlements of Tubae and Tumacacori and Calabazas. The claim was made
within three days of the expiration of the three years' limit and was governed
by stipulation that the land taken was to be non-mineral in character an<l
vacant, both of which conditions, it is claimed, were disregarded. The claim
was located by John S. Watt, who in 1861-62 was delegate to Congress from
the Territory of New Mexico. At that session he took occasion to praise highly
the riches of Arizona. Possibly a speech of his is worth interpolation :
An Italian sunset never threw its gentle rays over more lovely valleys or heaven-kissing
hills; valleys harmonious with the music of a thousand sparkling rills; mountains shining with
untold millions of mineral wealth, wooing the hand of capital and labor to possess and use it.
The virgin rays of the morning sun first kiss the brow of its lofty mountains, and the parting
beams of the setting sun linger fondly around their sublime summits, unwilling to leave to
darkness and to night such beauty and such grandeur. If there be a single thought which
lights up the ofttimes gloomy pathway of the faithful legislator, it is the sweet reflection that
he has been instrumental in protecting the rights of a distant, feeble and oppressed peoples
against the merciless barbarities of a powerful and treacherous savage foe. Let it not be said
of us that while we were ready to spend untold millions of money and thousands of lives to
protect our own lives and property, the appeal of this distant people falls upon our bosoms,
' ' Cold as moonbeams on the barren heath. ' '
And all this language was merely incident to grabbing some land.
The Baca case was decided adversely to the Baca heirs through the various
grades of the land office, and by the Secretary of the Interior. It then went
into the courts and though its area was materially shrunk, decision was finally
given for the plaintiffs in the Supreme Court of the United States in 191-4. The
situation on the grant was a serious one. Seventy families were resident, one
of them for forty-five years, and many for twenty-five years. George W. Atkin-
son, whose residence on the land had been for thirty-seven years, spent $40,000
in fighting the case and offered the heirs $250,000 for their interest, but failed.
Patents had been issued by the United States for some of the land as far back
as twenty-two years ago. The Arizona Legislature has memorialized Congress
asking that relief be given to these victims of land litigation, and that they be
permitted at least lieu rights on other Government lands.
The first of the land grant claims noted, the Peralta, was one of the monu-
mental frauds of the Western Hemisphere, a spurious claim to a tract of land
236 miles long and seventy-eight miles wide, the center of its western end at
the junction of the Gila and Salt rivers and its eastern line beyond Silver City,
New Mexico. It was pushed by a master crook, James Addison Reavis, who
appeared first in Arizona in 1880, then a subscription solicitor for the San
Francisco Examiner. He was successful in extending the circulation of his
journal, in which he published a number of articles describing the country in
florid language, particularly commending some Cave Creek mining properties
of very dubious value. It is probable that his trip was merely to spy out the
land, for his documents later showed that his claim had been in incubation for
Reavis' first attack upon Arizona's domain was on the basis of the Willing
grant, which may have had some shadow of right on a small tract on the lower
Gila. January 3, 1885, Reavis filed with the surveyor-general of Arizona an
application for the survey and confirmation of the grant, in which it was
alleged: "That the grant had been made December 20, 1748, by Fernando VI,
King of Spain, who in accordance with a memorial of the Inquisition and the
recommendation of the Council of Commerce and of the Judge of Appeals, and
in conformity with an order of the Military Tribunal, in consideration of and
as compensation for great and valuable services, as well also for the energetic
conduct of important battles in the service of the Crown, had conferred upon
the Seiior Don Miguel de Peralta de Cordoba the honorable title of Baron of the
Colorados, and commanding the Viceroy of New Spain, now Mexico, in the
name of the Crown, to grant and concede to Senor Don Miguel de Peralta de
Cordoba, according to the common measurement, 300 square leagues, or 19,200,-
000,000 square varas of land, to be situated in the northern portion of the
/vT^royalty of New Spain."
In 1757, according to Reavis' documents, the grant was made north of San
Xavier del Bac, to measure ten leagues by thirty, this with the approbation
of Father Pauver (Paner) and Father Garcia (Garces) as not conflicting with
the claims for mission lands. Reavis had a formidable lot of documents of
quaint phraseology and ancient appearance, and wherever his chaip of title
was lacking, he had well-attested copies. All of these brought the title down
to Miguel Peralta, who had deeded it to Willing in 1864.
Willing is said to have interested Reavis in the matter in St. Joseph, Missouri.
The first documents presented by Reavis showing his entry into the claim was
a deed dated in 1867 from Willing 's attorney-in-fact.
The claim started a veritable panic in the thickly settled Gila and Salt River
vaUeys, where Reavis, in person and by paid agents, spread the story of his
alleged rights upon the land, water and mines. The matter was made the prin-
cipal issue of the congressional campaign of 1887, and Marcus A. Smith was
re-elected delegate to Congress largely on the basis of his opposition to a plan
that had been broached for the creation of a board of private land claims to
adjudicate the rights of Reavis as well as the title to other land grant claims
within the Southwest. There was a general impression that Reavis had a legal
claim. At that time such matters could only be settled in Congress, and
Representative Smith, declaring against the land-court plan, assured the people
of his ability to block any action adverse to their interests. Thomas Wilson,
the republican nominee, admitting his belief in the beginning of the campaign
that he saw no better place to adjust such matters than in the courts, was
condemned at once and he was snowed under at the polls. But the bill estab-
lishing the Court of Private Land Claims passed Congress soon thereafter.
After all of this, Reavisjtook another tack. In Northern California he found
him a. wife, whom he claimed to be the only blood descendant of Don Miguel de
Peralta de Cordova. He said that he had accidentally discovered her in a
Mexican hamlet where he was investigating the Willing title and where she
contributed some documents showing her birth, christening and parentage, and
that she was the survivor of twin children, the last of the Peralta line. After
that he prosecuted the claim entirely on the basis of his wife's interest.
Here it might be told that the bride was a halfbreed Indian woman, who
had lived for much of her life on an Indian reservation in Northern California,
and who had no connection whatever with any Mexican history. She was taken
to Mexico to establish "local color" and was drilled daily for years in the
story she was to tell. All of this she later confessed after evidence was pre-
sented of her true origin and her life in the upper Sacramento Valley. Even
the date of Reavis' marriage to her seems to have been falsified.
In an advertisement in the San Francisco Examiner of date March 15, 1894,
Reavis himself described the tract in these words:
One of the largest and best portions of the territory is the immense tract known as the
Barony of Arizona, the property of J. A. Peraltareavis, which is now to be colonized on a
large scale. The tract contains 12,500,000 acres and is known as the Peralta Grant, and is an
old feudal property dating back to the time of Philip V of Spain, who granted it to Don
Miguel Nemecio Silva de Peralta de la Cordoba in 1742. The grantee was a lineal ancestor
of Mrs. Peraltareavis, a resident of California, into whose possession it has fallen by the
Spanish law of primogeniture succession. The property has been in litigation for some
years, but in November last the United States Court of Private Land Claims finally determined
the exact boundaries of the estate, and thereby practically sealed Mrs. Peraltareavis' claims.
A clear title to any or all of the property is thereby assured. There are few individual
properties in New Mexico and Arizona so vast in extent and so admirably located for
colonization purposes as the Peralta Grant. Beginning at the west end of the "monumental
stone" situated at the most eastern base of the Maricopa Mountain, at the eastern extremity of
the Sierra Estrellas, on the south bank of the Gila Eiver, opposite the mouth of the Salt River,
the line goes north 39.41535 miles^, crossing the Gila and Salt rivers to a point; thence east
236.4921 miles to a point; thence southerly at right angles a distance of 78.S307 miles to a
point; thence west a distance of 236.4921 miles to a point; thence north a distance of 39.41535
miles to the point of beginning, having been granted by metes and bounds. The grant
embraces the Gila, Salt, San Pedro and San Carlos rivers as water-courses. It is imjiossible
to estimate the value of this immense property, blessed as it is in mineral and agricultural
resources. It contains the most famous mineral belt in Arizona, that of the Pinal Range,
with the adjacent mountains in close proximity to these abundant streams; also the renowned
Deer Creek coal fields, the largest coal measure yet discovered in America, and an anthracite
deposit near the Gila Buttes which promises to surpass anything yet developed. Within the
bounilaries of the grant many important mining camps have sprung up, notably Silver King,
Clifton, Silver City and Old Dominion. The Town of Phoenix lies within the border, as do
also Florence, Globe, Solomonville and SUver City. The Southern Pacific Railroad cuts across
the southwest corner. Numerous branch lines which are to traverse the very heart of this great
property have already been surveyed and their projection is the question of only a short time.
Reavis described the wonderful fertility of the valleys of the Salt and Gila,
which he proposed to irrigate by storing waters of the two rivers. One storage
dam was to be "at the Little Tonto Basin," with a reservoir capacity of 989,-
600,000,000 cubic feet. Another reservoir was to be located at The Buttes, about
ten miles above Florence on the Gila, with an area of thirty-two square miles
and with capacity of 67,540,432,425 cubic feet. From the latter was to be built
a canal 200 feet wide and 25 feet deep, to extend to a point on the Southern
Pacific Railroad near Red Rock, and thence westward to cover the Maricopa
plains, designed to supply 6,000,000 acres with abundant water at all times of
the year. The surplus water unused by these 6,000,000 acres was to be returned
to the Gila River by means of spillway ditches. At another point in the same
argument is reference to the irrigation of 1,000,000 acres of land below Flor-
ence by means of a tunnel from the dam at The Buttes. All of this is very
refreshing, inasmuch as the damsite at The Buttes long ago was rejected as an
impossible one and inasmuch as the flow of the Gila River above Florence has
finally been adjudged by army engineers to be sufilcient for the irrigation of
not over 90,000 acres. These figures should be considered in connection with
Reavis' careful provision of means for the returning to the Gila River of any-
surplus of water after irrigating 6,000,000 acres on the plains.
At Tonto Basin he told of almost vertical walls 2,000 feet high, within
which a dam 450 feet high was to be built, with sixty-three discharge pipes
carrying water into the box canon, "an impregnable chasm as dark as night,"
from which it is to be taken eiglit miles from the dam by means of tunnels lead-
ing out upon the plains to the north and south. The tunnel to the southward,
through the Superstition Mountains, was to be 44,615 feet in length, with a
fifty-mile waterway at its end, to connect with the Gila Buttes reservoir.
The total cost of all these projects was estimated at $12,535,637.00. It is
possible that this southern tunnel referred to would have been nearer forty-four
miles long than the length given, through one of the broadest mountain ranges
in all Arizona. But it is evident that Reavis had to have some scheme such as
this to contribute to his main plan, which was the irrigation of what now is
known as the Casa Grande-Maricopa plain.
Reavis established headquarters of his Barony at Arizola, on the Southern
Pacific Railroad, a short distance east of Casa Grande Station. There he main-
tained his family in state, with his two children clad in royal purple velvet, with
monogram coronets upon their Russian caps. To different people he had differ-
ent tales. He generally stated that the mines were his by right and also all of
the land, but that he proposed, particularly, to appropriate to himself the
water and thus control everything agricultural. Around Phoenix and Florence,
after his agents had laid the groundwork, Reavis sold clearances of title, and
some of them were placed upon record in Maricopa County. Everywhere re-
ports were spread that the title had been pronounced absolutely flawless by
Robert G. Ingei-soll and other great lawyers, that the Southern Pacific Rail-
road had purchased, for $50,000, its right-of-way from Reavis across the Peralta
estate and that the Silver King mine had contributed largely to his funds to
secure against possible loss. It was told that in Phoenix, when several of the
principal property owners refused to "come through," Reavis executed deeds
to their property to covetous third parties. Thus, in divers ways, he secured
funds for the carrying on of his fight. It is probable that most of his money
came from weak-kneed, fearful land owners and not from eastern capitalists,
as was reported at the time."
Reavis traveled very little in Arizona after his campaign was well under
way, for he might have been treated harshly, but at first he was very open in
his methods, even taking some of his documents around to establish credence of
his tale. Editor Tom Weedin in Florence, looking over the Reavis papers, dis-
covered that one very ancient document was printed in type that had been
invented only a few years before. Surveyor General Johnson on another an-
cient document, a deed, found the water mark of a Wisconsin paper mill.
There was testimony to the effect that from 1887 until 1893 the Reavis family
spent $60,000 a year, living at expensive hotels in New York and at points in
Europe, especially at Madrid, where a retinue of servants was maintained,
together with carriages of almost royal character. The American Legation at
Madrid would fain forget a banquet given by Reavis in its honor, although the
spread was a wonderful one.
In further researches in Mexico, Reavis took his family and servants in a
private car. At Guadalajara, he gave $1,000 for new altar cloths for the
cathedral. At Monterey on the plaza he set up a $1,500 drinking fountain to
honor the memory of his wife's suppositious ancestor. He established homes
in Washington, St. Louis and Chihuahua, as well as Arizona. When the claim
was transferred into the Land Court with it came a great accumulation of
alleged original records, mainly in Spanish, ancient parchments, many of them
with illuminated headings, and even there were copies of oil paintings of the
Peraltas, from whom had descended the Barony of the Colorados. Testimony
had been provided concerning the genealogy of the Northern California bride.
The chief attorney for the court was Matthew G. Reynolds of Missouri.
He secured the assistance of Severo Mallet Prevost, a Spanish scholar, who
went on the trail of the Reavis evidence which had been accumulated during a
period of over eighteen years of labor and scheming. Bribery, corruption and
fraud were found everywhere touched in Mexico and Spain. Reavis with all his
care had been a bit careless. It was found where he had bought his photo-
graphs, where he had bribed officials and sought to bribe priests, where he had
interpolated very cleverly written pages into old record books, and the most
important document of all, the cedula appointing Don Miguel Peralta as
Baron of the Colorados, on microscopic examination was discovered once to
have been a royal document of very different sort.
The claim was unanimously rejected by the Justices of the Land Court, and
the same day Reavis was arrested on five indictments for conspiracy. He was
convicted in January, 1895, and sentenced to six years in the Santa Fe
Reavis served his light sentence, and got titne credits for good behavior.
When released he was far from being the same debonair character he had
been. He was a thin old man, with whitened hair and a stoop, but with much
of the same mental vigor as of yore. He is still drifting around in the West.
For a while he went back to his old business as canvasser, and in 1910 he
worked hard to float a scheme for water storage on the Gila River, to irrigate
500,000 acres of the Casa Grande and Mesa plains.
Reavis does not deny his guilt, for some time after serving his sentence he
wrote a confession, complete though brief, as follows:
I am of Scotch-Welsh antecedents, with a traditional Spanish extraction in the remote
generations. Three of my great grandparents fought in the Revolution. I was reared in
Henry County, Mo. In May, 1861, at the age of 18, I enlisted in the Confederate army,
and during my life as a soldier committed my first crime. I forged an order, and being
successful in this, I raided a furlough, and tefore this expired I surrendered to the Union
forces. After the war I worked as a street car conductor, but subsequently opened a real
estate office in St. Louis. I was suecesEful in forging a title to sustain a tax title to some
valuable land I had bought, not knowing the title was imperfect. But these are incidents in
which there is little interest. However, success in these early evils sowed the seed that later
sprang forth into the most gigantic fraud of this century.
The plan to secure the Peralta Grant and defraud the Government out of land valued
at $100,000,000 was not conceived in a day. It was the result of a series of crimes extending
over nearly a score of years. At first the stake was small, but it grew and grew in magnitude
until even I sometimes was appalled at the thought of the possibOities. I was playing a game
which to win meant greater wealth than that of a Gould or a Vanderbilt. My hand constantly
gained strrtngth, noted men pleaded my cause, and unlimited capital was at my command.
My opponent was the Government, and I bafSed its agents at every turn. Gradually I became
absolutely confident of success. As I neared the verge of the triumph I was exultant and sure.
Until the very moment of my downfall I gave no thought to failure. But my sins found me
out and as in the twinkle of an eye I saw the millions which had seemed already in my grasp
fade away and heard the courts doom me to a prison cell.
Now I am growing old and the thing hangs upon me like a nightmare until I am driven .
to make a clean breast of it all, that I may end my days in peace.
In Denver, Sophia L. M. Peraltareavis, who described herself as wife of
James Addison Peraltareavis (a name later adopted by Reavis), sued for
divorce on the ground of non-support for over two years, and she was allowed
to prosecute her case as a person without means. The plaintiff at the time
lived in a narrow little room at the far end of a dark, smelly hall, in a cheap
Larimer Street lodging house in Denver, under very different conditions than
those she had enjoyed during the palmy days of the great fraud. She stated
that the marriage was in San P^ranciseo, December 31, 1882, and she asked the
custody of the twin boys of the union, Carlos and Miguel.
A variation of the ordinary land grant ease is one which cropped up only
about a year ago on the basis of an agreement said to have been made in 1880
by Jose Maria Ochoa, head chief of seventeen Papago villages, and a number of
other chiefs and captains, giving an undivided half interest in 3,284 square
miles of land to Robert F. Hunter of Washington, D. C, for his services in
verifying Papago claims to land on which they lived, their rights having had
acknowledgment by the Mexican government. This claim has been taken into
the courts and is now in the process of adjudication. It includes lands almost
wholly within Pima County and generally desert in character.
With the grant of a right-of-way for the Atlantic and Pacific Railway across
Arizona came also a governmental subsidy of every alternate section of land
for thirty miles north and south. While much of this land is desert in char-
acter, the gift was a rich one in the mountains of Arizona, where from east of
Flagstaff to a point west of Williams, most of the way was through heavy
timber. Immense sums were secured by the railroad company by the sale of
stumpage to sawmills at different points and the company itself at the begin-
ning materially decreased the cost of construction by the ready availability of
lumber for ties and other construction material.
Much of the railroad land north of Williams and at other points was not
timbered, save possibly with juniper and piiion, yet much of this sort of terrain
was embraced within an order for the consolidation of the San Francisco Moun.
tain forest reserve secured from the Government early in 1901, when lieu
land scrip was issued for an enormous acreage. For several years a diligent
lobby had been working in Washington toward this end. A number of plausible
reasons had been advanced in support of consolidation. It was urged that the
Government or the state-to-be could hardly receive any revenue from land that
lay in parcels of only one square mile, that it was necessary to have govern-
mental supervision by the Forestry Bureau over the entire tract, that future
crops of pine might be saved and that the watersheds would be protected,
though this last item had little force from the fact that the forests around
Flagstaff and Williams almost wholly drain toward the north, into the Colorado.
The odd-numbered sections, held by the Santa Fe-Pacific Railroad Com-
pany, the Perrin Brothers and Wm. F. Baker, were turned over to the Govern-
ment in exchange for 225,000 acres of non-timbered lands south of the twenty-
seventh parallel and land scrip was given for the remainder. By executive
order of August 17, 1898, all of the even numbered sections, embracing 975,000
acres, had been set apart within the San Francisco Mountain forest reserve.
Baker represented the Saginaw & Manistee Lumber Company. The Santa Fe
had holdings of 341,543 acres and the others of 369,955, in aU valued for
taxation at about $177,000. This listing, according to a protest filed in January,
1901, by Coconino County, did not embrace 300,000 unsurveyed acres or nearly
$500,000 worth of cattle, horses and sheep. It was shown in the protest that
nearly half of the assessed valuation of Coconino County would be removed by
reason of the consolidation. The same protest was made in House Memorial
No. 1, passed by the next Legislature.
The scrip secured was widely scattered. Some of it was placed in northern
California in the center of great pine and redwood forests and only lately has
the last been sold, generally placed in southern Arizona on lands considered
susceptible to irrigation. One block of 70,000 acres thus was placed northwest
of Phoenix.
The Santa Fe under its subsidy grant successfully had fought any attempt
of the territorial or county authorities to tax its right of way, equipment or
franchises. So, about the time of the lieu laud troubles, there was a com-
promise, the railroad company offering to pay $175 per mile annually on its
trackage through Arizona. This arrangement continued till statehood, when
the Santa Fe went under the same taxation regulations as other transportation
The Southern Pacific claimed all grants that had been made the Texas
Pacific and alternate sections along its route, as far northward as the Salt
River Valley were known as railroad land and were considered as locally held
under rather poor tenure. This grant was vacated in 1884.
In January, 1908, President Roosevelt issued a proclamation making a
national monument of the Grand Canon and another creating an addition to
the Tonto National Forest, as protection for the water supply of the Salt River
Valley. Most of the forested area of the state now is under reserve regulation.
The Roosevelt Lake has been made a bird preserve by national proclamation.
The Casa Grande ruins and certain cliff dwellings have been protected as
national monuments. Between Phoenix and Tempe a tract of 2,000 rocky acres
was set aside by the interior department in March, 1915, as the Saguara National
When Arizona was made a territory in 1863, it was included within the
official district of Surveyor General John A. Clark of New Mexico, who visited
the new country in 1863 and would appear to have made a rather extensive
trip about two years later for in a report of May 24, 1865, he told of visiting,
on a conical hill at the junction of the Gila and Salado, the monument estab-
lished in 1851 by A. B. Gray, United State? surveyor, in the course of the
international boundary survey. The monument and the hill upon which it was
erected having such commanding position, Mr. Clark announced that he had
selected the monument as the initial point from which surveys of the new
territory would be made. On this same trip Clark recommended that the
Apaches be placed on a resei-vation below Pueblo Viejo on the Gila, which
would have included the present Saflford district.
The first surveys on the established Gila and Salt River base line and
meridian were made in 1867 and the first township surveys a year later. Some
of these old surveys, especially in the mesquite forests of the southern valleys,
appear to have been made by the "mark-on-a-wheel" method and have been
found most inaccurate.
With the new officers of the Territory of Arizona came a surveyor general,
Levi Bashford of Wisconsin, but nothing can be found to indicate that he did
anything in an official capacity. It may have been that Congress gave him no
support in the office, for in July, 1864, Arizona was made a part of the district
of the surveyor general of New Mexico and $10,000 was appropriated for the
survey of public lands in Arizona. In 1867 Arizona was attached to the survey
district of California. At the same time the land district of Arizona was
created. July 11, 1870, Arizona was made a separate surveying district, and
on the following day John Wasson was named as surveyor general. He entered
on the duties of his office November 5, 1870, and served three terms until
August, 1882. Wasson was succeeded by J. W. Robbins, who died in 1883, when
the office was filled by Royal A. Johnson, who held the place till December 11,
1885. To succeed Johnson, President Cleveland appointed John Hise of Globe,
whose place was filled in July, 1889, by the reappointment of Johnson. The
democrats coming in again in 1892, the office went to Levi H. Manning, who
resigned in April, 1896. Then a special consideration of competency was shown
in the selection of George Roskruge, who had been chief draughtsman under
Wasson, and who was one of the best known surveyors of the territory. With
the incoming of the republican administration in 1897, the place was taken by
George Christ, who had been the first collector at the Port of Nogales. In 1901,
Hugh H. Price was made surveyor general and in March, 1902, the office was
removed from Tucson to Plwenix, where the records were housed in the terri-
torial capitol. On the removal of Mr. Price, 1903, Major Prank S. Ingalls of
Yuma, was appointed and now is in his third official term. Mr. Ingalls is a
civil engineer by profession, his experience dating back to 1878. He has been
superintendent of the territorial penitentiary and also a member of the Legis-
In 1870 a land office for Arizona was established at Preseott and notation has
been found of the official existence, during the following year, of W. J. Berry
as register and George Lount as receiver. The former in 1873 was succeeded
by W. N. Kelly, and Kelly and Lount were still in office £is late as 1881. The
Gila land office at Florence was opened June 2, 1873, with Levi Ruggles as regis-
ter and Martin L. Styles as receiver. For a while Charles D. Poston was
register, but the office in his time was very far from being lucrative. In 1881
the Florence office was removed to Tucson, where it remained until 1906, when
both Arizona offices were consolidated at Phoenix.
One of the last general surveys made by the United States in the Southwest
was that of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler of the corps of engineers, who, in 1871,
headed a large party that platted much of the country between Reno, NevEida,
and Tucson, running lines that aggregated 6,327 miles, covering 83,000 square
miles of territory. The report of the expedition is extremely well written and
is very interesting from both scientific and literary standpoints. Whether in-
tentionally or not, the expedition followed the general line of the great rim of
the MogoUon Mountains, the great uplift that divides Arizona into two
climatic zones. Toward the northwest it was traced as forming one of the walls
of Diamond Caiion, there crossing the Colorado and extending indefinitely
toward the northwest into Utah and Nevada.
Visits lo Arizona Made b}) Hayes, McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft — Expositions, Fairs
and Fiestas — Horv Sharl( Island Srvallorved Arizonans — Santa Teresa's Power —
Clifton Foundlings — Arizona's Subdivisions — Utah's Aspirations — Census and Asr
sessment Figures.
Arizona has been honored by visits from four Presidents of the United States.
The first was in October, 1880, by Rutherford B. Hayes, who started the since
common fashion among Presidents of swinging around the great circle. Gen-
eral Hayes came from the West. He had to leave the railroad for the passage
of a stretch within New Mexico, for the Southern Pacific had been completed
eastward only to a point near Deming. This wagon journey was made in army
ambulances. At Maricopa, on the 23d, was made a stop of several hours, in
order that the President might confer with a number of Indian chiefs who had
been gathered there. A more than sufficient guard was provided by a troop of
the Sixth C&valry from Port McDowell, led by Capt. Adna R. Chaffee, in later
years the hero of campaigns in Cuba, the Philippines and China. The Presi-
dent was accompanied by a large part of his official family, including the then
commanding officer of the regular army. Gen. Wm. T. Sherman.
It is said that at this Maricopa stop Sherman evolved what later was
credited to many sources. Standing on the platform of a railway coach, he
snorted as he looked over the plain and ejaculated: "What a hell of a coun-
try ! ' ' The remark was heard by Capt. W. A. Hancock of Phoenix, who mildly
retorted: "Why, General, it is not such a bad country, we have to the north
a rich agricultural valley and mines. Possibly Arizona is a little bit warm,
but all she needs is more water and better immigration." Again Sherman
snorted: "Huh! Less heat! More water! Better society! That's all hell
needs." It is to be deplored that General Sherman died before he could see
the agricultural valleys of Arizona, well watered and with a much better class
of people settled within them, utilizing the heat for the growth of almost every
imaginable product of the soil. The conference with the Indians led to nothing
at all. Several thousand Indians had gathered, mainly Pimas, Maricopas,
Papagos and Yumas, all peaceful tribes, and the principal query of their chiefs
was, why the bad Apaches should be given rations while they had nothing. '
At Tucson the President was dined and at other points along the road enter-
tainment was offered, though the route of the railroad was not departed from
by the party. It is therefore doubtful whether President Hayes gained a much
better idea of the country than that expressed by his military aid.
PRESIDENT Mckinley sees a mine
There was a long interval before a chief executive of the nation again
entered Arizona. May 7, 1900, President WiUiam McKinley entered Arizona
on the Southern Pacific from the East, making the journey at night through
to the Congress mine, seventy miles northwest of PhcEnix, where Gov. N. 0.
Murphy had provided unique entertainment in a view of the operation of the
deepest gold mine of the Southwest. The President did not go to the bottom of
the 3,000-foot shaft, though the greater number of the members of his party
were dropped into the bowels of the earth, in decorated ore cars. -But the
President walked through the upper workings and through the mill, and in
the cyanide works witnessed the pouring of a bar of gold bullion weighing 1,221
ounces. Mrs. McKinley was presented with a small gold bar as a souvenir of
the visit and each lady in the party received a small gold nugget.
The return to Phcenix, May 8, was delayed until nearly 2 p. m. owing to
an accident to the motive power. At the capital city had been gathered thou-
sands of people from all over the territory, who were given only about a three-
hour view of the chief executive. In that time, however, Major McKinley, with
his characteristic kindness of heart, submitted to being rushed through a pro-
gramme that involved a formal luncheon, a parade, a visit to the capitol and a
trip out to the Phoenix Indian School, where a thousand tired little redskins
unintentionally thumbed their noses as they extended to the President the
honor of a military salute. The presidential train left at 5 o'clock and Yuma
got only an evening glimpse of his passage.
During the greater part of his stay in Arizona, while his special train was
speeding along the Southern Pacific lines, the safety of the President lay in
the hands of a woman, Mrs. Nona Pease, a dispatcher in the general superin-
tendent's office at Tucson, who handled the train all the way from Tucson to
Colonel Roosevelt has made four trips into Arizona. On the first he was on
a westward leg of a journey to the coast and found time only for a visit to the
Grand Canon, May 6, 1903. There he was met by about 800 Arizonans, includ-
ing a number of Rough Riders, led by Gov. A. O. Brodie, who had been the
regiment's lieutenant-colonel. Colonel Roosevelt, in an address on the steps
of the old Grand Caiion Hotel, asked for the preservation of the Cafion with
its wild beauty unmarred by any of the coarser works of man. He said, "I
hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage or hotel
or anything else to mar the wonder of its grandeur and its sublimity, the great
loveliness and beauty of the Caiion. Leave it as it is; you cannot improve on
it; not a bit. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.
What you can do is to keep it for your children and for all who come after you
as one of the great sights which every American, if he can travel at all, should
see." The President was given a beautiful Bayete Navajo blanket by the
people of Flagstaff. He presented diplomas to the graduating class of the
Flagstaff High School and in return received from the class a buckskin Navajo
boot, handsomelv marked and adorned with a silver buckle. With the boot
g" 2:
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was a bit of verse written by Harrison Conrard, county superintendent of
schools, which read in part:
Drawn from the deer that track our wild,
Tanned by the skill of a brown-hued child;
Shaped by the magic of his best hand —
Accept this tribute from us, who bring
Our loyal love with its offering.
A number of Civil War veterans at Bisbee, knowing Roosevelt's inclination
toward the wild, had thoughtfully presented the President with a large and
rather smelly black bear, but this was sidetracked at Phoenix and shipped to
the zoological gardens at Washington.
The second visit made by Colonel Roosevelt was a far more important one,
for he came, March 18, 1911, to dedicate to the cause of agricultural advance-
ment the great dam and water storage reservoir, to which had been given his
name. Colonel Roosevelt on this trip again visited the Grand Caiion. He and
Mrs. Roosevelt spent a day with their son, Archie, who was a pupil in a private
school at Mesa, but the rest of the time the Colonel had activity assuredly of a
strenuous sort. The trip from Phoenix to Roosevelt was made by automobile
and absolutely without accident to any of the twenty-four cars tliat constituted
what was termed the official party. Several hundred automobiles made the
trip, but the traffic was handled by the Reclamation Service officials in a
marvelously efficient way and there were few accidents.
The return to Mesa was made the next day, which happened to be Sunday,
and Monday was almost wholly devoted to Phoenix, including a speech on the
plaza, an address to children and another in connection with the dedication of
Bishop Atwood's St. Luke's Home for consumptives. At the plaza meeting he
had assured the people of their right to try out any metliod of government they
saw fit to choose and even to insist upon the recall of judges, something to
which Taft had expressed bitter opposition. He was the guest at an elaborate
luncheon tendered him by about twoscore of the Arizona members of his regi-
ment. Departure was over the Santa Fe for Los Angeles at 4 :20 p. m. Colonel
Roosevelt made a rapid trip through Arizona in September, 1912, while cam-
paigning as the progressive candidate for the Presidency, speaking at Phoenix.
, The fourth trip was for pleasure, in August, 1913, into the wilds north of the
Grand Canon. The Colorado was crossed by cable at the foot of Bright Angel
Trail. After a season of bear and lion hunting, return was by way of Lee's
Ferry, in time to see the Hopi snake dance.
In 1909, by the use of considerable influence and no small amount of diplo-
macy. President Taft was induced to alter his itinerary and to include Arizona 's
capital within his hurried trip across the territory. The presidential train,
coming from the West, reached Phoenix on the morning of October 13. It was
met at Yuma by Governor Sloan and an official partj' and was escorted by the
governor and a somewhat changed committee northward to the Grand Canon.
The presidential train was stopped back of the capitol building and its occupants
were driven to the capitol, where there was a brief reception. Then the Presi-
dent was taken to the plaza, where he addressed a tremendous crowd. The
address particularly covered the subject of approaching statehood and a blunt
warning was given that any constitution containing freak measures such as had
been adopted in Oklahoma could hardly expect approval at his hands. There
was to have been an address to the school children, but Major Archie Butt
thought he saw danger somewhere in the crowd and the party went on to the
Indian School and thence to Alhambra, where the train was regained. The
two-score of Arizona politicians and business men who had come along to do
the President honor saw little of him, however, on this northern trip, wherein
the President showed a preference for bridge rather than for political conversa-
tion. There was a brief stop at Prescott, that the President might address a
gathering at the courthouse, and then the Grand Caiion was reached.
The President had his first view of the canon about 9 in the morning. Solidly
braced upon his puttee-ineased legs, the President looked for a few moments
until he found the proper word. It was, "Stupendous!" Roosevelt had said,
"Awful." There was another pause till someone in the rear remarked some-
thing about the contact of the two greatest of their kind and the ice was
broken. There was a picnic luncheon at Grand View to the eastward and a
sunset trip to the westward, in all giving thirty-five miles of riding to bring
appetite for an elaborate banquet, tendered the Presiden